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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Got NC Senator to respond to American Tax Reform (ACA Tax Mandate Repealed)


This is what my Senator Thom Tillis Sent me (He is NC Senator for America)


IS FROM: donotreply@tillis.senate.gov



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding tax reform. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

I believe that the United States is in desperate need of tax reform, and all good ideas should be on the table. Updates to our tax code are long overdue. Over 30 years have passed since Congress has addressed the issue. Reforming our nation’s tax code will reduce complexity, create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and generate more competition in the global economy.

Both the Senate and the House have been working, in coordination with the Administration, on tax reform legislation that will provide relief and certainty to American families and businesses. On December 2, 2017, the Senate passed its comprehensive tax reform proposal designed to provide the middle-class with tax relief, while improving America’s global competitiveness. Although not perfect, I supported this legislation because doing so will provide our nation with the necessary tools to spur economic growth and create jobs for hardworking North Carolinians and Americans. Below are some of the highlights from the Senate tax reform plan.

Tax Relief for Individuals and Families:
Lowers taxes on average for every income bracket
Doubles the standard deduction
Doubles the child tax credit to $2000
Maintains the mortgage interest deduction
Maintains the adoption tax credit
Maintains the medical expense deduction
Maintains the graduate school tuition waiver and the student loan interest deduction
Doubles the teacher deduction for classroom supplies to $500
Doubles the estate tax exemption
Repeals the individual mandate that requires every individual to purchase health insurance or pay a fine

Tax Relief for Businesses:
Adopts a 23% deduction for pass-through incomes for qualifying businesses
Lowers the corporate tax rate to 20% beginning in 2019
Allows for full expensing for the first 5 years followed by a phase out over the next 5 years
One-time mandatory repatriation for foreign profits trapped overseas
Moves from a worldwide tax system to a territorial tax system
Preserves Low Income Housing Tax Credit and Private Activity Bond’s tax exempt status
Preserves the Historic Tax Credit

Now that the Senate and House have each passed tax reform bills, the two chambers must reconcile the differences before sending the bill to the President’s desk. Details of the final tax reform legislation are still being finalized. Throughout this process, you can visit https://www.finance.senate.gov/taxreform to remain up to date on the current Senate package and potential changes to individual items within the tax code.

As this legislation is finalized, I will carefully consider your thoughts on specific provisions in making a decision on what is best for North Carolina and the rest of the country.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me again about other issues that are important to you.


Senator Thom Tillis



My Reply to the Senator's of North Carolina:

It is highly observed that healthcare premiums will continue to increase because of this tax reform. Without a mandatory purchase of insurance, then less participants will increase premiums and reinforce costs at home. This will also increase business taxes in the form of health premiums (for the owner and/or employees. Additionally, it is imperative that provider chargemaster costs at the are of concern as the primary reason why healthcare costs are too high; as well as, innovation attackers by major companies willing to use previous law enforcement (private thugs) to intimidate innovators in many industries to lower costs of living across world, let alone our country and healthcare industry.
I am sure you Senator (let alone other goverment elected representatives) have been threatened by party and portfolio protection services to keep your campaign going for the next election term. Both Fascism (public, private, or corporate) and Communism (if not corporations will rule our lives, it will be goverment of God or by Man) will take over. It is important to understand that the technology we have today is not the reality of the universe we stand. 

 Additionally, a worldwide tax to a territorial tax means more money laundering will take place overseas using American and Cryptocurrencies (bitcoin and altcoins,) therefore resulting in US Dollar index decreases. It will also mean that predictions of revenue income for the US Government will decrease as well. It is important to keep and maintain that if a US Citizen or US representative company makes income that touches US trade routes then it must pay takes (even if earned in international territory or another nation. It is important to balance the budget without reducing current goverment. 

Why It is because we as Americans are being attacked by Conservative and Liberal Communism purposes and by destroying the tax system and net imperial portfolio of America, Republicans are destroying the only trade bargaining chip to repay debt to China. 

Finally, as China increases Internet censorship worldwide, I am dismayed the Federal Communication Commission's repeal of Net Neutrality. I always expected Republicans and Libertarians to approve Net Neutrality as it is always better to side with freedom and non corporate Fascism than to approve an "-ism" that conservatives in low information network areas tend to believe in (people in rural areas getting low to no internet service.) Unless there is more network competition in America (and in North Carolina) I as a Citizen of North Carolina will not trust Republican or Democrat Decision making as both parties have screwed our nation's capacity in the sake of a greater sin: Greed. 

A Resisted Independent for the reason to get out of Party Facism of America:


PS - Please pass a bill or series of bills that clarifies tax ability of Cryptocurrencies and subsequent transactions, and Federal Trade Commission internet regulations. I am in favor of non-intervention of internet transmissions by Corporate or Individual power; as well as, maintaining internet transmission security. (Does it not sound like Net Neutrality is a simpler policy than repealing it?)

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