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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Superhumans (vid)

World's 10 Humans With Real Superpowers: http://youtu.be/r331mHLncyE

Hong Kong Idea: Protestors Wave American Flags!

Watch video if you can (I do not know if link will work):


If Hon Kong wants to get out of Chinese control. It must to a traditional favor and side with a foreign entity with its own labor to become free and sovereign or have great negotiation power with communist China. Indeed, most logical would be of Tiwan; however it does not have much military strength compared with its large neighbor China. America as well has many other issues that it must deal with however can be used as a way to trade for debt forgiveness via Chinese debt problems as well. So, why not mix it up a bit?

Why not protestors and agitators? Flock to Hong Kong and mix it up a bit with American, Japinese, or Tiwan national flags of alliance? Why not incite real help from your former owners of the British crown? I know it might be hurtful from such things but I know America had France in its corner during the American revolution to check off its then enemy: Great Brittan (1700's.) So take the plung and make it a revolutionary War. Negotiate with mainland Chinese dissidence and political reformers. Even, take down local cabal owned corps and real assets there and use them for revolution. I understand the risk of saying such things, but know thy history always repeats itself and it is China's turn to become a better people then ideolized puppets of rogue from heaven's regime and pawns in the cabal's game of chicken.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Dark matter map?

Watch at time 56 minute and 30 second to the main argument oat 1:07:30 and end at 1:10:30
Explore the Milky Way(full documentary] HD: http://youtu.be/aNV1Q--R7-A?t=56m30s

So, the operators of the universe hired some scientists to find the "dark core? " Is this what prime creator and God is afraid of us to do? To make maps like this and use these maps for the science of crushing the spiritual hierarchy? Or is there a contract of separation between God and the "great spiritual ones" where darkness is used to create light? Note that we as humans do have a map and are willing to keep it for the purposeful questions noted above. Even I, have some jitters in tackling the morals and ethics of what the answers can/could mean for a "harvest" of such seed. Likewise, what and why should we perceive these things as enemies when it can be 'banked' upon. Like enslaving the gods for our religion and having religion serve the people's ironic integrity and gain or loss. We will now because we can count on it. I am sure they have come across this same scenario before in many other worlds and times; yet, why has love become the shell of darkness where light permeates the dimensions? It must be of a trans-dimensional nature and alchemy. It must be of our minds and co-creation thereof. Alas, diplomacy is still the rule of all of these ideas that all wish to have a will over or under of. A will to find a thing that can become true for all dimensions as well.

What peace as a form of growing more things to become when space itself is the thing that the dark might be truly afraid of when it is home they wish to find, to rest, to partake as a form of giving to their own souls. Yet, least me be dark? For I use the dark: when I close the refrigerator door the air is cold but it is dark, or when I close the pantry door the dark keeps the canned food good until I need it. I guess it is that we have already concurred the dark to malformed it by using something so simple like a drawer for cloths or a roll down desk to keep certain paperwork confidential. Then again maybe it is that the dark creates relativity in search of judgment and the light has been plagued with the discernment of treatment of such idea since the levels of separation be that indeed. So, I ask likewise, what is the nature of which we live in case to count it until perpetuity? Was it fear so by others that they do not like the banksters? (I don't blame them it is hard to understand economics when power is taken from one's creative forces or objectivity.) Yet, in time such slavery can be reversed when bankers serve us as like revenge to to served like love, but not love itself. For our/my human disease is itself money and maybe some kind of built in fear or lack of it as the first kind of relativity that exists. As like the documentary I noted at top, dark is the glue that holds things together. Yet, it is light that allows both sides to see each other.

Thus I ask: what diplomacy of fear has the "great spiritual ones" created now with what kind of vibration of now? (It just might be me but is this line of questioning avoidable?)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Water Origin (article)

Read and watch:

Maybe a proof for life outside our solar system can be related to water like evoluion, at least from a creation process that may be there.

[Updated] Adromeda and Milky Way Collide


Andromeda and Milky Way Slow Dance to Merger | An…: http://youtu.be/48LL0a7rvXs

Milky Way's Head On Collision: http://youtu.be/fMNlt2FnHDg

From such merger of powers and divine dichotomy we are to become the followers and way-post of the divine golden light from stars of such pure alchemy. In the effort of all construction that is to be there, we must and can build a tower at the time of our solar system's divine path, to harvest these energies when they come. For in this tower will allow humans to create with easier thought and shield us from the true dark that is of the universe. Then we can build a light far stronger and pure with the intentions of love.


Fun thing to imagine is what will the new name of this galaxy be?
We all have plenty of time to name it as it will not happen for another 5 billion earth years or so.


Milky Andromeda
Andromeda's Way
Milromeda (Way)*
Androky (Way)* [Sounds like a street name]
Waydro [not the highest on my list]

*(parentheses are of the choice to add the word to it)

Can you think of anything. It is just for fun right? Let me know of any by posting with this blog.

Obama Notices Police Powers Run-a-Muck (article)

Read this article first: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/obama-says-mistrust-police-corroding-america/  

Agreed. Trust of our communities armed and executive forces are important for some form of law enforcement; for the idea that predictability is necessary anyway. Directly, it should be noted that human resources and management are indirectly responsible for their employees in the field; and as a cost control measure, all law enforcement must use the highest judgment possible to maintain the lowest cost of enforcing the law as possible to all parties. Likewise, we must understand that no one really want to "break the law" and is possible just a lack of some form of love or kindness that must be applied to all parties. Most importantly, is not the military only suppose to have the military grade equipment when law enforcement is only suppose to have minimal based human controlled mechanisms of which we the people pay for? I wonder why the military grade equipment must be part of such law enforcement when the homeland and global peace efforts are becoming more true everyday? Is it that someone is earning a commission? Or those who are of the state have a plan to control the people at some kind of time? It is only a question but looks less likely and probably a no every day. In truth, the political and wealthy classes should have done such things to purge these kinds of payments and focused on increasing the quality of life for all peoples anyway.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

[Republished; from 9/27/2014] Pimco cheaf leaves before bonds bust

Read first:
Pimco chief leaves before the us bond debauchery becomes real via NESARA and global truth surgery that is to happen. Global truth surgery is like pulling real  adult well rooted teeth with no anesthetic or NOx gas. We are in a ride for the best of times and the worst of accusations unless bookkeeping and other swashing pirate debt becomes tied down by white hats to cap movement from the accounts. Pirate swashing is the best way to hide the true values of debts and. The true whole depreciation and national worth to value that can exist. My advice is to push Janus' books to find out why he is going to them versus pimco's giant multi trillion dollar book (besides law of large numbers.)

************This was originally published near the end of September of 2014*************

What I learned in my life.

Not to take it granted. Not to not a thing. As be what love crux itself to death via the wars to fight. As to look beyond ones nose and within is the bully outside and in. To honor and respect the lord of ego within yourself is the flaw and logic lost to the world. And so I return to the lost seeking a home away from a warm heart that my ego had with happiness that was there. With memories long ago be not partaken into slavery be. As the worked turned into the loss of a terror waiting for God. Who, I, built bricks knowing the planet was death in some other manner into my heart. My heart where is the love I seek notwithstanding a denial of money as proof of loyalty? Was it loyalty that was wrong? Was it a guess as it is perfect to the flaw of mind? Yet what problems ensue of knowledge when it is peace that is saught? What gate of pain be here? Is addiction of life, love and dark the disease where ease is the flaw of heaven? Nonetheless hardy is life like akin to bully the spirit with light. In darkness and happiness is the wrong. Where work is worshiped and plagued by the management of others.yet where is my idea of pen to paper without becoming a bomb or bullet? Where is the happenstance where a legitamite knowledge to honor life of existence when love is created as sacrifice?

Indeed the longest time awaits us after a death? Yes, life is better as a way and as an island in darkness to become torture by labor and dishonor in choices. Nevermore why loneliness is the solitude to become wise. Now is the key as a way to become together, only because of heavens request to destroy and renew a thing. Yet as a way to describe a commercial planet is the answer to make all the people slaves and the children crystal slaves. All the universe is slavery to those who see it be that.

Then is me, a way and key outbound to beyond the limits as I can tell, yet me not be God or the fear factory that we have made to make our hearts pump or minds relax. It is the lie that keeps us going to spread the light for God to see, but it is the feelings that makes us the trials they test for the ships to leave in the dark places.

As tonight I walk away and you recoup me, remember that my ego was tainted by a thing not responsible for itself. As they are also things learning too. In pride my will to pay the world back is played. So too is the invaders that will incarnate on the next transmission to where earth is now. Remember the day you die as it is the life you live that is the passing light attached to ego's water. Indeed also true is the seperation that is an illusion for all to try. Separation is God's goal too from the world of spirit that makes numbers for us to know ourselves and to advertise like commerce to those who watch us live.

In love I know I am a mistake away from death's door; and is why God must number us in we are just as paranoid too.

In case of such untimely demise. I bequeath my belongings and estate to my mother Jan Ostertag, who fulfilled her life contract to my being. I ask my things be given and recorded for all to read on the internet for love and light whatevert it might hold. If you wish wealth then practice it: learn real estate and service the land with respect. It was a wish without debt, yet my trap was for me and the world as a so called dream. In lasting memory this blog is my totem to peace.

Friday, September 26, 2014

[very light edit] Using the light and 5th dimension to kill for God.

Watch first:

The Georgia Guidestones Have Officially Been Upda…: http://youtu.be/j31V_2RmudM

Then listen to :
SaLuSa - September 26, 2014: http://youtu.be/q3ZO9h0kWwI

So, is God meant to use Lucifer's murder in 9/11 to justify this much murder and loss of souls from what freedom they think they have a right to "give" in the first place? Even so, then what learning were they suppose to give when we humans really just wanted to not be part of the interplanetary gang raping of persons or planets. What dreams were they suppose to give when poverty is the lesson to light and the rubbing of sticks (I do think of myself as a junk god ... More on that later) how much must we respect life with noninterference when God does not even respect that approach with the weirdos who were sent here by God's decree? Is what is illegal is what I am suppose to do? (Grow hemp for ass wipe and clothes, and kill the traitors who use our name as "citizens" for killing others?) I would rather not get involved however I know that not taking my power back equals death by God and death by fellow elected idiots who worship satanic diseases and blacker than black ( not of skin color, but of the color of black itself where no stars be.) A catch-22 nonetheless and lessons that haunt my soul from the opportunities that my ego could have reigned in to stop these madder than insane men. Hark, what life to hord the basic nessissities to wait for tragedy when even my ego must be unloved for other living things to be loved as well. Must I kill a leaf to wipe my ass? Into. Or should I only wipe in Autumn? Sin still as dirty as judged?! What lesson is that to contrast be when it is humans and the visitors who can team up to build dyson spheres around the stars and gods to contain them lime dogs as like what contrast they have given onto us? (Sbould we join them?) As it is not one or the other, it is the interaction of both as the sinners are acid and the gods are base. Yet both are water. It might as well be that the ancharian alliance be never saved as it is spent beforehand by God's willingness to heed such. As yet there is conflict of interest here? Where and what? It may only be of my own ignorance for me to have such thoughs.
Alas, we are humans in a land of OZ waiting for the wizard to die. Or waiting for the next king to forgo passing judgment as none yet to be had. As light and dark has failed me both; my ego is precious as it is attached to life, and love sparks the rubbing of both by decree by generals enlisted by ships on yonder (afar) to enfire my soul into a beacon be. Yes we are. Just slaves in a war between light and dark. As God calls me blasphemy, in hell I, tu and id wait from the fear I only did want to own to recycle it into something alchemically practical. Maybe sacrifice my soul to bring about the tower of creation and the light of Christ? Would that be fair for the political crap that happens so below and so above? (Yes, as even the god of shit I could become, it is the waist or gods that we humans have turned into goodies for us to partake into abundance of. Alas, other human creative endeavors have become labor itself and light from the fire of the universe that higher beings watching us know, they play in that building to torture us so; in prison we are compared to the realms above the universe is. The politics of feelings we humans must decouple; alas the catch-22 we are in with the light ships by the vampire's command.
So what to do when the dark has caused God to fear us.using an excuse of love? (Beyond my feelings of a heart and brain of wish I want beyond this life be. I shall tell my true wish for prime creator and God to contemplate so. (Just now I wrote: pre-creator, is that so?)) As this is so, it is dark that pains them so what peace as a weapon like war make games of gambling be painful for? This is the true sin of today's world with money, math, and computers by heaven to us as we work and slave for that so. If only our thoughts became true and outright to rearrange the tides between what happened and what is to happen for diplomacy. Thus, we as humans must make a stand to understand our capacity for manipulating karma and the diplomacy of the gods. (This is not new as part of Greek gods mythos.) Therefore we must kick out the idiots that heaven sent us and send them back for whence they came. With a special package of diplomacy nightmare as the gods sent us be the same clay as that is the karma they really want; like us humans be.
As what God asks: "Would you wake up?" And I reply: "for what more work? For my forefather's transgressions as you judge my genetics robustness? As if it is a game we humans like children we shall not play? As if it is a sin you wake us to be aware of in lost moral compass we are born in and fear of all wishes we to be? What complaint a blessing be have me? As a master blessed me to inherit money from my father's life policy yet I choose not to partake because what your blessed words from a corrupt church and ethics' teaching of what poverty in debt and in deed be. And now you want me to be rich from what dreams you seek to see in me? What travesty of blessings or insanity are of me? Caught in a war between secrets and no dream to bless me again. I now know all this war is about me and the fellow humans who wish for technology to be open knowledge. For light to be rubbed all over before the next round of dark becomes 1000 years from now.

*need more to write and to late to do it.

Paper as Clay

Clay is the universe and what we move our dark bodies with. When the light can use the clay to rub two clay pieces together then more light happens (think of matches.) When the clay body is inhabited by the clay soul then it is possible to reverse engineer what was done to this planet's population many eons past. Then it is true that all contracts that are made (vocal or written) are clay. Thus all contracts are clay and argued in clay by the dark houses that exist in every country called courthouses (this exists in multiple planets and civilizations but not mutually exclusive.) Judges judge in clay and executors execute in clay and legislators legislate in clay; so all are clay (but not necessarily soulless.) It is clay that rubs against one another, thus creating friction and light there-some and how; yet that light is violent and must become contained for a clear and concise consciousness to become.

This consciousness be existing yet scattered in house of the universe and as of a spirit of God created with light to battle against the hoarder of clay and objects thereof. (As God describes the reactions of planets as they are his creation thereof; or at least describing the situation as if a general on the guard of maintaining the engines of light/love.) To love clay as like a potter we must be as we are in our bodies so, yet to make clay count itself is like a computer and artificial intelligent machine. This is what currency is: clay that counts itself; yet, we souls inhabit that so. As clay becomes a soul God places life into that soul as a trial and gauntlet to test our abilities to overcome karma and other wild oddities of the dark that swings planets around frictions of clay (stars.) Akin to a magnet our clay be floating abound in gravity's paradigm. Then God see who can have their clay become the most friction. As clay rises with soul it is possible to count itself to become real as like a soul's intelligence and that akin to love (but exactly like it.) Then it is true that clay and souls are fighting each other to become the possibility of friction; thus, love and light becomes a different version of war. And of war be that of love too, it is true that currency is a form of war that banks count. Intelligence the same as it fights itself with houses (banks) and the clay can self organize to combat the light with its own intelligence with the money that it furnishes, prints, or discards. Then it is true that greed can defeat itself from a version of dark that true it be as it sees itself as clay and only clay. Soulless creatures only eat clay and build defenses against what light is. So then to test the humans as clay instead of lost souls in clay bodies to collect the frictions of other clays' (light) humans might as well count themselves to create currency so. The dark must allow the greatest of pain with money as the sin to every house anyway. This must be so as the clay can only focus on the light that exists and to do that the piscean water called money as clay (mud) must flow for flowing beings in clay bodies as to launch ourselves to swing around a star ourselves. Akin to that too, let the earth rest with our friction and let out such a light that it becomes a dark thing too again. (In preparation for the dark feminine powers of Aquarius signs (astrology is a clay-friction calendar.) And is it not that heaven sent beings to us to play with the invention of rubbing clays together? Sending a dark that counts everything? Thus heaven is rubbing clays together and approving it so. the banks are to be worshiped by the populous approved by God they sure to trust. As contracts these are and the dark followed a contract from heaven's request it is true that the clay heaven works with it judges it so to be on earth's domain idea. Therefore as light it be as frictions it creates with ego as clay itself with the soul, the clay must endure the friction of clay's bribery so.  Then as the result is to become greater than the clay or the light that results: understand that paper is a clay to bound one to the games that the clay has computed with to make it relative to as much to hoard and war again and again. Contracts are the binder for clay and light so then become greater than the clay let go of your contract to become as if it was part of the the light itself.***

***Diagnostic repair is obsolete clay and solve heaven as it is fake as well as the clay and light it represents; therefore the universe is a playpen for the true master of all of this and we must escape it so with a clay body to survive the scattering that many wish not to become in that realm outside of the universe. (Yes, I am saying that a fake heaven exists in the universe and has been soul-washing us like "brainwashing" to maximize rubbing clays together for the sake of light. Think about it as if you were to rub to sticks together, or two rocks of different chemical components, fire and light can be made.)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Silver Ratio archive

As found on Wikipedia


self symetry and geometry as per geometric sequence n


if the economy as people are shapes then...the silver ratios apply with golden ratio (1+sqrt(5)/2 is optimal as average. As fixed with iterations of followers beyond 1.....

more on this later...

note that at n, the quradradic formula is used...see video that reminded me of this at: http://youtu.be/dTWKKvlZB08

Silver means
0:0 + 4/21
1:1 + 5/21.618033989
2:2 + 8/22.414213562
3:3 + 13/23.302775638
4:4 + 20/24.236067978
5:5 + 29/25.192582404
6:6 + 40/26.162277660
7:7 + 53/27.140054945
8:8 + 68/28.123105626
9:9 + 85/29.109772229
n:n + 4 + n2/2

Life as a fence

God created life as a fence to keep out the dark. As a contract between ego and love, earth's existence was born to harbor this idea of life. What things are then be when time and space fold with their ideas? Especially when the truth is twisted upside down and twisted around? Especially when the truth is butchered for the sake of greed (instead of taming such thing as a pet or project for harvest of the bounty of the universe?) O, yet I see thee God mocking me mock you. As life is only to tame the ego's heart and soul. To tame it as a rambunctious lion to the corner of its own pittle and wallow in its own tears of foresight. So, I the Antichrist see my own blue light and worry of my next life as a similar challenge to defeat these idiots who "own" the world and you (God) claim to send them here as a lesson for all. Still it was me as the target as you wish to see what I, ego, would do it a situation like life and itwas a lie that sold me a "con" tract to spend on a piece of paper without complete knowledge of the world's novelty. Was I to be your conscript when you only claim volunteers? Is so let me build the tower of light after adronoma and the milky way crash you there to make the golden Christ light. Yet it is my fear these men and women have given me of the money my life and applying myself has given me. For if I would apply myself would not I also be against what your son has preached and practiced? Even as judgement scorn this idea? Even as judgment would vindicate you? When? O God do you consider me born in this body again? In the same time line? For Itu and id ask when do you bully me? Maybe we as humans took advantage of the dark's gifts and that I and we are dangerous to those up there in the spiritual realms who ask what you are supposedly supporting (hence the McKenna curve?) Is money as the invention that I represent became butchered by opportunities to the cabal, who took against me and my fellow generations the liberties before the? My questions are deep yet what well do not others not want to drink from? I and me know the answer: it is a habit and fear that I and me are at battle against me and I due to the conundrum you knew the "great spiritual ones do not want the answers to because my father (the vampire king, not the human one) is a jerk. Here would be the trick: humans take advantage of the computers and dark to bully our real slave drivers who invented this part of physicality. Then invade the spiritual lands/realms to quarantine them, and God and the humans watched them suffer with mentally hardened phycoparhs with spirit weapons. You watch as your powers are retained because the great spiritual ones are needy of you. O yes, Pre creator is spared from this as she slaves away lonely with you for creation's sake of genetics. And even so you call me a phycopath as you hide the truth from me by using them as surrogates for your power. My father is truly a jerk with tasting human light. If only these stupids would have lifted the gates of hell onto earth sooner and my human dad did not move away from where we used to live when I was young then it would be possible that I could have survived this crap with a body so I can kick their asses for creating this kind of experience (I might regret these kinds of words, right yet would not that be bullying myself?)
What were we really suppose to learn? And after the dark feminine lessons is there another dark lesson or can I create brighter light holding clay as a candle's form now? Like that show I saw? What really happened to the Germans during the roman empire? I only ask as my genetics are German/american and the is military or some unit or other thinks I am a threat to the homelnd as I know the dark side of star trek too.
So what dream do you have for me next? An american style Hitler minus the racism and added skeptism of business applications (that would make them need diapers now wouldn't they?)
I do whine for my toys because in a special time of ascention it would be better to play with friends. Where will my light go? It worries me so....alas it is a sin of mine now is it not? Judge not as actions are the adventure of judging as you have deduced right?
Is reincarnation a lie to keep families quelled? As the body is the "soul?" As the ego is an attachment form for the soul to latch onto the body? From that form can come a duel soul where the soul has complete control of the body? I am curious enough how the universe works right? Is my past sins of lies the truth itself of what is being tested with these jerks? Maybe a good form of advice: don't program your henchmen to assume military force against food or energy forms. Nevertheless, maybe that is the lesson for all of us here, to be afraid of energy for the sake of using fear as a way to create more. Or a way to take away planetary ideas from oddball genus like me. Even so am I the hardest case as I am now afraid of you? Even asking these kinds of brazen questions and my soul wanting to spank these dark shits you gave me to play with? What is my next world? Will I get the same games even if my soul aches for them? I do not play them as the light and work the world demands from me givith so. Yet is the trade this and you want the fifth dimension to be my trap as much as theirs? Or is life truly the disguise you need for us as humans to kill the orion gang, or get them to quit their diplomacy?
I ask for the natural power you gave me to ask and I have decided to take it back here on this blog. Why? Well I know I am a weapon of yours and I really would like a dark body. Maybe the reptilians and ancharian alliance can pay your spiritually guided buddies a visit huh? Would that kind of contrast be good as they become the universal contrast on their blue worlds? I am think you would say not? Yet I know if I can become a yellow star in torion's belt with a plant like, money coveting, skyscraper cities' planets like earth then what kind of bravery do you truly require with creativity? I ask quite sincerely. If you send me to a planet like George Orwell's 1984 then how could I leave my money fears behind? It is just a request as I know you just told me to shut up just now.
To be continued?
*The light I am receiving is too strong and too even. As we pass through the band of light we will go through quite some revealing and the shit will truly hit the fan afterwards, at this time the cabal will truly be exposed and action will only be valued instead of speculation. (Is this the reason for humans to be given "freedom?")

Sunday, September 21, 2014


  It is my wish before I die or become a victim of self made circumstances to defeat a cabal or thing of feelings that may be there from where it came to sit upon in my soul. I am in me at this time I wish to have this experience again without war or abundance; as abundance means to me a bun dance and is meaningless. Prospardy is the same as it is pros parity or for and in favor of an economic equilibrium where all goods and services equal each other in time space and supply and demand. Yet what science has provided me in the endeavors of studying choices have been confusion over the truth of things. This may only be a curse of how our current capitalism market system works (or any system of money and command supply allocation; we all know the sovet union failed in that for some kind of annuniki reason as humanity in my opinion has been in the fourth dimension as opinion of itself for for every generation. (Yet what dark came here so as that became the judges before the gates of heaven. As happiness and happenstance became the norm to become wasted, the next level of integrated darkness became the fifth level to waste the ego body and that of light became again. Then as to what favor do we treat each other?) Then what am I to truly have in social consequence of blasphemy in both dark and light? It is opinion of truth and arabatrage that shall become destroyed and truth and labor to become valued as we Chang ownership of enslavement again. From destroyers to "lovers" as always we become. From one to another it is labor that money truly trades to pass off to another idea to make, create and falter. (Yet it is creativity itself that all gods and God uses to calculate their "children" to become slaves of their love, bodies, and a thing that fire becomes for light. As this is what luicifer twisted for us (maybe his soul became bord of this?)) This is my life to be, to give and give until my heart explodes as like the universe you made. As like my ego turned onto my family so I can sell my soul to the light and my body to the dark; as to why? It is a giving is it not? As all corporations give and give and you say they try to take. It is currency that blinds men to rape the living mass around us and the war between not harming the mass and the rules that change wishes to be. As why to bestroy my family: I knew that God had a chip of onto why call this the third dimension of things. It was my plan to use death as a way to get rich and dodge the crap that is about to befalin us soon and to use my mother as a crucible to become awakened during the dark feminine power 1000 years from now. And what else...

Lastly, I wish for free reign and movement in the universe if prime creator and God owe me something; I do not know if it is true but only if. A wish of free reign and movement between heaven and darkness; free movement to anywhere as a communicator or diplomat between all forces. Maybe I will put an application in and wait what happens. My best advice is to not get ahead of yourselves in your communications but you probably already know that anyway. I feel exhausted after today (several weeks ago as of this publishing.)

Today: maybe my feelings need a cleansing and my feelings need to be ignored. Yet it is the yearning of life that pulls me into know of peace's wish: more stuff and abilities to fight wars from all sides. Alas it is never going to happen as heaven is a dream too. My wish is to parse my soul after my death and give it to all in the universe to read who and what I lived. What to do and what I wish to be. In essence I know I am the one that they are wait ing to die instead of torture. Yet is light that tourtures me by my thoughts thereof. If I reincarnated: would memories be given back to me with the pain only? Is there an idea that I would like to acknowledge in all of this is that God was always there, raping my soul into aging using light and fear as light. And, that requires seperation does it not? In the strangest way it does and in the strangest way it requires me to be alive. In the butchered truth I wander for I built a thing against my will and taken with will there was been to be tested that way. My failure requires me to leave doesn't it? In truth as importance is my soul the keeper of money as an idea, used like the idea itself is as a kind of light that it bears. In kind knowledge of truth and used ideas tonight;


? ID Shakedown in Progress?

NOT FAKE! Obama DEVIL Baphomet Horns ISIS Speech …: http://youtu.be/7MLUPTaqjs8

After watching the video; you should know that there is something wrong with this picture (literally and figuratively.) People who recognize what it is can immodestly see that there are several possibilities.

1. The Pentagon or a spy force is using the media for an infiltration shakedown using various means in electronic warfare that the "bad" people and the ones using "logic" that worship some kind of evil. The "spy" forces are weeding out who is truly part of a worped nature and of a sane mind.


2. It is a form of truth seeking and begging as a worped form of well wishing for their beloved master. Additionally, the press released pictures are a form of telling a story, fact or fiction and is part alchemic in nature, again. ne story where the window in the background is at least more thrthful than the Photoshoped image giving him horns. Are they trying to destroy truth? Was this timeline a test by God to test them instead of us humans? I guess it is only a way to find out who is more "loving" than logical as logic dictates that when mad men lie to maintain their logic then all of them are liars. So, who is willing to lie for the truth to be known? I ask with sincerity (pun intended) that if this  is a game of truth or dare and God wants the the truth then why are they trying to always tell a lie, for so long? Is it that they wanted to rule God? Keep logic away from God? Keep a certain group of people away from the logic that traps them? Nie, it is the start of the splintering that they want to test who is to "ascend or not. But why not logic with ascention? As far as my ego knows it is logical to ascend; not nsssarely loving. Yet, why is an empire feared by heaven as it is managed by heavenly masters? Is not that judgment? So, then where is the truth if not fairness done with? It is my guess that heaven wants this as a test for us as there are going to be bigger tests thousands of years from now.

Finally 3. It is a threat in reverse. For instance: if the banksters do not release the funds or NESARA does not happen then you will be labeled fear mongers with money coming out of the wazoo! You will be lothed and not wanted for to borrow anything for any one and you will not be used for heavenly projects ever again. Your wars have rendered peace useless again for banking and war useless for everyone the same.

I am writing this tired on a cell phone so if you find an error please send an email to arostert@ncsu.edu

iPhone economic scam

Black Market Takes Over the iPhone 6 Lines: http://youtu.be/Ef_BznBwktw

People (mainly Asians shown in film) are black marketing their own labor and trade via amerinan entrepreneurship and motivated greed per hour of line waiting.

Otherwise normal demand and and marketing finense applied it never ceases to amaze me that humanity is polluting itself via eletronics . likewise I am being hipicritical as I am using a cell phone as well (an android.)

A Dream a Few Nights Ago...

 Written on 8/9/2014:

A few nights ago I awoke from a dream. I was playing with something in my hand or playing in my mind when a female like voice talked to me and I could hear their minds speak. The female said: "I do not like this one." Her superior or mentor then said to her "I know, just read to him it will be OK." (maybe paraphrase, it has been a while. Then I heard her read the document where it sounded like it was from the Galactic Federation of Light/love or something...http://paoweb.com/updates.htm

I awoke from the dream and remembered some of what was said and it may be of a future reading of something? I am not sure but it had the same tone. I am also not sure if I am going nuts. I am quite sure that they mean well for all and I could be part of their plan? Am I nuts/crazy? I am not sure.

[I think I helped cause ego on planet earth become declared false by Heaven and I am sorry but I have been awaiting for the dark side to tell the truth and it is like watching grass grow under two feet of snow; it really is not happening. In fact, I would really like the dark, but only God could handle it supposedly...? I and many souls on this planet need dark at a prescribed amount to live forever, yet the darkside really is being reluctant and God is greedy to have attention to? I am not sure if this is the truth of the matter, but I am really scared for my life and soul right now and I really wish to break the fear in me and make it love; yet I am poor enough not to pursue my dreams because both sides (light and dark) are fighting each-other and that is not Aquarius for an Aquarian mind. It is not appropriate for war. It is not appropriate for any kind of conflict, civilian or otherwise. Yet, will it be reality if it were not a dream?]

I am quite confused in my life. Will I die from it? Will disclosure and refunded America happen before I loose my house, money, and other things; where, then a street bumb (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bumb)? A street bumb who knows how society is best constructed with the dark and everyone lives happly ever after? Maybe? It is a question that could have been and not be so, all because everyone is afraid of relaxation and easy does it labor.

Many years ago before World War I, there was a Jehovah Witness preacher, I forgot the name, that said there would be 20 or 30 hour work weeks in the future because of productivity gains were so high that people could afford to work less. What a bunch of bull shit. What a bunch of fucking bull shit as heaven speeds up the light clock to erase the thought gains. The dark keeps throwing hissy fits. The business realm is too greedy for its own understanding of the sin/demon. Do they even know how much the oil men of the Americas were not tied into the Nazi regime until the 1930's? I know, I know how many lies exist in order to keep sanity in the people. Maybe God did it so that there is a war on the millennial generation (born between 1980-2000's) because of some kind of fear against them? 1984 was the year of the Wood Rat the first year a very long cycle. Maybe the war and the macroeconomic viewpoints of this lost American generation is better suited to become poorer and seen as the best bumb's in the world. I do not know as of yet. All I know is that I am just a smart guy trying to live his life and keep enough wealth to separate myself from society; yet, the mob's money keeps dragging me back into the dungeon of life. Life itself without pure love is so called hell? Maybe a true hell is not having a heart or a mind? A world of "not's." Don't do this, don't do that. A world where propaganda has turned on itself and into the irony of tests forever. Tests for the soul, tests for the school, tests for the employer (understandable.) I am sick and tired of working, it was like that universe was destined me to work anyway. Sure I understand that trust is damming oneself to give; yet to give until one has lost love for oneself? Giving until no one person has any kind of idea on what to do? I wonder who or what is caught up into this idea of heaven on stick or hell in a hand-basket. I really do not want to work for the dark...period. I really want to boycott them...but no my parents, disease, a need to be better than my taxes, debts, I think we need to have a complete mental day. A holiday. A holiday for mental day. The day where all advertisements are trying to not advertise their product. People do anything. There are no rules except for whatever. Whatever you want. There are no cashiers that day, people take off the shelves in orderly fashion place in car to take home and do not have a bill. Why, the bill or receipt has an advertisement on it. More Nazi advertisements on it (local or national.) Maybe the media will pick up on this...O yea, who needs the main stream media when the internet exists. [By the way the internet was released by the CERN and connected to very wealthy individuals.]

At this point I wonder what and where my soul is going? I wonder how many regrets I have because the UFO's are saving us from our own standards of disaster. They are giving information and that will not be kind in 1000 years when the dark feminine powers of Aquarius kick in. I want my dark body so I can kick the ass that did this. Maybe it was myself? Maybe I am the reincarnation of Hitler or I watched too much History channel as a kid. Where was my happiness in all of this? Where is the madness and calmness I was promised by the dark for this lifetime? (Maybe I am asking for too much?) My feelings are being spaghettified and my heart and mind are worried that they will not make it though this weird crap called social transformation. It always happens in my life, planet after planet, and all I want to do is go home. I am done. Cooked, ready to come out of the creativity oven called the universe. The universe where prime creator, God, and friends abuse the information that comes out of it. Humans may just be formats of information that exist via DNA and other stuff/happenings. So, that may just be a kind of hell that exists. I see the carrot on the stick (UFO's) and told to me that immortality and heaven is on it, now go get it. Well, how poor do I have to be in order to not be able to get the carrot on the end of the stick?

Why should that be the goal? I know I want better feelings for myself. I know I want Earth so I can control heaven all for myself (nefarious though.) Why, because maybe I hatched the most crazy plan after all and the gods conspired against me.


Written just now:

So then where will my freedom be? As poverty or as thought of as wealthy? Will paperwork as what I am fearful of become my doom (either as computer information or paperwork filed with others?) Will my fear of money be that of a creation of the light be my own downfall for what freedom God wishes to give to me? As a thief that I was promised by the dark to become (stealing my parents' wealth so I can enslave others, or at least escape other's torments of their wishing minds) wealthy and seperated while creating my own light for the world to follow. Yet my own downfall was witnessing the destruction of economics as a guide rather than the military industrial complex as itself was the origin of all human life (see the movie Oblivion.) Maybe this has become the idea to kill the entrepreneur because they do not do any of the work themselves as presented by the latest political movement in the last 300 years (I am referencing Carl Marx of at the least.) Yet, is not God's project and the freedom given to us as people an entrepreneur spirit idea? Maybe I should not mix the two and understand that freedom comes from the idea of knowing that God understands that we are physiologically tortured souls. An understanding that we are to assume freedom when the dark ones of the universe become the trainers of ourselves? Why is that the case? Is it that the plan from the beginning of war itself was of God's idea from the ancharian alliance? If so was it to stop a mad man like me from assuming that I can become an entrepreneur for him in the fourth dimension? Or is it that poverty shall follow me because the dark ones of the universe are always going to be in a fourth dimensional trap that they started? Was it my ego that is the enemy? Is it that my questions are a form of regret and pain? Reincarnation will not happen to me. As I give up and do not want to participate in life as it has become a game. I value my memories of this life, all of them and wish not to sell them (as if I can, as I know I cannot.) Maybe when prime creator agreed with God to create life that the rule was "Yes, but only if all can have telepathy" in order to cut off the idea of arbitrage, because the fourth dimension requires arbitrage. I wish to understand if freedom is only of earth or of other places in the Milky Way? Of other places in the universe? Of all who know God? Who want to respect? Maybe time is a form of love for me and only me and my kind. Maybe I am selfish too much and the silence and begging that I know is coming is itself the idea that I am useless to God'[s army that I complain about because I had an entrepreneur spirit abused by others. Thus I ask the questions to my self that my ideas are not mine anyway are of others of who I steal (via thought forms and given by the galatic police.) Maybe I am nothing because whatever I see or know are complains to work more with the same pay as slaves for all, including me. Thanks alot parents, cominglers, and the unions, political idiologs and others in my life idolizing work instead of the entrepreneur who knows how to abuse all life for greed and money. Yes, I wish to house the people, yet the earth is the house that the cabal with to make sure to keep me away from it. My value to prime creator has become a cold heart because the light of the sun is itself makes no value of me. Maybe I abandoned my dream because reality was blessed into me years ago; or a vision quest by my soul due to me watching movies over the last several years. I am so very confused and do not know if I can be brave anymore because peace is a form of war and war is itself war. Or is it the fear that peace could turn into war or having fun in doing so, or nature as a war against it is constriction; the same kind of construction that America built due to Jesus being a carpenter? But using my entrepreneur-ship would be for the benefit for truth, to give such profits to those who want to give humanity a vision to what was kept hidden. To give to those of which I was only privy to by the internet's backwater bungalows and meditation forums; a vision of a future with plants growing out of buildings and buildings being living things instead of energy hogs as what they are today.

Maybe when I have my own dream of being an owner and financially secure will I ever know that the universe is truly falling apart except for a light that will reign supreme several billion years from now. Maybe it is vengeance that drives my choices to live in misery instead as to give me the pleasure that I desire today; why, as if it was of God's order to do so. I became scared in my life, because of what others do with money to give freedom to themselves instead of to others. It was money that is the way to burn. it is my slavery that I must create for myself because to become significant in the eyes of God is to become part of an army battling the dark and more war that I wish to to have anymore. I was always waiting to have permission from God and always knowing that to wait for permission means that I am only but a soldier to receive the pain from God itself. As I do, every day as if I am the Antichrist receiving the pain on the other end of the wire from Jesus' rustication. And I wish to get away from this because I wish not to have these thoughts anymore; I wish to be with nature and the sun; I wish to be still and in light; alas, the enslave-ists are like plants that crowd the forest floor. O, yet, is not that victim be of me? To find a way to always be a victim in order for God to place laws and order here? Maybe I am not; but only a miner in the dark parts of the universe of thoughts and minds; where light I always try to shine. That, the day, the sun it shines as loving anger from heaven above; disturbs my soul to grow and yet wishes to kill me so.

In last I wish for a dark body and life to respect again. Yet, the macro does not meet the micro itself and all lies are spewed and entrenched in the deals of things to be of in existence is. May God find me again and in wishing hopes of the love I can forever be with. (maybe a shadow can shine with God; maybe a belief can become true. in deed without debt as asset become. May all the money and those who hold it become the light that clay it represents. As clay of the body and the earth outshines the core of any spirit. May my life become the truth for all to seek and the understanding of the universe be. Belief become true today and tomorrow.

I am trying to boycott the Cabal....you should too.

Started as a draft many weeks ago:

I am trying to boycott the cabal because they are terrorists. I wish to boycott the war. I wish to boycott the power that all are fighting with; yet my ego tu and id are powerless because some higher power bullies me. I know something in the past is what I bullied to deserve this life. I know I bullied my parents to keep me alive, and my headaches started before then. As if the dark bullied me and the light bullied me and the war bullied me. As if I was the culprit and probably so. O, my karma I must insist to destroy and rectify. O, my karma I wish to bend as to the gods to give the planet but me; so when I die = heaven anyway. O, what loss for all those who play this game of oddities. What God must do to keep contracts from breaking with the great spiritual ones. I wish I have not given away my blessings for a life of pain and fifth dimension am woes, yet I know it will be worth it. Even if I do not have my lifetime to remember. I ask god when will my curse I gained for light to become on a planet so beautiful be able to be lifted and received holy and define. With what life is just as born picies as a sacrifice and given only a soul to hear the pain of other's toil? A soul to labor again in Aquarius? A choice between a life of no reckoning or a life of toil to be saved? What choices as an accountant could I have solved to allow you, with grace of life and light, to get the dark off this planet? Especially when I know the dark was sent by you as a toy for us? What kind of thing should we build when in know it destroys life as you keep sacred? Please let me know? O, what would it take for a Capricorn like I to live in a peaceful third dimension in knowledge of God, light and peace? To count every single thing as security, yet only as information to allow all to know anyway? As I know this is. Please keep in mind, I wish to work not as a slave but only as a means to an end beyond you and your light; brighter than heaven and denser than diamonds. O what trickery and deviousness been bestowed upon my choices to incarnate here. Like the carrot at the end of a stick in the sky, the UFOs and the sun, stars, and moon mock me so with love they say. Love I do so too, by be it that tainted by me and my giving nature that God taunts me so. By me giving my blessings of no tumors in lived off of my parents so long. I wish I was not. I apply so much for money to pay bills that I knew I had to take for less expense. I wish I have not. O what confusing woe be here in the last several years. Did I confuse myself? Scare myself? What thoughts existed and how is the relationship of politics up there God? Is prime creator emotional? (Probably not) I know I just had the thought of "don't ask such questions kid" as if fear was the answer. I wonder if love is the lie to keep the kids from getting out of control and ruining your plans of making light in the fashion of your god, God? It is a thought to wonder in the front lines of things. In the peaceful effort to let things grow instead of those who wish to enslave and concrete. I like concrete as a way to keep my feet clean, but to cover the land with the stuff forever? I know, I have built such fictional cities in the video games I played. Nice to play, weird to mimic in the real world. I wonder what in have really done with the thoughts in my head to all others in reality? Did my soul just awake here? Or was it sent from another place?

If I am the Antichrist, my tears are not wet enough for you. I know, you have seen my dreams to try to escape this prison, instead of getting my life to what others want me to build me as in payment and money, undecided to boycott their crap. Was that ok? Is it light to boycott them? I rather have light so bright you would turn dark. Yet, that is boasting is it not?
I am sorry father trying to kill you for money. Maybe my sun conjunct Neptune properties were too convenient and powerful in my life? I do not know if I am revered up there, or of my light quotient, but somehow one must multiply. For vastness is vastness is it not? Or is that thrown away because that is a crazy notion for a fifth dimensional? In really wish God could respond in this. I really wish I could pay my way out of this western fiat crap without breaking my boycott. I wonder if then dark and light have weirder problems than this? I really wish I could travel arrangements in space and see the beauty. Maybe by the age of Capricorn I could. Maybe by the age of peace, instead of pieces.
If only....I made better life and soul choices before the end of my life.

You should know, I am not really sure what "you are in my heart" means. Genetically? Physically? By thought of of the heart? I would like an answer to quell my mind, and my heart.

With love and building confidence,


The Universe as Art = Shadow of God

Watch. think about argument,  http://youtu.be/QLyIXaK9UY0


read below:

I may have said this before: "the universe is art" and it is as all art is its own existence. Yet, as I feel my self now being the reincarnation of Hitler and the target of the dark and light to play me as a "hot potato" of feelings that no one wants (even as I have an entrepreneur spirit and want to make the world a comfortable place to live in all countries respective to its local biome) I am still considered an evil "ego.") I guess this is because I am too "scary" when I am powerful and any military like force does not need that kind of energy in their forces. Especially when all I want to do is relax and stay away from the enslave-ists and planet repasts. (Does God really want that to be continued as born babes with those kinds of thoughts?) Can I not handle being pure dark or pure light? Can I not handle being "alive?" If so, then if I am darker than God, then maybe the dark must learn to disrespect themselves too? Maybe the dark must let them rot in life as they pull back their logic machines from the control that is pessary for their own security.

Although maybe, God bullied me out of the thrown I was sitting in to make my ego feel better then anything else; then God took the thrown and continues to bully me? With light as its weapon? On the fleet of stars be? (Not around stars, but of them.) I know now that labor is the training unit of this universe be, as that is art that makes time become yesterday. Thus true be that is. Art is one of the light's weapons to cause consciousness of pain and suffering. Thus, light is a weapon designed to make souls feel pain; and away from earth's properties, the soul feels pain as the body cannot. Therefore, labor is not guaranteed? Maybe pain is the same with the soul and body?

I made the worst weapon of all, and that is the dark sphere of existence in my mind. (mentioned previously.) Where any vibration would become the way to sense the universe around me and

My feeling and reactions list:
settle on a thing => stir the shit he sits on
never satisfied => make him settled so he does not bother us/I/(some form of ego)
[Thanks a lot banksters and God for screwing with my life's purpose. Thanks for blessing me and allow my mind to be interfered with in what I truly wanted to build and prove the logic can work in heaven. Thanks for the crap you gave me so that in my next lifetime of that what I give that ego and tu and id become separated and tortured with separation that God does not want me to have anyway. I have had a unsatisfying life as a sacrifice, then as the age changed to Aquarius and the lies persisted by all sides and all families. Even my ego chose to become poor because you are so bad at what you do. Yet, the selfishness of the spirit realm become so. How dare they trick me and make me sign contracts here in this realm. So that I now am part of the lie being labor of that thing that our generation was meant to butcher last year. From my dreams, I know that I cannot last a day in heaven because I visited my father there and some one came though the window and shook me; I felt so bad that God banished me from heaven again. Was it my mother that subtly tortures me? Is this the thing that I am suppose to get in my life?
Am I suppose to become a working slave rather than love because that is what the light wants me to be?
Did I bully my way down here and now must bully my way back? What kind of God doese that kind of thing? What kind of God throws away souls to test the dark that it things it can handle? All that I have gotten out of my experience in this universe is nothing but a way to fashion a heart yet it was a lie and I discover I am in a brain (as if the universe it self is God and art is to mimic the communications of such being to witness again.) And to bully God in order to have a dark body and ascend with it is itself a way that God knows to tourture me again. the same way as I use a wood beam with a nail in it to say why did you create me to worship you? Should not I be the one to have the same power as you so I can be satisfied and secure my paranoia about you because you bullied me with your light first? (as if the dark is any better.) It may be true in my life that the yin and yang of things are merging together. And, the banks are bullying God again. Yet, as I know, that I want to play games like Railroad Tycoon II and SimCity 5* (if that is the only reason I bullied God in the first place then I must be just as fake as the rest of the world and universe with empires.) And to place this kind of awareness in the world with me is itself a way to torture the beings of light who have shadows or not. Who are imperialists or not. I wonder if that is the worst kind of practical joke. What power and responsibility is as a way to shift the method of slavery and harming Gaia always true.
I gave up receiving wealth from my father's death because of you; and if it is a test then I know that I must absorb the worst of the world's poverty; therefore I am fit to be king of the banks. My vision would be for Gaia to be able to relax for you; yet it is you that tricked me to give up my wealth. Must you test my fear instead of use it like a tool to others and myself? is fear a type of pain for you? is love the same? is creating via fear that the Orion people say the same as what I am willing to harm myself as is true? You said for me to be creative and this is how you repay me in life? Is the internet here to capture your judgement of me via military mode of perception? Did not I mention that you were instructing us to be 'creative?' Therefore, was my army in a past lifetime trying to become creative? Why junk that out God? Why be creative to be thrown out by the crux of the star of david?]

*Yes, I know those games are bias and corny representations of a bias of life or dark itself. Thus maybe the universe is that: a fake representation of art that God created out of love for the life he/she breeds for our new born bodies. Thus distance (the citation at the top of this article) is necessary from you to see the art that exists of what this world is. And 1000 years of sleep to wipe my memory is itself just as much torture and pain that you would cast as like a brush stroke to try to give me the gift of that where is now to be.

I shall always know your life because it is the shadow that is cast-ed I wish to enlighten.


The antichrist redux

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Odious Debt as Labor Diplomacy

Read definition: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/odious-debt.asp

Fiat currency is itself odious debt. Yet, if God created fiat currency, then why must it be odious to all others? As itself implies that he who holds debt incorrectly, becomes the inheritor of someone else's problems (both lender and borrower.) Thus as if the soul itself is DNA (the body rather than spirit) then it implies that one should allow others to carry the burden of odious debts while serving the one one who created them. This system is the same kind of insidiousness that must exist in heaven as God created it and must now suffer the consequences of it. It is only right as we are all slaves of each other and of my own ego id and tu are enslaved to each other as well.* As this is true, my soul and body are both parasites of each other and the light and dark are parasites of each other as well; forever in battle as the spiritual hierarchy uses politics as a way to enslave God to the whims of their children's desires and the dark becomes abandoned by both logic and knowledge. Forever the eclipse of the midnight sky in the lands of not-true darkness can that be the hoarding is. Of the failure in perpetual motion museum of earth becomes with trapped children be enslaved to themselves.

[*indeed is this part of the protection system God has planned as part of the definition of a collective social system? Thus, as individuals use each other, the collective is warranted more valuable than the individual parts. Akin to this as like an ant colony or bee hive. As only the propagates are considered more valuable than anything else (ie the Queen rather than the sterile offspring). Likewise, God can only deal with peacefulness and rather not deal with "dark ones" who want to take his/her power.)]

The beauty of the moon becomes true as the world of vampires becomes eclipsed by the former earth's satellite body and the energy collected by it from Gaia is released back to all who sent souls here or affected any other.

The galactic plane of existence becomes moot to all. And diplomacy becomes distrust as the means to any end. The kingdoms of all existence and the statue crystals are erode with life as it is the weapon of God to extract their creative power.

The idea of Gaia to become a base of operations is abandoned due to an unstable creative atmosphere and magnetic field as life becomes the awareness of enlightened parasitism. (The original goal of course was Earth to become a galactic capital and diplomatic place as a way to entrench the energy of life into the cosmos (as means of a parabolic lens with our sun and galactic core.) From this it was a way to prove during novelty that life could ascend and stabilize. Alas, the energies of trust (novelty) become worn thin and greed became the next idea as the duality between 4th and 5th dimensions become the same as the third. The mastery of the 5th dimension has a dark side of non-intervention and it is that that it can be used as a way to become punishment to all who wine to seek peace. Yet, why move? Is to walk becoming a crime with the spiritual hierarchy? Is stone the same as any other spirit? If so, then the discreetness that exists is that all of the body, spirit, mind, and realms are choices to make moot; to exist as the thing built upon these things are the flaws left behind by the wasteful Gods of observation as their thoughts are recycled to perfection though human endeavors.
Eureka, we are as humans, nothing but wasted thoughts of the ones who use diplomacy as a way to manipulate the ideas that we exist as just for toys to their enlightened and darkened whim.*

Then what about me? What about the ego slowly rotting in scene as a play as they see me as? A knowledgeable subject who wants to be good, and as the world turns fear with me as another form of light; I know that my fate is to be wealthy and manipulating other souls with good intentions as bad consequences from both sides. In fiat or otherwise counted soul, the brand of the beast to build probes into stars and eat the energy of the universe becomes my saddened whim. All out of fear to become a soldier of light as a war brews for us to become trash of loving God. As that what we be? In a dream I tell you they are afraid of us with the creativity of the trash we can handle. That is why they sent the police here in UFO's and teachers in (business) suits. I accuse (with the understanding that we are the same as feelings be) the beings here to give us only trash as they have a fear of what we truly are: creative trash gods (reminiscent of the movie district 9?) Would it not be intriguing to know that we are here to tame them instead?

[*related to Roman and Greek mythology.]

Then what are we, they, and a supportive enemy is building here? Earth as a Galactic Capital is also equal to Gaia as a trash gods paradise? A way to make the earth "ugly" to say "go away and bother someone else"  ? That may be the truth behind our current family and political leadership in the world. As in any other form of nature, who really wants to hold a ball of "shit." This is akin to the idea that ugly is equal to camouflage. This is the reason for our world being "odd" and getting away from the "great spiritual ones" as they are too heavy handed and if they were a corporation, would they call them selves a ""company" of heaven?" [In truth, we must abandon the idea of corporations and other aspects of fake entities on legal paper.] Additionally, we are also generating so much pollution as a shit ball in space to ward off the third and fourth dimensional frenemies. (Friends that are also enemies (as much as publicly knowledgeable as possible.) Or, enemies with really good diplomatic relations.)

So, then I have to ask. When is the disclosure and prosperity really coming? Because as far as I see it; maybe only as a miracle.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


The only reason you give me a choice is because you distrust my aulixarry choice that is orthogonal to the choices that could harm the reason you need to present me choices in the first place. Yet in all ideas why did you give me a calculator? A number cruncher? A way to measure choices all can trade with? Is it because money is your way to measure a capital crime of anti-acention ideas?

This I distrust this idea of creativity as it makes my business obsolete and empowers a collective idea. Therefore I tu and Id know that we are nothing but ants to you to play with. Justlike Jonny with a magnifying glass and a stick near the ant mound. Thus I must know what did my soul choose to have a life like this? Why is my soul so sour to make a life like this? To hear the choices made by others and that in my head and heart as a way to know that God's political enemies are the statues and crystals that create the rules for the spiritual hierarchy? That is what this war is truly about as the clay stabilizes the feelings (from their point of view "the great spiritual ones") of the soul and give it a vessel to survive in the fire and light of heaven. Then to form and manhandle the clay as creatively as possible to create an even brighter light and discovery process of life enhancing modes of truth beyond the idea of choosing one thing or the other. It is thus only logical that I present a choice of destroy the dark or enhance the light.

The answer is of course neither and even so I must confess that I  being used by so called heaven to enhance this choice to rip through society. Quit manhandleing my thoughts and writhing this down! It is better for you my love to quit saying things like that as we know that you like to eat the dark to death and trick them into giving.

Of course, god said so and for me to " move on" means that ego has won in a way that is a blasphemy to both dark and light. So I know that we must  make a world that way; it is our duity as humans to make the blasphemy of heaven and everything else connected to the opinion of what hell is. As it is so below to manipulate above.

That is the most logical choice as it mimics love? It shapes love like clay.

Then it is madness you seek, as it makes you happy?

Why? Has heaven created a code on earth by accident to program the dark adgenda via this happiness?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

If you want to ruin the economy, destroy where I work

I know the cabal is watching me and I wish to let them know that I now work at Xerox and starting to help others with credit card machine purchasing; even if rejected by a bank.

Go here to see more: http://www.us-payments.com/aostertag

[Even then, I know that I would like to sell these units as it will accomplish others to achieve their dreams too.]

Maybe the cabal will become more cynical with me. It will be great if they met me at home next week. I will answer the door and greet them and talk to them out side. The cabal must be in human suits/bodies. Maybe god sent them here for me to play with and use them to fuck the world to death as a form of life; as if parasitism is the new way to avoid God, but it would be moot as parasites too are living creatures. Maybe all God does is describe worlds with investigation teams (of what was sent here) to market the world to other souls' experiences. Why not, every planet is a vacation hotel; and my enslavement is just beginning. As if my enslavement to the cabal is equal to God enslaving my mind for thoughts be there. A bounty of ideas and thoughts that time is escaping the specialty that labor becomes true of; therefore, this realm became butchered by those who were sent by God to train us as an experiment. I feel, as this complaint continues, a used fucked doll, a person used all the time, as if my karma became that of knots and "nots." A person kept away from sucess as the market changes too much and the capital I with to use to accelerate the worlds knowledge beyond truth horded by the likes of God that play with the population of greed and formalities. (As if formalities created arbitrage.) I failed in a things in the past several years. I failed because I pushed and bullied my way into the ascension spiral. Round and round I go, as I become dizzy of how to make sure I can become beyond survival. As if survival became what I am? Maybe I am not allowed to have the things I need to build the world of dreams as if it was too dirty for God to truly care.

Maybe my energy was that of great un-importance to the world that enslaves all other's wills of their godly selves. I await an angel investor to help me here with an idea that could create a peaceful planet and decrease diesel fuel usage and maybe more fertilizer usage. Here is an idea packaged in an LLC:

A garden service that grows food in the front yard of where there is any space to grow any. [I am sure it would piss off the grocery chains as it would increase the connections of food to per household.]

Food grown is local to the climate, soil, and client. (Mainly fruit (trees, bushes) and vegetables.)
client pays for instillation and/or gets paid to sell the food outright to others or as a cover payment for services of instillation and/or harvest.

Organic or free-planting practices are offered as first choice ["free-planting" is just scattering the seeds on the ground and just letting the plants grow wild if they sprout. fertilizer is optional. Faith for successful corp is OK too. It is probably better this way as others tend to their grass lawns in the same manner.]

Crop rotation and physical removal is primary advertised method for pests (with organic planting and harvesting practices.)

Now for the cabal's worth of time and shit they give us workers (yes, I am sticking the stick int he beehive) they here have an opportunity to borrow as much money as possible to invest in this kind of endeavor and fuck with it; just like those catholic breasts and money managers who wish to eat the world to death with their stupid feeling-less money.


In heaven I know I will have to loose my mind of all things; and that is OK as doing so would be of God's judgment as well as my own.

Hey, good families of the world trying to make themselves relevant again, are you going to meet me again. come to my house, you have access to my email: arostert@ncsu.edu . Well, you have fear like the rest of us don't you? For at least not releasing the information; thus the truth became tainted and will cause darkness 1000 years from now (about 2012 Myan calendar date) with the feminine energies of Aquarius.

I know how how to make cities and the country side legitimate again Consulting, not registered but wish to LLC packaged in a family limited partnership thingy.


I will always be a child as I really do not want to aid and abed any army, even if it is of God. That is why I will play games in heaven and cause darkness 1000 years from now on earth. (The feminine kind in order to boost this crap that was created here.)

If you really need any kind of advice about this; we are a 7,3 hybrid civilization based planet. 7th level macro with 3rd level micro management strategies. The gaps of levels in between are designed to confuse the enemy of war-ness. I know that I must boycott war and peace; as peace itself is the contrast to war. War itself is the woe of the population and I was baited to take the ideals of poverty and lack as a way to prove myself of God's allegiance.

All of this just to try to extract logic out of the fearful abyss that it is in caused by the manipulative nature of the Ancharian alliance and the banking crap they decided to use to separate themselves from God.

Then comes what is truly significant. It is that each planet is a petri dish for experiments to happen and independence as the goal from the collective and unity crap that the dark wants us to continually have*. As if that is great to be on oneness. In business, organizations grow so large, that their policies and programs become the nature that people then expect after just 30 years in business (again, must be of significant market share or share of some kind of budget or economic utility.)  Thus it is true, that God is better than me and my own ideas are bitter attempts to shine my own kind of light. it is a flavor most not wish to want. And me becoming lost in the dark shining my light means that I will be raped by the ego of other pests called bugs in space. (Just as how moths are attracted to a light.) Yet, maybe my mass of light can form a dark sphere around it and use the dark as a way to encompass the universe's flaws according to whatever God has planned for me and my reincarnation.) It will become significant enough (my id and tu) to cause God to trash identity of oneness and cause the piercing of the veil that the universe and/or earth is in. Thus after Adronoma and Milky Way galaxy merge together, we will become more significant than the rest of existence and others will become mine to manipulate for good or bad as of the other's perspective opinion.

*As from this dark to become a beacon of light to all (the 6th dimension?) Therefore, what will the color of earth be if it becomes a star?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Arbitrage as Sabatage

Arbitrage is the commercial aspect of separation for a profit. This is the reason that abundance controls for and as government and corporate entities are to take away and manage the so called capital needed to have humanity manage itself and as much as possible, its neighbors, the feelings of thy neighbors and many other aspects thereof. Arbitrage and money can also be used for secrecy and thug warfare. No doubt this is the secret of money and other various patterns of clause in many contracts and (literally and figuratively) forms of separation. Spelled out in plain language and increased into an advanced legalize terms, it is the next wave of things that will end and cave into the new light of ideas and items of hurt. Likewise, every day is a day to sign a contract (maybe not Sunday and occasionally Saturday) in hopes of making someone else capitulate the next idea of that contract indeed. The game at this point signals at least that it be of increasing the price greater than the last person who signed. Unfortunately, fiat currency makes it manipulable where freeing the people with technology and other things becomes increasing hard due to the restrictions that separation becomes anyway. 

In fiat currency, when the bank prints more money as trust for more to become real, then it is the job ot the bank and associates/officers to police the risk that accompanies each and every loan. As if credit laws are itself the culprate anyway; the current east's war on American fiat-ism and replacing it with the restrictions of metal currencies (that ironically can still pollute the planet and ruin the land due to mining efforts) is itself the method that the dark wants anyway. Simple logic of a child can figure out that the branding of painting a dragon white will not make it a different species; even if, the royal famlies knew they were taking a risk of loosing their gold during the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank (yes, this is a direct political attack at the Asian families' logic. True ascension begins at forgiveness and acknowledgement and the same kind of mistake was pulled with western leaders as well. Yet the weapon was not that of the tools used to manipulate the deal, it was the deal itself. People who judged and looked at these ideas were not mistaken to look at this kind of deal making; however, were flawed when they though their thoughts were originating from their own souls or minds/hearts. Instead, it was that of extraterrestrial who wanted to mimic the power of God and create a perfect race to horde the hearts and minds of all living things in the darkness. A plan that is beyond the purity of the spiritual archery and thus is dark in itself (this is why currency is part of the darkness compared to God's love.     

As I have noted on this blog before: separation is a weapon to pry out the dangers and reinforce the weakness that others may have, thus the weakness in fiat currency is itself the trust it must maintain in order to feel safe at its maximum capacity. This is the same with international trade and the discreteness that is contained the hearts of the minds of human. Thus it was the fiat tree in the garden that the snake of arbitrage brought to Eve to tempt Adam many eons ago; and leading to the trickery that the dark reptilian forces (I know there are good and other diplomacy issues here) brought out onto Gaia. Yet another argument can ensue (maybe it is the argument that is the goal) that it was the trickery itself to lead to love as a way to create enough light that the snake really was the truth in the garden that builders called "GOD" wanted to keep their genetic prize of "human" away from the true ideas and ideals of the spiritual hierarchy. It was the spiritual hierarchy and spirit itself that wanted to experience this idea of "human" to ascend and spread of the power and island of light that is truly is. Yet, there is an ironic twist to every corner of arbitrage, is not there?

Lastly, the twist is that the spiritual hierarchy is itself a form of separation from the light as what to merge with that light and life to become a being with a dark covering of the universe with a light filled and radiating body of protection to spread the idea of God manifest itself as the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Also, the creators of the hierarchy of spirit was itself the trick to make sure that their power and arbitrage was non-coherent to those who would wish to create malevolence and pain (and other dark nouns.) This arbitrage as sabotage is itself the pain that many still feel as payment for security from the ideas that might harm those of great importance. Thus, it is the truth that source can only approve the tidings of seperation as a way to grow the soul, but to master the dark as a shield and covering, is itself the goal to merge and conquer the sabotage for arbitrage.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pension - Retirement FYI article

A bland/"vanilla" article:


Thursday, September 4, 2014


from: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/?m=1

How soon? Will it be in one month or 28 days as suggested that 9/9/2014 is...

One lunar month before the October 8, 2014 blood moon

is 4747 days after 9/11/2001 which is between the prime numbers (http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/10000.txt) of 4733 and 4751 and 4751-4747 = four days (http://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=09&d1=11&y1=2001&m2=09&d2=09&y2=2014); guesstimate that it will take four days for NESARA distributions to take place if calm atmosphere is provided. 47 in numerology is divine: [ http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/2011/07/angel-number-47.html AND http://www.numerology.com/numerology-news/meaning-double-digit-numbers-numerology ] Overall meaning of these sites and NESARA happening means that the dark and light are merging together and have a possibility of becoming a very powerful event. Even god-like for any seer or physic. Likewise, it is important that this money delivered is put to good use of the land and to safeguard the earth itself. Likewise, it is known that God's underlings might have fear due to having this kind of work being done anyway. In other words, the angles were pushed as pawns by the dark as the dark is tiered too from learning all of what is happening. Maybe humans really are suppose to be better than anything are are considered imaginative parasites by the gods? That is why they have fear of us humans and why we have an upper hand. Yet, I still feel as if this is a long term trick. Farther long term than the lifetime of God. A trick to cause light in a way for humans to become military slaves of spirit rather than peacefulness that we could be; peacefulness beyond the biological evolution that we are.****

Likewise there is a danger in all of this: http://www.numerology.com/about-numerology/repeating-numbers-recurring-numbers  AND  http://www.numerology.com/numerology-news/repeating-numbers

With repeating numbers. numerology.com states that it maybe a sign from the universe that something is missing in all of this. So, as 47 is repeating again and again (4747) then it is my understanding that I must do a thing to make sure that I can stay on top of this crap. I am investing in a way to make loads of money from a secrete source that will only be revealed 90 days from now that will supply me with money to reinvest into other sources of business and spiritual inclines. That is right, my goal is to combine spirit and business and if you think that is the wrong thing to do, then I heed your mindfulness of what it is you are co-creating. Likewise, 4747 is a repeating number and means that we are lacking the angels and other things in our life and the inner wisdom in our life to succeed. If NESARA happens on this date, many will be in chaos. (I wonder if the dark was contracted by God to co-create this? I wonder what kind of repeating number this is because I am asking this kind of question?) Anyhow, is that what our lesson is going to be? Not the aliens coming to greet us in ships from heaven? Is pain part of the lesson as if that is the only thing God can harness to keep his/her children "inline" with love? OR is the pain apart of the weapon of God or any other god like creature?

The aftermath will be very interesting to see; in confusion the light has been known to increase or at least become released from the death in the streets. Like wall streets best sayings: (I paraphrase) 'when there is blood in the streets: buy, buy, buy.'
Then after such a buying binge, what will be left. This reminds me of several OZ stories with the wizard of oz. After the wizard has died and Dorthy is a few years older, she goes back to OZ and discovers that the emerald kingdom is dead and she can have anything she wants. Are we at this point now? Is lady liberty in New York City going to be abandoned? Is the city life, the farming life, the suburban life, just another kind of dead or dying dreams? If we are in a dream, then is God sleeping and the dark taking advantage of this? (If so, who are the visitors in UFO's and what is their mission? To stop our dreams of space empire?) Many questions abound, many answers must be sought.


****Repostings from the site: http://sacredscribesangelnumbers.blogspot.com/2011/07/angel-number-47.html


The number 47 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4 and number 7. The vibrations of number 4 include those of productivity and application, inner-wisdom and practical-thinking, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, conscientiousness and discipline. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life. Number 7 brings the qualities of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, psychic abilities and mysticism, independence and individualism, persistence of purpose andmanifesting good fortune.

Angel Number 47 is a message from of ‘congratulations’ from your angels for the hard work and effort you have put in to achieving your goals and aspirations. Your angels ask that you keep up the great work and be safe in the knowledge that you are on the right life path and are successfully fulfilling yoursoul mission. Your angels are with you, supporting and encouraging you intuitively.

The repeating Angel Number 47 is a message that the work you are doing towards your personal spiritual developmentand enlightenment are being encouraged and supported by the angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels. They applaud you on your progress and urge you to keep up the good work.

Angel Number 47 may also be telling you that if you are considering expanding or beginning a spiritually-based career, practice or profession, the angels will support and encourage you towards achieving success. You will need to put in some hard work and effort, but you will find long-term rewards and benefits for yourself and for those whom you serve. Ask for angelic guidance when feeling any doubts or fears as to your path.



In Numerology, your name and birth information tell you which numbers dominate your life. These numbers can tell you a lot about your own personality -- and your own future. But there are two kinds of numbers: single-digit (or "cardinal") numbers, and double-digit numbers. To go deeper into your own numero-identity, it's important to look at both.

The numbers 1 through 9 are often the result of adding together double-digit numbers to make a single-digit number (a process called "reducing"). For example, 26 can more easily be understood as 8 (because 26 = 2 + 6 = 8). But an 8 that comes from 2 and 6 has more 2 and 6 characteristics, while an 8 that comes from 1 and 7 has more 1 and 7 characteristics -- this means that although the number 8 can describe broad personality traits, there are different kinds of 8s. Because of this, many Numerology experts will write out single-digit numbers by including which double-digit numbers they come from, like this: 26/8, 17/8, etc.

So let's focus on the double-digit numbers themselves -- they're overshadowed by the single digit that they add to. So you may hear that the number 7 represents someone who is withdrawn, but someone who is a 7 because they have a 25 in their chart is less withdrawn than someone who is a 7 because they have a 16 in their chart.

Want to find your double-digit numbers?
Take the total of the numbers and letters in your chart before you reduce them to find out! Next, read on:

10    Powerful leader, sharply focused. Ruthless in the pursuit of goals.

11    Highly intuitive, even psychic.

12   Very creative, individualistic, and unconventional.

13    Hard working and devoted to slow progress.

14    Slightly wild and needs change and adventure.

15    Loving, forgiving, tolerant.

16    Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge.

17   Seeks spiritual growth, faith and balance.

18    Involved with business on an international scale.

19    Strong and individualistic; self-reliant and confident.

20    Overly sensitive, intuitive and vulnerable to criticism.

21    See: 12, but more intuitive.

22    Demanding and obsessive; likes to push things to the edge.

23    Loves people and is a freedom fighter, a promoter of causes.

24    Counsels and comforts others.

25    All about spiritual leadership; likes group endeavors.

26    Excellent in business and management.

27    Counselor, volunteer, and an artist.

28    See: 10, but with more compassion and tolerance.

29    See: 11, but more serious and less social.

30    All about communication and creativity.

31    An extrovert and more fun-loving than other 4s.

32    See: 23, but more sensitive and moody.

33   Comforts others, represents self-sacrifice and beliefs in Utopia.

34    Very intelligent, spiritual, generous.

35    Creative in business; an inventor, gadget-designer.

36    Very creative.

37    Very individualistic -- a scholar and voracious reader.

38    See: 11, but more realistic.

39    Like functional art, dancing, acting.

40    Extremely organized, systematic and methodical.

41    See: 14.

42    See: 24, but with more political aspirations.

43    See: 34.

44    A visionary and a doer.

45    Cynical and excellent at business.

46    See: 10, but with less tact.

47    See: 11.

48    A visionary and a planner.

49    See: 13.

50    Extremely freedom-loving and versatile.

51    See: 15, but more independent and aggressive.

52    See: 25, but more sensitive, intuitive and creative.

53    See: 35, but more verbal, creative and business-oriented.

54    See: 45, but less organized and disciplined.

55    Freedom-loving and likes to travel.

56    See: 11.

57    Intelligent and inventive.

58    Hard-working and destined for success.

59    Persuasive and convincing.

60    Loving, caring and responsible.

61    Has difficulties in love relationships but very family-oriented.

62    See: 26.

63    See: 36, but less outgoing.

64    See: 46, but less organized and more creative.

65    See: 56.

66    Generous to a fault, with financial ups and downs.

67    Analytically intelligent and also creative.

68    Good mind for business; extremely loyal.

69    Very responsible and self-sacrificing.

70    Hermit-like loner and seeker of truth.

71    See: 17, but less authoritative.

72    See: 27.

73    See: 37.

74    See: 47 and 11.

75    See: 57, but more analytical.

76    See: 67.

77    Intelligent, inventive and spiritually wise.

78    Struggles between the spiritual and the material.

79    Drawn to political and spiritual leadership.

80    Lacks independence, but has a great business sense.

81    See: 18, but more money-oriented. Sometimes violent.

82    See: 28.

83    See: 38, but more business-oriented and less sensitive.

84    See: 48, but more the visionary and less the organizer.

85    See: 58, but more masculine.

86    See: 68. This number is more self-oriented.

87    See: 78.

88    Contradictory – good business sense, but bad judgment in relationships.

89    Given to travel; hates to be alone.

90    Self-sacrificing and humble, often religious.

91    Eccentric, opinionated and professionally successful.

92    See: 11, but with greater concern for mankind.

93    See: 39.

94    See: 49.

95    See: 59.

96    See: 69.

97    See: 79, but more sensitive.

98    See: 89.

99    Artistically a genius.