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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is there anyone reading my posts???

I know blogger software will count me as a visitor or a "page view" if I visit my own site using the same computer and browser as that I am writing this now. All I wish is that if there is some one reading these pages is to leave me a note, a criticism, or other thing so that I know I am not missing out on another conversation; potential friends, job opportunities (I am so broke and in too much debt. I cannot even afford my life and I know how the real estate investing network works; but the international political gamesmanship does not like me because they see me and the general population as a threat to their worshiped status and survival.)

As of Today; there are some people in Russia and America reading my posts (blogger software is great at pinpointing this!  :)

If you wish to talk and probe my brain for ideas I am open for consultation for your endeavors (free or shared use depending on what I want or need.) My rate is somewhat close to survival at this point in my life, but if you are running a business and like the ideas that I am sharing; please contact me at arostert@ncsu.edu (no spam or the email becomes spam.)

I would have gotten into real estate but....it is a well crafted scam!

Several months ago the county was on the brink of bankruptcy, but is more of a transition plan to get out of the oil trade from the east and west (see my previous comments on Benjamin Fulford's blogs and postings, (further note that I really do not want to attract bad or unwanted attention AND I really want to help the situation by re-balancing the world's balance sheet, cash flow, and profit structure with hard core economic science and not the weird hogwash that both parties (monetary, not political in origin) are conducting. They conduct the trade this way as to trap the binary (duality) world and lower dimensions into currency itself. In fact, the idea of a world meritocracy was ALREADY TRIED by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers (yes I know they are on the bottom of the 'pyramid') from the University system that has now enveloped the world economy. One reason it failed is that they hired or were framed by "light" forces by having inventors killed due to petroleum obsolescence. They are professional pirates and have subjugated my  (and many others') living-standards to house poor status akin to many in the world. In truth, one must be thankful that they took this much bait to build houses in the first place.)) ...and the oil trade thing: the truth and false realities that both worlds of "east" and "west" exist with is that they are inseparable, both physically in our tangible world (Earth) and trade wise with Chinese debt backed with US dollars and US government debt. So, if the US government decided to have a jubilee or NESARA event, it would trigger a Chinese bankruptcy as dark prophecy foretells. It would not surprise me that a true world jubilee is needed with fiat currency and more stringent asset pile enforcement. How stringent? As much as it takes with state sponsored love (kind of makes me feel queasy thinking about that as much as what this world has come to. The only reason for being queasy about this idea is that it is enforced conditional love and that is what the dark forces of this planet really want us to have...conditional love even at the blessings of the Vatican and its respective "bank." (sarcasm.))
And after china falls, then the rest of the world finally can fall with it. As Chinese investments in Africa, South America, and other places around the world decide to default and gain the advantage of real assets there as well. This may have been established by the Annuniki when Nixon was president of the United States due to the western world looking for "cheap" labor. This might have been the "bait" by the light as the dark forces already took gold from the Chinese royalty decades prior.

Asset Pile Accounting...

...is for easier logistics and economics. To see more clearly where the pile has risen to "a bunch of "shit"" status (ie. worth nearly nothing and as it is.) It is commonly known as accrual accounting and is known for one flaw: tedious practices of counting every single thing of value. Thus making the entire practice of accounting as its priests and the banks its temples (weather in communism, dictatorship, democracy, or republic banking is there to count it...to death via a temporary life.)
Changing the dynamics is like the game Orthelo: simply learned, hard to master. First we must learn the rules to money that shapes the strucure of the general population:
1. Money is an indicator of value =  price times the quantity
2. profit is return on a hard flat counted value basis; where percentage gain (like interest rates) is a comparative value basis claim of judgement (how much more relative to other economic values does this asset return?)
3. managing interest rates requires the understanding that inflation is prevalent on an equity or a debt basis (not as an asset as many believe because in accrual accounting, assets are a combination of both in some form of that corporation (or in the case of accounts receivables of liabilities on other corporate books. The same game can be placed with equity as notes and bonds owned is liabilities on other books.)

With rule three, this is whee pile accounting comes in:
(After a first wave of jubilee as decreed by heaven....)
-no more bonds
-no more stocks as liable holdings
-no more expected cash flow as an asset, instead cash flow is known (this makes many assets and risk evaluation different than what exists today)
-values are encouraged by political parties to be both inflationary or deflationary
-real production can only go so far to provide accurate liquidity
----precious metal based currencies will only bolster the price for gold and silver enriched land, thus justifying the real estate sham!

But how is real estate a sham?

Land itself is not, but justifying people's lives off of what land there is placed on there (like a house, an office, mine, industrial, etc...) is just plain nuts. Economically, land is a perfectly competitive market with imperfect distribution, therefore has a high to very high variance relative to life stages of the beings that are there to manage the property, and the building's depreciation = print the money to count the land and insulate the psychology from the land into the people. That is why the masons and many other Illuminati groups printed or used money. With gold and silver, at least it is directly from the land itself.

Additionally, land rights are granted though the deed and payment of any liens on it. If there was any greater threat of an international consortium that wanted to waste a nation trying to become "independent" it would have to lien the entire country (more debt) or individual sharecroppers on the lands' deed itself.

Reform (still in research/seeking phase)
An economic jubilee would be nice to maximize the variance schedule of exchange and revalue all valuations of previous purchases; otherwise, still researching best use practices with practical methods to life itself.

So the question is, what is practical?
The answer is justly, the labor and utility thereof. If one wanted to manipulate a nation, the land itself and the people thereon it is not a bad idea (OK, it is really bad but what aspirations are there to justify not doing so?) In such manipulation, one stirs up the population and stirs up what is there to grab back (greed.) Thus the answer of yesteryear is manipulate the population = manipulate the labor pool.
Today (and of many wishes of the post american civil war period up to world war one) many worldly scholars wished for a utopia based social system where happiness was natural for the population to be. This was not the case in many different attempts in later years up though the 1970's.  The culprit in many of these attempts was a forum of judgement (courts) instead of love that attempted to subdue the population into obedience. Many of the laws was from the original land owners who then used rents or rent seeking mentality (in the form of a mortgage) to count the previous indebtedness and servitude to those who might know better management of the land (a gamble.) Yet in many iterations and generations of such practice, a maximized temporary productivity would ensue AND apathy for labor in later generations in comparison (if the country uses GDP and GNP growth measures for wealth which is natural due to currency as a method of trade.)

The answer to this dilemma is jubilee every generation, the problem is how much money to give and the rules associated to it? (The best answer is: honor the new gifts of each generation and receive more and better quality anyway.) Because money is used to pay for the old: it is only the next wealthiest generation that receives the next best marginal growth; and the poor and wealthy stay where they are. This method justifies inflation as the tool rather than counting assets due to the method of though in producing no jubilee.)

Finally, land is a community project with some sort of use rights. We do this anyway in America with zoning.

A national land clearinghouse would be best if fiat currency was to be printed and utilized from the land itself (although why housed in a the churches of banks anyway?) 
The clearinghouse would have deeds with maximum value (or no value at all) and houses would be printed with a depreciation value on it for tracking purposes and full disclosure of what the maintenance costs of the house really are. Maximum values would be set by local governance and any land would be monitored by 
existence wish

Labor and its dichotomy (and union with love)

When performing a task, one has opportunity cost that can be used on other things. Economics has taught me this one simple premise (and current ideas between Pisces separating to the the wavy bands of Aquarius is true.) As one performs that one task, then that one task is itself will constrain the mind and body from other tasks to be completed; but at what point will the task that is unique to the position of labor be maximized if the labor unit (worker/human) was trained with more skills? This fundamental question is the dichotomy between specialization of labor and pluralization.

Specialization is the unique set of skills that become defined for that position and is near maximized for production (or is maximized, but we are all human, right?)

Pluralization is the opposite, it is all the knowledge and skill sets that exist in one being, quality is iffy. An example is jack of all trades, master of none.

So then, why pluralize and by how much if needed?
It does depend on how much marketing, the firm, and the general need of labor is in demand for that idea. Mixing the two can provide a whole human (or adapt the position to the whole human) into a more productive unit. Compensation is increased and guaranteed back to the business. And, the employee has more skills for life's improvements (community improvement.) This can also stretch the labor needed for any business by providing less labors needed per unit. In other words a productivity boost.
Too much pluralization, or too many skills, then the laborer will decline in expected productivity relative to what is available to be productive.

Balance is up to management and the employee to maximize the business productivity.

NOTE: This might be a third dimension type skill and needs to refined when time becomes sped up. Then time increases (or resource expense) then more labor will be needed per unit produced regardless of knowledge or skill.

Therefore, what happens if there is too much specialization? The answer is true, brainwashing, soul-washing, and other forms of persuasive measure to make sure the employee becomes part of economic dogma can become true overtime; over generations. Why, the natural path of not knowing more than what work is required? To constrain the earning power of the next marginal (in time and unit produced) of a raise to the employee (more cost to business.)) Then, how to cause a raise? Reduce the burdens of auxiliary costs to hiring and doing business; therefore making the product more profitable for all (buyers and sellers.) (Note that all markets (industires) are placed on a scale and measured against Gross and/or Net Domestic Product and facilitated as if it is technically going to produce a profit to society or not relative to the whole of society (macro.) This is also true with equity and liability markets as well. The simpler the balance sheets across all sectors the easier it is to see where the technical growth should be (time, money, or utility of wants/desires.)

Think of the light in awake and sleep

Many years ago I invaded the dreamland bases using my dream state. Shining light there and stealthily passing the "guards" before doing so. Why? Why not. If the state is in our dreams via a military funded contingent; then they are invaders in our bodies too? Legally speaking of course. In context of legal confidence of the realms of spirit; it was probably the weirdest and bravest move that I could have done. It may have resulted me in gaining a pituitary tumor and acromegaly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acromegaly) as an earlier post that I have noted. In effect, I remember me gaining consciousness in my dreams to spread the word that God and light was coming with love to the earth and that we needed to prepare to let go of our possessions and allow the United States to become a waste dump for the world's refuse. (Yes, that is how bad the global elite think of us today; but I know we are better than that.) I know we are better than refuse and spiritual garbage that the world and Vatican wants us to think of us as. And I know that work is something I would have really wanted to do; alas, I know my mother and father has given me too much, and likewise I have restricted my heart from being a beacon from the dark due to their pervasiveness at finding awakened ones and using their own life as a form of torture (or maybe I am nuts?) However, why make the United States into a garbage dump? Well, is it what the Federal Reserve and elite want? I know that I do not want such to happen. Let alone the love and light that I know that must exist here. To more beyond the abundance, and into the self development that is important for every being.

I wish there was an outlet for my wish to merge the outwardness and in inwardness of spirit and body. Where the dreams and awakened part can coexist with plurality and multifaceted planes of light and love. I wish to love; knowing that every day would be the day I become. I became once before, and await for the feminine energies to enter this planet once again (and they are though the air of Aquarius.) Alas, I remain a pisces and await for God's hand and heart again.

When I sleep I know the sun is there; as I am a sun conjunct Neptune with a sextile to Jupiter near conjunct mars in pisces (12/27/1986). Quite a difficult challenge and unique perspective I have in life, caught in the middle class warfare with the knowledge that there are hoarders of social policy. Sounds like our universe and the ideals of the dark. I know that it is true in both my heart and mind. I wish and hope that everyone finds forgiveness in their hearts of what was done in the past several interactions of earth. I know that my soul might fade in this round of Aquarius; and I love as much as I can. Thus, as I sleep, as if there is darkness there I know the sun can still be bright in my dreams. I know that the sun can still be bright in my heart and thoughts.

I know my father somewhere is probably going to read this (filtered by spiritual agents?) If so, I know that I love him still and that he will move on, in my heart.

One does not have to be born in order to do this. As the body dreams, so does the soul live. As the soul is in the awakened body, so does it guide the moving parts of all the available organs. Then, as you dream, one's soul can guide any organ to take control of the primary aspect of the spiritual realm; thus copying into the realms of spirit and thus a light body can become. While living, the mind can be trained to adapt to any thought and any thought can become light or dark; I prefer love and light, there is more pleasure and satisfaction there. From that, one must mediate in both the sleeping lands and the awakened state to merge the two. Some say it is the shadow lands; nye, it is not the shadowlands, but it is the lands within one's soul; not that of a group, that of what the higher self stands on. Getting on to this, then one can ascend while in the dreams.

If I had to write a will today: I would ask God for my soul to be blown to where I can ascend and help others as well without harming my own family.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Don't shoot the messenger...monetize it!

It is simple, do not kill the messenger unless you are trying to destroy the message. Hide a fact, conceal a cleverly planted lie, destroy another's truth. Do not destroy the messenger, unless you want to eliminate the idea that the messenger represents.

Yet, what let to do with a messenger that keeps coming to us every single day. For there is only so many plots of land to place a tombstone for. That is where one can bribe the messenger of what one wants to want what you want to bribe it with. Gold, money, it is all the same. The messenger gets the same message...take my message and return to the origin of where it came, or tell the people in the street so it is common knowledge like all the other nations' spies know that you have arrived at my post too. Bribe the messenger only if you can afford your spies and their spies and the enemy that you may think of too. Only bribe the messenger only if you can hide if a war happens from the bribe.


The bribe is not the end. It is only the beginning to tell a lie to the messenger who might have brought you a lie too. Make sure you are getting facts; make sure you know every single thing. Dot your i's and cross your t's for information warfare is only the beginning of commerce. War and commerce is only the same, yet what speech is just enough? Freedom to speak one's truth, or is it a messenger within a clever lie. Lies in families with monarchies or lies in paperwork institutions, dictatorships, communes, etc...

The truth everywhere of what I wish to see, yet what light was there with the messenger's lie that I thought was the truth; or was my mind the messenger telling me it was a lie as the truth? A dilemna indeed.

So today, I ask that one understands, that your device in your pocket is there to be a messenger for you. The phone, the spies over the phone...big brother...big sister...Orwellian ideas, nevermind. Maybe the idea of a government as a messenger, of God or people is just as much as the lie itself anyway. God, no; it can only tell the truth, or forsaken itself to death by its own laws it makes within. So, maybe God only tells you of what programming you are; at least it will only tell you of what truth you are, like reading. Like keeping one's distance of away from your own thoughts. A messenger is the ideas that we are today, for God to learn. For us to learn. For the universe to feel the vibrations as learning/information input. So then, are you thinking or programming yourself as the truth of what you are? Are you? Are you? Even I must ask as I write these words. Did I be the truth that I deserve?
Some think not as I am still unemployed. But know not that it be anyway; be that your knowledge is kept by God to always tell the truth, as truth is important to know and apply.

So as God knows the truth, others become speakers of God, speakers and guardians of that truth I mentioned. That truth became guarded from other messengers who could have been spies or liars. They called themselves priests and subverted the voice of God. They as messengers become spies of their own greed of some kind. By trinkets we paid for a voice of "God" to tell us a truth. From their idea of what truth it was. We followed the money and money followed the idea of the messenger.

It takes energy to travel the message. So money became part of messenger's energy and energy to all of society itself. That is why oil and energy is guarded, to protect the energy of the messenger. Yet our phones take the energy of the same. Yet, the land is where it all was played on. The messenger travels and roads were built. The energy came from the land (food, oil, surface area for solar panels, etc...) So the managers in the area who heeds the messenger decided to manage the land and their peoples. The peoples itself was the chattel to hire and fire, to make sure they knew not of the messengers, the wars, the bargainings of the managers (tax and rent the land). Ownership becomes a hurdle to become one with knowledge. Thus in the end, everyone is counted and counting everything. Except for one who has the art and science of the messenger.

If you think about your phone, you pay people to listen to every conversation you have via taxes and consent. And it evolves to counting, then to the idea of a printing press to print as much money as you want to say to the managers who hold the world hostage: "I wish to bribe you, what is your payment." Thus a new industry was born, a toll to die, to risk, and to gamble: insurance.

From insurance wars could not be fought. Wars were to be managed like a theater, a play, a greeting to the knowledge that the universe could learn from...death and disharmony. Insurance gave money to managers to manage the war you fought in, in any state sponsored event. Even if the policy would not pay of you die or injured, you sure did. But Insurance counted even more things. Insurance counted every single idea that was traded, legally, and ended up the the hands of those who make a program to pollute the land. The very land that fed the managers and manipulated the ideas and knowledge you received from child hood. A knowledge that every parent would not like anyway because their parent was given the same information. Generation, after generation, the new messenger became to control the next group of people who were born.

That next generation was always the goal. That next generation was always the next one to serve the mangers or become the mangers to be served (spiritual or otherwise.) As the truth became lost to the priests because, they were the ones in the beginning to require money for advice, knowledge, truth, ideas, the very essence of why you should be here. But what if the priests were the same as the mangers of the messengers? The managers of the money and how it flowed, it became. They are primary all desk jobs anyway, right? Lazyness, sloth, greed, power, sin, sin, sin...Until today

Until today where we are eating this planet to death with concrete. Today we drive in little cars and fly our toy airplanes thinking we are safe from the truth that money will save us. That our managers do not know how to lie to us. That the torts (courts) have judgement that was itself the start of why there were messengers in the first place. Today we have our minds instead of our hearts; where in truth both matter, and both must exist. A mind to guide the heart in myopic matters, and a heart to lead the mind in loving, compassionate care in time and space (maybe I am wrong on this one?) Today, we must redesign our idea of how society should be ran; not with the messenger in mind, but only to receive and give in heart.

********FYI: I really hope God remembers me when and if I die. Or become lost in the dark again. I dark dive for God. I am a volunteer that needs to rest somewhere. Earth was OK; earth was OK indeed. Yet was it the best that we can do, relative to anything else?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

It is not about winning or losing...

It is not about winning or losing. It is about cohabitation and finding a median; an agreement that all can assume to continue. Even then, what change is really important? What skills? In the begging it was always getting a soul to have a will. To have a steadfast honor of today and tomorrow. The truth is that every death is a soul is dead in the land of relations. A land relative to all else. What actions are relative? Maybe there are those who looked outside of themselves to heed a call to arms. The arm the ideas into a social construct where those of leadership can think and know harder than be easy. Yet, it is our world that is safer than the margin?

it is not about winning or losing....it is how one plays the "game." Yet, what game? One life only, one life the live, one life to continue? Why should we then treat this as a game? The game of resources (Thrones?) I wonder, if instead of grass the world grew crops everywhere, and the population was peaceful and responsible?

Yet my soul was born in a year of the fire tiger (1986) and God is said to be born in the year of the water dragon. Tow elements cannot coexist with each other; can they. Yet is this not looking outside of myself? Will I ever really learn my lesson? Will my lesson, if learned really be not a copy of the art that exists in the world today?

Self dignity ignored is an investment never made. An investment never continued and an investment never realized to create the dignity in the first place. With such logic, I then conclude that the dark that inhabited this world of earth was of my own minions who wanted to set me free to God/heaven/heart/love...

So then the creative powers is our labor; let us labor then rather than to count our economies into death. Yet, it is our sensory perception organs that have become too trained outside of our bodies. Thus our bodies are prisons of the imagination in our minds yet preformed by our labor that we wish to share with all.

At what quality and trust? Is trust really the issue? If so, is incarnation the breakage of trust? What would happen if every single person on the planet decided to just not care? We already know that answer today: cities and towers, buildings to snuff the lands; laws to snuff the creativity before becoming harmful to others.

Out of what I have witnessed in my life is that I only hope that the light has a plan for me to know the same information that I know today; as a precautionary tale of what happens with a world without trust, or trust mismanaged.

***A plan for a walk-able city = 1880's township design with vegetable and fruit gardens at every corner. What we put out is what we eat + what is available from mother earth's resources.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Knights of Solomon - that is cool

Just posting this, because I like this.

From a recent video of ProjectCamelot.org: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwGN-xNAWXg


Friday, June 13, 2014

Employment Professions List Barred As Part of the Illusion?

I wonder how much labor goes towards these professions:
  • Accountants*
  • Insurance Agents
  • Advertising Professionals
  • Internet Marketing Professionals**
  • Attorneys
  • Investment Bankers
  • Business Sales Professionals**
  • Loan Officers/Mortgage Brokers
  • CPAs (Certified Public Accountants)
  • Merchant Services Providers**
  • Financial Planners/Counselors
  • Real Estate Agents/Brokers*
  • Tax Preparers
I also wonder how much of these professions will die due to New World Order disclosure. Sure, many businesses need these professions in order to thrive; but much of the regulations that allow these service businesses to continue, are also becoming obsolete to the current human psyche. I also wonder if many of these same or similar professions were in high unemployment in the Great Depression (1929). Yes, there are many great learned leaders that came from these professions, but they do not create the wealth, they only redistribute it at time limit to zero (or as soon as profitable/profitable (the other ASAP).) [**Although they are extending the current system of money as a necessity, it is my understanding that these professionals can be displaced in a new money-less social system and provide the services at low capital/resource cost. *Real Estate Brokers and property law also cannot be existent in a realm of sharing; however, two people in the same space is really hard to do. Likewise, accountants, cannot be employed due to the obsolescence of money in a love based social system.]

Let me get this straight, many of these professions require a personality of trust; and it is no wonder that the realms of spirit, other planetary visitors, and other government officials not in the public spotlight (newspapers) have knowledge that these professions are not viable in the new world order of peace, love, and light (not the evil/enslaving NWO, I just want to be clear on that.) many of these professions are from a war based mentality and do not belong in a peace bearing society (even money and property rights is a type of 'war'.) 

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Small Wish

A place to call my own; where visitors are welcome and OK with what I have. A place where a garden grows food year round; that I also attend to on a daily basis. A place where the water is clean and the chemicals are nonexistent. A place where a house is not a tomb to rest; but the soul is to thrive. A simple idea where we can be.

A place where the fog goes away, where the logic is clean. A place where the heart can reside to be relaxed. (Where is the heart, the chest or a figment of the mind's heart?) A place where the dark and the light can meet in peaceful surrender towards each other for negotiation. A place where war is no longer another option. A place where there is love flushing past every place in mind. (what kind of love???) A place where creating is simple and paranoia is not there.

O, of how much of myself have I thrown my own body away? For the sake of a dream to not be near war at all. A place where God and the dark cannot send each-other to disturb me. A place where light comes from me and others who are there. A place where I can manipulate the dark without harm to another; instead with love.