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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why Communism is the Deep State's Mind Control Cult

There is an anti-democrat or anti-socialist slant.
the information needs to be neutral.
I do agree communism is not a path forward, only a path that increases the likelihood of tyranny by the minority of true feelings.
Communism unites utility; of which, is against the rules of evaluating a population set by methods of economics and statistics.
By principal and definition of utility: the utility of a basket of goods and services by one person cannot be compared to another's. Only a comparison of what is in the basket and the behaviors of each individual good to another good (or comparison of services) can be done.

The assumptions of socialism and communism is a side effect of common redresses of goverment, of which afflict the population: black shelving, monopoly or conspiring oligopoly, cleptocracy, plutocracy, etc... usually a set of firms or investors where the supply is hevaly restricted or regulated to the point of no other recourse for the demand to respond, and no or limited entrance into the market. 

Overall, socialism and communism are only the side effect of the aliments of a capitalist society that has forgotten what it means to be competitive due to the effect of a firm or supplier assuming the responsibility like a goverment would (as perceived by individual participants of demand (individually or a significant portion.)

5 part series:






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