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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Matt Gaetz Sex Allegations Was A Honeypot Operation! w/ Ian Carroll


*as a reply to @docbrown9664

Yes, via overhaul. Shine light where walls are built, and let the cockroaches squirm up the sides.
There will always be government, as anarchy still has one government left and that is within you.
Principal: "do onto others as one does onto oneself " (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31)
Lets bring chivalry back to America. Reinstate Habitus Corpus. Besides terrorists, why do you think Obama took it away? Why take away responsibility from the masses in terms of a rental economy instead of a ownership economy? They plot their families to rule over us instead of coexistence and integration.
Bring Chivalry back to America. Not the Middle Ages, just honorable citizenry the next level of chivalry.

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