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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Own a home?


Pin and chip fraud


Blaming liberal


Friday, October 30, 2015

grow new brain cell connections (as love)


Universe as rat park?


Then as if we are watched by the gods of man, they pick the idles of addiction and cages to place the men. To place the choices. Of which God chose infinity to love, then stage and cage was met to become the owner of self, the owner of what they please...

The gods became devoured because of what God knew before the truth was told to him by prime creator; the monster of true nothingness cannot get inside the realm of love. The monster will devoue and erode hose outside the cage.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Red-blue war?


It would not surprise me that the realms of spirit would know the same due to our behavior of being earthlings.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cell be medicine


Soak up the Mercury


Let them film


It is legal to film in public space

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Addictive as crack? Cheezy outcome of survey


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sunday, October 18, 2015

BIG CHINA statistics


alzheimer tests


The darkness of loving oneself?

Direct Investment Real Estate


Trust thy light?



Yes I think both sides are screwed...

And so; the humans rebelled against the old families for a new charter of new families. And, the power of light would eventually show the demons in each creation that our soul possesses from the point of view of a higher power. As to this is was what the old families were communicated to by the creator when Earth was to "rise" again. (Why do you think the Vatican has a library? To keep open-secretes, and to close-truths of God's creation of life's power itself.) See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5NbEjkkPlI (Yes it is a video game but you have to understand where the money flows to fund the story-line into real video game product.) Read the library of your enemies and you will know their goals and objectives (of victors and dreams.)

Thursday, October 15, 2015


an email from fightforthefuture.org


Last week, WikiLeaks released the final text of the TPP’s intellectual property rights chapter and it is absolutely terrifying.
These are just a few of its most dangerous pieces:
  • Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
  • Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
  • Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
  • End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
  • Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
  • Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
For years, governments have held critics of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in a perfect catch 22. Officials brushed off public outcry and concern by claiming that the dissenters didn’t have all the facts.
This was by design—the 12 country trade deal was negotiated entirely behind closed doors by industry lobbyists and government appointees, and even now the text of the agreement is still classified.
But late last week, WikiLeaks released the final text of the Intellectual Property chapter, meaning those excuses won’t work anymore.
We’re planning to go all out against the TPP, but the first step is to make sure Congress knows just how many people oppose the TPP.
Taking action today is just the beginning, because if all we do is send emails and make phone calls, Congress is not going to reject the TPP. Too many giant industries are seriously invested in making sure Congress ratifies the TPP.
If we’re going to win, we need to go big. Which is exactly what we’re going to do.
So take action right now. Contact your Congresspeople now and tell them to vote against the TPP. Then get ready to do more because we’re going to unleash some of our strongest campaigns ever.
Already we have plans to work with hundreds of different groups as a massive coalition to fight the TPP, coordinate gigantic on-the-ground protests in key cities across the country, and produce compelling content to spread the word to as many different audiences as possible just what is at stake in the TPP.
Thanks for all you do,
P.S. Want to read the text of the chapter for yourself? Check it out on WikiLeaks here, or read their overview of it here. It’s long and complicated, so maybe you'll see something that we didn't. If you do, send us an email.











Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Scary drug


Farm Programming

A copy and paste into this blog from an email that I have received:

(see: https://www.nafb.com/ )

Farmers and ranchers throughout the United States count on radio for daily, accurate agriculture news and information. Farm radio connects producers with local, national and global industry leaders. Farm radio continues to play an important role in connecting ag producers and the industry together. Even as smartphone usage continues to climb, farmers and ranchers continue to rely on farm news from the local farm broadcaster. Research conducted by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) shows young farmers are keeping up-to-date with farm news via radio.

Farm radio is a daily news gathering source for producers, it's mobile, and it's on throughout the week. Research shows that the more frequently a farmer listens to farm radio, the more minutes per day they listen. If you need to reach farmers, farm radio is the perfect media for message frequency.

Farm radio is a main source of information for farmers and ranchers across the country. NAFB members produce farm programming heard on more than 1,300 AM/FM radio stations, plus TV and satellite radio daily, connecting with the 2.1 million ag producers nationwide.

Hear from producers on why they listen and count on farm radio keeping them up-to-date on agricultural news, markets and weather. We sat down with several farmers this year to learn more about their radio listening habits.

Fun honey


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Middle Eastern Cell Phone Footage


A fight of towers and empires with the war of attrition between them. The towers of capitalism versus the towers of religion. A classic social storm and alchemy.

Death by Light?


death by fire = death by light?

China's position?


Monday, October 12, 2015

North Dakota for exports?


North Dakota has loose business climate. Then is a red state for Republican. So...is that the reason for TPP and loosening the oil exports to other nations for America?

Heart in a box




Purchase your audiance


Solar america


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Watch all the parts


Watch all the parts to the end. Parts 1 included above. There are three parts.

Is this an "ascention" game?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Heartland shaking

From The Weather Channel Android App: http://www.weather.com/news/news/oklahoma-earthquake-enid-oct102015

Speaker needed


Replay of -ism


Beleif of dark or light... As of "-ism" becomes an ignorance of one's control of another. That is the irony of money that is the ironey of capitalism (it has an ism in it...)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ok to drudge




the internet should be free because once censorship took over the roman forms...then the roman empire fell...

Stop EMP Order needed?


A stop EMP order needed?

Would that have happened without a nuclear guard of UFO's? (Karma induced to allow the nuclear power...)

Yet; only this aftermath would be...of survival and is not technical spirituality?

I am confused between this and http://paoweb.com/

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cuba net


Walled in


Fuzzy math enforcement


Women power increase greed factor!


Popeing Washington


Pope vote


Paperwork woes vatican and china


China imf fund?


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Kill christians?


Is there an alchmic cult trying to ruin America?

Orwellian meems
