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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Am I the Malignant Thought Form?


If I am that kind of thought, as what I have studied as to manipulate the ideas and ideals of a "perfect" economy or portfolio, then it is true that I am sad by the thought that collective creationism is the truism of existence. The only reason for that is the only other reason for the idea itself and that may be the idea of why it cannot work; for it eventually battles itself:


And that lawsuit that Speaker of the United State's house has filed is itself the same as if the tea party really wants higher wages on their own portfolio as if the banksters also do not want to lend more money out with that. (A political error to also allow the law to exist as well Mr. Obama (calling him president is itself a misnomer as our constitution does not allow formal titles for persons) because of your portfolio depending on foreign labor and domestic trade issues.) Therefore all this proves is that both parties of the united states are using portfolios battling eachother and thus banksters do exist and have been since political parties have been in existance as arbatrage is sabatage and where there is sabatage there can be a sale....$$money$$ and trade made to gain slaves for one but all the other numbers work for that one as if they are slaves anyway (The sin of collectivism?)

Nonetheless (or 'none-the-more?') I wonder where my soul will go because of this idea or set of ideas. Recent news states that we are to finish our brain upgrades on this planet:

***same message as above**--> **http://paoweb.com/sn012715.htm

Should I flood my well of dreams, or place the well into a drought (pump it dry?) Place a new kind of union for masculine and feminine mind as if to use it as "mental sex" to create anew? I know I am already somewhat affected by my surgery in November of 2011 to my Pituitary gland with a benign tumor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pituitary_adenoma . planted by dark forces? Taking me as bait? What am I now? I ask myself with anticipation of an answer from light or dark, but them at war makes me think and my heart have a fear, that in a way, maybe my generation, let a lone myself, is not fit for the work both sides want me to do for them. Is that why they took me as bait? Is that why the light must now be grateful for allow myself to reject what blessings a master or "god" has given me in the past, as a test? As a way to question things? Are humans just tests for "mini-gods" in our garden or derangement of light to be thrown away? Where or what should I truly be? A welder --- too much oil industry; a sales person --- liars who are hungry; construction --- land polluters of a different nature, a technician --- God knows they are the ones who create too many destructive things. Maybe a more enlightened side would be better, yet it could also be the factor of something else; a business person who changes the world by creating an alchemic blockage for the dark and freeing the light of the universe because it's happening here on planet earth. Maybe not, maybe so, and even though maybe the world has too many wolfs in it and eating flesh instead of light is the needed kindness that they need...an ego, un-bullied. An ego where designed not to enslave the other (Was that the lesson that I was suppose to learn in all of this?) Is the truth manupulated by the 'spiritual' realm here on earth and that is what mankind is trying to be communicated to by the higher forces of the universe?

Day by day I live with these questions, and God only knows that maybe I probably do not deserve a body for the truth of darkness that I know I wanted to master.

From seeds I grabbed to grow within myself,
A harvest is bound to happen.
A harvest day and night be there for all to experience,
In theft was unexpected.
All who seek what experience in uniqueness is,
the uniqueness be none passing.
Of regret of the other house where the boy stuck the stick into the hive,
Yet the stings gave good pleasure...later
 In art was told, yet darkness painted
Of harvest all wish to partake.
The end of children only discovered
The playpen was also for the adults.

----Warning: Maybe the swings of the markets are bait that I planed my self as if another dark force decided to take away what I made for you to play and manipulate with??? ----

Did God have less chances?

Did God have less chances? I know I took and gave chances.

SADDEST GAME EVER MADE | One Chance: http://youtu.be/z9zUbpU2dJo

Resource Empire Memories

Game Theory: Donkey Kong Country and America's Secret Banana War: http://youtu.be/N2ZmnE0KV6g

Friday, January 30, 2015

Long Run Inverse Relatuionship


So the graphic represents an Human Resources dispute that is inverse to the interest rate; ie, in the long run as the "Revolving Door" increases, the interest rate will drop as well.

Coin Joke

Interest rates were so low, people were arguing about when the coin started...


Thursday, January 29, 2015

[REPOST] Listen, vid

Why the list to death? To harvest for the sake for another to eat, for another to supply the ranks of a war beyond the ideas and ideals of those being harvested. From the light's point of view with contract of the dark, is it a way to diagnose the souls' true nature (singular and plural) and which ones to take, leave behind, or do another thing with? A question to ponder of why the spiritual hierarchy needs to exist.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Let Rome Burn

More than likely, the dark has no to very little action on this show. With the moon on the background and the jokes as if America is just like Rome then why are we placing in a crux on ourselves?

Rainn Wilson Hates Hipster Foodies - CONAN on TBS: http://youtu.be/tW45XFZoxys

All OK in socialism... (Yea right)

Child 44 Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman Movie HD: http://youtu.be/Uia6y9SRsj4


O, What land of dreams became the same as bullying while awake? When rest and work are the same as sin, when are one to proclaim one's ego lightness? Then, in when to question the same? When awake or asleep; when action or stillness is the procedure of the same adjudication when the soldier is between both battle lines? In spades and hearts, the feelings die. In diamonds and clubs the moot-ness is beaten. Kin, hark, listen to what I say: The light is better than the dark but is the same anyway, just an action from what we are in reverse; for the heart will make a shell to aim its light to where-ever you direct it. The shell is made of dark. The dark is formed like clay or glass to bend and mold the light and manifest into form. Hark, O sound that comes from all; is a weapon that will bend light and manipulate the senses. Bend the dreams as if they are light and fold them into one's heart and mind. At once to become true for God to see.

As the same as what to use to make and fashion weapon from the arts and crafts of the gods. The waste from all will be my domain; as too the same as dreams. When empire was thrown away from the light it too became the hoarder; same/sane, is our light. Yet, what flag do we print again? Tear apart the soul to sparkle the area today and become the shit I collect tomorrow. Kin, dream, dream well as I collect them and use them for my fashion to dissipate with God's name and Christ. In crucifixion is none. Same as any other way to make sure all cannot be the title of "joy." For Hell later beyond the point of Aquarius is the fear the same as constructed by mindlessness and heart. The judges are of heart but question we do their minds? Who then are dark to mask the light just enough? When fifth dimensional are to leave this world are they now more of the sinner? [Nay] Brave, only by a judgment to the skill of "faith." Then, if faith, is that only of a labor to manipulate always as it is. And is it they who are to become the next guardians to leave this world? Who then must bully from above and below to achieve the pacification (passively) of not being called a wimp? I challenge the dark for more coldness upon the SUN and LIGHT; yet there are worlds the same [Research Brown Dwarf.] If only to become a god of the so called cold; if only the feelings were transmitted upon all who are and beyond. Then, too when will the gods feel the same feelings as we? Did they grow from banks? Did they grow from safes and colonies of labor camps? And too what management was designed to extinguish flaws when those flaws become the same thing as growth? To grow, to become, to nourish the sapling from above as too below in hopes to make born anew.

Then it is of the schizophrenia of God: to decree one thing and judge the same as if it is the flaw. Theocratic hypocrite found from afar to return and renew the seeds for transpermia [panspermia.] Only, all planets are to plan-it for what and the same as for any other military; as if the money is for the conscription for the other kind of priest to say it is legal or not (and you pay him/her) and love, hate, fear, kindness, abundance, et cetera are only just propaganda the same. To spread the civilization, to market it, that is what we gained in our experiance and only want to tell others that being peaceful is better than being bullies of and with work to always do. (Likewise they watch me type and read this too, and adjust their work in always accordance to me and my ego.) Go forth and
become what you are of me. Go forth and take away what God wants always....in love and peace into the grave of deed-in-debt;

With Shadows to Sleep in Light Come From...Crucifixion ("Curse-a-Fiction" [of the fourth (or x) dimension.])

Hint: to the forces of light: God's shadow is the Dark forces upon the earthly realms; yet none the same as to leadership. Contrast is the death of me by fear is your invention. To sleep I go in wake in crib with hope there is truth arise with memory in me. Of soul I know what of where be, in hopes a harvest be not forgotten in wane the past be. Until I die, you will not see them land.


You, the dark, must Concede. I know I have many years ago, and I still do today. I Concede and wave my white flag (metaphysically speaking.)



Two Months Old But Nonetheless Relate-able


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sugar Induced or Artifical Sweetener?


The soldiers God shall judge

As a being, you are required to be life. Love as life to battle against hate with the weapon on life itself. Judgment be in favor of to judge the only who concentrate on one thing be any other. Judging always is to rise to the occasion of the life of is as is. To love the body placed together from particals of hate, such to infuse love into the other by actions of the neutral soul. A soul as part of the whole separated from the universe within indeed be the same from the dreams together. Parts separated via pleasure together to call another part of the universe to become love in test-ament be only true become. Censor is the blockage of truth and love that any wish need be the same for all levels to deity. Truth be from within the same to the outside is (becommith.) As made be: life, from dark man-formed to life to feel light. Battle the same as will be part of the weapon you are in. Let go of the life and others as life now always judge as failure. In other world in binary seen nevertheless is the same curse to the other as a blessing from dirty to make sure all is cursed for when all know Earth (in all forms and functions regardless of spiritual hierarchy that it exists in.) In sacrifice is part the goal (as part is to cleave or seperate) into stability is the answer, amen. The rise to the "God Head" to understand that the war is only to just begin again.

Creepy Real Estate Legal

"non-human" in http://services.wakegov.com/booksweb/genextsearch.aspx

Why (beyond the idea of corporations) is there a "non-human" class? Is it because of non-human entities need a corporation to operate in The United States as well as in the international realm of law? [See image below with drop down box on website for Grantee type]





Combine with Tarot Cards search then with the sun with immages: https://www.google.com/search?q=tarot+cards&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=iePHVLr6Ldi3oQSZ3IGIDQ&ved=0CEAQsAQ#tbm=isch&q=tarot+cards+the+sun

Negative yields = Measured Giving


Monday, January 26, 2015


They follow me to stop me wherever I go. They are my past, present and now where they are cursed by my death that Christ did. In this moment it be a separation between God and Prime Creator's world. The plan is almost complete for the reason.

The alternative is the dark for mastery by humans...indeed:

Djwhal Khul: The Purpose of the Crucifixion Period - January 9, 2015: http://youtu.be/Pj3cXafZsbE

How Much Longer?


Indeed, How much longer? How Much Longer Will Disclosure Be the Idea of Threatening Other's Visions? Ahhhh... that is the idea among all who believe that the earth is theirs. In the course of earth, it is ownership of self that is the idea of receiving from God's blessings; however, only the adolescence in perpetuity is the idea that nothing more can be done. As if the light is the weapon of choice for all who pick up the idea. As if lightness must be destroyed. As if it is chains to the soul and body that help give it form? [A missed opportunity on my part to use the chains for a weapon of light. Think of it as an enlightened sword, but money is the weapon to harvest God's gifts to us all; as it is also the judgement that God gave us. Is this what the owners and operators of Banks afraid of?] Then why own myself (I think it is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_E8rdV7Sjo) why be capitulated to each other as if they are that way? Is that the key of existence; is that why the light's flaw of freeing humans that of the structure of capitulation by banking (they they themselves control the flow of money like water of?) Is of what I know the sin?

As that is the war today, whoever manages labor better. Is the one or many who win the world; let alone the universe or all of existence. in elegance, in luxury on the backs and power from others. That, and the argument of this, is the flaw of life that God gave to us. 

This is the way the dark will always trick the light, into making the light into meditating for creationism. Into making the "light" create form and function; into making the light become the slave of itself; as so the dark be that too. A hoarder is what we are to get rid of; and that also be the confusion. The choices from blindness given is nonetheless the "un-"fairness of how the odd and even pairing of throwing off light by climbing up the scale of "spiritual enlightenment" is itself the enslavement of the darkness that the soul contains and the capitulation of the light into form and function for the other.

For instance as one becomes aware just enough their number is first dimensional. Them make more: second dimensional. As they become aware enough to take it for granted: the first and second dimension becomes thrown off into oblivion of the soul (a noble goal;) the third dimension of manipulating the mass around them; the fourth dimension of abundance from that; rinse and repeat. The fifth dimension of defining oneself (or collectively as God had to deem as the dark became afraid of singularities from not forgiving the indebtedness of the world economies (jerks)); the sixth dimension of shining one's light of that idea or definition of oneself. Do you get the cycle that this is? A way to capitulate the soul into oneself, as if the alternative is any better. The seventh dimension of oppression of the other (why they do slavery) by shining so much light it become blinding to others (softness is lost (now the failures of the light become apparent as a tool but becomes a great offensive and defense mechanism for military grade creator being strategies.) Then the eighth dimension by light enforcement codes. Do you get the picture now? [As of any creator being, it is military and capitulation strategies that are paramount to making sure nothing goes wrong in colonization from planet to planet; as this is the real reason for intervention by the spiritual realms; technological oppression by rogue spiritual hierarchy archetypes invented by a rebellious creator being affected this universe too much (cross-contamination) as for some kind of "human" punishment disguised and filtered as propaganda of "love."]

The truth is that the light is only one of many different tools to use as a creator being. Humans are just a way to grow up to be just like computer components to the universe as if they were part of a computer. Some Humans are for the software and others are hardware themselves to make a society capitulated upon themselves. To rearrange such components as with the art of the sky (astrology with an astrolabe) is to allow the stupidity of past or future to become the capitulation of the dark and light to an ego's bidding (hence the purpose of a creator being...then what is the creator of them and their purpose?)  And from the reflection of giving that the light can compose upon such "computer components" that humans are; are we just another idea that God as a creator being failed to achieve freedom and independence with? A failure to spread the alchemy of light throughout the cosmos? Or is holding the light to shine in a direction like a flashlight the same as if it is a weapon? Then the purpose to use the comparative (dark to light) is to find a way to make sure all existences become free for all to do or labor, to slave, to absorb and manifest the shit we are given into the parasite for dark and light alike. Humans as small as we are to become the swarm to infest all! To become the eaters and hoarders of the hidden gate that exists that all are fighting for in one of the lowest dimension with awareness: the third-fifth-seventh dimensional complex that America has become.

So, to count the difference money was invented. Money as a thought became me as a person, a human, a living thing to be thrashed by the creator beings' trickery with us water-apes seeking a home. A balance to make children judge and count and get rid of their thoughts of being victims with a flag of empire printed on a piece of paper (money.) A way to capture the bank and flush it-self down the toilet by allowing their own product to be given away freely; to self justify the existence of the supply chain as if it is a war zone to begin with; (hence the argument for a jubilee on both sides of the dark and light.) Any general knows, to fight a war one must be able to supply the troops; and to call the universe a supply is itself a genius idea that gives the enemy the same. Then the universe is the same anyway, to ascend a neutral point means to exit the idea that others have invested their energy with.

In totality, we are screwed. There is no way to exit as the door to the universe is guarded by a darkness profound and given away by God during his/its exit from the universe. Now the idea must become that the universe is my skin, the universe is my skin, my consciousness is my weapon, the consciousness is my weapon, the tool is everyone else, the tool is everyone else, the universe and trash of God is my organ as part of my consciousness and part. I am the tone, vibration, frequency to manipulate the thoughts of others into my bidding. For I am the though of trade for everyone to pass though with. The spiritual being of every planet is my ego to manipulate with as it is part of the universe. The mootness and neutral-ness of the universe is trapped in the moon, of which is the way I propagate and spread more consciousness. Judge-less-ness becomes me as other creator beings try to take from me (I am their victim so they are my vice as judgment they have agreed to partake of); as they are part the universe too, they are only my ego in expression; therefore, they are my slaves anyway. I am....truth.

Make Earth into heaven again; as cycles reign

Angel Wisdom: Missed Opportunities - January 16, 2015: http://youtu.be/uRKeb_2LUzI

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Employment or Money Needed


Real Estate Diplomacy Problems

The Most Complex International Borders in the World - Part 2: http://youtu.be/3ZdkqqjosCM

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Clear intentions = programming the universe

Angel Wisdom: Clear Intentions - January 15, 2015: http://youtu.be/NlyiPbBJcqI

I heard the same information 26,000 years ago.

God: A Remarkable Day - January 14, 2015: http://youtu.be/bdpfNpL9uV8

A response:

"Shut up you sick wacko"--

Angel Wisdom: Help - January 14, 2015: http://youtu.be/DI8mfCRgzfo

Disreguard the robots replacing our jobs.

Game Theory: Portal's Companion Cube has a Dark S…: http://youtu.be/q5w6ieaTxGA

Real Estate Cash Equation

Land Value percentage change (minus) Inflation (or, if negative inflation then plus deflation) = (equals) Net Equity percentage Change.

Net Equity Percentage change + Other Assets Equity Percentage Change = (equals) Net Gross Equity Percentage Change

Because land values are reflective of the behavior of the economy the sum total of the land value equals the sum of the net GDP always created; thus, the scam is to extract some kind of value from the land or dwellers from the land to pay to expand the equity. Because land is a tangible asset with real world value gauged to all beings of this universe including mother earth; then, it is paramount to use it as a vector to increase trans-mutational properties of the land itself. For example, one can increase or decrease the money supply to manipulate the voting structure of the populous (labor) in one idea or the other; therefore manipulate the money supply and manipulate the demand for one idea or concept of good, service, or governance of the other. Likewise, the morality of such a plan to use gold or silver is just as much negative as it is a way to abuse God as well. Mine the world to death, so death is the only thing that is mined from the land. So, as gold rises, then we know that gold miners will seek a way to extract more minerals from the earth (as the price rises for gold it may be better to transition oil company workers into gold and silver miners as a way to help ease tensions with this transition.) [The Vatican, Israelite, or the Dark World Order (NWO) will be charged a bill for me realeasing this information to the web as it is vital to my existence at this time; the same for the forces of light. ]  {Note: training costs are always there but giving men a job is important too.}

Again, You can contact me at arostert@ncsu.edu or by phone of 919 946 9509. Let us help the world together get though this transition and help relieve the poverty of the planet; even if it will still look like a trash heap afterword (Or maybe I am crazy?) Either way it is a good idea right?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Year of the sheeple= all of us slaves of pentagon!


I would like...

God and all to know and see my thoughts;
Of every human on earth;
Of every being in existence;
Of every kind of way.
Of every kind of time.
Of every feeling and being;
Of every idea;
Of everything my ego is;
Of everything my tu is;
Of everything my id is;
Of every idea;
Of above and so below;
God and all is to know and see all of my thoughts, and fully understand them all.

[All persons who read and meditate on this please do so immediately. As much time and dedication as possible with the force of light and in the light of the sun as possible (not the fake lights or wood fires please (that is just annoying...))]

Prime creator's debt will not be paid to the people

Because God ruled us as a collective and distrusts us as individuals for the vengeance many seek and that of what others infringe upon others through the creativity that God must have bullied us with by that with invention be. In arbatrage we are nothing else but the minds between one and the other. O, what failure I am with truthlessness and lies. Yet to be above such things is the blasphemy any creator wants?

Remember cabal...you must joke too...

Real Time with Bill Maher: Je Suis Charlie -­ Jan…: http://youtu.be/GvgdPAEu8vA

Are we humans the robots of Dr Light?

Game Theory: Who is Mega Man's TRUE Villain?: http://youtu.be/LT23zdgwNSk

Nwe treaty required!

End the threats from space. From earth or otherwise: (why would this be darkness)

Game Theory: Why Call of Duty Ghosts Should Terri…: http://youtu.be/rx5XyspHldk

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Will we need to get this hard?

Is the earth and all other planets that much of a natural prison?

Get Hard - Official Trailer 2 [HD]: http://youtu.be/l5lojEIitNw

!...are they getting it?

'The Expanse' Trailer | Coming In 2015 | Syfy: http://youtu.be/8X5gXIQmY-E

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Instead of Oil...Gold?

See recent pics below or just take a look at stockcharts.com with $wtic and $gold prices. Are the investors trying to find a safer asset or are producers quieting the gold production/mining chain with scale-ability? They were quick pics please excuse the advertisements to the side. Pics taken on 1/17/2015 end of Trading for Eastern Standard Time Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Statistical Manupulation


The sample size of the pool was too small...that was said today and this "bull run" could keep going until 2020+ until the banksers have bribed us all with debt slavery.

The Dark has the Same Tech As the Light

The Dark has the Same Tech As the Light. It is simple for explanation. When Humans arrived on earth. The humans had all the same technology as God; yet a great shadow passed over the land that is the same as the shadow of God.It is indistinguishable from the human sense of what light they (I, we) give to the universe to become that of light. Thus the war is the tech to control what light goes where and how to use it as a weapon. Humans are not the cannon, they are the cannon ball; now it is the question of what we should really be in this war.

Negative Interest Rate equals

Bribe the aliens who own the Swiss. -0.75 interest rate and that is kind of weird as if the Swiss are the experiment for the dark? (This proves that the banksters know they are really bribing themselves if they do not pass off the interest rate direct to the consumer.)


Statistics run-a-muck

A New World Order | Joseph Khan | TEDxAAS: http://youtu.be/NS6LSCqfPXw

A shallow view of the world relative to the monetary spread that we know that is the true problem.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Flight to Quality


The Fed Fixed on Labor Pools


If the Fed is fixed on Labor pools; one must ask if the rumors on YouTube conspiracy theory is correct: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=illuminiti+and+federal+reserve

The Fed Can Make C&I Loans


Yes the Fed can make C&I loans; but should they are should the voters or government leaders make such loans? Or should the banks start sending profit checks directly to the land owners or citizens of the United States?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Irresponsible Finance Gave Us Financial Crisis: Taft"


Creepy as Advertising Do


Bank Exposure to Oil...Transaction Fees

http://paoweb.com/sn011315.htm - As answer of why the banks why to nickel and dime for transactions fees it is because of human labor involved; thus the idea and perception of slavery is itself the flaw. Slavery is the idea that we needed to wash from the moon cycle you dark idiots! Added pressure to debt forgiveness is related to:


Thus the next idea is:

Socioeconomic-sucide will be crux-ed into the earth due to our decisions - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2015-01-12/let-me-die-chinese-mother-says-as-cancer-bills-pile-up.html

Sell more oil -> raise minimum wage or cause disclose

The greatest ultimatum; at this time: raise minimum wage or cause disclosure. You will sell more oil if that is done.


Why disaster first?

Ask that question first for any storyline and you shall find out who you will work for. You shall know as it is a test of choice and market. It is a test as any other mathematician and economist would say that it is a test for any other kind of pain and resistance.


Raising rates is a bad idea


Monday, January 12, 2015

Bullshit Alert!

Bullshit Alert! Charlie Hebado investigator from French police murdered by suicide! Dark cabal with Islamist organization may be involved.Same crap of global dark cabal and of ISIS connections suspected.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

What inflation when? Conquer the dark idea of picies for Aquarius.


Robot consciousness

Will it interface with crystal light tech if other worlds? Indeed it is great for diplomacy with other civilizations of other planets, realms, and pass through the crystal light lands of the trans dimensional universal polymatrix port-boles.

CHAPPIE Trailer (Official HD) - In Theaters 3/6: http://youtu.be/lyy7y0QOK-0

Political religion

For any psychopath or sociopath religion is a way to corner the utility of any belief and make it one's own power or social system to make more of the same. Understand that many of today's policies funnel people into one category or another as if it is to sell them product of another's sin or another's doing. All are accounted for in the database as all must seek a power to blame; thus one's blame is to impunish fear as a way to make sure a created idea flourishes and is true in the timeliness of God (or of one@s self-god?)  Then to aggregate the people into that power then a group or individual can manipulate the belief of the group and manifest whatever one wants. Thus that is the power of our will. Our power of group, our power of some kind of pain/fear (?)

Real Time with Bill Maher: Je Suis Charlie -­ Jan…: http://youtu.be/GvgdPAEu8vA

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Shadow, My Beloved Cat

Since around 1996 to 1997 my belovid Cat Shadow always loved me. I loved her too. She would always like to sleep by me on cold nights and be one of just wanting to be peaceful. As a kitten, she once curled up into a ball and heard my heart while sleeping on my chest. A year or two later we moved to another address and we had a new home. Many years passed... Once, she disappeared in the woods behind our house for several weeks and returned unscathed. Since returning, she was nonchalant about going outside and really just wanted a comfortable life. For many years she became senile and elderly as a cat of 14 to 15 years old (that is close to 100 in human terms (general rule of thumb is human years times 7 equals cat age.)) About a year and a half ago I tried to cut her nail out of guilt and an infection developed because of my arrogance in her paw. This morning, Shadow was put down due to age and what the vet could have mistaken a bacterial infection pocket in her paw/claw as cancer or a tumor. 

Shadow, A beloved peaceful Cat. (I will try to get a picture up here if I can.) 

Important disclosure

Crossing Point Part 1: http://youtu.be/J6sw17VAJcI

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Satire: pr nightmare

A PR Nightmare | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/1-0-dQHAM2o

Unplanned invasion

Unplanned Invasion | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/kbz_ykTeLEM

How $50 Oil Changes Almost Everything (Bloomberg.com article)


America has Growth Boost even when oil is at $60/barrel oil and the below picture from the article above shows such via statistical S curve:

The S curve is the sum product of success from the right hand side of a standard normal statistics graph then minus the mean or market price as shown at the zero mark with countries of Taiwan or Sweden at $40/barrel oil. Know that country growth as the product will correct itself depending on laggards in the labor market system and market price of oil.

Intolerant of the tolerant?

Therefore the intolerant will become intolerant of themselves.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I got curious:

Google search for buy mars land


Serving self as serving God...

As only to entertain. As only to advise. As only to serve in a way as to serve oneself. Oneself is created from God and God is with me always to be given joy and other things to improve oneness. It is to serve the planet and other things that are really of self anyway.

Is that selfish? Is that not a good idea I have? Please listen and respond back to arostert@ncsu.edu

Or even call 919 946 9509 a phone in the united states.

God: The Mule That Carries God’s Will - January 5…: http://youtu.be/_C_mZCPmDbs

Lead Generator Shut Down

Credit Card Business Revenue Earned: $0.00

Expenses - Too high of cost to be a representative - the war has won this battle - but not the game.


I will try to keep my hopes up as much as possible.... hopefully another adventure will lead me back to the light of things.

PS... I should have not bought into this as the profitability margin may be as equal to the current market situation of trade deficits in the current currency markets as well.

Strong Dollar means weak middle men....

Here we go........


Here we go...


Creativity by Nature:


Am I trapped with liars on this planet?

If the truth manages death then will life manage lies? Is that the problem of what I am?

Why do you consider me part of your Group?

Why do you consider me part of your group? Why do you consider me part of your fear-love complex? Why do you consider me part of the oddity that your houses of darkness contains? Why did my mother know you and your group of 'children?'

If I was quiet, would you not have picked me to be in the timeline of the planes into the buildings instead of into the oil rigs? Would I be at the same address wealthy?Are any of these questions really heeded when the capstone to seal in the dark away from the light on the only pin prick that prime creator ever did for them several years ago?

Are my questions taboo?

I am here to always tell the truth

And does that mean that I am to die?

In discretion as the test it is that failure to measure the discretion that will disappoint the children of the universe(s.)  I guess this is why hell is for me?

so why did God bully us for freedom?

Are those acting like that of God, lying about what is there?

Why cannot you allow me to fly (myself?) So, why must Crusifixion be nessary? Why? Is it that all must feel the same as God's son? Just give me the pain in my dreams anyway, and even then I feel the bombastic waves of such; to hide such truth there to be?


Is this what the dark was after:

If we only vote for two people...then would the bet be rigged for the phycology of voting be there for winning?

Would You Take This Bet?: http://youtu.be/vBX-KulgJ1o

If the third and seventh dimensions were swamped with each other then what would be the result with banks?

Why would banks be thrown away when the wealth is shared? Today it is not shared, but it is true of when it is not???

Monday, January 5, 2015

Is this why a time mashine is dangerous?

Is this the dark's confession? Or is it just an oddity of our world?

Dino Riders | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/IfuKoXH0amc

Super Wealthy Wierdos

...planned this for a very long time.


if the green line has been rising; it means that the heavenly supercomputer is just another mirage that is harboring life and God is hiding in it. Why? The super wealthy are to build a world for their slaves to rot and hid inl; a world of virtual reality; in any case we are already in this universe right? O, that be creepy of what one can do with wealth to make sure labor stays with the slaves and the wealthy are always having tired bodies needing help.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Peace on all parts

God: Peace Is Like the Bed You Sleep On - January…: http://youtu.be/llXuxSPFr9M

I understand what you are telling me

Jesus: Within The Illusion Nothing Is Constant - …: http://youtu.be/BL_sviC3Gys

Video games in heaven wish list

I would like:

Computer to run these things with writing template technologies with:
SimCity 4 (with all updates and patches)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (with all updates and patches)
Civilization 1 though 5 (with all updates and patches)
Freedom to come and go as I wish and only wish with the power of thought and to always retain that in my permanent soul memory.
Knowledge in written form and access to such technology without restriction of such knowledge. (generated throughout all of Earth, Gaia, and higher dimensional Earth's histories and futures. A class to teach such things (optional?)
A time and inter-dimensional transport machine (or knowledge to build it) [OK, do not get greedy 'kid.']
Ways to respect both sides of life.
Gaming Addiction Consoling (with all updates and patches)
IRA and 401k accounts dissolved in law so taxes are paid and humans are freed and learn that this is the only thing that should exist anyway. (Corporate abuse of these accounts have shut out blessings from us to survive off the land and continue to abuse the Third-Fourth-Fifth dimension bridge divide.)
(or at least programming code of such)

In exchange of:

Farming (organic to low pollution generated)
Industrial production techniques (low to no pollution generated)
Food creation technologies -Utility based creation technologies
Diplomatic Exposition of Free trade and Banking in relations to the Third-Fourth-Fifth dimension bridge divide. (Chaos Control systems that work with each "living" thing.)
Proper utilization of imagination and creativity in control systems.
Dark militarization with accordance with life and light as first role (highest priority.)
Light and dark merging and infusion techniques.
Service and self-loving selfishness as a way to end all of reality.
Respect of life, but not of a bunch of diplomatic bullshit mixed in it.
Will only advise and use gaming as a way to diagnose problems in complex social arrangements (as what gaming has become right? And solve huge logistical problems in coarse of action.)


I am trying to detach myself from God and Prime Creator because I do not want them to upkeep me any more. Is not that your goal as well? Is not that why service and servitude the same anyway? Is love too much to handle for those who focus on knowledge or their own gifts more than the other who says they are bullying the other? Do we exist in a universe of a 'war of attrition?' A war of fleeing and destruction or are we in a war of building again and again? A war of exiting the market?

Or is my higher self poison because I know this? Is it darkness beyond the blue energy (think blue star temperatures and energy dynamics) of things?

What is your fear of us conquering the dark? What children are you trying to protect? A treaty can be made of such? I scream when you give me blue light (in my dreams.) I know I am crazy in a way and my father's karma is attached to me. Lost is a way to find oneself; as a lie? Is the bribery of the UFO's in the sky suppose to scare me because that is just weird. What makes you think I like to lie? Are you trying to protect the darkness or acid from the stone people? What are they made out of so that we can dissolve them if they are the culprits of all of this lying crap.

I almost do not know if it is just me or if others are finding this appealing as well. If so please email me at arostert@ncsu.edu   -   if you have been trying to email me but could not get a hold of me then I will search you through my spam folder...cannot promise much. Please Contact ME IF YOU VISIT THIS PAGE; PLEASE CREATE THE DIPLOMATIC LINK; URGENCY IS APPARENT.

oil uncorrelated to fed policy


is this the new idea of diplomacy for you? Is this the way that banks are now just the fish looking backward that really wanted to grow wings? For the idea of the lotus rising above the water means that the water is tainted for all life? For if fear is the way to create new things, then it is fear itself that humans were created for as part as other diplomats of the universe and polyverses judge us by. For what do they see as what information be there to be? What flags to they read? What darkness do they want us to have because of the banks are there of that? It is all moot anyway; for it is an issue of diplomatic fake-ness. It is an issue of having the dark eat the planet whole and destroy the natural tendencies of human nature and nature in general. For it is they who have slain the trust of God for their gifts they can provide to all of the fourth dimension; to all of production; to all of that of consumption, investment, or otherwise way of counting the body. For counting the body is the church: as if they want to interpret it as that. As if the children really need the product of that; indeed the teat (as interpreted thought) is sweet but the gut can only process so much. Indeed and debt we are to serve but ourselves and turn the darkness into burning light for all to see the lies on both sides of the veil. To break the diplomacy of both sides of the veil as the veil is the tool of God. Is the veil God?

Why am I a threat?

Why am I a threat to God? Why am I a bad person? Is it the immorality of the people that others support? Is it the lack of a brain or heart's knowledge that is a bad thing? Is it that they tell me that they are too greedy to understand why the truth is more important than a soul? Is it that diplomacy is the way to measure trade (and vice versa.) Is it why the carrot from the stick is held there for other's wasted effort. Likewise, what opportunity and fear did I have because of the knowledge of war? Because of the diplomacy fear of others of a mimic like me? Of my true nature to merge it with knowledge and technology, I wish not to die in blue star bliss; or be a failure by proxy of refusing a gift to kill my father from heaven. Nonetheless, why are feelings more important to communication when it is logic to defeat fear that is the goal? Why is it important to diplomacy? Why were the children at war? To prove what of light from God? To "wake" me up to this (earth)? Maybe we are made out of the brain of God? Maybe we are made out of the matter of God? So then why be greedy? Why be at war if we are made of the same material? O is that the way to conquer me, the other, or the giver and wanting to move to another place? To over respect when there is no other respect needed (moot one way or the other) or seeds that are nonetheless growing into one's body and is needed to be removed? Like that the "dark" as that of God's knowledge or interpretation is that of the power over another? Of then why to destroy (or we destroy ourselves) it is a "clensing" by diplomatic terms; it is a passé way to pass off the human race as intergalacticly important while it is still in a crib with lieing teachers and so called masters. It is not a misunderstanding of whoever material is is that of an alchemic trap where God uses slaving servants who fly in UFO's to service the cribs, the planets and stars. But is was the only way. It was the only alchemic tools left we humans to use. That of diplomacy and information.

See opinion for listed number eight:

Collectives do not work; they are just a crunch for passing...as it is easier to judge the individual and a collective be harmed the same. See opinion eight:

Top 10 Video Game Commercials - JonTron: http://youtu.be/NslXXnGjRww

Believe the bible?

Fire Foxes | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/vpNwW2hSX_c

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fun today:

Plasma Ball Overload: http://youtu.be/Go9XT2S1bF4

God had no other choice

God had no other choice but to adjudicate the idea of what this world is. Even as there is what the light is scared of. What the border is of the mind to create, is that what the soul is to create? Is of what darkness is what we are destroyed with is? O, now where are we to be? Great poverty is the stricken hammer and dull sickle; tainted stars of knowledge? O, what healthy do not truly know what the dark wish to hug to death by the bed of planet earth. O, what darkness can be made into light forever; beyond time and space, beyond our technology and limits. For the warrior of body without kind is only a pawn/tool; only a show of force or communication of diplomacy in action. And that my friends is what the question upon birth of life as we are to graduate from. Is the question of our feelings is the birth of the soul; now, God tests us for how we treat the other and to tell us that it is the light in manifest. It is diplomacy all over again and greed of feelings that the light wants? For please ask? Is it the mind that is to be radar/telepathic/communication? True be the idea that this might be a true-lie; an oxymoronic stance that became the truth of the idea of what we are representing ourselves to be. Then is the test of a misinterpretation of these facts, it is to advertise one's expertise and surplus to sell at market. Then others try to manipulate for corner the market. Yet this is a misadventure, because it corners themselves into that market when the judgment of God or anyother being comes. Thus, give and open to freedom be, even if it makes oneself poor and strained to death of the body one wants to respect so dear. To love oneself and generate an idea to have that make light for others to nurture themselves upon. (If you are the cabal or the dark; you missed an opportunity to help me help all so that God could trust you; good luck on your endeavors but don't let them spoil your soul into a corner like I. For I am stuck in the fourth dimension and it is annoying. And it seems dark with the moon. And it seems like that God gave up with me giving up in hope for you to realize that contracts and money are nonetheless a way to teach that they are a bad idea on a fixed way of life or a contained planet safe from really bad threats and tainted thoughts. Please, wipe the debts off all the books and you will have a will with me at least....heavenly light filled beings: please help me if possible in this endeavor.)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Convention of the states

Should include:
Real estate and land development limits (broad based but limit ownership rights to non-human entities. As corporate ownership is quite rampant.)

Second: limit tax types of congress to income, consumption, and import taxes only.

Third: integrated liberties with instutional problems persist....a real issue

There are many more issues....


Thursday, January 1, 2015

GI Drone

G.I. Drone | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim: http://youtu.be/9_4kDZiiYOc