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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Why Getting A ‘Good’ Job Feels So Difficult | CNBC Marathon


*it might be a security issue on entry level turnover rate. Employees at a lower level have front line access (typically.) Solving failure points in a system might be the deep seeded thinking of employers on why they want turnover, or a turnover test. If the test fails, then up the chain the question goes on why there is turnover or failure and a fix is offered or produced. Sometimes the fix is a sales proposal, otherwise it is internal and could be related to costs to the company, a perceived negative.  

Steve Bannon Declares WAR On Elon & Vivek!


*This is worth reviewing: Is China Behind the Woke Right? | Interview with James Lindsay : https://youtu.be/xVqCNZVyWBU?si=8vqquJ__VfVXVra8 
is Mr. Dore going to interview James Lindsay and/or Chris Chapel?

Monday, December 30, 2024

KENARI NUT - 7 ways it's used and why the fruit isn't (I ate it anyway)


*appx 18:20 wow, a real vegan cheesecake? Will it store/freeze well? possible  American market?

Is China Behind the Woke Right? | Interview with James Lindsay


*Communist Plot Alert needed for both American political parties.
In this case: forward this video to all elected American Representatives now

California Turning Red? Alleged Chinese Spy Caught in California Election


China's new AI model breakthrough


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Oz 'the Wall Street Mentalist' leaves 'Squawk Box' hosts speechless


*This is kind of creepy, yet I cannot look away...

Saturday, December 21, 2024

They Are Lying About The New Jersey Drone UFOs... Chilling Footage Proves Coverup


*This is what is known from Dr. Greer's info. There may be a minor disclosure event by mid-January: 

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Steven Greer! Billy Carson! Drone/UFO Events! (12/13 or 12/14 publish date) :: https://youtu.be/g525YfcVIwQ?si=un6fE7_1h-yEIg-n

I only call it "minor" because these "drones" are just part of a unacknowledged special access project and the crews/labor manning this are not pleased of what they are doing. If the real culprits would just confess their "sins" against humanity, then interplanetary colonies would be just another day walking in the park. 

Compartmentalization is the name of the game to give returns to those who want to just use humanity and not be (phycology) human themselves.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Powering up Virginia: World's first grid-scale commercial fusion power plant


*If this makes helium, I wonder how much they are going to sell the helium for. It is an ever scarce resource and is needed for MRI machines, among other uses. 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

NEW Drone / UAP / UFO Sightings EVERYWHERE! Is the Threat REAL?


FBI ADMITS Capitol Was Crawling With Feds On January 6th!


*wait...why do the FBI have to get them laid? O, wait...they are federal boob inspectors... 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Steven Greer! Billy Carson! Drone/UFO Events!


*Maybe the Audit was successful? 

Wait...this timing is suspicious! 

Are the controlers/oligarchs really just trying to validate their expense? Validate the expense that Congress validated per their budget process since Trump is now president elect (or at least the election is now over.) Right now is budget season in congress. Nevermind if it is illegal, constitutionally speaking, they just want to validate the American people's expense for the ake of the revenue they are going to earn from this event...? 

China to Issue US Bonds!?


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Inflation Gives Fed Green Light for December


*2.7 precent is still 0.7 too much. Yes I am calling out the "inflation is still too high." Please place inflation hawk(s) in the Federal Reserve. 1.0% inflation should be the target...not 2.0%  

How This TRULY Omni-Directional Wind Turbine is Genius


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Saturday, December 7, 2024

US Trade Deficit Explained, Housing Crisis Solutions, Rising Insurance Costs | Wall Street Week


Elon Musk Targeting Social Security Is HUGE Mistake!


Why Facebook-Parent Meta Is Willing To Lose Billions On The Metaverse


*the universe is enough to handle, why go for a scam such as a fake universe?
Maybe the real scam is to make reality so painful, that Facebook and the government forces commerce though the "metaverse?" Facebook building dystopia?

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Lindsey Graham Blurts Out The Truth About Ukraine!


Did Republicans Sue To Get More Teenagers Pregnant?


*Not enough teen pregnancies? Husbandry of humanity as proof of factions evident in this lawsuit.
They think of us as animals to breed and enslave. Such disrespect, why vote for that?

“Let’s Expose ALL Congressional Sex Crimes!” Says Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene. w/ Ian Carroll)


When Animals Lose Their Biggest Fear


Trump Nominates George Soros’ Money Manager As Treasury Secretary!


*This story is truth that Trump is trying to control the bankruptcy of the Federal Government. All in order to take away human rights; as planned decades ago.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Why don’t companies want you to repair your stuff? - Aaron Perzanowski


How RFK Jr. and Elon Musk's DOGE Can Implement Change in Government


*I would not cut taxes at this time. I would reduce or stabilize debt to GDP ratio to help reduce interest rate pressures.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Matt Gaetz Sex Allegations Was A Honeypot Operation! w/ Ian Carroll


*as a reply to @docbrown9664

Yes, via overhaul. Shine light where walls are built, and let the cockroaches squirm up the sides.
There will always be government, as anarchy still has one government left and that is within you.
Principal: "do onto others as one does onto oneself " (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31)
Lets bring chivalry back to America. Reinstate Habitus Corpus. Besides terrorists, why do you think Obama took it away? Why take away responsibility from the masses in terms of a rental economy instead of a ownership economy? They plot their families to rule over us instead of coexistence and integration.
Bring Chivalry back to America. Not the Middle Ages, just honorable citizenry the next level of chivalry.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Junk Food Lobby’s Plans To THWART RFK jr. As HHS Director!


*keep in mind, if RFK (of whom I would have voted for if still on the ballot) gets his way; the best of the worst revenge that food and drug corporate leaders could do is just shut down or hinder their production lines.... as planed by "the establishment." Such hinderance is a vow to hide the truth of retail....Walmart, Targets, etc... shutting down and consolidating. Keep in mind, shortages and worse inflation on the horizon because our supply chains were and are incorrectly made for the new bio-knowledge base that is already here. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

U.S. in a 'two lane' economy right now, says Bleakley's Peter Boockvar



*have a strong USD be a liquidity suck to make sure inflation stays low.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Advanced Tech Patents Are Not What You Think | Disclosure with Dr Steven Greer


Why Couldn’t The Deep State Stop Trump? w/ Scott Ritter


*If the deep state wanted Trump dead, they would not use a traditional bullet. 

Here is an example: 


Keep in mind that the 1970's was 50 years ago, just imagine what new weapons and espionage are now possible.

Disclaimer: I, tonyotag, am NOT an advocate of harming in any way of elected officials or civil servants (or of anyone.) I am just providing context of what exists.

Why is China TERRIFIED of a Book?


The plan to break apart Google... RIP Chrome


Friday, November 15, 2024

Rate will move lower long as we keep making progress toward 2% inflation, says Fed's Austan Goolsbee


*high dollar plus high treasury rates is due to the international bond market does NOT want American treasuries anymore. they do not want to fund a war machine. They do not want to fund against their own interests, besides why would they? Some countries and foreign wealthy have been bullied to buy US treasuries (primarily by economic hit men.) 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Ron DeSantis SHREDS Gavin Newsom! (Live Rumble Time Show)


Animal Diseases that Belong in a Horror Movie (do humans have psychosis?)


*do humans have psychosis? Trapped on Earth doing what now? Can leaders get it? What is sanity?

“Anchorman” Actor Sentenced To PRISON For Jan 6 Involvement! w/ Jay Johnston


*maybe Mr. Johnson should have done an Alford plea.... they type can cause issues with prosecution due to veracity of prosecution. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Monday, November 4, 2024

Create Your Own Map 2024 ; ELECTION MAP PREDICTION 11/4/2024


This map shows 

Harris/Waltz - 227

Trump/Vance - 223 (with Arizona leaning Republican; due to a technical glitch, I could not change it from toss up status.) 

toss-up 88 (with loss of Arizona per above; addition since last update of Iowa due to poll swing, see below.) 

These are number if Iowa is a toss up state, the last poll shows Harris +3 while the same poll showed Trump +4 about a month earlier. This election is truly a toss up! 

If Iowa leans Democrat and votes in that direction, does that mean the "blue wall" and a southeastern state will swing left was well? Maybe; Harris could win 300+ electoral votes and that will be the swing of the century so far! 

See video about IOWA poll: https://youtu.be/iuviq1x4veY?si=0F2rs3A2AwoqJWhZ

The next week or so will defiantly be exciting to watch. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Woke Cowards Hide Behind “Safety” BS! w/ Dr. Christian Parenti


Pentagon’s New Plans To Use Lethal Force Against Americans!


Neuralink Isn't Telling Us Something...


LEAKED Audio Reveals Global REPRESSION Campaign (with excerpt)


**speical note: only seen from Pakistan; other nations could be doing so or be affected. It is a type of political maneuvering that could be considered by any group. It is out of my ascription to ethical and moral duties to forward such info to humanity. 

What and why have we created machines (government, Artificial Intelligence, bombs, etc...) that lead to our destruction? Because we want to create and one must destroy the integrity of the paint in the bottle/jar to "paint" onto the canvass of creativity. To create means intermediate destruction between two states of status. Thus, what pollical organization would not threaten to destroy or manipulate? Patience? Its devotion to an ethos? A belief to its goals? Yes, all destruction or threats is itself a negotiation of what creativity can exist. 

Expert shows AI doesn't want to kill us, it has to.


I Scanned A Democrat & Republican’s Brains


Only Americans don't know about this groundbreaking comic


Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Super-Secret Project Agora Is Coming To Control Our Lives! w/ Paul Stone


*So, then how do you invest in your life's risky projects without government to point at for stopping you? Private industry (banks, insurance, etc...) trying to govern? Is that moral, is that ethical...I think not! 😮

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

“Here’s How I Convince People War Is Bad!” – Diane Sare


Political Quiz (survey/push poll...?)


*This seems like a push poll but done in a good way...? dare I say "good" for this? In any case, it is worth exploring for what it is. 

CFPB Director on new consumer banking data rules


*like a good security plan: sometimes a wide field or unfocused filed provides better security than a single more focused target; otherwise, a focused shot is a sniper's (programmer/hacker's) dream. A common sharing site or data stream of bank user info is better to hack than multiple smaller streams;; hopefully, programmers know this for the banking plan the CFPB director is promoting and will plan accordingly. 

Budget deficit putting Treasury prices in danger zone, suggests CNBC's Rick Santelli


*the systemic need for better national policy for better aggregate supply is needed for policy reform. No one wants to be told to climb the social ladder in order to caught by a glass regulatory celling; otherwise the system will break. This is a party and party communication issue (democrats and republicans.) This is not just a political issue, it is culturally and class systemic. 

Kid DESTROYS Kamala Harris With One Sentence On CNN! ​​(Live from Two Roads Theatre)


Black Men Read "Project 2025" And Share Their Unfiltered Reactions


*I am NOT in favor of project 2025; and I am Caucasian

Sunday, October 20, 2024

UBI Failed and Everyone Is Pretending It Didn't


* @OptimalOwl my comment is just a hypothesis anyway; does better lifestyle or what lifestyle would be a better outcome? Is there a maximum outcome? Who says or what is the optimum outcome? Was 1-2 hours of lost income significant enough per what normal variance is? if the study did not explore these topics/questions then what bar (besides control) are we measuring against? Obviously, a metal roof was better than a grass roof in the rural Africa study. Maybe the controversy of studying people's lives versus trying to help them is itself a controversy of privacy versus trust....?

UBI Failed and Everyone Is Pretending It Didn't


*UBI can only be done for two reasons: movement simplification (to lower overall cost) OR in leu of negative interest rates. 

Government simplification was already explained in the video as a UBI would replace many government programs...thus the cost savings. 

Replacing negative interest rates would be a bit more complicated but would have been implemented right after the 2007-2008 great recession. Essentially if the Central Bank/Federal Reserve could not go lower in interest rates, then people (upon approval of fiscal policy) would issue checks to non-corporate individuals (people) and can be curtailed to citizens thereof. 

**(sorry for the second post but maybe there is another health based reason besides just "financial positioning.") maybe in the paper is wrong due to unforeseen factors such as medical information: as overworked individuals (America is known to have low sleep, there is a sleep deficit....so less work people might have better health as replacement of 1-2 hours lost in income.) Thus the "net-worth" converted to a "medical" or healthy lifestyle benefit? [in other words, poverty creates a sleepless environment or poor sleep environment, and low sleep individuals tend to have the same effects as poverty has (even if the person is extremely wealthy financially.) The Liberian study mentioned in the video seconds this opinion because they sleep in the hut and no one wants a wet bed when they sleep.]

The REAL Reason Kamala Skipped Al Smith Dinner!


Trump's 2024 Blueprint for Stealing the White House w/ Greg Palast


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rare comet may be visible to the naked eye. Here's where to look. (once in a lifetime look)



Saturday, October 12, 2024

How T.J. Maxx Disrupted The Retail Industry


*A very good case study on proper retail marketing and procurement chain. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hackers are destroying the Internet's history book right now [replied]


*​ @666222333111  would not erasing evidence of the past decrease the possibility of cultural revolt or hesitancy to buy newer products/services for the sake of market share? akin to decreasing competition of attention....we do live in an attention economy and many modern companies are driven by attention getting habits of its audience or potential buyers. 

Hackers are destroying the Internet's history book right now


*So... why not the hacker group anonymous help defend the internet archive? 

Otherwise, it could be a wealthy group that is trying to erase the past to forge a new internet future?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Retail investors shouldn't touch China stocks, warns Safanad's John Rutledge


Fund Manager Reacts To Biden's Economic Advisor Failing To Explain Money


[below is a reply from video above]

* @henrygustav7948  yes, money is a tool to represent the value traded at time limit to zero....otherwise now (yes that is calculus.) I do not doubt the history you speak of, just an assumption of information that money represents. So, what federal reserve note assumes what....debt to whom?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

How Trump's and Harris' tax plans would affect your wallet


Roseanne Lodges DISTURBING Accusations Against Hollywood Elites!


BRICS Just Acquired 2 MAJOR Assets To Collapse The US Economy With New Currency | Andy Schectman


*Bad foreign policy equals bad trade...seems like the United States did not learn its late 1800's history lesson about international Trade. I, tonyotag, as an American feel ashamed and want to apologize for all the hypocritical, bad-faith dealing, bombing crap we have done to other countries around the world. May you know that my generation, millennials, and later want to heal our debt to income ratio as well as repair our bad foreign policy and practices, to be good-faith dealers in trade and practice. Know that there is an international click of wealthy individuals that want to destroy what America is for the sake and excuse of their ego; and your countries are NOT off of their agenda. They utilize foreign policy between nations to find space between spaces of law to get away with what they want to do, in orders of, and with impunity thereof, good. Manipulation of and between generations is part of their toolbox. 

[end of youtube posting...rest continues below]

At the same time, we Americans have a political disagreement (the major political parties) that have soured our trading promises into oblivion with other countries and cultures around the world. The Truth is we the people of the United States are held hostage and vote for our hostage takers by gullible and permissive population. Likewise, you and your dictators, whom are invested by the same debt lords that occupy your politicians' ears, have lied to you as well. Please heed this warning that there is a dead-weight loss (possibly minimized as much as possible) with central or monopolized banking schemes. Such banking schemes, as examples, are identified as central banks like America's Federal Reserve, the people's bank of China, or Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Please heed this warning that there is a dead weight loss being justified via regulations per jurisdiction and reach of such money. The only reason to trade is to minimize or eliminate such dead-weight loss for the county of origin; or at the very least, displace the DWL with the exporting country (ie, goods from China to America, the DWL goes to China and reduces in America.) Hence is why trade is important to policy.

Overall, this is a labor and sideshow policies meant to distract you, the unsuspecting public. from what is really occurring. A theft of governing yourselves. A theft of self-responsibility as a way to claim that we are responsible for you. A Measure to claim, to God, or whatever is heaven or hell; to say that we are ready to leave or colonize after Earth. It is a doomsday or Armageddon; of what I do not know. I can only speculate. Since World War II, we the people of the United States have been lied to by official sources with corporate and private controls, for the sake of profiteering (although it should be privateering like piracy) to make such claim on our labor and policy of enslavement though volunteering rather than by cohesion.  

Why reclaim what you are? To open paths shut for the sake of containing us as humans. Now, in this world of prisoner's dilemma, a few have created an artificial intelligence and making excuses that this is better. It is only just extending the calculator further into our world; a world beyond numbers, yet counted so. We in the west know, that an artificial intelligence can only go so far; and can only be used as a launching pad for humanity's sake at best; or destruction at worst. Reality is, humans have abilities that can reach out beyond the numbers. I, tonyotag, know the next move... it is not pretty, it is just fugly. (fugly is the f-word with ugly...just imagine it.) 

**Keep in mind the best solution is to continue trade and minimize debt to GDP ratio as well as expand domestic policy in line with reducing private debt to income ratios. For the militant, an extension of educational reform at the K-12 level (primary and secondary school) for self defense practices (think martial arts or physical sports; or even combined with scientific knowledge of the wilderness.) Every culture does have a maturity status [edit needed here?] and with every generation passing, it seems that we have forgotten what it means to harden the human being. Good luck and God speed. 

Keep in mind my economic research continues to solve for the "holy-grail" of "perfect money." 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Border Agent Whistleblower Explosive Interview Will Shock Your Conscience!


*Legal avoidance 101: do not acknowledge the problem. 

Side note: UFO/UAPs have been used in drug running and human trafficking as related to the pentagon and/or military industrial complex budgets.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Dockworkers FLEX Their Union Muscle & Go On Strike!


*if workers want a share of the profits then the ports need to give shares or a share purchase plan as part of bargaining agreement. (there can be a share cap per percentage ownership of the company. there can be a minimum dividend payout as part of bargaining agreement. If the the union wants to have workers a share of the profits, give a share of the risk (the corporate decision making risk.)) 

Dockworkers FLEX Their Union Muscle & Go On Strike!


The Censorship Of Reboot Was...BIZARRE


Elites Are Sh*tting Their Pants Over 1st Amendment At WEF Forum!


*Free speech is important as it allows the people that live, work, play, etc... communicate to their leaders of what is "is" rather than a preconceived lie that leaders tell themselves that what is important can be communicated. Feedback for any leadership is important is as part of being a leader; if feedback fails or is being criticized by the leaders, they are failing that class or participants/people of that society. 

So why destroy or change freedom of speech?.... because they are not leaders, they are followers of something else that want to not hear your complaints; they are not leaders that want to take away freedom, they are followers of something else that is harmful to humanity. 

Riddle: heaven and hell are both "communist"....?

Elites Are Sh*tting Their Pants Over 1st Amendment At WEF Forum!


How the US Lost the Solar Power Race to China


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

“The Democrats Have Lost Their Way Entirely & I’m leaving The Party!” – Dem Fundraiser Evan Barker


*I, tonyotag, plan to not vote for Trump OR Harris this election. Vote none of the above OR another party. DO NOT VOTE FOR DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bank investors are now betting 2024 could be the start of another 1995


How to Fix America Before We Really Blow It w/ Leigh McGowan


Secret Service Whistleblower Says Trump Assassination Was Inside Job!


*Its not just about selling weapons and contracts for profit; it is slowly rolling out a brave new empire for the sake of saving a lie for profits. This is piracy at the highest levels of social governance. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Mexico’s $7.5B Gamble to Disrupt the Panama Canal | WSJ Breaking Ground


*Is there anyway to hook up the railway with a third route north towards the Mexican-American boarder? Is worth investigating the pros/cons of such

Secret to the success of the Roman Empire | Gregory Aldrete and Lex Fridman


*Does America have the same Military-Geopolitical strategy? 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why It’s So Hard To Build Nuclear Power Plants In The U.S.


FULL VIDEO | 2024 Presidential Debate from ABC News


What are you going to vote for to screw yourself? Many of these issues are side-show issues. Sure, you (and I) want to afford our reality but a few have planned to get rid of human rights by being aggressive against America. How? 1. Inflation without reciprocate labor or supply chain, 2. Masking life with taking away human rights, 3. Reinforcing tyranny without bloodshed (even when you "accidently" vote for it.) It is planned, it is implemented at this time. Who? I don't exactly know who, but I do see effects of their commands. (If their name is in the media, then they are not controlling this. They are taking orders from someone or something else.) The "uni-party" has to defend against accurate domestic policy to maintain a profit margin that is greater than market equilibrium. The uni-party wants to create more debt-to-GDP ratio and that will crowed out private investors and business owners from cheaper (lower interest rate) loans. The reasoning of how is not agreed upon, so there is a debate and vote about it. So here we are, what are you going to vote for to screw yourself? (I, tonyotag, am going to vote 3rd party. All politicians need to earn my vote.)
(PS. if there were commercials on the live version of the debate then shame for ABC and the politicians for allowing such for-profit behavior on an important American decision.)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Victoria Nuland ADMITS To Sabotaging Ukraine Peace Deal ! w/ Mike Walz


SHOCKING ALASKA POLL: Donald Trump Leads by FOUR in SOLID Red State


*Alaska and Texas are bellwether states for the Republican party. Look to Kansas as a reason why....?

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

POWERFUL: Bill Maher DEFENDS RFK Jr.s Wife Cheryl Hines! w/ Ryan Dawson


Did the Bible Warn of Trump Coming To Power?


*So when will Harris use this during the campaign? Maybe use this during debate?

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Presidential Election Prediction 09/07/2024 - Trade-off value vote?

 Many polls are getting very toss up in the toss up states. 

Was it the value detractor of anti-free speech censorship by Democrats? OR the trade-off anti-reproduction rights that Republicans represent? 

The Trade-off is intentional to divide and conquer a country. To bankrupt a country (or default it.) What are we going to do as citizens of the United States? 

Both of our political parties are being hijacked by crazies! 😧😞

Are both political parties afraid of libertarian polices?


In any case my prediction right now is a very tight race of flipping the coin on who to vote for. Coin based odds on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checking_whether_a_coin_is_fair

So, if the election is fair we should see the "toss-up" states have a near 50% election within the standard deviation of one being and as of eligible voters = n and probability, p = 50% then per state and its weight of electoral votes: 

sqrt(n)/2 (just like the standard deviation of a coin flip, or at least a coin flip with some third party exceptions.) 

Hmmmm... seem similar to our election results right now for the past decade or so... 

My Electoral prediction: 


AZ - leans R (cannot change it on the map due to technical error but it is 11 lean republican electoral votes 

NV - toss up 

WI - toss up 

MI - toss up 

PA - toss up 

NC - leans R 

GA - toss up 

NH - leans D 

VA - leans D 


Harris/Walz - 227

Trump/Vance - 229 

Toss Up - 82

***too tight to call at this time, more polls, more debates needed. 

Current Senate map prediction 09/7/2024 - Republican Senate Possible?

 Republican Senate Possible?


MT - R 

NV - D

AZ - D

WI - D

MI - D 

OH - D 

PA - D 

MD - D

FL - R 

TX - R

Maybe MD, PA are toss ups, some polls are tied. 

Net effect is GOP +2 at 49 Democratic and 51 Republican Senators 

Republican Senate? 

August payrolls grew by a less-than-expected 142,000, but unemployment rate ticked down to 4.2%


*How much is the BRICS alliance and trade issues with USD causing the market to shortfall in Fed Funds rate? How much of a lag between BRICS countries and alliances reducing trade with the US or USD versus American inflation (or effect thereof?) 

I think the inflation forecast is very murky right now because of this issue. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sanchez: We're in a moment of uncertainty, waiting for the Fed to act


* [as reply to the last message] I was trying to be trite with my post above and you make a good point about incentives. 

Originally, inflation is an incentive to push people (humans, businesses, corporations, etc...) into looking into producing more resources (aggregate supply) while keeping (aggregate) demand on a budget. There is some framework suggesting that we have hit a supply wall as well. Aggregate supply is made up of four components: labor, capital, technology, and institutional structure. If aggregate supply remains the same, but demand still grows, then price levels will continue to increase (this case inflation) as GDP growth stalls, this results into a (near) vertical line. The only way to decrease price level changes is to curb aggregate demand as what the Federal Reserve has done... raise interest rates. 

The real issue is, have we as humans ran out of innovative ideas versus the velocity of demand to make an impact on aggregate supply to alleviate pricing pressure from demand? Probably not, unless there is resistance in the form of institutional structure corruption.... hence the UFO/UAP debate of hidden and unreleased technologies and why it might be important to tell the truth when it comes to "innovation;" but I digress. Furthermore, we do have some answer with labor and capital of the Cobb-Douglas production function: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobb%E2%80%93Douglas_production_function 

but, not for technology (which could be random in effects...? and institutional structure, which could become shadowy from security and anti-espionage reasons. 

So, to answer your question about inflation without jobs...ie stagflation. That is a scenario politicians, Federal Reserve officials, and economics want to avoid, but might not be able to in order to preserve growth (GDP or bank(s) balance sheet.) My personal policy is above 0 but keep inflation tame at 1% or lower until the stalemate ends or a better solution that is not commodity currency related. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sanchez: We're in a moment of uncertainty, waiting for the Fed to act


*Until inflation is below 1% annual, reduce by 25 bps only per fed meeting. 

3% is not the new 2%. 2% is still too high. 

Yes, I am an inflation hawk; and I would rather see fed balance sheet adjustments than interest rate reductions until inflation is below 1%

China’s Risky New Megadams Lie in One of the World’s Most Remote Places | WSJ


*tagline: China building world largest domino set, nature to push the first one.

 The water weight alone from the dams will cause earthquakes that then cause dam failures. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

There will be a massive boost to the cost of living & inflation if Trump's elected: Justin Wolfers


*no price controls needed. Maybe breaking up companies per anti-trust law and/or prevent mergers. Overall, do not control prices unless you want quantity surpluses OR severe shortages. 

A Glimpse Into Dark World GOP Wants For Women?


CNN Cuts Off RFK Jr. Speech Mid-Sentence!


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fed’s Patrick Harker on ‘Process’ of Rate Cuts, Unemployment


*it might be a mistake to follow advise of the commercial banks about momentum of rate movements. FOMC needs to be data dependent and not influenced by "easy money  grabbers."

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dr Greer's Latest Updates 8 24 24


*I support your work Mr. Greer. Here are some clues and I think you already know....maybe....::

Judeo-Christians masking or using frankism worship for racketeering on secrecy of UFO/UAP and abusing the patent secrecy act within the Department of defense.  

Might violate RICO as the religious belief may violate preconceived notions armed/military service of the United States, commercial contracts, and performance duty to the nation.

Probably violates constitutional chain of command by keeping secret innovations, diplomacy of foreign entitles, and/or other illegal activities using military/navy services from elected officials of the Untied States.  

If there are religious reasons not to tell the chain of command that there is non-humans or humanoids contacting Earth/America in some way then what purpose are you serving?

See references: 

Confessions of a UFO Hunter: Ross Coulthart interviews Lue Elizondo


Candace Owens Shocking Comments On Israel Prompt Calls To Censor Her!



Bessent: Precarious Equilibrium in US Economy


Saturday, August 24, 2024

8/24/24 presidential electoral count prediction



as of today 8/24/2024

I am awaiting more polling data to get an accurate tally of who will win presidential 2024. The DNC convention and RFK endorsement of Trump will swing the polls a bit, so waiting a week or two will be beneficial to see what is is. 

As per my prediction above 

240 Harris 

46 Toss up (too close to count or need more polling data) 

252 Trump 

Confessions of a UFO Hunter: Ross Coulthart interviews Lue Elizondo


*"have you read your bible lately" - respond on "which version?" (always go back to the original text written in the original language, etc...) 

Religion or religious people hiding things again....no diplomacy is an insane position. 

Hospice: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


Friday, August 23, 2024

Ex-Pentagon Insider on How UFO's Work and Why the Government is Disclosing Information


*If our aircraft have compromises then maybe.... 

maybe the UFO's/UAP's have a compromise: hull shielding (they are fragile comparable to each other) and/or occupants are compromised in some way....?

BREAKING! 818,000 New Jobs Were A HUGE LIE!


*bls.gov :: How dare a democrat secretary of commerce not know bls.gov 

know your economics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phillips_curve

BTW: higher federal funds rates affect bank overnight lending rates and in turn effect treasury bills/bonds rates then effects borrowing rates. 

So, no, higher rates  do not directly affect labor rates, they affect new borrowing OR rotational accounts borrowing interest rates that then effect the labor market as a lagging indicator. If trade keeps up where employer prices for inputs decrease or stay the same, then it increases the likelihood of more growth, and increases the likelihood of wages increasing. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Will West Virginia Vote Blue in 2024? w/Troy Miller


Modern Women Are DOOMED By This New Anti-Paternity Fraud Law Approval!


*So, how does this conflict with the general notion of great apes behavior versus human modern politics and evolution? Does paternity fraud laws and anti-abortion laws confirm that Republicans or conservative (socially) representatives confirm that evolution is real? How does this conflict with religious voters? Careful what you ask for. Is it known in family and home economics that a stable home can be more important than genetic origins for social stability....? 

I am confident that testing will clarify the court system's rulings; I hope the testing is done with minimal or no physical or medical harm to anyone; and laboratories are kept at maximum scientific accuracy. I am ok/neutral with testing this way due to how the state/political parties tends to ruin or expose their own failures in policy. 

citation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3548427/ (mutation rates per generation is too low to account for DNA drift to create a false positive in paternity testing.) (Overall I expect 49.x% (appx. less than but about to 50%) genetic maternal from each parent, depending on individual genetic drift AND other complications of testing from chimeras and gestation/conception defects, etc...) 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I Didn't Think China Could Do This. I Was Wrong.


*party-ism is destroying the world, as designed. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Can Kamala Harris Match Trump in a Debate?


*Harris is a lawyer. She was a prosecutor. I am pretty sure Harris has practiced in front of juries in order to seal the deal. What the real controllers of the world need is a sales person, and Harris has to make that case.....this video shares that case. And yes, I do worry about the ideocracy of today's situation. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Current RCP map 8/13/2024

2024 seems to be in Trump's corner. Lets see more polling from the Swing states in the next 2 to 4 weeks. [for the record I am neutral and only base my findings on recent poll numbers ]

Harris 227

Trump 287

Too close to call: 24

Virginia (needs more polls) 

 Wisconsin (too close to call) 

Nebraska District 2 (one electoral vote) 
