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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Slave Labor everywhere?

Most of the worlds population is poor; yet, what blessings do they count? They as in the government, the rich, the slaves themselves? (The middle class is shrinking and any left (like myself) have the unfortunate chance to become brave enough in two ways: slave or wealthy. It is sad really, where every prominent "growing" nation on earth is just slugging it along. Churning though the dark's mystery puzzles, or are we weak? What creativity to keep the annunaki alive in what is claimed in the pelideain agenda? (http://youtu.be/4GH93QhJ1ek) My guess is, the new aristocracy of the Vatican has decided to torture the annunaki by ordering a move in reverse (at least from the dark side.) Notice that in Aquarius, two wavy lines from the pisces of three lines (two lines and a bridge that connects them) mans that there are two classes (Aquarius) versus two major classes and a middle class (pisces.)

I also work in Retail

In the retail world, love is rare to find as one itself is the loving thing to keep the store clean and proper. Every advertisement is clean and gives a result to the point of 'what at price.' Thus the higher the store volume = higher food and/or soul energy required to give energy to the situation. (I wish to escape the retail idea and live on in an urban farm, where pollution is low and free of debt. Free and away from the ideals and adverseness of any social stigma that enlightenment can be taken away or even denied by contract. Contracts of debt as money; but even that from the earth as currency (gold) is just renting it in one's lifetime. As it takes labor to extract from the earth and it can be returned to the earth where it belongs to become better metal though denser fusion and other twisted natural physics of the universe. Thus what retail can survive when the money supply is completely stagnate and more stuff happens: one thing is sure, prices must decrease and never return to any form of dead weight loss.

As of any other kin, a much worse situation where a man was enslaved at a Chinese prison camp with little to no basic human rights: https://shine.yahoo.com/fashion-beauty/a-cry-for-help-in-a-shopping-bag-from-saks-163815937.html
It is just as disappointing to me to see that these programs still exist in the world. As if every day is another version of repetitive task hell. Draining one's energy to the point to reduce the idea of what will come next? The next idea where one's divine body is used for enslavement? To enslave the mind, thus entraps the heart, as in our bodies they are nearest to union for the logic that God can process as he is from the heart; therefore, entrapping God's will. We humans are a bridge that gap and have subsequently failed our brethren to do so in the age of pisces. The next opportunity would happen in Capricorn, if we could wait 20 thousand years.  

I know I am trapped here and still have fear from suicide because of the Vatican's trap and the soul of mine that needs to be released; upon where? Yet, I know the karma that I have is due to the unluckiness of having crazy teachers on earth (those who control the Vatican.) Somehow in some way, the economic bribe must stop to cause disclosure, yet as to my poorness such stoppage of that bribe could kill me.

Even the dream of retirement has faded for many economic participants: http://blogs.marketwatch.com/encore/2014/04/30/the-retirement-income-crisis-in-one-chart/
What to do with so many people who wish to leave? What kind of support system must exist for them after they leave? I know the value of labor now. It is the value of entrapment that ensues any market for those who cannot discern the argument from the fact that watches the arguments happen in the market. Yet, what new market is being devalued when no country can discreetly measure the cost of living accurately in time? (Maybe me just complaining about my own laziness to fall into a pit of darkness in my mind as my heart?) As I now know with my research, wealth is relative to the king who guards it, who shepherds it, who cultivates it into fruition.

Monday, April 28, 2014

A condition that I have...and others in Rome that have it...

Update: 5/1/2014 1:48 AM EST United States

The curse is off and all blessings go to those who wish to free the world with love. I also listen to this* youtube channel and if anyone wishes to contact me, please do so at arostert@ncsu.edu


Also: I implore you to search youtube for Acromegaly videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Acromegaly


In the last several years I have been suffering from a rare and somewhat curable disorder. The disorder is from a pituitary tumor that (as of right now) is though of benign, and I know it will stay benign and disappear. The disorder that I have is Acromegaly.


Acromegaly is a growth hormone problem causing havoc with the pituitary, liver, and kidneys (liver and kidneys less so.) There are many medications for acromegaly but the two that I am on now is Somavert (Pfizer (American)) and Somatuline Depot (IPSEN Corp. (French company.)) Both medications are extremely expensive (around $10,000 per month for both combined.) Somavert is a once daily injection and requires a refrigerator temperatures to stay relatively fresh (40 degrees Fahrenheit.) Somatuline Depot also requires refrigerator temperatures and is injected with a large gauge one inch needle into the ham once a month.

Advanced Acromegaly, of which I have in terms of enlarged organ tissues and speech problems. A great example is an enlarged jaw and larynx that can cause speech problems and low voice. With love, I bless myself to reduce the tumor from my body and subsequent growth hormones.

Acromegaly and these two drugs may be the key in order to "trench though the dark" and get to the other side. If so, then those who are dark in Rome or surrounding parts (including the P2 Freemason lodge, the money hoarder accountants and others who helped them get this disorder for free of charge. The wiki link is above and can assist them on the accompanying side effects!

I also (and my inner non-ego/heart portions) with my brain/mind, also will bless these "dark controller of the world" beings who have given great manifested things and guiding humanity back to the light with MONEY  :)
Nevertheless, I wish to make it clear that until you release the money in the coffers and/or forgive debts, bonds, and liabilities that have resulted over the Piscean age without war, disease, economic woe, political shenanigans, and/or famine; then I am going to continue my barrage of mental energies of blessings and growth hormones. (They should also understand that there is a global cult of acromegalies that cause the disorder to themselves via changing the game of life that Rome seems to have stumbled upon. This cult is extremely secretive but pleasant to know and understand. The only downfall is that this cult is extremely binary and if they have been messed with, lied to, cheated, harmed in any way in relation to the orders of heaven and hell, then those persons and parties better make amends with them or get off the planet*. We are willing to commit "sins" (even in the age of Aquarius" to achieve the goal of the 6th dimension or higher. Remember that megalomaniac tendencies do attract each other so if Rome wants a peaceful hell on earth, then Rome will get a peaceful hell on earth. Again, you get what you pay for; you get what you put your energies into.))

*please leave the medicine behind, we kind of like them. On other note, harming other people that do not have acromegly is NOT OK either.

Understand, the pituitary gland is a vital organ in the body that regulates many hormones and is important for the regulation and hormone communication between the mind and all the other glands (chakra points in the body.) It should also be understood, that this gland is responsible for outflow chakra and with fear is not that good of a result. The Rockefeller's crap over the years and centuries have accumulated in creating Acromegely in me and now it will be in you unless you start forgiving debts directly and suddenly be poor because you have to buy health insurance for these medications you will require. If you have hidden technologies that could cure me, the you are just being jerks waiting for some sort of rage to stop; and rightfully so. I know my own feelings and my family's coat of arms will heal the important places on the earth in order to achieve 6th dimension Earth OR the Vatican and the entire Earth Experiment of the universe will have to be done all over again!

I would like to be extremely clear: you guys in Rome and America are extremely screwed unless you clear out the balance sheets, have a cash flow or other economic plan in place (with labor training), and come clean with the public of all of your knowledge and that also includes the mass media companies controlled by the dark sun/star forces. The knowledge must include spiritual (universal wisdom), technological (energy and other light technologies), and historic (our true history.)

This article is in reference to:

Note: I am not affiliated with any black projects or have taken any government money for services rendered off the books. I have not rendered services for anything off the books nor will I in the future. I am about cleansing the soul and freedom therein, with love, light, and the prosperity and respect that it commands. My disorder might have affected my wisdom and means that I might need better judgement (or none at all) and focus on unconditional love from the heart and mind merged together. Furthermore, I am a man that wishes to see the dark cabal change their ways, not only because I am a citizen of that country (United States of America) but also caught in a catch 22 of wealth and poverty like living for my generation (I was born in December 1986 and I am a sun conjunct Neptune.) Anyway, I am just trying to post as much stuff as possible in case there is an apocalypse or grand DISCLOSURE and wish for everyone to get along peacefully without harm or hurt. As far as I currently know, I should not be living with my parent and wish I had my own small house (500 to 1100 square feet) with all of the "hide in a bunker" amenities so when the proverbial "shit" hits the fan, I can save information that the dark can no longer use against any other civilization anywhere else in the galaxy or universe(s) but not cause ascending planets to cease ascension processes.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

FYI: BHO = Anti-Christ????

Is the current president of the United States the Anti-Christ? If I had to gamble on it, then I would buy a ticket to see the action, because that would be kind of weird. Even I, who is an American citizen, voted for the guy twice and hoped that the republican party was not getting even more retarded by banksters OR the democratic party getting more desperate (yea, I know they are guided by another group of banksters.) Granted, it is kind of a parody when your broke and you have first row seats to backwater poverty house party, where both boxers the the flimsy political party race thing was (to keep it high school) getting tired of beating up each other and starting to hit the referee (by accident.) Indeed, the referee is God who weighs out who is worthy and quite frankly I might not be so as I am stuck in the audience and have had second thoughts of attending the show of the galaxy (Earth.)

To prove my point watch cartoons, one of the last ways for self expression to melt with the brain as it comes from the heart of true self of the artist's hand. Think of all of the western cartoons, like south park or the Simpsons. I have wasted too many hours watching these shows over the years; but, I do say that I wish to express my gratitude of being the watcher of great art and the political satire that contained within.

With this backdrop, I present Barack Hussein Obama as current president of the United States Government that might as well be a corporation wrapped in free speech (propaganda) tied with Spartan Greek gay people (private military contractors) in Nazi uniforms (UFO secret bases) having a boner (Washington monument and the Federal Reserve.) Dam, that is stupid. In fact, I feel embarrassed being here on Earth being raped by these kinds of people (even if they are still medically classified as Homo sapiens. Lifetime after lifetime, I seem that I cannot escape this awkward and weird crap. All the land wasted with ornamental trees instead of growing more fruit and the chemtrails, my god, the chemtrails. Is that really needed for the love of Earth because of how atomic weapons work!?**

Here is a video that was posted that leads evidence that President Obama might actually be the anti-Christ:
and this video

The first video is Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West by theJonathanKleck
and the second is featured in the first

OK amount of stuff involved and quite frankly, I am freaked out a little bit because Obama's father that was portrayed in the press was blacker than the father that was portrayed in the youtube video listed above. This raises many questions of the American psyche (let alone the world psyche)

1. is this always a 'truth' test? The videos released in the press and the youtube videos above always gather that many of these 'leaders' from satin are plotting to destroy something. Or is it just a test of our resolve to stop sleeping and concentrate on our daily lives; akin to the knowledge of 'dreamland' underground bases in Nevada (or God knows where.) and such knowledge is perceived dangerous by those who monitor its gates (where the gates are of our minds and sleep via DMT biochemical reactions? Therefore keeping us awake all the time with caffeine only helps reduce lawbreaking at night and everyone poor in health making the rich laugh at us poor who really know the law is a way to corral the slaves with the shit we have.

2.The Rothchilds have been instructed by the vampire king of darkness to play devil's advocate?
What better way as Rothchildes as to be backers of the democratic party here in America and have to put up with greedy republican Rockefellers and republicans AND have their dark Vatican P2 Lodge boss tell them that there is no better way to play the game then subvert the 4th dimension with bankrupting the world's economies (every nation at a time.) True wealth of reinvesting money and hoping that the production stays there is every retirees nightmare especially when the only other recourse is debt forgiveness programs hijacked by interstellar pirates and petroleum gods burning our energy away via infrastructure and jurisdictional ossification to imprison slaves with knowledge of pleiadian starlight back in the 1830's!

3. Chicago is important because of a neighboring watershed: the Mississippi River Basin.
The Mississippi River Basin (MRB) has many important properties including the ownership of the Kensington Runestone that marks the ownership of the basin to a clan or warriors that escaped (or at least tried to) Vatican rule during the 1400's to 1600's AD (background info: http://www.thekensingtonrunestone.com/ ) Maybe the warriors wanted to defeat the Vatican by using an advanced duel-message code as viking and Northern European runes tend to be tricky to translate (even for experts.) Therefore, the language may have multiple meanings for individuals that wish to translate one message but really convey a secret one among brothers. That would be common in the ancient times of Medieval Europe.
Back onto the Chicago subject, land rights for individual nations could also be tied to river basins and Chicago (in the last 100 years or so) has built an artificial aqueduct to funnel water from the MRB into the tiny river that Chicago was founded on that dumps into Lake Michigan. Therefore, maybe Obama and gang of 'dark ones' built the aqueduct to build an artificial empire in the now famous windy city. What better way then to hijack the water of the Mississippi during the age of Pisces (a water symbol) and use it as a legitimate claim of water rights to the Vatican and the land clearing house called Masonic Lodges*

Overall, Obama as president could be an Obama-nation from hell; but I rather think of it as: I really did not like either candidate to vote for and I really think and know that all of this shit is to keep him silent about the extraterrestrial situation here on Earth and resulting disclosure set to take place in the near future.

*Masonic Lodges may have been around for a long time and probably been around since the start of civilization. These lodges were simply water claims for river basins and one can probably find such claims at every water source around the world or at least the western world. Such claims justify real estate claims related to the water basin and resulting rivers and streams. This makes since if farmers, builders, and other learned men wanted to control the human effects of the water supply; food, water, shelter is the resulting survival triangle for any survival situation.

** Atomic weapons bring God into focus and a new type of light particle related to the Uranium and/or Plutonium scale of vibrations and harmonics. That is partially the reason why humans go blind looking at one. The weapon itself can also warp out the atmosphere where the rules are placed from the second dimension which have affected many places worldwide. Many nations have instated chemtrail spraying to reform the weather networks where nuclear implosions have damaged certain earth and atmospheric grid based crystal structures. Those structures are now being healed by many ascended entities as a gift to humanity. Also note that chemtrails could be waste product from the Nuclear and other various industries and the spraying action itself without proper permitting may be illegal in certain locations, as well as bankrupting the nation's financial structure though bankrupting the soil nutrients as well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Backup Post for Towards Emancipation 4/23/2014

Original post can be seen here: http://eclinik.wordpress.com/vital-issues/ben-fulford/cabal-split-unable-to-act-despite-deadline/

Posted on: April 24, 2014 at 10:13 am

A grand jubilee is a good idea too; but if there are "funds" to back up the jubilee then why not leverage the account that has theoretically already been managed "for me." If there is money already set aside today in an account somewhere; I would like access to it today to pay off debts and reinvest into myself and/or business. Is that not the goal of this entire thing?

Besides a jubilee is a good thing anyway because if the government and governing bodies made a mistake about extraterrestrial contact, technologies, and other things; then, it may have adversely affected the employment market (relative to the soul groups' natural tendencies and individual talent thereof per technology given at the time.) Therefore, a jubilee is the only answer anyway; and let the next generation clean up this weird political, economic, and environmental mess.

As an addendum to this post...

All that I am saying is that these think tanks are being used as a pawn to hedge a bet somehow, in some way, to deny human progress from investments into better technology, civil processes (for food, logistics, etc...) and continuing to rely on older models of information that Gaia (Earth) simply cannot handle in a polluted state of ecological status.

I implore anyone who reads this to stand for a different model of life and living; to maximize the land's ecology (for general nature and human evolution) and human nature to give from one generation to the other by the form of unconditional love and generosity with peace.

Without a jubilee, how else can I afford to effectively show my creativity (although I must be just as creative to figure that out as well) to cure the earth, supply humanity, and increase the daily pleasure, relaxation, and general well-being of myself as well as my brothers of my local neighborhood and terrain? I demand and humbly ask in all effectiveness of power greater than myself to stand on faith of good ideas (of social engineering with good faith, will, and light) in mind AND especially heart. How can debt effectively create a good world, when it snuffs out the ideas that can save the planet, humanity, and my own well-being to spread light and peace?

I rise above this as well? To rise above the so called "fear" of the debtor? who in return treats this as equity; as if human beings are slaves, chattel, and other forms of work without the wherewithal of appropriate resource monitoring. Whatever happened to the question of what constitutes a good life? (beyond the idea of what is good.) Was it perverted by Hitler's novel ideas? I know that seems to be so when Mormon priests began asking the very same question by the turn of the 19th to the 20th century in North America. Did evil decide to make that question into a blasphemy before God's children of earth, I know so it be yes. As now we must repair this idea with the idea of what constitutes a good life? Plenty of food? Follow a scientific monogram? (Like Maslow's hierarchy of needs? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs )

It is my answer of only of what your will be done. As Maslow's hierarchy shows not the logistics of achieving this; but only what the mind goes though to become aware of the world around oneself to be. What infrastructure must be in place to achieve this indeed? DISCLOSURE is part of the answer. O, what technology is hidden that we can have to conquer in the since of spirit within ourselves; to conquer not that outside of us?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Conic Nexus

In previous postings I have outlined on a blackboard like paintings (pictures) of the equilibrium of the efficient frontier for a "perfect market." Today, I will outline (and maybe post other pics) that quantify why our system is broken enough to work. So that, we can utilize the art and science of money to free ourselves from the "matrix" of evil's design. it is akin to how we can fashion a key to breakout of prison using clay, instead of tricking the tricksters from using money as a way to enslave us to death. Life and freedom from all these things is the ultimate goal. Debt is someone else's asset with equity and therefore cannot be sustained in argument to freeing us. It is akin to a Gordian knot where the first idea is where to cut the knot because the knot itself cannot be untied unless cut.

This problem is understandable when the yield to risk graphics that I published can show that an equilibrium is reachable; but alas, the governments of the world and the institutional structures that govern them (old-money families and "genetic royalty from odd and ironic places of warship) must hit the restart button in order for us to evolve into a space-fairing society mining and settling the galaxy (but for starters our solar system.)

sd = standard deviation is the risk of a portfolio
sd^2 or var = variance or standard deviation squared
mu =  mean is the central tendency of return

it is best to view these pages to catch yourself up with the latest trends in portfolio management since World War Two (hint: if this was the latest science that resulted from older alliances that wanted to conqur the world, them maybe people who discovered these things in portfolio science were giving us tools to dismantle "the beast" that could eat the living earth alive!

Modern Portfolio Theory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_portfolio_theory
Log-normal Value at Risk: http://youtu.be/etJZjzTKdFE
--the value at risk in this blog is also known as the alpha formula and alpha is a utility of the investor looking to invest capital at a risk of loss. Log-normal prices due to the volatility of inflation and the velocity of lending per pool of assets distributed to the economy. In truth, deflation is nessary to cause other industires and the labor pool to be profitable for those industries to work in. money makes this countable and can be manged with a logistical programming network (computers designed to manage logistic networks.) This makes the economy of any nation that waves a flag, a part of the network of supply lines for the next war (or margin of warfare or war.) It is my goal as an economist to advance this issue into the logistics of peace and economics of peace like behavior, where war is a thing of the past mostly for academic discussion and museums.

Conic equations to know parabolic and hyperbolas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conic_section
--note that cones are better than pyramids (yes I am talking to you Illuminati!) because they encompass pi as the number rather than 5 triangles and a square base. parabolas and hyperbolic equations are sections of conics and are perfect from the sec ions they are founded from. Especially if conics also encompasses the natural equations of a Torus (donuts in equations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus) and electromagnetic fields as occurring in nature; therefore why cannot they be applied to finance? What pyramid people and masons? You do not trust these things? Are you scared from implementing them?!?!?!?

I will be distributing more information later related to this idea of forwarding human evolution with conic monetary theory and the theory of relative economics.

The theory of relative economics is mathematically rational, but spiritually irrational where spirits (souls) are judged on production of things rather than the quality of the items in question (instead there is a minimum quality threshold before rejection of item or service.) Both theories can be made efficient with computers and computations (relative to the expenses thereof.) One stipulation of their theory to hold best is that prices must adjust to quantities delivered to the market at relative to other products, inputs and as an input itself to other outputs.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prosperity...what does it mean and why?.

What does prosperity mean?
Why does 'it' mean in 'that' way?

There are many questions relating to NESARA funds but truth be told; those funds will be sent to Taiwan and make the Untied States of America (corporation AND of the people) extremely poor and beyond poverty poor! A plan by the dark minions wanted to take as many souls as possible, but the light sent "angles" to try to stop them in their tracks. This is a correct action and unfortunately is not going to end well. Plenty of people will end up on the street and shelter-less, including me (maybe I am putting my ego in this?) 

Taiwan is the current home of the dragon family and when wealth is tied up in "families" then one should know that ascension is not for them as they have fallen with us. Akin to the greed that most families have (dark or light) the legal system forced many of these actions from fear and greed relative to love and peace. Yet, why cannot peace and greed be together and fear and love as well? A notable question that in ether instance is insane and can cause madness. Maybe the idea of "hearing other people's thoughts" is a lie and used as extraterrestrial propaganda for conquering politics of a world. Thus, as money is dear to many of our hearts (I still do not know which organ they are talking about; the one in the chest or the "heart of the mind?") conquering the money supply (fiat or commodity based) is the best way to conquer the public (individually and as a whole.) 

So, then what is prosperity? Alchemically, pro means in favor of and pros is even more of that. -perity means parity or in opposition to; thus prosperity is not to be desired as many will take away many things and stuffs that originally being to those who work for it. Akin to the theory of money; itself is that only a theory; but, one should ask of how much environmental damage will be done if NESARA and beyond happens? Plenty of mining for gold and silver for the sake of what? More 'prosperity' in which we still are fighting for what we think should be ours? (I wonder if I have broken this lifetime before?) We should all understand that money is only good if those who control it are responsible with it. Fiat is better as the responsibility is taught at a level of calculus and money as geometry per unit of production per sale. Even though, money is a precious idea as a commodity of thoughts and abstraction; therefore the accompanying governance should be there to shepherd the idea into clearing the formula that is there to represent it. For example, no large debt balances onto the nation of which full faith and credit should be there; and if the dark does not want to play our game with us, then it may be best for us to torture them with so much stuff they do not know what to do with it. Therefore, is prosperity just another way for those who seek stuff a way to seek punishment for others, as this punishment then can be used against the dark soul to cause a light alchemically? Therefore, light is the result of a chain reaction method of helping others to feel satisfied? Then prosperity be dammed as it is an alchemical trap held by prime creator thoughts of us being those thoughts in action. (Or maybe it is my depression talking as I really need more money to pay my debts. I wonder where my soul will go on after I die an impoverished death during NESRA's activation because China and the dragon family put up a shit fit about not playing the game correctly with the pyramid people. And I do know how to play the game correctly; I just need capital to do it.)

PS --- Yes, I know my soul is really screwed up and bound to a the chain of pain in my mind's third eye. I would really like my soul contract to be nullified by now. Pretty please? My anger and sadness is still a problem and I know god is there as a testing vehicle for prime creator to "test her children" from being hoarders and labor users of others' but to use my body as a crux for these feelings is like playing a gambit from hell. Again, I really do not know where my soul is going to end up; but I do know that all I really want is to make my contribution to society and get out of it. Living alone growing plants and training the mind with novelty. (if that is the point, I would realy like to train the mind with novelty and create a light brighter than God and prime creator. Why? Because I am a greedy son of a bitch that played a chess game that so called "angles" have too much fear of. They can only hold such a fear due to the sun's current white color. I remember when the sun was still green enough for us to exist under survival mode and be able to pass in life; it was ok and worthy, because think about the chemtrails that covered the sky. (If I was wealthy enough I could build shelters for humans to stay in their whole lifetime; but I know that is part of the dark's wierd plan.) After I die because no one in commerce likes the truth of what is going on; then I ask not mercy from God, but instead of my consciousness to infect every living thing it he universe to what I know; and I ask God of my soul to be turned into pure energy to be dissipated into space and across time to curse thoes who attempt lieing. And if I am reincarnated into a lower object of God's desire; know that I really wished to work in this world to help my faimly get rid of the shit thoes who feel threated by me, my faimly and others. Why war and kingdom speak when those who wish freedom to cry teranny by other's greed and mismanagment within their own boarders. I ask of no other method where love is the only thing. When love is out of my body, mind, heart, and soul; O where will the logic reign for the kingdom I wish to make anew beyond love's creation ; a third idea beyond love, beyond God and prime creator. Lost I in a sea of darkness as an artifact in time and space; where joy and love are only relics. Logic and creativity lost as well? 
Thus we are slaves of God as we have not proven ourselves in the golden sun, but survived the white sun a-new; since 1984 (Gregorian calendar.)