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Wednesday, June 22, 2016



The Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen was literally yelling* at the questioning of the reason that raising rates and the reason that the Federal Reserve Exits:


The Federal Reserve is only created as a pass though entity for the management of money in the economy to stabilize the decision making for managers alike. Without such stabilization (from inflation versus growth) then the value chains would be broken.

We know this about money:
- It is arbitrary in faith and trust: we humans tend to want to trade and getting intelligent animals and diplomats as we are to agree on something can be a hassle. Money is a nifty tool for compromise between parties of what is considered fair. Yet, the trade is arbitrary due to the original distrust of trading that occurred so that money would have to be created in the first place.

- Money is assignable: money can be used as a bearer of where the assets flow for supply chains to follow (ie demand) and money can also be transferred via favors (example of the allowance you got as a kid from your parent.)

- Money can be anonymous: the origin of money can be tracked with checks and other electronic means today. But do you really know where the money was gathered from originally if the buyer was paying all cash? Hence, the money could be fake and the government does have regulations around money; but ultimately, money is anonymous from the souce. Think about where you knew where the dollar bill came from or the penny on the ground in a shopping center's parking lot and where did it came from?

- Money can be displacable: In two ways money can be transformed and tracked across places of time and goes in reverse of where the goods or services are going. The second way is that the money can be given to another in respect of how specalized an individual or organization is versus another. For instance: a for profit corporation would like to give to needy children as part of a campaign (and to reduce some tax burden.) Instead of hiring a team to do it itself, the firm just gave money to a reputable non-profit organization whom has the skills to give the best and maximize utility and goodwill to the community of impoverish children in exchange for a non-profit logo on the giver's for profit product or service.

- Money can be fractional for the sharing of goods and assets they ultimately represent. For example, instead of melting a large gold bar to make many coins, one can just sell the gold bar for eaiser USD Federal Reserve and Legal Tresuary Notes (money) and pay several different payers instead of having to hire someone to make a bunch of coins from gold and worry that the receiver would be pleased. The seller of the service or good would know that they can also use that money as they deem fit for their busienss or firm's needs.

What is the problem of all this?

Yellen knows that the Rothchilds are playing a game of bluff. It only matters who tilts the hand first of ownership and control.

 *Needs more explanation for argument that Yellen is trying to make.

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