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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Why Getting A ‘Good’ Job Feels So Difficult | CNBC Marathon


*it might be a security issue on entry level turnover rate. Employees at a lower level have front line access (typically.) Solving failure points in a system might be the deep seeded thinking of employers on why they want turnover, or a turnover test. If the test fails, then up the chain the question goes on why there is turnover or failure and a fix is offered or produced. Sometimes the fix is a sales proposal, otherwise it is internal and could be related to costs to the company, a perceived negative.  

Steve Bannon Declares WAR On Elon & Vivek!


*This is worth reviewing: Is China Behind the Woke Right? | Interview with James Lindsay : https://youtu.be/xVqCNZVyWBU?si=8vqquJ__VfVXVra8 
is Mr. Dore going to interview James Lindsay and/or Chris Chapel?

Monday, December 30, 2024

KENARI NUT - 7 ways it's used and why the fruit isn't (I ate it anyway)


*appx 18:20 wow, a real vegan cheesecake? Will it store/freeze well? possible  American market?

Is China Behind the Woke Right? | Interview with James Lindsay


*Communist Plot Alert needed for both American political parties.
In this case: forward this video to all elected American Representatives now

California Turning Red? Alleged Chinese Spy Caught in California Election


China's new AI model breakthrough


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Oz 'the Wall Street Mentalist' leaves 'Squawk Box' hosts speechless


*This is kind of creepy, yet I cannot look away...

Saturday, December 21, 2024

They Are Lying About The New Jersey Drone UFOs... Chilling Footage Proves Coverup


*This is what is known from Dr. Greer's info. There may be a minor disclosure event by mid-January: 

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Steven Greer! Billy Carson! Drone/UFO Events! (12/13 or 12/14 publish date) :: https://youtu.be/g525YfcVIwQ?si=un6fE7_1h-yEIg-n

I only call it "minor" because these "drones" are just part of a unacknowledged special access project and the crews/labor manning this are not pleased of what they are doing. If the real culprits would just confess their "sins" against humanity, then interplanetary colonies would be just another day walking in the park. 

Compartmentalization is the name of the game to give returns to those who want to just use humanity and not be (phycology) human themselves.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Powering up Virginia: World's first grid-scale commercial fusion power plant


*If this makes helium, I wonder how much they are going to sell the helium for. It is an ever scarce resource and is needed for MRI machines, among other uses. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

NEW Drone / UAP / UFO Sightings EVERYWHERE! Is the Threat REAL?


FBI ADMITS Capitol Was Crawling With Feds On January 6th!


*wait...why do the FBI have to get them laid? O, wait...they are federal boob inspectors... 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Steven Greer! Billy Carson! Drone/UFO Events!


*Maybe the Audit was successful? 

Wait...this timing is suspicious! 

Are the controlers/oligarchs really just trying to validate their expense? Validate the expense that Congress validated per their budget process since Trump is now president elect (or at least the election is now over.) Right now is budget season in congress. Nevermind if it is illegal, constitutionally speaking, they just want to validate the American people's expense for the ake of the revenue they are going to earn from this event...? 

China to Issue US Bonds!?


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Inflation Gives Fed Green Light for December


*2.7 precent is still 0.7 too much. Yes I am calling out the "inflation is still too high." Please place inflation hawk(s) in the Federal Reserve. 1.0% inflation should be the target...not 2.0%  

How This TRULY Omni-Directional Wind Turbine is Genius


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024

US Trade Deficit Explained, Housing Crisis Solutions, Rising Insurance Costs | Wall Street Week


Elon Musk Targeting Social Security Is HUGE Mistake!


Why Facebook-Parent Meta Is Willing To Lose Billions On The Metaverse


*the universe is enough to handle, why go for a scam such as a fake universe?
Maybe the real scam is to make reality so painful, that Facebook and the government forces commerce though the "metaverse?" Facebook building dystopia?

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Lindsey Graham Blurts Out The Truth About Ukraine!


Did Republicans Sue To Get More Teenagers Pregnant?


*Not enough teen pregnancies? Husbandry of humanity as proof of factions evident in this lawsuit.
They think of us as animals to breed and enslave. Such disrespect, why vote for that?

“Let’s Expose ALL Congressional Sex Crimes!” Says Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene. w/ Ian Carroll)


When Animals Lose Their Biggest Fear


Trump Nominates George Soros’ Money Manager As Treasury Secretary!


*This story is truth that Trump is trying to control the bankruptcy of the Federal Government. All in order to take away human rights; as planned decades ago.