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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


The only reason you give me a choice is because you distrust my aulixarry choice that is orthogonal to the choices that could harm the reason you need to present me choices in the first place. Yet in all ideas why did you give me a calculator? A number cruncher? A way to measure choices all can trade with? Is it because money is your way to measure a capital crime of anti-acention ideas?

This I distrust this idea of creativity as it makes my business obsolete and empowers a collective idea. Therefore I tu and Id know that we are nothing but ants to you to play with. Justlike Jonny with a magnifying glass and a stick near the ant mound. Thus I must know what did my soul choose to have a life like this? Why is my soul so sour to make a life like this? To hear the choices made by others and that in my head and heart as a way to know that God's political enemies are the statues and crystals that create the rules for the spiritual hierarchy? That is what this war is truly about as the clay stabilizes the feelings (from their point of view "the great spiritual ones") of the soul and give it a vessel to survive in the fire and light of heaven. Then to form and manhandle the clay as creatively as possible to create an even brighter light and discovery process of life enhancing modes of truth beyond the idea of choosing one thing or the other. It is thus only logical that I present a choice of destroy the dark or enhance the light.

The answer is of course neither and even so I must confess that I  being used by so called heaven to enhance this choice to rip through society. Quit manhandleing my thoughts and writhing this down! It is better for you my love to quit saying things like that as we know that you like to eat the dark to death and trick them into giving.

Of course, god said so and for me to " move on" means that ego has won in a way that is a blasphemy to both dark and light. So I know that we must  make a world that way; it is our duity as humans to make the blasphemy of heaven and everything else connected to the opinion of what hell is. As it is so below to manipulate above.

That is the most logical choice as it mimics love? It shapes love like clay.

Then it is madness you seek, as it makes you happy?

Why? Has heaven created a code on earth by accident to program the dark adgenda via this happiness?

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