World War three already happened and the cabal need not be fearful any more.
When did it happen. Well The cold war with America and Russia was the last attempt by the Annunaki to end the crap that the dark cabal wanted to keep going. The latest stunts by the cabal with Ukraine and Russia are mere examples of them trying to leave the planet by owning it to go back to heaven... alas, they are already in heaven and the real reality is that every soul only gets one lifetime: "ashes, ashes, dust to dust." [Yes, I do have a soul and expect to outlive my body indefinitely; but the dark is just crazy about making sure there are no dark survivors without 'abusive payment.']
How do I know this, Confederate officer Albert Pike. His lasting testimony of what will happen came fro m the American civil war in which so much carnage and human soul experience passed though the masonic houses. To match the pain that America went though, the earth (at behest of the Annunaki overloads at the time) was to become a large battlefield in which the enemy was God and the friend was a talking head or some kind of other dark and nefarious plan that George Orwell's 1984 dream could only become. (By this time it pissed off certain creator beings trying to manifest at the behest of God and other higher beings for this universe and creation.)
But, there was a huge flaw in Albert Pike's plan. First, the masonic order was only created by the Annunaki as a ground management for scientific and spiritual observation; direct management was strictly held by the Annunaki or dictated by such measures as prescribed via the practitioners of the masonic lodges (and other management vehicles that the Annunaki held.) His plan was of three world wars ending in human enslavement and freedom from capitulation from creator beings (as if that was the end goal in mind.) The major flaw was periods between the wars. WWI was about monarchies and how they were defunct/corrupt. WWII was about how art can be used against humanity (Hitler was an aspiring artist.) WWIII was to be about the falsies of religion thus completing the Annunaki global crux to get humanity away from God and love and darkness and fear. In other words, an emotionless and felling-less humanity of which we were to be slaves to the hierarchy of a different color and as creator beings of weapons against things we have not yet become or came across. This crux was to be accomplished in the time frame of appx. 2005 to December 21, 2012. Fortunately, there was a huge plan by heaven in two instances to thwart this heinous plan.
To get out of such, it was the management of heaven that knew and was already applying the cure: imagination and creativity to save the human species. (If humanity died, this universe would have been lost for another macro alchemial cycle that wold have not completed until the age of Capricorn, and we are now just in the beginning of the age of Aquarius.) From imagination, heaven knew that between wars was a rebirth (karma) cycle that happened to gain up the gears of war. (One must build machines, before destroying with them.) In these periods, babies and children were perfect for new ideas to become invented and create a lasting peace in the world by obsoleting the reasons for such war; but there was also a risk. The risk is that such innovation and creativity could be deemed great for new war weapons (as have been done in the past.) At the same time the Annunaki could watch which souls could come in and out of the planet via the tapped portals that the Masonic lodges and other spiritually guided idiots of doom could watch and record; a risk that heaven knew and needed to act with swift and espionage secrecy via a silent mind AND a silent soul until the time of action in incarnation.
Yet, World War three already happened. How? Was it the Korean War in the late 1950's and the Vietnam War resulted from the Communism rush from Russia and China? Yes, it was and the history of Japan is the accidental proof of that. Japan was a war mongering nation caught in between a great ocean (Pacific) and large imperial powers of China and Russia by the end of the 1800's. As a Confederate and important general, Albert Pike knew that information either though professional or via Masonic channels of communication (or even before published to the public). Japan wanted to expand imperially, but was also used by America and European powers to distract Russia (Russo-Japanese War (1905): In fact, it was an attempt by the Annunaki to balance the world powers for the full effect of World War I and World War II. It failed, as Japan was unable to gain the land and ground needed for additional harvest-able materials in Manchuria. Likewise, the Annunaki failed because the dense forests and natural portals in Manchuria were important to Gaia and the great plan for Earth's cosmic future. (Yes, the Ruso-Japanese War was a plan to make Manchuria a Japanese outpost for an industrial/agricultural wasteland.)
From this setup, the later wars and military conflicts of of the mid 20th century would have happened in a different circumstance. Similarly, all of these military conflicts points to the idea that itself was a world war. Second, if Albert Pike's plan was also to fulfil WWII's Hitler's plans, then it must also include the technology that could have come from an extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional sources. That's right, the war and energy of war has left planet earth and will affect the higher realms years afterward. Karma can also be added and transferred via touch, or just being there; UFO's and other machines included. Therefore, the alchemy of Albert Pike was not only powerful, it may have been bait by all sides that are continuing with war, conflict, and change of all kinds.
Of course, in war anything can happen if one is not prepared enough of what can happen. The overarching flaw that I mentioned earlier is the purpose and ideas that wars destroy and leave opportunity behind. This is the time-shadow of any war as economic resources and energy needed to repair such things can be and is created in the moments. Literally, this is why I study economics, as the cabal knew with its fiat banking facilities: one who controls the choices controls the chess board. Yet, the flaw of new babes (baby-boomers) entering the economic scales of Americana and reinvigorating economic, spiritual, and enlightened processes were important for all parties at hand. Indeed, the spiritual realms knew this was important for the sake of reawakening the population of earth and battling the Annuniki's spiritual crux o n the planet (which failed in the mid-1990's.) Unfortunately, the Masonic and Illumuniti's orders (taking direction from the Annuniki) were an opportunity for those in the know and power to have power to lord over the wealth of the world. This is what is today's matter: the managers of the Annuniki do not have an enlightened spiritual boss and used atrocities in order to carry them out (9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, etc...) Lastly, we the people of earth are the last line of defense to wake up and take our power back from those who abuse the things we need for ungodly greed.
The solution: do not use money anymore. Do not use gold or silver, it is just another way for the banks to be invited to the spiritual realms that can be printed on each note (what do you think the back of the dollar bill really holds? It is a portal to trade for one's light of labor for an over-watching eye.) Labor is the key to all of this and was tried out in communist countries; alas, spiritually empty communism was the only thing that became popular on earth and must be eradicated and is why modern China is planned to fail. Without this thing falling, then love itself might not envelop the earth. If you really want to free your country, then get rid of money in your life and make labor part of your love to help others with love and light.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Laser like light...laser like love
What intention be? Where should one focus one's attention too? How much and where? Like a laser is, one can focus one's love and light become the flashlight into the darkness be. This is why I do these things as listed on this blog. I am only trying to turn my ego into light and love. A love so great it makes those to become...skirmish that their soul has not evolved enough. Is this wrong? I guess it might be? As it might be selfish to become loving before everyone else...yet this is not as much love as it can be. As love like a laser of light can be only of that light there in time and space. Yet, it is better than nothing, right?
I focus my love on the world in places where it is needed most. Myself and areas in distress. There my force become greater, and my love becomes larger. It shall stick and move, that love be. That love be shall be slick and move around to agitate and cook. To cook the world like a baker making something tasty for us to enjoy and have pleasure with. O, that love be togetherness have in writing is. Love like a laser makes stories to share more love and light. To share for others to share for others to make more love and light. To bend the laser, to refract it across the universe and within me. To use it to make more choices, beneficial and money come to me as well. More opportunity to share with others. To focus my love to allow more satisfaction and peace.
You can do this too. Just focus with love and light on what you want to do and want others to know as well. Do you want less destruction? I and the insurance companies that exist really want less destruction as well. In fact, why do the money people invest in insurance? Is it a bribe? It must be as a way to stop those who work there, who pay their bills to them, to keep working for the machine that keeps going in all of this. The machine will eat until it is bursting at the seams and then eat some more, like sloth and greed the machine will keep going until humanity only knows that it is just another idea past its time. A time where Steampunk and Victorian flair favored only for fantasy. Just keep focused on love and light, let it radiate out into the neutral universe; make it a positive universe as one's light and love is that of construction materials, and you and I are the crew to construct it with.
I focus my love on the world in places where it is needed most. Myself and areas in distress. There my force become greater, and my love becomes larger. It shall stick and move, that love be. That love be shall be slick and move around to agitate and cook. To cook the world like a baker making something tasty for us to enjoy and have pleasure with. O, that love be togetherness have in writing is. Love like a laser makes stories to share more love and light. To share for others to share for others to make more love and light. To bend the laser, to refract it across the universe and within me. To use it to make more choices, beneficial and money come to me as well. More opportunity to share with others. To focus my love to allow more satisfaction and peace.
You can do this too. Just focus with love and light on what you want to do and want others to know as well. Do you want less destruction? I and the insurance companies that exist really want less destruction as well. In fact, why do the money people invest in insurance? Is it a bribe? It must be as a way to stop those who work there, who pay their bills to them, to keep working for the machine that keeps going in all of this. The machine will eat until it is bursting at the seams and then eat some more, like sloth and greed the machine will keep going until humanity only knows that it is just another idea past its time. A time where Steampunk and Victorian flair favored only for fantasy. Just keep focused on love and light, let it radiate out into the neutral universe; make it a positive universe as one's light and love is that of construction materials, and you and I are the crew to construct it with.
Friday, July 25, 2014
American Wealth Distribution Video
Watch this video and think about what we are trying to do. Equality and communism may be part of "Heaven" (which may be more closely related to navel command and navel social systems due to the fact of one planet and one population in the sea of space and time.)
So then, how should we have wealth distribution if and only if 1% of Americans have 40% of the wealth. World, America...especially the Chinese that want to be "middle class Americans;" you want this wealth distribution in your country?
Think about it and ask: what wealth distribution per skill set (labor and marketing skills) are pessary for any kind of wealth.
Understand that if the 1% ganged up on the Balance sheet and cash flow systems in your country; would you really want power to redistribute that? What wealth and is it worth to think that is wealthy? Has the 1% commanded the pricing power or the power to price those goods and services (using corporate mechanisms and the law of large and growing populations) to punish or create a death wheel and poverty cycle in the poorest classes (who are otherwise wealthy (in things except for cash or items to build such wealth?))
Think about what kind of american dream you want and how much it is related to organized gang rape via armed powers (such as government (I respect the IRS, I do,) but there is no excuse to use the law as a way to bully the land, welfare, and health of the populous and of our home of mother earth.)
Think about navel law (admiralty law) and how extraterrestrials have been treating us. [My opinion is a positive one from how they are trying to free us using our own laws and ideas; but ultimately it comes from our own actions.
Think about it China, your Real Estate is next.
Distribution solution:
1. Give a choice: direct personal cash; domestic to the state of which they live an LLC and guide to family limited partnerships; OR reeducation training for labor and labor distribution networks choices.
2. At the same time as #1; NESARA/GESARA AND global debt forgiveness for every citizen in every country;
3. Technological disclosure...Tesla Patents (the guy from early 20th century)...Underground Bases (worldwide)....and more...
***Remember: on a ship every person is important, but it is the crew that decides who is the captain. Remember that 1%, wealthy. I remember what kind of weird corporate deals you constructed right after 1996 when the Annuniki left and how it was connected with Real Estate loans. Those deals still exist today and you all are living off the backs of Americans.
Are you the lesson? Are you the ghosts that must have these lessons for us? Sure, I made a weird mistake thinking that the world was going to blow up due to your crap during Atlantis (it may have been my bad via bad consulting, my bad) But that does not give you the excuse to abuse the law to the point of finishing the job of blowing up the spirit of GAIA.
Side note: Think about how a fiat currency system works: based on the legal jurisdiction of which it operates and how the labor and local resources forms around it. Then attribute that with KARMA and the wheel of replace that with debt and get GOD to sign contracts of GOD has KARMA and has invalidated the blessings from prime creator of that which GOD has created, thus invalidating the Milky Way. Now you know why Earth is a King Pin for this galaxy and Universal plan. To reestablish the dark so this universe becomes a black nexus and creates a spiritual cancer in the holes of the great divine ones. (Seriously, this stuff is coming from my imagination and it is starting to scare me...I must continue to think love, act with love...)
I am open to be a consultant and net worker for your firm. I know many different funding skills for Real Estate. Additionally, I wish to be interviewed about what I publish on these pages and I am willing to do so on the air (radio.) A private interview is OK too.
Let me know by emailing me at
So then, how should we have wealth distribution if and only if 1% of Americans have 40% of the wealth. World, America...especially the Chinese that want to be "middle class Americans;" you want this wealth distribution in your country?
Think about it and ask: what wealth distribution per skill set (labor and marketing skills) are pessary for any kind of wealth.
Understand that if the 1% ganged up on the Balance sheet and cash flow systems in your country; would you really want power to redistribute that? What wealth and is it worth to think that is wealthy? Has the 1% commanded the pricing power or the power to price those goods and services (using corporate mechanisms and the law of large and growing populations) to punish or create a death wheel and poverty cycle in the poorest classes (who are otherwise wealthy (in things except for cash or items to build such wealth?))
Think about what kind of american dream you want and how much it is related to organized gang rape via armed powers (such as government (I respect the IRS, I do,) but there is no excuse to use the law as a way to bully the land, welfare, and health of the populous and of our home of mother earth.)
Think about navel law (admiralty law) and how extraterrestrials have been treating us. [My opinion is a positive one from how they are trying to free us using our own laws and ideas; but ultimately it comes from our own actions.
Think about it China, your Real Estate is next.
Distribution solution:
1. Give a choice: direct personal cash; domestic to the state of which they live an LLC and guide to family limited partnerships; OR reeducation training for labor and labor distribution networks choices.
2. At the same time as #1; NESARA/GESARA AND global debt forgiveness for every citizen in every country;
3. Technological disclosure...Tesla Patents (the guy from early 20th century)...Underground Bases (worldwide)....and more...
***Remember: on a ship every person is important, but it is the crew that decides who is the captain. Remember that 1%, wealthy. I remember what kind of weird corporate deals you constructed right after 1996 when the Annuniki left and how it was connected with Real Estate loans. Those deals still exist today and you all are living off the backs of Americans.
Are you the lesson? Are you the ghosts that must have these lessons for us? Sure, I made a weird mistake thinking that the world was going to blow up due to your crap during Atlantis (it may have been my bad via bad consulting, my bad) But that does not give you the excuse to abuse the law to the point of finishing the job of blowing up the spirit of GAIA.
Side note: Think about how a fiat currency system works: based on the legal jurisdiction of which it operates and how the labor and local resources forms around it. Then attribute that with KARMA and the wheel of replace that with debt and get GOD to sign contracts of GOD has KARMA and has invalidated the blessings from prime creator of that which GOD has created, thus invalidating the Milky Way. Now you know why Earth is a King Pin for this galaxy and Universal plan. To reestablish the dark so this universe becomes a black nexus and creates a spiritual cancer in the holes of the great divine ones. (Seriously, this stuff is coming from my imagination and it is starting to scare me...I must continue to think love, act with love...)
I am open to be a consultant and net worker for your firm. I know many different funding skills for Real Estate. Additionally, I wish to be interviewed about what I publish on these pages and I am willing to do so on the air (radio.) A private interview is OK too.
Let me know by emailing me at
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Foreclosure Timelines Being Used to Prop-up Housing Market?
Are foreclosure timelines being used to prop up the Housing Market?
For reference:
Bryan Ellis is a Real Estate Investor (or marketer for the business of Real Estate) so market knowledge is best to understand. In Real Estate there are several key factors any investor and/or home-buyer should know.
1. Jurisdiction - the legal environment is important. Land values plummet (or extraordinarily discreet causing lower prices or lower transaction volume) with riots and other weird or dysfunctional government types relative to the utility of the buyers at hand.
2. Labor training resources - schools, education, and management at companies must be able to teach and bring skills to the masses so that home-owners can afford their houses at hand (or lending base for the bank to lend to.)
3. Trusting bureaucratic infrastructure - it has been said that 90% of the law is ownership, and that is true (the problem is why and what is the other 10%.) Without a trust built into the community that one's land and property rights are safe and stable, where would the law, let alone the property rights and physical safety and structure exist, to maintain the intrinsic value that owners placed onto the property? (Intrinsic value does not equal the monetary value, just the utility of the user. The monetary value contains the value derived from utility.) That trust is guaranteed only on the values that maintain the ideas and ideal that the voting community at large wish to instill into the governing bloc (politicans) who will write, interpret, and execute the law or judgement at hand. (Judgement is still not love, but is the next best thing rather than anarchy where value is interpreted to the labor and not peace of love.)
Especially with point number 3 above, it can be said that if banks are having a hard time processing foreclosures it could be for three reasons:
1. labor versus time and resources to process them
2. residents and/or owners from the property did not respond to the foreclosure notices and the banks or foreclosure processors must follow the law to complete the foreclosure process. In other words, the banks are not completely at fault, the borrowers must follow though with communication.
3. Banks usually have real estate investors and/or relators be able to process or take advantage of the foreclosure process by finishing the paperwork contracts. if there is a shortage of labor at this end of the paper/legal chain, money can be made there by being a 3rd party interloper (Just like commercial real estate, except this is in the residential sector and trapped in banks as zombie foreclosure status.)
My conclusion is that many bankers have been playing the real estate game for years. Real Estate is a traditional asset that has been a 'cornerstone' (yes, pun intended) for many generations; we are talking for 100's of years. When the Real Estate bubble (macro/multi-generational) pops, it will be bigger than the great depression and may cause a wave of impoverishment across many modern economies. In fact, is not that why the reason for the rise in precious metals gold, silver, platinum, etc...? I bet it is part of the reason as portfolio diversification is necessary for any related money strategy. However, at this level it is not about money (after all it is just paper.) The real strategy is portfolio diversification and how to survive and thrive after a post apocalyptic doom money bomb implodes on the world's stage where liabilities become so great, no one or any organization (including governments) have the ability to pay the bill, pass the buck, or have it backed by a new liability sheet.) [As a side note: in fact if I was coming to earth from an extraterrestrial force, fiat currency would be a fantastic weapon. I would fool the people that they are wealthy.] The true asset that can diversify any portfolio is the skill of labor in discrete resourcefulness and skills to harvest from the greatest mother we all know: earth.
This leads to my second conclusion that the banksters who have been using fiat currency as a way to control the masses; have been creating so many hurdles to foreclosure as a way to steal the wealth from the laborer on main street. What better way as to create zombie banks with zombie debts that have nothing by zombie houses sitting empty and ripe for copper theft (electrical wiring), junkie huts, and other crimes that are too numerous to list with real estate enforcement. (One way to avoid this is to ensure that the local trustworthy sheriff is stupid or is in on the scam of real estate investment (there is another posting on why real estate is a scam.)) From these zombie houses would then come such a massive flood of inventory of real estate at once that when land values plummet, anyone with too much debt as a percentage of debt per value on real estate becomes a live long slave of the system as what their parents were born in, who probably did not want enslavement for their children in the first place.
Another plan would be for the banksters and political forces to make a special class of investor to take these real estate zombie foreclosure properties and have them on the rental market as properties if banks (or lending facility) are not hiring or adequately renegotiating the loans to fully enrapture payoff even if the interest rate is negative and/or lower than what the mortgage investor initially wanted it to be. The lender's risk is always the quality, quantity, and trusting bureaucratic infrastructure of labor supply and demand in the marketplace. If this cannot be satisfied, then the lender has automatically taken the risk and must demand political and/or business infrastructure to work harder (or imaginative) to reduce market risk at hand to their own portfolio and/or corporate entity (if not, then they risk the loss of their job or rights as a portfolio manager (as a type of employment or working for a fund, not personal portfolio) due to lack of due diligence in management and other fraud and/or proper asset-liability management techniques related to 'the political classes.') Nevertheless, one must question the motive of why banks have such large lags in foreclosures and we must ask how much due diligence is offered in every transaction (pooled mortgages or traditional funding.)
Overall, wealth always came from the land as worked via agriculture, metals, and/or minerals. Until we reach those morals as daily chores to maximize energy collection from the land or at least be stewards of nature as nurture for the land's ecosystem; balance will not come to any society. Land itself is the platform of life that beholds all things. This includes the land we have already built upon and must be taken for what it is and transformed into useful products and abundance for all. Without such leadership and foresight to maintain the land and transform it into something productive, we all become slaves to the ideas that eventually become over used and exhaust the resources that God, Earth, and Nature has bestowed upon us.
For reference:
Bryan Ellis is a Real Estate Investor (or marketer for the business of Real Estate) so market knowledge is best to understand. In Real Estate there are several key factors any investor and/or home-buyer should know.
1. Jurisdiction - the legal environment is important. Land values plummet (or extraordinarily discreet causing lower prices or lower transaction volume) with riots and other weird or dysfunctional government types relative to the utility of the buyers at hand.
2. Labor training resources - schools, education, and management at companies must be able to teach and bring skills to the masses so that home-owners can afford their houses at hand (or lending base for the bank to lend to.)
3. Trusting bureaucratic infrastructure - it has been said that 90% of the law is ownership, and that is true (the problem is why and what is the other 10%.) Without a trust built into the community that one's land and property rights are safe and stable, where would the law, let alone the property rights and physical safety and structure exist, to maintain the intrinsic value that owners placed onto the property? (Intrinsic value does not equal the monetary value, just the utility of the user. The monetary value contains the value derived from utility.) That trust is guaranteed only on the values that maintain the ideas and ideal that the voting community at large wish to instill into the governing bloc (politicans) who will write, interpret, and execute the law or judgement at hand. (Judgement is still not love, but is the next best thing rather than anarchy where value is interpreted to the labor and not peace of love.)
Especially with point number 3 above, it can be said that if banks are having a hard time processing foreclosures it could be for three reasons:
1. labor versus time and resources to process them
2. residents and/or owners from the property did not respond to the foreclosure notices and the banks or foreclosure processors must follow the law to complete the foreclosure process. In other words, the banks are not completely at fault, the borrowers must follow though with communication.
3. Banks usually have real estate investors and/or relators be able to process or take advantage of the foreclosure process by finishing the paperwork contracts. if there is a shortage of labor at this end of the paper/legal chain, money can be made there by being a 3rd party interloper (Just like commercial real estate, except this is in the residential sector and trapped in banks as zombie foreclosure status.)
My conclusion is that many bankers have been playing the real estate game for years. Real Estate is a traditional asset that has been a 'cornerstone' (yes, pun intended) for many generations; we are talking for 100's of years. When the Real Estate bubble (macro/multi-generational) pops, it will be bigger than the great depression and may cause a wave of impoverishment across many modern economies. In fact, is not that why the reason for the rise in precious metals gold, silver, platinum, etc...? I bet it is part of the reason as portfolio diversification is necessary for any related money strategy. However, at this level it is not about money (after all it is just paper.) The real strategy is portfolio diversification and how to survive and thrive after a post apocalyptic doom money bomb implodes on the world's stage where liabilities become so great, no one or any organization (including governments) have the ability to pay the bill, pass the buck, or have it backed by a new liability sheet.) [As a side note: in fact if I was coming to earth from an extraterrestrial force, fiat currency would be a fantastic weapon. I would fool the people that they are wealthy.] The true asset that can diversify any portfolio is the skill of labor in discrete resourcefulness and skills to harvest from the greatest mother we all know: earth.
This leads to my second conclusion that the banksters who have been using fiat currency as a way to control the masses; have been creating so many hurdles to foreclosure as a way to steal the wealth from the laborer on main street. What better way as to create zombie banks with zombie debts that have nothing by zombie houses sitting empty and ripe for copper theft (electrical wiring), junkie huts, and other crimes that are too numerous to list with real estate enforcement. (One way to avoid this is to ensure that the local trustworthy sheriff is stupid or is in on the scam of real estate investment (there is another posting on why real estate is a scam.)) From these zombie houses would then come such a massive flood of inventory of real estate at once that when land values plummet, anyone with too much debt as a percentage of debt per value on real estate becomes a live long slave of the system as what their parents were born in, who probably did not want enslavement for their children in the first place.
Another plan would be for the banksters and political forces to make a special class of investor to take these real estate zombie foreclosure properties and have them on the rental market as properties if banks (or lending facility) are not hiring or adequately renegotiating the loans to fully enrapture payoff even if the interest rate is negative and/or lower than what the mortgage investor initially wanted it to be. The lender's risk is always the quality, quantity, and trusting bureaucratic infrastructure of labor supply and demand in the marketplace. If this cannot be satisfied, then the lender has automatically taken the risk and must demand political and/or business infrastructure to work harder (or imaginative) to reduce market risk at hand to their own portfolio and/or corporate entity (if not, then they risk the loss of their job or rights as a portfolio manager (as a type of employment or working for a fund, not personal portfolio) due to lack of due diligence in management and other fraud and/or proper asset-liability management techniques related to 'the political classes.') Nevertheless, one must question the motive of why banks have such large lags in foreclosures and we must ask how much due diligence is offered in every transaction (pooled mortgages or traditional funding.)
Overall, wealth always came from the land as worked via agriculture, metals, and/or minerals. Until we reach those morals as daily chores to maximize energy collection from the land or at least be stewards of nature as nurture for the land's ecosystem; balance will not come to any society. Land itself is the platform of life that beholds all things. This includes the land we have already built upon and must be taken for what it is and transformed into useful products and abundance for all. Without such leadership and foresight to maintain the land and transform it into something productive, we all become slaves to the ideas that eventually become over used and exhaust the resources that God, Earth, and Nature has bestowed upon us.
(Updated Re-posting) Rebuttal to current American Employment Woes
Updated: Scroll down and read this article:
Read and contrast:
I am in favor of the Bloomberg article, here is why:
As per the final answer of wage gains are to follow in article I am in disagreement because if employers only reward those who wish to stay ignorant (not interconnect things though the dynamics of wages but to have an overall view that competition is only a quality facter per unit produced AND NOT allow imagination for solving the problems at hand,) then only those who are wealthy enough will have to use their imaginations to solve their problems and the wealthy means to do it. From such imagination can come the communication to create even more and unfathomable to the current business process that exist. Currently, the Federal Reserve's problem of stagnate nominal GDP (or very slow growing compared to Real GDP) can only mean that new products must obsolete older products and even each other. This obsolete then leads to robustness of the resume and can cause short term quantity demand and the perception of quality supply problems. Yet, this is judgement and cannot stand the test of true growth via love and the ideas of counting every single little thing (mined or non-mined (harvested or non-harvested; and every single little thing from fiat currency will eventually breakdown into information and logic overload; but that is for a different story.)
As business demand is so low and picky that a group of techy banksters decided to make an illusion that Americans were lazy to thwart China and Europe; in the end this judgement causes anyone looking at GDP and/or trade routes to be nonetheless of only as much light that it can withhold is a judgement and looking outside of oneself for ascension. Likewise, this keeps the Federal Reserve and banksters to have the domestic political excuse of low interest rates (a Washington compromise because this means that america has looked outside of itself instead of within its own boarders. Therefore Justifying that America is not qualified for God's love or those who watch the planet from above, below, and in spirit of earth.) [What a bunch of hogwash as this is what the current dark on planet Earth will try to complete and/or report for all those who wish to stay dark.] Further evidence suggests that the flood of immigrants from middle America (El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, etc... (not Mexico.) [Example article:]
are plans for America to extinguish the "lazy American" (of political fortitude via life-insurance contracts?) This is a total disrespect for both jurisdictions both inside and outside the united states. This augments the natural flow and reinforces the perceptions of parents in those countries to rely on foreign influence as well as maintain domestic positive cash flow from myopic employment strategies as referenced in the Bloomberg article above. One has to wonder where the love is in any of this and how it is being manipulated to change the perceptions of so many electorates due to paranoia of the truth. Truth is important as prime creator says as is.
The solution: If fiat is chosen: print more money and decouple policies from observing deposit and cash flow accounts. Healthy GDP is more important for geopolitical stability than polluting the world to death. However, counting every single little thing is equal to enslavement and costs more time as necessary; therefore, there are no correct answers except for moving the economy into a non-profit/for-purpose status (this is more true with industries that are natural monopolies and evolve/grow into natural monopoly status.)
Side Note: This opinion has only been of me coming across articles from my daily habits. It is like the universe is speaking to me. It is like the universe is speaking to me as if my last days are here as much as I know them and remember who and what I can do to help the world with what poverty that can be of me?
As quickly channeled: The universe was thrown into darkness by a handful of souls that wanted to remain closed/communicative to the opinions of God. We as humans are waking up and will awake shortly. I wish and hope that if I am abandoned by myself or others, that my soul has a happy ending with love and memory of my life/knowledge in my heart. O, what great lives and mind I have to share to any who wish to visit
Original unchanged above.
Update below.
Just came across this article:
Now they are going to have to invest in those countries because the people had hopes and dreams to coming to america. Unless the truth of the cabal is known and how entrenched they are in the western world, then there is no good reason to deport them based on financial support except on political support that the protesters have been doing to pressure the deportations in the first place.
Similarity, maybe the cabal have plans to open up the central american countries to increased labor training and making factories there, because that would render china with less export markets; likewise, these countries would be chemically devastated if manufacturing moved to these precious ecosystems. I would not develop these countries further unless environmental precautions were met and standardized (and approved by a higher spiritual authority related to earth's well-being) by local and international governmental sources (before, after, and during the funding and manufacturing process(es.))
Overall, if the rest of the world is high to seek lower crime rates, then it should seek religions that offer peaceful though and meditation. Crime has many sources, but can be hampered or prevented by mutual understanding of local customs and inward meditation. [NOT meditation while locked up in a jail cell or cold dank (cave) like place of which that dark has been famous for the last several thousand years; that is just inhumane. (Meditation can be preformed their, but it is not ideal conditions as it is away from light; as to one would have to make ones own light to finish certain processes and cross certain dark membranes and passages that inhabit in the multi-universal planes. This stuff is outside of this article and will go into in another blog posting.)]
It would not surprise me if these issues were attempts by the cabal to raise the immigration issues again here in America.
PS. If you (singular or plural/group) wish to contact me directly, we can work something out for consultation contracts and advisement for many group dynamic situations. Contact me via email at
Read and contrast:
I am in favor of the Bloomberg article, here is why:
As per the final answer of wage gains are to follow in article I am in disagreement because if employers only reward those who wish to stay ignorant (not interconnect things though the dynamics of wages but to have an overall view that competition is only a quality facter per unit produced AND NOT allow imagination for solving the problems at hand,) then only those who are wealthy enough will have to use their imaginations to solve their problems and the wealthy means to do it. From such imagination can come the communication to create even more and unfathomable to the current business process that exist. Currently, the Federal Reserve's problem of stagnate nominal GDP (or very slow growing compared to Real GDP) can only mean that new products must obsolete older products and even each other. This obsolete then leads to robustness of the resume and can cause short term quantity demand and the perception of quality supply problems. Yet, this is judgement and cannot stand the test of true growth via love and the ideas of counting every single little thing (mined or non-mined (harvested or non-harvested; and every single little thing from fiat currency will eventually breakdown into information and logic overload; but that is for a different story.)
As business demand is so low and picky that a group of techy banksters decided to make an illusion that Americans were lazy to thwart China and Europe; in the end this judgement causes anyone looking at GDP and/or trade routes to be nonetheless of only as much light that it can withhold is a judgement and looking outside of oneself for ascension. Likewise, this keeps the Federal Reserve and banksters to have the domestic political excuse of low interest rates (a Washington compromise because this means that america has looked outside of itself instead of within its own boarders. Therefore Justifying that America is not qualified for God's love or those who watch the planet from above, below, and in spirit of earth.) [What a bunch of hogwash as this is what the current dark on planet Earth will try to complete and/or report for all those who wish to stay dark.] Further evidence suggests that the flood of immigrants from middle America (El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, etc... (not Mexico.) [Example article:]
are plans for America to extinguish the "lazy American" (of political fortitude via life-insurance contracts?) This is a total disrespect for both jurisdictions both inside and outside the united states. This augments the natural flow and reinforces the perceptions of parents in those countries to rely on foreign influence as well as maintain domestic positive cash flow from myopic employment strategies as referenced in the Bloomberg article above. One has to wonder where the love is in any of this and how it is being manipulated to change the perceptions of so many electorates due to paranoia of the truth. Truth is important as prime creator says as is.
The solution: If fiat is chosen: print more money and decouple policies from observing deposit and cash flow accounts. Healthy GDP is more important for geopolitical stability than polluting the world to death. However, counting every single little thing is equal to enslavement and costs more time as necessary; therefore, there are no correct answers except for moving the economy into a non-profit/for-purpose status (this is more true with industries that are natural monopolies and evolve/grow into natural monopoly status.)
Side Note: This opinion has only been of me coming across articles from my daily habits. It is like the universe is speaking to me. It is like the universe is speaking to me as if my last days are here as much as I know them and remember who and what I can do to help the world with what poverty that can be of me?
As quickly channeled: The universe was thrown into darkness by a handful of souls that wanted to remain closed/communicative to the opinions of God. We as humans are waking up and will awake shortly. I wish and hope that if I am abandoned by myself or others, that my soul has a happy ending with love and memory of my life/knowledge in my heart. O, what great lives and mind I have to share to any who wish to visit
Original unchanged above.
Update below.
Just came across this article:
Now they are going to have to invest in those countries because the people had hopes and dreams to coming to america. Unless the truth of the cabal is known and how entrenched they are in the western world, then there is no good reason to deport them based on financial support except on political support that the protesters have been doing to pressure the deportations in the first place.
Similarity, maybe the cabal have plans to open up the central american countries to increased labor training and making factories there, because that would render china with less export markets; likewise, these countries would be chemically devastated if manufacturing moved to these precious ecosystems. I would not develop these countries further unless environmental precautions were met and standardized (and approved by a higher spiritual authority related to earth's well-being) by local and international governmental sources (before, after, and during the funding and manufacturing process(es.))
Overall, if the rest of the world is high to seek lower crime rates, then it should seek religions that offer peaceful though and meditation. Crime has many sources, but can be hampered or prevented by mutual understanding of local customs and inward meditation. [NOT meditation while locked up in a jail cell or cold dank (cave) like place of which that dark has been famous for the last several thousand years; that is just inhumane. (Meditation can be preformed their, but it is not ideal conditions as it is away from light; as to one would have to make ones own light to finish certain processes and cross certain dark membranes and passages that inhabit in the multi-universal planes. This stuff is outside of this article and will go into in another blog posting.)]
It would not surprise me if these issues were attempts by the cabal to raise the immigration issues again here in America.
PS. If you (singular or plural/group) wish to contact me directly, we can work something out for consultation contracts and advisement for many group dynamic situations. Contact me via email at
Monday, July 14, 2014
Override Request
I am requesting an override, by the Humans on planet earth. This override would be to give up money and just work, just make hours of labor beyond the law itself (and legal anyway because of the charge for service is zero then the charge for any tax is zero, likewise in any country.) Get the idea. Boycott the banksters...boycott the values they now have to play with in measurement for God and administration to track more details of their movements (I really hope it is not any part of any earthly government.) This is one of the main reasons for Gold or Silver as the currency. Alas, to rape the earth for Gold or Silver, that is the perplexing problem of using any currency with labor. Again, it is best for resources to be used with accurate discretion.
*(UPDATED)* Rebuttal to current American Employment Woes
Updated: Scroll down and read this article:
Read and contrast:
I am in favor of the Bloomberg article, here is why:
As per the final answer of wage gains are to follow in article I am in disagreement because if employers only reward those who wish to stay ignorant (not interconnect things though the dynamics of wages but to have an overall view that competition is only a quality facter per unit produced AND NOT allow imagination for solving the problems at hand,) then only those who are wealthy enough will have to use their imaginations to solve their problems and the wealthy means to do it. From such imagination can come the communication to create even more and unfathomable to the current business process that exist. Currently, the Federal Reserve's problem of stagnate nominal GDP (or very slow growing compared to Real GDP) can only mean that new products must obsolete older products and even each other. This obsolete then leads to robustness of the resume and can cause short term quantity demand and the perception of quality supply problems. Yet, this is judgement and cannot stand the test of true growth via love and the ideas of counting every single little thing (mined or non-mined (harvested or non-harvested; and every single little thing from fiat currency will eventually breakdown into information and logic overload; but that is for a different story.)
As business demand is so low and picky that a group of techy banksters decided to make an illusion that Americans were lazy to thwart China and Europe; in the end this judgement causes anyone looking at GDP and/or trade routes to be nonetheless of only as much light that it can withhold is a judgement and looking outside of oneself for ascension. Likewise, this keeps the Federal Reserve and banksters to have the domestic political excuse of low interest rates (a Washington compromise because this means that america has looked outside of itself instead of within its own boarders. Therefore Justifying that America is not qualified for God's love or those who watch the planet from above, below, and in spirit of earth.) [What a bunch of hogwash as this is what the current dark on planet Earth will try to complete and/or report for all those who wish to stay dark.] Further evidence suggests that the flood of immigrants from middle America (El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, etc... (not Mexico.) [Example article:]
are plans for America to extinguish the "lazy American" (of political fortitude via life-insurance contracts?) This is a total disrespect for both jurisdictions both inside and outside the united states. This augments the natural flow and reinforces the perceptions of parents in those countries to rely on foreign influence as well as maintain domestic positive cash flow from myopic employment strategies as referenced in the Bloomberg article above. One has to wonder where the love is in any of this and how it is being manipulated to change the perceptions of so many electorates due to paranoia of the truth. Truth is important as prime creator says as is.
The solution: If fiat is chosen: print more money and decouple policies from observing deposit and cash flow accounts. Healthy GDP is more important for geopolitical stability than polluting the world to death. However, counting every single little thing is equal to enslavement and costs more time as necessary; therefore, there are no correct answers except for moving the economy into a non-profit/for-purpose status (this is more true with industries that are natural monopolies and evolve/grow into natural monopoly status.)
Side Note: This opinion has only been of me coming across articles from my daily habits. It is like the universe is speaking to me. It is like the universe is speaking to me as if my last days are here as much as I know them and remember who and what I can do to help the world with what poverty that can be of me?
As quickly channeled: The universe was thrown into darkness by a handful of souls that wanted to remain closed/communicative to the opinions of God. We as humans are waking up and will awake shortly. I wish and hope that if I am abandoned by myself or others, that my soul has a happy ending with love and memory of my life/knowledge in my heart. O, what great lives and mind I have to share to any who wish to visit
Original unchanged above.
Update below.
Just came across this article:
Now they are going to have to invest in those countries because the people had hopes and dreams to coming to america. Unless the truth of the cabal is known and how entrenched they are in the western world, then there is no good reason to deport them based on financial support except on political support that the protesters have been doing to pressure the deportations in the first place.
Similarity, maybe the cabal have plans to open up the central american countries to increased labor training and making factories there, because that would render china with less export markets; likewise, these countries would be chemically devastated if manufacturing moved to these precious ecosystems. I would not develop these countries further unless environmental precautions were met and standardized (and approved by a higher spiritual authority related to earth's well-being) by local and international governmental sources (before, after, and during the funding and manufacturing process(es.))
Overall, if the rest of the world is high to seek lower crime rates, then it should seek religions that offer peaceful though and meditation. Crime has many sources, but can be hampered or prevented by mutual understanding of local customs and inward meditation. [NOT meditation while locked up in a jail cell or cold dank (cave) like place of which that dark has been famous for the last several thousand years; that is just inhumane. (Meditation can be preformed their, but it is not ideal conditions as it is away from light; as to one would have to make ones own light to finish certain processes and cross certain dark membranes and passages that inhabit in the multi-universal planes. This stuff is outside of this article and will go into in another blog posting.)]
It would not surprise me if these issues were attempts by the cabal to raise the immigration issues again here in America.
PS. If you (singular or plural/group) wish to contact me directly, we can work something out for consultation contracts and advisement for many group dynamic situations. Contact me via email at
Read and contrast:
I am in favor of the Bloomberg article, here is why:
As per the final answer of wage gains are to follow in article I am in disagreement because if employers only reward those who wish to stay ignorant (not interconnect things though the dynamics of wages but to have an overall view that competition is only a quality facter per unit produced AND NOT allow imagination for solving the problems at hand,) then only those who are wealthy enough will have to use their imaginations to solve their problems and the wealthy means to do it. From such imagination can come the communication to create even more and unfathomable to the current business process that exist. Currently, the Federal Reserve's problem of stagnate nominal GDP (or very slow growing compared to Real GDP) can only mean that new products must obsolete older products and even each other. This obsolete then leads to robustness of the resume and can cause short term quantity demand and the perception of quality supply problems. Yet, this is judgement and cannot stand the test of true growth via love and the ideas of counting every single little thing (mined or non-mined (harvested or non-harvested; and every single little thing from fiat currency will eventually breakdown into information and logic overload; but that is for a different story.)
As business demand is so low and picky that a group of techy banksters decided to make an illusion that Americans were lazy to thwart China and Europe; in the end this judgement causes anyone looking at GDP and/or trade routes to be nonetheless of only as much light that it can withhold is a judgement and looking outside of oneself for ascension. Likewise, this keeps the Federal Reserve and banksters to have the domestic political excuse of low interest rates (a Washington compromise because this means that america has looked outside of itself instead of within its own boarders. Therefore Justifying that America is not qualified for God's love or those who watch the planet from above, below, and in spirit of earth.) [What a bunch of hogwash as this is what the current dark on planet Earth will try to complete and/or report for all those who wish to stay dark.] Further evidence suggests that the flood of immigrants from middle America (El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, etc... (not Mexico.) [Example article:]
are plans for America to extinguish the "lazy American" (of political fortitude via life-insurance contracts?) This is a total disrespect for both jurisdictions both inside and outside the united states. This augments the natural flow and reinforces the perceptions of parents in those countries to rely on foreign influence as well as maintain domestic positive cash flow from myopic employment strategies as referenced in the Bloomberg article above. One has to wonder where the love is in any of this and how it is being manipulated to change the perceptions of so many electorates due to paranoia of the truth. Truth is important as prime creator says as is.
The solution: If fiat is chosen: print more money and decouple policies from observing deposit and cash flow accounts. Healthy GDP is more important for geopolitical stability than polluting the world to death. However, counting every single little thing is equal to enslavement and costs more time as necessary; therefore, there are no correct answers except for moving the economy into a non-profit/for-purpose status (this is more true with industries that are natural monopolies and evolve/grow into natural monopoly status.)
Side Note: This opinion has only been of me coming across articles from my daily habits. It is like the universe is speaking to me. It is like the universe is speaking to me as if my last days are here as much as I know them and remember who and what I can do to help the world with what poverty that can be of me?
As quickly channeled: The universe was thrown into darkness by a handful of souls that wanted to remain closed/communicative to the opinions of God. We as humans are waking up and will awake shortly. I wish and hope that if I am abandoned by myself or others, that my soul has a happy ending with love and memory of my life/knowledge in my heart. O, what great lives and mind I have to share to any who wish to visit
Original unchanged above.
Update below.
Just came across this article:
Now they are going to have to invest in those countries because the people had hopes and dreams to coming to america. Unless the truth of the cabal is known and how entrenched they are in the western world, then there is no good reason to deport them based on financial support except on political support that the protesters have been doing to pressure the deportations in the first place.
Similarity, maybe the cabal have plans to open up the central american countries to increased labor training and making factories there, because that would render china with less export markets; likewise, these countries would be chemically devastated if manufacturing moved to these precious ecosystems. I would not develop these countries further unless environmental precautions were met and standardized (and approved by a higher spiritual authority related to earth's well-being) by local and international governmental sources (before, after, and during the funding and manufacturing process(es.))
Overall, if the rest of the world is high to seek lower crime rates, then it should seek religions that offer peaceful though and meditation. Crime has many sources, but can be hampered or prevented by mutual understanding of local customs and inward meditation. [NOT meditation while locked up in a jail cell or cold dank (cave) like place of which that dark has been famous for the last several thousand years; that is just inhumane. (Meditation can be preformed their, but it is not ideal conditions as it is away from light; as to one would have to make ones own light to finish certain processes and cross certain dark membranes and passages that inhabit in the multi-universal planes. This stuff is outside of this article and will go into in another blog posting.)]
It would not surprise me if these issues were attempts by the cabal to raise the immigration issues again here in America.
PS. If you (singular or plural/group) wish to contact me directly, we can work something out for consultation contracts and advisement for many group dynamic situations. Contact me via email at
Maybe I cannot handle my adult self?
Maybe fate and my choices cannot handle my adult self. Maybe the dark ones that left this planet several years ago, left me here as I love God and wish to love even more; yet as they were dark, I may have attacked them many years ago (when Atlantis was still around.) Maybe I channeled something that became and maybe I was just as dark as they as perceived from our view of what logic is (and how prime creator and God view it to be? Maybe higher forces then they?)
I know I must have handled my adult self of what there can be for occurrences of energy. Where there is energy, there can be love itself. I wonder where novelty will happen next and when I can evolve from it to be a beautiful being of light and of truth. I wish upon myself the greatest of ease into this transition of myself. That is what I know there to be.
I know I must have handled my adult self of what there can be for occurrences of energy. Where there is energy, there can be love itself. I wonder where novelty will happen next and when I can evolve from it to be a beautiful being of light and of truth. I wish upon myself the greatest of ease into this transition of myself. That is what I know there to be.
I wish that my being can become a professional of discerning light and dark.
I wish that my being to become a great plants man and grow food for all.
I wish that every being that I meet becomes my friend.
I wish great intelligence and healthy bright hearts to every single soul and all those who do not yet have a soul.
My ego wishes a great day, every day to start, be, and finish in love.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
The White Dragon Society Was Used
I know what I am saying here is risky, and might be just plain stupid; but my gut tells me that after reading for years (from here: that the White Dragon Society has been used as a litmus test for accession purposes. They were used as a communication medium for me to gather information in order to outwit the dark cabal. Yet, it is this same cabal that I have worked for since birth and the blessings from many years ago in my dreams by some kind of creature of light (God?)
How did I work with them? By chance I found messages on the internet that confirmed many feelings of what I know and understand. Many of these messages were of disclosures from their "forces of light" acting as dark as to infiltrate their networks and cause problems on their accounting (accounts.) (Both dark elements of all political parties of the world are infiltrated by these entities, who may be genetic kin, but their souls may be of alien beyond our understanding.)
Further evidence is from my youth, when I was born I had the thoughts of "do not kill your father by any means, he is your ticket out of this place." Over the years, the low energy prices and growing up in a household of middle class parents, I became lethargic and wary of the outside world, due to so many criminal elements and sinning against God; thus, it was my decision to become a homebody and watch TV and play video games. Later, I learned that that was a bad decision as my addictive properties (from my father's personality) became that of what I only knew (advertisements and Video Game Simulation dogma and catch 22's.) In hindsight I wish I made a different decision but the novelty was not at zero yet. I wish I had a peaceful atmosphere of which I could have learned a real-world skill and trait (build buildings, computer programming, or accounting) but with the dark ones worshiping and abusing people like Stew Webb (of which I knew as of 1997-1998 websites) I became afraid of them. Reading online and the messages in my head (or I am crazy?!) that my blessing by God in the mid 1990's gave me something as a way, and a curse in reverse: no kind of serious disease. Yet, maybe the chemtrails were making me sick?
Alas, I killed him (my father) via the power of my mind and a bargain with the dark forces of the earth in around 2008-2009 as a chess gambit to save the powers of earth and their peoples. To shepherd them away from the dark forces and shelter them from the atmosphere; yet I hesitated from the idea because that is still not the answer? That was still not the ideas that I was to "build." Was that society became the target to draw me out? I guess so, as I remember by last lifetime during Atlantis as a builder and developer of social systems/networking I discovered that the ideas perpetrated by the society were faulty to the core...thus the leadership was compromised and therefore I tried to leave them as a way to leave the group. Alas, they are greedy and scared more so of their own labor than of other's labor. (That is the key, why work for a system that berates you?) This was my logic (or of someone else's telepathy?) For my soul to be of a soldier. and a weak body, it was that of the opposite of what the dark and greedy persons of the world really wanted: soldiers with blank souls to manipulate: light that was diminished to the point to try to kill another dark thing that wanted to eat other souls.
Now, I am of a Bachelor's degree with a junk resume and waiting for the cabal to finish its crap/deification onto the world. A piece of advice from a soul like mine is that just leave the world alone and keep going to build one's self up to separate yourself from the system at large. Of course that may be more difficult than said as the dark now has a form of light (that of pieces/water) and it is the organization of human beings and managing them away from their true essence/being. Yet, I am still confused as to why I chose this path: I guess it is because of my love of earth/gaia OR maybe I was programmed to say that and have feeling for that right before the Annunaki left this planet in 1996-1997 time period.
Let alone the light forces using me as an experiment and observation for successful trials and life events. I wish that my soul and the karmic things that I might have done here (before I die) to be done with, and that if my soul is not good enough (it is most likely) that I go ahead and never incarnate again. To be in a forever depressed state as my religion prepares me to be raped by the vampire kings while those who cannot judge me watch at how my sacrifice has been a failure during novelty (Terence McKenna). I really wish I could afford my life and the novelty that was there for me to grab and use to make the world into a place of perpetual beauty and light. May my sacrifice be that of my soul's light to infiltrate and infinitely burn into the those who touch me. Another good reason that I do this; is that I cannot allow lies to be paid. I cannot keep looking outside of myself, yet why have eyes (and the other senses?) I thank God and prime creator for what my life has been; and of now, I wait to die by my own hands or by others who want my power. And that might be that kind of ego that wants to help others that has become my own confusion of what I know of these messages:
I manipulated my ego to manipulate another's to not manipulate another's ego, tu, or id. God bless those who give and have love/light.
Look up my astrolabe ( and use my birthchart with my birthday: December 27, 1986 born on 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time in Raleigh, North Carolina United States.
How did I work with them? By chance I found messages on the internet that confirmed many feelings of what I know and understand. Many of these messages were of disclosures from their "forces of light" acting as dark as to infiltrate their networks and cause problems on their accounting (accounts.) (Both dark elements of all political parties of the world are infiltrated by these entities, who may be genetic kin, but their souls may be of alien beyond our understanding.)
Further evidence is from my youth, when I was born I had the thoughts of "do not kill your father by any means, he is your ticket out of this place." Over the years, the low energy prices and growing up in a household of middle class parents, I became lethargic and wary of the outside world, due to so many criminal elements and sinning against God; thus, it was my decision to become a homebody and watch TV and play video games. Later, I learned that that was a bad decision as my addictive properties (from my father's personality) became that of what I only knew (advertisements and Video Game Simulation dogma and catch 22's.) In hindsight I wish I made a different decision but the novelty was not at zero yet. I wish I had a peaceful atmosphere of which I could have learned a real-world skill and trait (build buildings, computer programming, or accounting) but with the dark ones worshiping and abusing people like Stew Webb (of which I knew as of 1997-1998 websites) I became afraid of them. Reading online and the messages in my head (or I am crazy?!) that my blessing by God in the mid 1990's gave me something as a way, and a curse in reverse: no kind of serious disease. Yet, maybe the chemtrails were making me sick?
Alas, I killed him (my father) via the power of my mind and a bargain with the dark forces of the earth in around 2008-2009 as a chess gambit to save the powers of earth and their peoples. To shepherd them away from the dark forces and shelter them from the atmosphere; yet I hesitated from the idea because that is still not the answer? That was still not the ideas that I was to "build." Was that society became the target to draw me out? I guess so, as I remember by last lifetime during Atlantis as a builder and developer of social systems/networking I discovered that the ideas perpetrated by the society were faulty to the core...thus the leadership was compromised and therefore I tried to leave them as a way to leave the group. Alas, they are greedy and scared more so of their own labor than of other's labor. (That is the key, why work for a system that berates you?) This was my logic (or of someone else's telepathy?) For my soul to be of a soldier. and a weak body, it was that of the opposite of what the dark and greedy persons of the world really wanted: soldiers with blank souls to manipulate: light that was diminished to the point to try to kill another dark thing that wanted to eat other souls.
Now, I am of a Bachelor's degree with a junk resume and waiting for the cabal to finish its crap/deification onto the world. A piece of advice from a soul like mine is that just leave the world alone and keep going to build one's self up to separate yourself from the system at large. Of course that may be more difficult than said as the dark now has a form of light (that of pieces/water) and it is the organization of human beings and managing them away from their true essence/being. Yet, I am still confused as to why I chose this path: I guess it is because of my love of earth/gaia OR maybe I was programmed to say that and have feeling for that right before the Annunaki left this planet in 1996-1997 time period.
Let alone the light forces using me as an experiment and observation for successful trials and life events. I wish that my soul and the karmic things that I might have done here (before I die) to be done with, and that if my soul is not good enough (it is most likely) that I go ahead and never incarnate again. To be in a forever depressed state as my religion prepares me to be raped by the vampire kings while those who cannot judge me watch at how my sacrifice has been a failure during novelty (Terence McKenna). I really wish I could afford my life and the novelty that was there for me to grab and use to make the world into a place of perpetual beauty and light. May my sacrifice be that of my soul's light to infiltrate and infinitely burn into the those who touch me. Another good reason that I do this; is that I cannot allow lies to be paid. I cannot keep looking outside of myself, yet why have eyes (and the other senses?) I thank God and prime creator for what my life has been; and of now, I wait to die by my own hands or by others who want my power. And that might be that kind of ego that wants to help others that has become my own confusion of what I know of these messages:
I manipulated my ego to manipulate another's to not manipulate another's ego, tu, or id. God bless those who give and have love/light.
Look up my astrolabe ( and use my birthchart with my birthday: December 27, 1986 born on 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time in Raleigh, North Carolina United States.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Pyramid Scheme
Many think starting a farm or business is profitable for the creator of such; and such may be true...for those who can afford such luxury. Yes, a farm is a luxury in a time of civic turmoil and a hut in times of destruction, geological change, and/or war. Farms and/or "survival huts" provide plenty of reasons for the "enemy" or "friends" to find you as the farmer is the one with the food and resources with energy (perhaps this is the reason why the dark forces of planet earth focused on energy/food manipulation?) Raw materials and manpower can also be found on farms. For example: how many family farms are there in the United States? Is that bait for the dark to drink their chi? Their energy? Their offspring? O, such questions can create havoc with logic and the interpretation of God's love for humans (this can then become the dark female energy?)
Such ideas are dichotomy (duelistic) but need be addressed with Real Estate Planning and the interface of rural and urban environments (not including suburban models - as today's suburban model grows a crop of grass in america as a way to preserve land and drain the pocketbooks of many Americans today and of future generations.) For example, the energy required for food to be transported, if greater than the energy that is contained in the food, is then considered a net waste and a way to subjugate (enslave) humanity (and its leaders who count coin/currency - thus was this why the Annunaki left planet earth? Travel cost-benefit ratio was too high to matter for a petroleum based world? And if so, then was money the bait created by prime creator though the Annunaki to upgrade mankind?) This is why it is important to teach food growing and preparation practices as part of a high school curriculum (or even in primary or secondary schools.) It is to pass on the tradition of life and life giving forces with the security of life that can evolve into the ideas generations later to be enclosed into a Dyson sphere ( upon which all the energy of the universe (the playpen for souls) can be utilized to gather all the light energy from prime creator and the creators of stars (abuse or be abused?; additional reference:
If the dark really wanted to stay on planet earth, then it would have followed these practices and maintained them beyond the Annunaki's command otherwise; as doing so would become true dark compared to the manifesting light via the heart of the mind and stifling the giving that could become. Chemtrails that were meant to fog the world into a gray mass is only a weakness and shows that the dark has a form of light that disgusts those who want to create a true darkness in the universe: the creation of the toll. The toll is the price to play, to have an ego, to have a judgement, to have the rights bestowed upon which a glimmer of freedom may be gained. You have already paid a toll in your life, it is birth and the birthing process. Upon which the babe is born it cries out because it paid a toll to pass into this realm/idea for living in. For us to interact with it, and it to interact with us. It is a toll of pain, as planned by the shadow of God to test our strength to pass onto death at old age (another toll.) Thus what we create as money and our existence (or even of our world as an imagination) then it is a toll; a price to pay in which others (somewhere) can gain an economic reprisal to play in the playpen of the universe at someone else's expense. And to count all of these expenses and revenues via fiat currency (or currency itself) is counting where the tolls are and how to manipulate the tolls of others, feelings, energy, existence. To manipulate existence is in itself the guide to manipulate creation, to manipulate how others create, to control, to devise a way for others to direct how others are to create from their soul. That is the goal (and I am not surprised that the Annunaki left this planet because, that is the accurate way to avoid the kind of control that developed under their supposed rule.) It does not stop at tolls; it is of power and control as consciousness and alchemy. As such, to separate oneself from such alchemy is important in order to ascend above the darkness of tolls and the trolls who manage them.
So, then why have a farm? Is to be a farmer not to control how God manifest the food? Or is it the only solution left, the only way for others to understand that it is the best way to reach beyond the necessities of life, liberty, and some kind of idea for happiness? It is a bridge, a way forward, a freedom to exit the chaos of the city and find a type of peace and to give peace orthogonal to the last toll, and that is the maintenance of the human body. To be 'orthogonal' means to create a geometric structure of thought (or something tangible) where the ideas expressed harms no one and feeds no one and provides karma and guilt free nourishment for the so called soul. The idea has no toll (except for the idea itself, in which maybe I collect the toll?) To be in a position of existence where the toll is minimized and nonexistence means one can invest in a toll to enslave others. (Has God or other creator beings done that? (Depends on where the karma flows?)) So, then the farm itself is the plantation, where the farmer enslaves plants for food and workers for energy (now I really do feel southern (upside down exclamation point for sadness.)) Yet, what slavery should it encompass if no slaves to pay the toll of harvest yet be done? As the answer permits, the idea of the toll is understanding the idea of want. The ideas already covered in economics and intelligent being behavior where logic permits by life and love (the economic definition of utility is a personal want that is fulfilled by a means.) Yet, if I not follow the idea of the plantation and allow others (even my children if I had any) to become sovereign beings, then there would not be the dis-ease of managing a plantation (that the evil and dark ones have fallen into that kind of trap laid by existence itself. As a test, as a test to make sure that kind of idea does not exist in realms where light and English words cannot yet express exist.)
So, then what do I follow? What kind of farm? A sustainable small house where I plant enough food for myself and sell to sustain me? Or give? Ideally, was not this already part of who I am? What already existed years ago before the advent of complex social systems to convey the idea that we, the people, live in a fictionalized plantation called government? Such idea is not new; yet enthralling for the ego to acknowledge it should own it. So in time, empires have become again and again this kind of idea; accounting the money or goods; logistics for the war to expand the plantation...then, before the politicians realize it, before the owners realize it: they are their own slaves of managing a 'natural monopoly' where it is just a fantasy; a fantasy of self enslavement while the people rise with another plantation of God: Light/love; the universe; the playpen upon which God awaits one to wake up and become one's true self. Yet, is not God just utilizing the same scheme, as a way to give more than receive?
To game karma? To outwit the ideas and institutions that create and rely To be aware of the fantasy and the plantation means that I give credence to it. And I give to it, not knowing that I gave. So then God give the idea to me as to not gain karma? If then I realize this, I then must know that I must be an enemy, as I rather not be. So, then sadness be in my awareness. Kindness I would rather give, as it is the only other way to give anyway. Thus, hark, it is feelings that matter most. As feelings are what must be more true then what one or others can do outside of oneself; as karma itself can feed off of feelings. Therefore, it is to game karma. It is to become a master of one's own feelings and outputs. And, if karma has become attached to feelings; then it is one's duty to challenge karma by becoming the feelings of others to worship me. Alas, it is just another empire's whim. Then it is to, O, of what feelings to become? Happiness? Sadness? O, of what choices could there be to make an empire of feelings? (Marketing?) Thus, human is just the same as the burden of existence to choose what economic utility there to be.
Then it is karma of the human body's maintenance that is important to understand, as this is the reason for a farm. This is the reason, not the knowledge of the heart but of the mind, to know that there are no other ideas left but to keep going on the trail to free oneself from the plantation of another's making (of God, King, or (bureaucratic) country.) To focus on making an empire from within oneself; how much I disdain such an idea, if only there was another way. Then, as one wonders from place to place in physicality and in one's soul (feelings?) then it truly becomes the experience of the past that makes the heart and mind of today to exist with what one has and what one will gain. To test the heart in the pyramid scheme of a country, one can only know that they will be back again to claim their prize.
[More to be added later...?]
Such ideas are dichotomy (duelistic) but need be addressed with Real Estate Planning and the interface of rural and urban environments (not including suburban models - as today's suburban model grows a crop of grass in america as a way to preserve land and drain the pocketbooks of many Americans today and of future generations.) For example, the energy required for food to be transported, if greater than the energy that is contained in the food, is then considered a net waste and a way to subjugate (enslave) humanity (and its leaders who count coin/currency - thus was this why the Annunaki left planet earth? Travel cost-benefit ratio was too high to matter for a petroleum based world? And if so, then was money the bait created by prime creator though the Annunaki to upgrade mankind?) This is why it is important to teach food growing and preparation practices as part of a high school curriculum (or even in primary or secondary schools.) It is to pass on the tradition of life and life giving forces with the security of life that can evolve into the ideas generations later to be enclosed into a Dyson sphere ( upon which all the energy of the universe (the playpen for souls) can be utilized to gather all the light energy from prime creator and the creators of stars (abuse or be abused?; additional reference:
If the dark really wanted to stay on planet earth, then it would have followed these practices and maintained them beyond the Annunaki's command otherwise; as doing so would become true dark compared to the manifesting light via the heart of the mind and stifling the giving that could become. Chemtrails that were meant to fog the world into a gray mass is only a weakness and shows that the dark has a form of light that disgusts those who want to create a true darkness in the universe: the creation of the toll. The toll is the price to play, to have an ego, to have a judgement, to have the rights bestowed upon which a glimmer of freedom may be gained. You have already paid a toll in your life, it is birth and the birthing process. Upon which the babe is born it cries out because it paid a toll to pass into this realm/idea for living in. For us to interact with it, and it to interact with us. It is a toll of pain, as planned by the shadow of God to test our strength to pass onto death at old age (another toll.) Thus what we create as money and our existence (or even of our world as an imagination) then it is a toll; a price to pay in which others (somewhere) can gain an economic reprisal to play in the playpen of the universe at someone else's expense. And to count all of these expenses and revenues via fiat currency (or currency itself) is counting where the tolls are and how to manipulate the tolls of others, feelings, energy, existence. To manipulate existence is in itself the guide to manipulate creation, to manipulate how others create, to control, to devise a way for others to direct how others are to create from their soul. That is the goal (and I am not surprised that the Annunaki left this planet because, that is the accurate way to avoid the kind of control that developed under their supposed rule.) It does not stop at tolls; it is of power and control as consciousness and alchemy. As such, to separate oneself from such alchemy is important in order to ascend above the darkness of tolls and the trolls who manage them.
So, then why have a farm? Is to be a farmer not to control how God manifest the food? Or is it the only solution left, the only way for others to understand that it is the best way to reach beyond the necessities of life, liberty, and some kind of idea for happiness? It is a bridge, a way forward, a freedom to exit the chaos of the city and find a type of peace and to give peace orthogonal to the last toll, and that is the maintenance of the human body. To be 'orthogonal' means to create a geometric structure of thought (or something tangible) where the ideas expressed harms no one and feeds no one and provides karma and guilt free nourishment for the so called soul. The idea has no toll (except for the idea itself, in which maybe I collect the toll?) To be in a position of existence where the toll is minimized and nonexistence means one can invest in a toll to enslave others. (Has God or other creator beings done that? (Depends on where the karma flows?)) So, then the farm itself is the plantation, where the farmer enslaves plants for food and workers for energy (now I really do feel southern (upside down exclamation point for sadness.)) Yet, what slavery should it encompass if no slaves to pay the toll of harvest yet be done? As the answer permits, the idea of the toll is understanding the idea of want. The ideas already covered in economics and intelligent being behavior where logic permits by life and love (the economic definition of utility is a personal want that is fulfilled by a means.) Yet, if I not follow the idea of the plantation and allow others (even my children if I had any) to become sovereign beings, then there would not be the dis-ease of managing a plantation (that the evil and dark ones have fallen into that kind of trap laid by existence itself. As a test, as a test to make sure that kind of idea does not exist in realms where light and English words cannot yet express exist.)
So, then what do I follow? What kind of farm? A sustainable small house where I plant enough food for myself and sell to sustain me? Or give? Ideally, was not this already part of who I am? What already existed years ago before the advent of complex social systems to convey the idea that we, the people, live in a fictionalized plantation called government? Such idea is not new; yet enthralling for the ego to acknowledge it should own it. So in time, empires have become again and again this kind of idea; accounting the money or goods; logistics for the war to expand the plantation...then, before the politicians realize it, before the owners realize it: they are their own slaves of managing a 'natural monopoly' where it is just a fantasy; a fantasy of self enslavement while the people rise with another plantation of God: Light/love; the universe; the playpen upon which God awaits one to wake up and become one's true self. Yet, is not God just utilizing the same scheme, as a way to give more than receive?
To game karma? To outwit the ideas and institutions that create and rely To be aware of the fantasy and the plantation means that I give credence to it. And I give to it, not knowing that I gave. So then God give the idea to me as to not gain karma? If then I realize this, I then must know that I must be an enemy, as I rather not be. So, then sadness be in my awareness. Kindness I would rather give, as it is the only other way to give anyway. Thus, hark, it is feelings that matter most. As feelings are what must be more true then what one or others can do outside of oneself; as karma itself can feed off of feelings. Therefore, it is to game karma. It is to become a master of one's own feelings and outputs. And, if karma has become attached to feelings; then it is one's duty to challenge karma by becoming the feelings of others to worship me. Alas, it is just another empire's whim. Then it is to, O, of what feelings to become? Happiness? Sadness? O, of what choices could there be to make an empire of feelings? (Marketing?) Thus, human is just the same as the burden of existence to choose what economic utility there to be.
Then it is karma of the human body's maintenance that is important to understand, as this is the reason for a farm. This is the reason, not the knowledge of the heart but of the mind, to know that there are no other ideas left but to keep going on the trail to free oneself from the plantation of another's making (of God, King, or (bureaucratic) country.) To focus on making an empire from within oneself; how much I disdain such an idea, if only there was another way. Then, as one wonders from place to place in physicality and in one's soul (feelings?) then it truly becomes the experience of the past that makes the heart and mind of today to exist with what one has and what one will gain. To test the heart in the pyramid scheme of a country, one can only know that they will be back again to claim their prize.
[More to be added later...?]
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
White Spiritual Boy World Bank Accounts?
Why do these exist? Do they exist? Really, why do they need an account with the title of "White spiritual Boy?" Is it blackmail?
Note that I came across this paperwork across the internet several years ago and just publishing it again for the sake of making sure this issue does not 'die' but becomes part of every attempt of global and common knowledge of how much control there is with accounts like these.
How invested or vested are these accounts? Can they be cashed out? I really wish I could have that money; even if divided among my brothers and sisters of planet Earth.
I think this may have been published via or whiteknights (?) in the past but it was definitely of interest at the time of download to me. Again, it was from "the internet" and is as far as I am concerned is public knowledge.
Images of accounts:
Note that I came across this paperwork across the internet several years ago and just publishing it again for the sake of making sure this issue does not 'die' but becomes part of every attempt of global and common knowledge of how much control there is with accounts like these.
How invested or vested are these accounts? Can they be cashed out? I really wish I could have that money; even if divided among my brothers and sisters of planet Earth.
I think this may have been published via or whiteknights (?) in the past but it was definitely of interest at the time of download to me. Again, it was from "the internet" and is as far as I am concerned is public knowledge.
Images of accounts:
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Consulting Services Available
Consulting Services are Available for anybody (or thing) who wishes to know more about me and my work in economics.
You can contact me at
My economics work is primary underground and imaginative in thinking at the banking policy and social origination level (as if the other posts did not hint at that.) My policy is as follows:
1. My work (or statistical complement thereof (Think B = 1 - A; as A and B are probabilities and complements of each other)) should NOT be used for death and/or labor enslavement for or towards any person, group of persons, or anything that wishes to hide its origination status and/or extraterrestrial sourcing. Again, it is NOT about enslavement (so then why is every country on the face of this planet operates with death and taxes in its legal structure?)
----- What is it about? It is about having humanity become not thinking in quantity terms such as currency (this is why the cabal wishes to separate countries because I am stuck in America and being boxed in by a bunch of morons on and greedy fucks at the ownership and/or political level of society. That is why they are doing this shit (terrorism and military shenanigans) as to trap my mind (or my ego thereof?) It is about having humanity think in terms of love and doing things closest to the heart of the matter.
---- For example, Central Banking (and currency itself) separates the trust from the operation of the goods/services at hand at the social level relative to the individual. Bridging this trust is important for the continued operation for any organizational body. To bridge it may require liabilities forgiveness and/or obsolete the entire currency problem; how to do so sustainably is how I can assist any organization.
(Gold and silver are just commodities and are more useful as computer and chemistry components rather than a currency to be traded for the sake of national security. As the security of such idea is in itself a blasphemy related to a golden calf. Additionally, metals need to be mined and can be exhaustive to the nature of earth is constantly being mined from the earth to maintain economic inflation-ism. )
2. Transition programming out of the current global paradigm. Programming not in the sense of "brainwashing" or "soul washing" but only in the sense of spirituality and abundance for all citizens (young and old) while providing asset protection (physical assets, not paper assets.)
3. Ideas that spirit would approve of is a necessary condition for any organization (business, governmental, and/or for-purpose (non-profit.)) The world of spirit and other-worldly ideas are essential as many large governments have been contacted by beings off of this world in the past. It is critical that ideas and solutions are earth-friendly and earth-enhancing (beyond environmentally friendly) as it is more beneficial for humanity to be servicing a technologically, knowledge, and holiday based like planet as I see the planet to be a bed-and-breakfast for the galaxy (if not the universe.)
4. An understanding that people and empires bully each other for the sake of rendering them useless to the bully. Why is this important; and understanding that religion has become a protected class of people only because of wars and other forms of bullying have happened with such peoples in the past is a great example. History has always proved that bullies always find flaws in their enemies to exploit. As your consultant, I am only here to provide ways for societies to build more abundance, peace, sustainability, into their current and future working models of governance/bureaucracy.
I might come up with more reasons in the future; but understand that it is always about providing self-sufficiency, toughness, love, and concern reduction for today and the future of human kind.
Again, I always like inquiries to my services, you can contact me at
If you send an email and have not heard back from me, send it may have been blocked by the NSA (jokers) or other weirdos who think they know what they are doing.
Note: Any sales attempt to me though this blogging site will be SPAM.
You can contact me at
My economics work is primary underground and imaginative in thinking at the banking policy and social origination level (as if the other posts did not hint at that.) My policy is as follows:
1. My work (or statistical complement thereof (Think B = 1 - A; as A and B are probabilities and complements of each other)) should NOT be used for death and/or labor enslavement for or towards any person, group of persons, or anything that wishes to hide its origination status and/or extraterrestrial sourcing. Again, it is NOT about enslavement (so then why is every country on the face of this planet operates with death and taxes in its legal structure?)
----- What is it about? It is about having humanity become not thinking in quantity terms such as currency (this is why the cabal wishes to separate countries because I am stuck in America and being boxed in by a bunch of morons on and greedy fucks at the ownership and/or political level of society. That is why they are doing this shit (terrorism and military shenanigans) as to trap my mind (or my ego thereof?) It is about having humanity think in terms of love and doing things closest to the heart of the matter.
---- For example, Central Banking (and currency itself) separates the trust from the operation of the goods/services at hand at the social level relative to the individual. Bridging this trust is important for the continued operation for any organizational body. To bridge it may require liabilities forgiveness and/or obsolete the entire currency problem; how to do so sustainably is how I can assist any organization.
(Gold and silver are just commodities and are more useful as computer and chemistry components rather than a currency to be traded for the sake of national security. As the security of such idea is in itself a blasphemy related to a golden calf. Additionally, metals need to be mined and can be exhaustive to the nature of earth is constantly being mined from the earth to maintain economic inflation-ism. )
2. Transition programming out of the current global paradigm. Programming not in the sense of "brainwashing" or "soul washing" but only in the sense of spirituality and abundance for all citizens (young and old) while providing asset protection (physical assets, not paper assets.)
3. Ideas that spirit would approve of is a necessary condition for any organization (business, governmental, and/or for-purpose (non-profit.)) The world of spirit and other-worldly ideas are essential as many large governments have been contacted by beings off of this world in the past. It is critical that ideas and solutions are earth-friendly and earth-enhancing (beyond environmentally friendly) as it is more beneficial for humanity to be servicing a technologically, knowledge, and holiday based like planet as I see the planet to be a bed-and-breakfast for the galaxy (if not the universe.)
4. An understanding that people and empires bully each other for the sake of rendering them useless to the bully. Why is this important; and understanding that religion has become a protected class of people only because of wars and other forms of bullying have happened with such peoples in the past is a great example. History has always proved that bullies always find flaws in their enemies to exploit. As your consultant, I am only here to provide ways for societies to build more abundance, peace, sustainability, into their current and future working models of governance/bureaucracy.
I might come up with more reasons in the future; but understand that it is always about providing self-sufficiency, toughness, love, and concern reduction for today and the future of human kind.
Again, I always like inquiries to my services, you can contact me at
If you send an email and have not heard back from me, send it may have been blocked by the NSA (jokers) or other weirdos who think they know what they are doing.
Note: Any sales attempt to me though this blogging site will be SPAM.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Hypothesis: Taylor Rule and labor correlation to bank correlation
A labor pathway hypothesis related to correlation. This is not a formal conjecture and has not been researched thoroughly.
Correlation of Labor to inflation (nominal) can be nearly assumed to the Taylor rule ( in economics as gross domestic product can be related to labor's productivity of current resources and technology.
Taylor Rule (from Wikipedia):
as i = nominal interest rate
pi = current inflation
pi* = inflation desire
alpha pi= a_pi = adjustment weight for inflation
r* = real interest rate at market
y= GDP
y_bar = potential GDP output
alpha y = y_pi = adjustment weight for GDP
if modified the Taylor rule can be adjusted for increasing inflation based on overall spread and depth of the debt load in an economy by forgiving debt (equally and spread throughout the economy) or by having direct from treasury payments to households during downward GDP cycles. Then...
add these possible terms to the Taylor Rule:
b(L*a_pi*z_pi) or
b(L*a_pi*(1-z_pi)) and if and only if
pi < zero
or if pi <pi* and in correlation to pi, y
b =beta = fraction of liabilities to be waived or forgiven; 0 <= b <=1
L = liabilities in the economy
z_pi = a correlation of liability forgiveness to inflation that could be affected by forgiving that portion of liabilities at beta
i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(y-y_bar) + b(L*a_pi*z_pi)
***I am attributing z_pi instead of (1-z_pi) for the sake of argument, if liabilities forgiven causes reduced inflation and higher GDP then it is attributable to use (1-z_pi) but this requires extensive research.
If L is solved in the equation then we come across the liabilities forgiveness based on this equation:
L = [i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(y-y_bar)]/(b(a_pi*z_pi))
note that b(a_pi*z_pi) is acting like a multiplier to liabilities forgiveness relative to the interest rate at hand. L in this case might be a percentage basis but if in discrete currency unit amount then that would be followed as well.
Likewise, how much in liabilities to forgive is left up to policy makers, and other critical factors. (Think about if there was a partial global jubilee, then what debt should be forgiven?)
Several critical factors can be summed up to a proxy of indicators of how currency works.
From the start, currency starts from the earth and is traded on trust of product surplus.
As trust is a factor, banks are administrators of that trust and thus we must start there for any factors.
Correlation between Bank solvency and labor in relation to inflation and bank solvency? (corr(bs,l)::corr(inf,bs))
If zero then what is the correlation between labor and inflation. Note that these are correlations and are predicated on the means and statistics of all industries and how they interlock in trade. This schedule of industries can be related to a variance in relation to a nation as a war machine against (nature, values, nationhood, feelings, etc...)
Clearly, bank solvency is the correlation question among many economic scholars. Let alone the question of liabilities per account and net income per income potential. This is the banker's quandary (along with the correlations in the paragraph above.)
Also note that Okun's law can be related to the Taylor Rule (the law is only a rule of thumb on previous observations:'s_law)
as Okun's Law is written as
y= GDP
y_bar = potential GDP output
u = unemployment
u_bar = potential unemployment
c = factor relating changes in unemployment to changes in output
c = ((y_bar - y)/y_bar)/(u-u_bar)
and as estimating where the future should be is hard to predict, measuring changes can be done with:
k = the average annual growth rate of full-employment output
A labor pathway hypothesis related to correlation. This is not a formal conjecture and has not been researched thoroughly.
Correlation of Labor to inflation (nominal) can be nearly assumed to the Taylor rule ( in economics as gross domestic product can be related to labor's productivity of current resources and technology.
Taylor Rule (from Wikipedia):
as i = nominal interest rate
pi = current inflation
pi* = inflation desire
alpha pi= a_pi = adjustment weight for inflation
r* = real interest rate at market
y= GDP
y_bar = potential GDP output
alpha y = y_pi = adjustment weight for GDP
if modified the Taylor rule can be adjusted for increasing inflation based on overall spread and depth of the debt load in an economy by forgiving debt (equally and spread throughout the economy) or by having direct from treasury payments to households during downward GDP cycles. Then...
add these possible terms to the Taylor Rule:
b(L*a_pi*z_pi) or
b(L*a_pi*(1-z_pi)) and if and only if
pi < zero
or if pi <pi* and in correlation to pi, y
b =beta = fraction of liabilities to be waived or forgiven; 0 <= b <=1
L = liabilities in the economy
z_pi = a correlation of liability forgiveness to inflation that could be affected by forgiving that portion of liabilities at beta
i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(y-y_bar) + b(L*a_pi*z_pi)
***I am attributing z_pi instead of (1-z_pi) for the sake of argument, if liabilities forgiven causes reduced inflation and higher GDP then it is attributable to use (1-z_pi) but this requires extensive research.
If L is solved in the equation then we come across the liabilities forgiveness based on this equation:
L = [i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(y-y_bar)]/(b(a_pi*z_pi))
note that b(a_pi*z_pi) is acting like a multiplier to liabilities forgiveness relative to the interest rate at hand. L in this case might be a percentage basis but if in discrete currency unit amount then that would be followed as well.
Likewise, how much in liabilities to forgive is left up to policy makers, and other critical factors. (Think about if there was a partial global jubilee, then what debt should be forgiven?)
Several critical factors can be summed up to a proxy of indicators of how currency works.
From the start, currency starts from the earth and is traded on trust of product surplus.
As trust is a factor, banks are administrators of that trust and thus we must start there for any factors.
Correlation between Bank solvency and labor in relation to inflation and bank solvency? (corr(bs,l)::corr(inf,bs))
If zero then what is the correlation between labor and inflation. Note that these are correlations and are predicated on the means and statistics of all industries and how they interlock in trade. This schedule of industries can be related to a variance in relation to a nation as a war machine against (nature, values, nationhood, feelings, etc...)
Clearly, bank solvency is the correlation question among many economic scholars. Let alone the question of liabilities per account and net income per income potential. This is the banker's quandary (along with the correlations in the paragraph above.)
Also note that Okun's law can be related to the Taylor Rule (the law is only a rule of thumb on previous observations:'s_law)
as Okun's Law is written as
y= GDP
y_bar = potential GDP output
u = unemployment
u_bar = potential unemployment
c = factor relating changes in unemployment to changes in output
c = ((y_bar - y)/y_bar)/(u-u_bar)
and as estimating where the future should be is hard to predict, measuring changes can be done with:
k = the average annual growth rate of full-employment output
delta y = one period change of GDP to the next
delta u = one period change of unemployment to the next
and k can be solved: delta y / y + c* delta u = k
(Original equation courtesy from wikipedia and the scholars before me):
, the change in the natural rate of unemployment, is approximately equal to 0. We also assume that
, the growth rate of full-employment output, is approximately equal to its average value,
. So we finally obtain
We can relate Okun's into Taylor's by:
(y_bar - y)/y_bar = c * (u - u_bar)
(y_bar - y) =y_bar* c * (u - u_bar)
(y - y_bar) = -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) ::: note that the negative sign is negative one multiplied throughout every part so it really read: -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) --> -y_bar*-c*(u_bar - u)
i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(y-y_bar) --> i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(-(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)))
therefore anyone can manipulate the unemployment rate via GDP as coupled via Okun's law. However, unemployment and GDP is separated from many different utility factors from supply and demand of individual markets and the willingness to participate in the market itself.
when coupled with debt forgiveness we can see the effect unemployment and GDP growth can have on how much debt needs to be forgiven at any one time (a partial or conditional jubilee.)
or Liabilities is written as:
{{ from above: L = [i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(y-y_bar)]/(b(a_pi*z_pi)) }}
L = [ i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(-(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar))) ]/(b(a_pi*z_pi))
This would mean that when liabilities are forgiven at a rate (from zero to 100% (or more if there is excess wealth)) then GDP and employment should gain and more tax revenue can be collected anyway. note that a_y is negative and can become positive if the negative of -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) term or - a_y(y-y_bar term is used to cancel it out. Therefore, it is wise to forgive debt on a national and personal scale as it provides increased utility throughout the economic growth process.
If interest rates become negative, then it is possible that getting interest rates to become more positive with more buying power into consumers and investors/businesses to cause conditional or whole (b and z_pi = 1) jubilee. Again the conditional jubilee standard is only possible if and only if there is a social trust in that type of institutional standard to happen.
Again, this is a macro based equation and L is probably written as a percentage of total debt that a society (public and/or private) contains.
In essence, trust must be established in order for this to work. As far as I can tell, that trust is mostly true across the world and a jubilee is probably a better thing than all out debt slavery or other weird debt instrument can inspire. One thing remains in all of this, as Real Estate is a wealth transfer mechanism of the productivity of the land (and the people who dwell on that land.) Real Estate should be respected as what it is, earth and only earth. Earth only because that is the tangibility of the property that exists there. Overall, a jubilee should account for how mismanaged the earth really is and how much real estate redevelopment can be done to:
1. Minimize traffic and fuel usage:
Our fossil fuel world requires those who mine for energy minerals to place suburbs as far away as possible without discriminating demand to their working jobs. This maximizes their incentives of profits.
2. Reestablish energy distribution as before giant banking cartels:
Energy is in the form of food and other stuff, as our farmlands and psychopathic neighbors in the sky spraying chemtrails, it is sad to see that people eat what they think is safe rather than being able to grow food themselves (why cannot this be part of a regular middle school/high school curriculum (vegetable and fruit horticulture). Granted it is still eating from the wild chemtrail wonder, but at least there can be food and energy independence.
3. Minimize employment hours and maximize personnel distribution in the firm (but minimize the real estate distances needed to achieve it.
Overall, we need to build a better world. But how can visionaries achieve it when saddled with too much debt? They cannot. The Artist of the world was starving because he invested into the art he made...his own body. The economy is the same. Economic cultivation is required (micro and macro) in order to get that reality to become true.
He who has the ability, can create more to help fellow man, than one who has to hide and work for the mistakes of novel past.
Again: more research is required to gain the underhand in all of this data.
and k can be solved: delta y / y + c* delta u = k
(Original equation courtesy from wikipedia and the scholars before me):
We can relate Okun's into Taylor's by:
(y_bar - y)/y_bar = c * (u - u_bar)
(y_bar - y) =y_bar* c * (u - u_bar)
(y - y_bar) = -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) ::: note that the negative sign is negative one multiplied throughout every part so it really read: -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) --> -y_bar*-c*(u_bar - u)
i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(y-y_bar) --> i = pi + r* + a_pi (pi-pi*) + a_y(-(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)))
therefore anyone can manipulate the unemployment rate via GDP as coupled via Okun's law. However, unemployment and GDP is separated from many different utility factors from supply and demand of individual markets and the willingness to participate in the market itself.
when coupled with debt forgiveness we can see the effect unemployment and GDP growth can have on how much debt needs to be forgiven at any one time (a partial or conditional jubilee.)
or Liabilities is written as:
{{ from above: L = [i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(y-y_bar)]/(b(a_pi*z_pi)) }}
L = [ i - pi - r*- a_pi (pi-pi*) - a_y(-(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar))) ]/(b(a_pi*z_pi))
This would mean that when liabilities are forgiven at a rate (from zero to 100% (or more if there is excess wealth)) then GDP and employment should gain and more tax revenue can be collected anyway. note that a_y is negative and can become positive if the negative of -(y_bar*c*(u - u_bar)) term or - a_y(y-y_bar term is used to cancel it out. Therefore, it is wise to forgive debt on a national and personal scale as it provides increased utility throughout the economic growth process.
If interest rates become negative, then it is possible that getting interest rates to become more positive with more buying power into consumers and investors/businesses to cause conditional or whole (b and z_pi = 1) jubilee. Again the conditional jubilee standard is only possible if and only if there is a social trust in that type of institutional standard to happen.
Again, this is a macro based equation and L is probably written as a percentage of total debt that a society (public and/or private) contains.
In essence, trust must be established in order for this to work. As far as I can tell, that trust is mostly true across the world and a jubilee is probably a better thing than all out debt slavery or other weird debt instrument can inspire. One thing remains in all of this, as Real Estate is a wealth transfer mechanism of the productivity of the land (and the people who dwell on that land.) Real Estate should be respected as what it is, earth and only earth. Earth only because that is the tangibility of the property that exists there. Overall, a jubilee should account for how mismanaged the earth really is and how much real estate redevelopment can be done to:
1. Minimize traffic and fuel usage:
Our fossil fuel world requires those who mine for energy minerals to place suburbs as far away as possible without discriminating demand to their working jobs. This maximizes their incentives of profits.
2. Reestablish energy distribution as before giant banking cartels:
Energy is in the form of food and other stuff, as our farmlands and psychopathic neighbors in the sky spraying chemtrails, it is sad to see that people eat what they think is safe rather than being able to grow food themselves (why cannot this be part of a regular middle school/high school curriculum (vegetable and fruit horticulture). Granted it is still eating from the wild chemtrail wonder, but at least there can be food and energy independence.
3. Minimize employment hours and maximize personnel distribution in the firm (but minimize the real estate distances needed to achieve it.
Overall, we need to build a better world. But how can visionaries achieve it when saddled with too much debt? They cannot. The Artist of the world was starving because he invested into the art he made...his own body. The economy is the same. Economic cultivation is required (micro and macro) in order to get that reality to become true.
He who has the ability, can create more to help fellow man, than one who has to hide and work for the mistakes of novel past.
Again: more research is required to gain the underhand in all of this data.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th of July
Just want to wish all of my readers a Happy 4th of July. Celebrate America's freedom from official British rule since 1776, the Illuminati and various houses of war wishing to enslave the people of the planet, founded a nation for contrast between enslavement and freedom. Directly both slavery and some kind of freedom for men (not women and not minorities) in all thirteen colonies. Today, after 238 years of fighting, bickering, and negotiating, we have gained some rights while assimilating a fake currency from people who wish to count every single thing...kind of creepy right? Today, the networks are telling us that sexual orientation is important to legalize for marriage (gay rights and stuff.) Quite frankly, it is the same kind of BS as the media is for the game of distraction-ary (think pictionary, but with distractions.)
Overall, not bad for starting the talk of what people wish to have from an authority that has hidden the truth of...UFO's, economic cheating, crafting new lies, and other bad and weird things from antiquity.
Overall, not bad for starting the talk of what people wish to have from an authority that has hidden the truth of...UFO's, economic cheating, crafting new lies, and other bad and weird things from antiquity.
Have a happy 4th of July :)
Building a Better Metro System
There are many ingredients to a successful civic landscape. Respect of the land is foremost to many farmers, and is just as so with any city landscape as well. Today's cities have covered up the land with concrete and suffocated the effect that our mother Earth can provide to us. As if for any conspiracy buff, maybe it is a conspiracy for the dark to abuse the triangle of survival.
The Three steps in the triangle of survival is:
-fire (heat, cooking, energy)
-water (basic live need)
-shelter (house, storage, base)
Yet, we must understand how we can provide all three things today.
-fire as in the form of energy needs such as petroleum. Many cities have huge underground natural gas line networks as well. Over the years, petrochemicals have also been integrated into fertilizers and harvesting equipment for our cropping systems.
-water has many underground pipes and many lakes that provide urban water needs can also provide recreational use. Water is also an ingredient for food (plants)
-shelter has become tall buildings and suburban dwellings. Much has changed since the simple hut. Thicker walls and modern electronics help increase shelter energy efficiency.
But there is something drastically missing in this security and reducing the cost of urbanization.
What is the cost of urbanization? The cost is the land being covered and there are many ways to reduce that cost.
1. Any roof space can be replaced with shingles and environmentally produced solar panels (believe it or not, but the common solar panels produced in china today have moderate to heavy pollution as they too are electronics. This pollution is mitigatable at the factory via recycling practices.) The total roof space with adequate solar coverage worldwide could reduce energy prices dramatically. and significantly to cause increases in Gross Domestic Product.
2. Roof space can also be utilized into green or garden roof space for utilization of growing food. Green roof space has also been accredited to reducing the heat coming into the home during the summertime and could be well suited for homes closer to the equator; therefore, reducing cooling costs. Think of plants as nature's solar panel.
3. More mixed zoning and reducing the commute is important for future generations. Too much gasoline usage = too little fire for survival needs for tomorrow's generation.
4. Land recovery networks and transitional zoning laws can effectively help protect what we have and what we can recover from our misdeeds to our land. This special zoning type can be used to allow building and covered land (by cement/asphalt) to be naturally demolished or deconstructed. For instance, buildings slightly in disarray can just sit and rot, or be deconstructed for recycling purposes. The land itself that the building is on can be used for temporary neighbor gardening.
5.Baron land into food conversion; golf courses for sale and underutilized could be used for orchards and other local food growing purposes. Not only golf courses, but also other non-utilized or underutilized plots of land in urban (or even rural spaces.) Food is a type of energy that is converted into labor later in the economy. Food is all solar power; (and so is solar panels into electricity...)
Maybe more ideas for land utilization coming....
Note: Fiat money can be used to make land utilization easier. Therefore, banks are the church of trust in a modern society via debt. Thus, debt slavery onto the population of the land. (A place or time without a jubilee cannot reset the population's labor utility curve and therefore increase the churn of politicians (increase political replacements.) We are seeing this now in some American political offices as expected. However, without a jubilee, full labor utilization will not happen.
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