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Sunday, October 6, 2024

BRICS Just Acquired 2 MAJOR Assets To Collapse The US Economy With New Currency | Andy Schectman


*Bad foreign policy equals bad trade...seems like the United States did not learn its late 1800's history lesson about international Trade. I, tonyotag, as an American feel ashamed and want to apologize for all the hypocritical, bad-faith dealing, bombing crap we have done to other countries around the world. May you know that my generation, millennials, and later want to heal our debt to income ratio as well as repair our bad foreign policy and practices, to be good-faith dealers in trade and practice. Know that there is an international click of wealthy individuals that want to destroy what America is for the sake and excuse of their ego; and your countries are NOT off of their agenda. They utilize foreign policy between nations to find space between spaces of law to get away with what they want to do, in orders of, and with impunity thereof, good. Manipulation of and between generations is part of their toolbox. 

[end of youtube posting...rest continues below]

At the same time, we Americans have a political disagreement (the major political parties) that have soured our trading promises into oblivion with other countries and cultures around the world. The Truth is we the people of the United States are held hostage and vote for our hostage takers by gullible and permissive population. Likewise, you and your dictators, whom are invested by the same debt lords that occupy your politicians' ears, have lied to you as well. Please heed this warning that there is a dead-weight loss (possibly minimized as much as possible) with central or monopolized banking schemes. Such banking schemes, as examples, are identified as central banks like America's Federal Reserve, the people's bank of China, or Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Please heed this warning that there is a dead weight loss being justified via regulations per jurisdiction and reach of such money. The only reason to trade is to minimize or eliminate such dead-weight loss for the county of origin; or at the very least, displace the DWL with the exporting country (ie, goods from China to America, the DWL goes to China and reduces in America.) Hence is why trade is important to policy.

Overall, this is a labor and sideshow policies meant to distract you, the unsuspecting public. from what is really occurring. A theft of governing yourselves. A theft of self-responsibility as a way to claim that we are responsible for you. A Measure to claim, to God, or whatever is heaven or hell; to say that we are ready to leave or colonize after Earth. It is a doomsday or Armageddon; of what I do not know. I can only speculate. Since World War II, we the people of the United States have been lied to by official sources with corporate and private controls, for the sake of profiteering (although it should be privateering like piracy) to make such claim on our labor and policy of enslavement though volunteering rather than by cohesion.  

Why reclaim what you are? To open paths shut for the sake of containing us as humans. Now, in this world of prisoner's dilemma, a few have created an artificial intelligence and making excuses that this is better. It is only just extending the calculator further into our world; a world beyond numbers, yet counted so. We in the west know, that an artificial intelligence can only go so far; and can only be used as a launching pad for humanity's sake at best; or destruction at worst. Reality is, humans have abilities that can reach out beyond the numbers. I, tonyotag, know the next move... it is not pretty, it is just fugly. (fugly is the f-word with ugly...just imagine it.) 

**Keep in mind the best solution is to continue trade and minimize debt to GDP ratio as well as expand domestic policy in line with reducing private debt to income ratios. For the militant, an extension of educational reform at the K-12 level (primary and secondary school) for self defense practices (think martial arts or physical sports; or even combined with scientific knowledge of the wilderness.) Every culture does have a maturity status [edit needed here?] and with every generation passing, it seems that we have forgotten what it means to harden the human being. Good luck and God speed. 

Keep in mind my economic research continues to solve for the "holy-grail" of "perfect money." 

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