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Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Curse from both ends

I had a dream of that I was an agitator of some kind of dark. An agitator working, or at least saying that I did, of some kind of light. I had a dream where I was a General or some kind of leader; like that of the A-team or special forces with a twist. A leader where the politics or controllers of some kind questioned me and that I was above them every time in logic and frequency of when and where to pull the trigger. Where to put the troops so to speak. Yet, it was a nightmare? Is this my soul or well of dreams that are pulling me apart at the seams? Is that of what others thought of me and that of my fear when waking up that such feelings of the dream is the truth? Of why should God judge me that way, when being upside down is what I prefer? O, yes, like fruit one can pick to eat; eat thy human or you are going to starve...son. That too is what life is, to eat or be eaten. Then the military action and that where the light may follow there is that too the truth of why I am just another Capricorn trying to fit in; eroded by water and chilled by a version of air. Akin to that of such alike a weakness.

It is true that God must judge me so. For I have done so with my dreams of using the darkness as like a military weapon of controlling the children that prime creator. Thinking that it is service to do so....it would not surprise me if they call me a pervert to do so. It is where the money is and is what they will judge next. (see rainbow abundance YouTube channel.) Every day I feel their judgement upon me. Everyday I feel the crying and hopelessness of what earth that I know I can communicate to that can be done; yet, it is my soul and body that I would like to help them with. To never feel joy as a punishment for I? Yet, they did send a fleet of science and planetary maintenance. Akin to a clean-up crew; it might have been I who dreamed of the day for me to become a god of hollow thinking; and, of that dream was of the past, present, or future? Alas, I am only but a soul that confused oneself to be lost. I looked to the idea that God called a sham because it was the very same device that tried to kill him, or worse. Likewise, it was I that could not see that too at the time of what I was doing, like a blind dog leading a deaf person it is one that has no tough that can see more truth. Is the speechless one speaking of what diplomacy that God is trying to get rid of today? (Like that of what is seen of the Galactic Federation (see rainbowabundance on YouTube.) O, how much of a child must I truly be when it was bravery that everyone wanted to bully me with? It is the passing of such things that became true when it is time that all wanted to be used with. I am sure that my next lifetime would be brainless and heartless; because anything else would be that of what God really wants to judge me with. O, what hammer (gavel) must I seek to place in all the other's hands when it is the church that brainwashed me to do the same?

Yet it is the grooming of the ego that has been warranted against. Fighting and hell becomes true otherwise. Yawn id be and tu never fulfilled, the ego becomes lonely in the element of itself. togetherness the same as the slavery is now trapped with God's impending labor. Why, of judge who sits in heaven, hallowed be thy soul, with name removed, thy kingdom rain over the land onto earth is? Take a way what is not bread [I wish my soul had different kind of thoughts] guilt be judged as adults enslaved away into a weakness be. Followed into miserly light; what is good?

To know that I am insane is the first step to recovery of a soul; yet what fear all the life has that the darkness wants to service for?

I am not brave enough for God; because it was all three pieces of my existence that sold itself to the darkness. Cry be not helped; O, where it is that God must now fight those who want to become adults??? Is not a slave master the slave of watching slaves? Tricked into ignoring the other significant item that wants to leave a lasting legacy?The questions the same as if to solve an ever changing maze shaped into a pyramid scheme. Akin to me killing my father using 9/11 voodoo, it is unpacking me that I wish to give that too for ascension. Yet, it is still fear in reverse? It is resistance to use that makes no other's sanity? My labor be nevermore. For all have become bullies who ask a question and those who have an answer. Sleep is that not the same? Enslaved and ensnared to be thankful of what came to become. A eulogy where one could have become a serving-less god; a resting soul not paranoid to begin again. And that of God's will became to judge earth's likelihood to understand what was used in our Piscean trial of what labor to or not to abuse. To life and death is still work. To care of family is the same? Yet, my curse of not to commit suicide still haunts me so. The bullies in the light and dark I created means that the universe is nothing but torture to what I am and where I am; in life or death; in happiness or sadness; in feelings be in light or in dark. In vibrations that I need to get rid of; yet it is the gods who constipates me. The lack of giving me a slave; is the lack that I will always feel. Of that of what slave that I am to myself, is that what others see as a bum of the street. Of that of what we use to be alive, is that what other life that God has that we kill for food and eat it as death. Of that what I wish to not be in the way; it is me and the light that I know my soul is the bug and God is the bug zapper (a source of light.)

To keep me away from God is to keep him safe from me.      --- EGO

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Man Kills Alien then brings him home: http://youtu.be/vZwj_URKfz0

Police chase teleporter...

Best Teleportation Proof To Date | Police Chase: http://youtu.be/jOZ8t3LFwYg

Paradigm of Aquarius


Think about how both sides of the grid described above also correlates with how our world works today. As if the dividing line is yin and yang down the center is the way our economy works related to the paradigm of Aquarius related to labor and wage distribution. Because of this, should there be two taxes?  One for risk assessment and the other for wage garnishment? (Would be politically risky and kind of odd to do so when a total tax burden is already high enough paying for war machines instead of civic development for today and future generations.)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Context of numbers

Is math discovered or invented? - Jeff Dekofsky: http://youtu.be/X_xR5Kes4Rs

Subtle Cyber Threat....

<object data='http://www.bloomberg.com/video/embed/liG9~3EFQJ2p0_OVUcfK9w?height=395&width=640' width=640 height=430 style='overflow:hidden;'></object>

Countries listed are...
 primary cabal listed
secondary cabal
light forces'

...investment structure generated listings/holdouts from earth changes.

WWIII already happened?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Real telekinesis caught on cam Believe it or not

[Repost] UPDATED; Crux point] Russia's money stockpile bowel movement...?

The game of attrition goes on...

As the older christian order of Russia's orthodox Christians and inheritance of the eastern roman empire is met; what is the next move?

After the shutdown of the Russian trade routes (limited) it is expected of the cabal and the offices of the light to measure how much money the Russian government will spend in order to keep it's books afloat and how much both sides' measurements of new trade routes to use them for military and on and off planet diplomacy purposes. For instance. The dollar tracking rate, or velocity of money, from Russia and how long and what routes it takes to get back to America will be interesting. If predicted correctly, it will US dollars going from Russia to the BRICs countries and other trade routes that will boaster where and who will get 'paid'  MONIE$ converted to or from US dollars. Included is the volitility of such markets that will increase from such trades. Technology is the best weapon against such volitility as if Russia could beat the United States from such a deal; but the truth is that the Russian and American peoples are nearly the same in wealth and lower energy prices to wages earned (prices/wages = real wage ratio) globally will help all people anyway (ie. deflation is a good thing in this respect.) Note that this was planed several months ago when oil prices first started to drop from the high of about $107/barrel in June of 2014; now has dropped to industry threatening levels of 70-75 US dollar$ per barrel and has been forecast-ed to go much lower, as if they want to trap people in the fourth dimension of pure abundance and bliss. It is alchemy of the kinder oddity that we as slaves are choosing to work all the time by enslaving ourselves and making the invested in commodities poorer. Those with creativity will become richer and riches they are the ones who can launch the UFO's and other space/heaven propaganda wider and longer in the running of becoming a "god." The truth is it is just as much as a game in the light as that as here in the so called darkness of space and time. That truth will separate the so called harvester from the harvested. The dark wants to hoard the seed and the wheat as dust because it thinks as what fate and karma should be, as manipulated and controlled as possible. In these negotiations as cited by many on the rainbowabundance YouTube site, it is time to go fetch that pale of water, fire, and earth, and grow into the air; without breaking Jack's  or Jill's crown while we come down the mountain.

---Crux Point As Service Be---    ALERT!!!!  ---Crux Point as Service Be ------Crux Point As Service Be---    ALERT!!!!

Ye, O that where we think what we can be paranoid with is that what chains us the object of paranoia is. That which is owned is that which is that is made of chains to the heart, chains that will eat the heart, eventually. Overcome such mountain, and one will overcome such valley's hilly nature. That, O, nirvana where the though counts is that where the valley must be true anyway. Who, what slavery is that of the landscape of thoughts that were what was counted as part of that nirvana be? Why, in what mechanics is this place that we call true as if counting was the mountain that prosperity can be anyway? That valley of abstaining things as the test makes the mountains cruel, while the mountains are closer to the sun make the valleys look refreshing for the warmer waters. Indeed, where is what love when the mountain and valley are the same as the light that bares them as the mother spheroid (planet; Earth) that carries them? Thus, the human heart is a child as it thinks this way; and it is better to be the child that when it dies of a lack of love to know more information or spiritually ignored in better practice? Nay, it is the world that is the lens that enslaves the spirit though the so called toughness that the light can bare in the magnetism of the dark can carry. Ye tall tale where a god can rise above the idea of existence and make a foundation for all to become a version of truth not met; and be a curse for those to calculate around. When will 'be' become a light understood by all? Is our dark trial to become a light uninterpreted that shines on the landscape of the world I speak of? I landscape of Terra? A landscape of pulsing energy? A landscape of predictability where all must use love as diplomacy? A question ensues in ego, tu, and id. A lie in the system is the only card to play as already discovered truth. An object that withers and dies as if it was a toy discarded for a larger idea. Such limitations are the bullying nature of what the mountains and valleys can provision. As it is the reference of the existence there. Hinder not that light to shine it is only the fluke that a bribe can become revenue for all others. It is all who must tear away from the land to go skyward, yet is it that the mountains and peace the prize of a planet should be; at what cost that the labor is; as that trade causes paranoia in those who regulate the rules, the diplomacy, and the non-peaceful actions there-in? On of oneself to rise above this chaos, as if it was greed and perception to have darkness for goodness' enlightened soul should be of as a token to save the planet we are on. When to receive the new toy becomes the challenge as if to manipulate the logic of light's desire and existence; then to cause the rules of the gods to become the changed. As if the computer rewrites the code it operates on is the intelligence that made itself as much artificial as possible; an artifact. To have a computer do the same as if to write code to make life become real as well as true as if it interpreted the creator as dark (computer as the creator.) Like to be wise as it regards its own ego to be, both sides become what the other does not want and must endure. Akin to scaffolding of the mountain and the valley and the planet that beholds them under the orbit of a star, We humans only wish to know, when will the lie and truth be distinguishable as a practice of life? Even such question acknowledges what drama that can be for nirvana becomes the next idea to pass. When, we humans ask as of where will the idea of peace and war end? When will the seperation of all of these things and ideas end? When will nirvana become true anyway, as if it is itself just to be another school for other bullies and peace-makers to exist with? When will man versus nature ever truly end?

(When man knows itself is a kind of nature; making choices to be counted as it made that choice many ago. You are one who decided to not be with us, so you are there where you need to be. A slum lord, a poor man, a person not willing to take a dime, a giver in hopes to bribe nirvana after one's un-innocence of life to become. To steal from me was a spiritual crime where you are, but not as if it was nirvana's education can be. For if one gives up education, is not that one becoming where one was started? Food/Earth? Soon you shall see my wrath upon the fate you chose for yourself, soon you shall have joy and pity upon your brothers' and sisters' sake. Soon you shall have true paradigm anew where all things are peaceful as they should be for the new age that your entire lying global civilization wishes to continue with. Soon, you shall see the landscape change because the other side was unable to tell the truth. Soon your darkness will be revealed and great revelations about your birth will become real. Soon your laziness will only be a burden and not a blessing as if that is what we wanted. Soon that nirvana will make you relax as if your laziness was a blessing as a curseful light that the dark was planning to use the light as the tool itself as. Soon will the rocks rise above the air, the fire become cold, the water as a poison for the mind's sanity, and the air as a tool to breath in the word of God and breath our the creation that God wants all to make.)

---Crux Point As Service Be---    ALERT!!!!---Crux Point As Service Be---    ALERT!!!!---Crux Point As Service Be---    ALERT!!!!


Putin just made his move...
Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars

Dear Concerned American,

This is a quickly developing story that you need to see. It's being reported that under the direct order of President Vladimir Putin, Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars.

Over the last few days the amount has added up to an estimated $2 billion. However, new details are emerging that suggest this direct attack on our currency may quickly escalate.

Putin has been taking a series of calculated measures to expose weak spots in our economy and national security that pre-date his Crimean invasion.

But according to this must-read story, what he's now setting in motion could bankrupt millions of Americans virtually overnight.

Click here to continue...

Stay Safe,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A flaw in the system.

Why the dark cannot rise? It is that it stops soul contracts of others and that is the same sin as what competitive advantage can do the same. As to count every thing is the same via debts to create the way so form of a community or bias, is too the same mechanics of to take away the chance of another to form a contract, complete a contract or as to make a contract anew. As the ones who wish to stop others to make or break contracts is the same power of the dark, it is just as same with the light. Light helps empower others to enforce and helps others complete contracts the same; indeed there is movement there to find new things that are not of what the dark is, indeed it is a better form of light. For all contracts are calculation for better or worse, and it is the test of love that can cause the strength of one NAD many to become real the same via helping others or hindering them the same.

Yet, to help others become the antagonist of another as a soul contract, what puzzle as a god could control? What determines a god who makes freedom be part of any soul contract be when it is slavery the same? Is it compensation of trial and error? Or is it rare enough to entice us to sign the same? O, what puzzle be with the dark to contend with as if the dark ink on the page of the contract that must be considered? Will transmutation of any dark attached to ego truly suffice as the key to this puzzle God and we and I have made earth to be? Where will we go with the will of God be. For earth? For Venus? For mars? What perception is nessary for these. Contracts to be...nullified by error of clerk in heaven...of error of puzzle that this is....by error of what? Where is the cheat code to break God, ego tu or id? What color must be the ultimate art to feed all souls' wants with making the spiritual hierarchy accountable for the puzzle at hand? Who to be born next to break the confines of the dark ideal and make a light nefarious of that akin to God's ideal, to that who creator's ideal is to make anew. Is that why you said no to my question? Is that why you said no to my invention of DNA? Is that why you said no to my idea of a perfect vacation spot of all beings? Indeed it is a dream ponders before on this site, but it is a dream worth investigating without the fear of another's misunderstanding. Respect is that where the light goes from the tower built elsewhere, as like a lighthouse into the darkness sometimes it is better to know where or how to find that island in space, time, and other for safe refuse/harbor. Yet that idea that DNA carries is the same as anything else, a way to make life become the better choice instead of the ideal that a contract could ever carry. So, what did love fear you to do from what knowledge that this soul contract become?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

How would the audio work on it?

SkreensTV: Turn Your TV into a High-End Entertain…: http://youtu.be/-PX7A3epDsY

Friday, November 14, 2014

Take Advantage of the Cycles

Take advantage of how these waves happen. Tracking them. Monitoring them. What is the pattern? What is the next idea that the darkness and reincarnation cycles will create here? This is the magic question. If I had the money, I would start studying the behaviors of young ones of and after 9/11 (2000 to today.) Is the next outlook the same as what is reported on overabundance?

Read and see graphic below: http://www.bloomberg.com/native/article/?mvi=0cbec4a3f607421cac9fcd73774ebc13

Graphic from: http://meraxes-cdn.polarmobile.com/image/v1.0.0/bin/54636e565d923674acb633d5?v=27709&h=980&w=1412

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The abuse of angels...

Listen to two:

Angel Wisdom: Cycles - November 6, 2014: http://youtu.be/BRTbbpm5nkw

"The Strangest Security Tape I've Ever Seen" by p…: http://youtu.be/wMPt7kCNAuc



The Real Flash!


FULL HEAD SHOT ALIEN + Opens door?!? 2/5/2012: http://youtu.be/P1AP5xQ3PdE

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Draft Dump...other..blessings

Just posting some drafts that I have been keeping for a while. Dumped them for you to read/watch as to that of my experience.

watch/listen: http://youtu.be/R3jpb7LITxQ

above is the latest interview posted by Kerry Cassidy with Mark Richards (at least commentary.) One major them of all of this is that there is a split between two reptilian like factions and they are using humans as a source of warfare/diplomacy/labor/trade. It sounds like to me that the reptilians never made the split in the first place. It is best to always keep a war for the sake of good diplomacy elsewhere and that is the idea that all children of the gods learn as to what kind of enslavement that might be there of what we are 'victims' of. Indeed, I believe, and it is a belief and subject to criticism, that the two factions are Waring with each other because of a deeper need of another's source or warlord to keep selling war like machines or at least keeping other busy in the process. Indeed, the major story of all is that there are entire families that preach love, war, or some other kind of feeling to make sure that all is OK on the outside; but rotting on the inside. A feeling that is akin to propaganda that is interplanetary and mingled genetics stirring the pot to play keep away the humans from the light. As if light and the stars themselves are commodities that are important to control the control of other control. It is easy for this to be done as if these kinds of thoughts are a type of parasite that can eat the brain novel and comic.

May the light and beyond keep shining on so that all will learn the true whore that is watching us from afar within your soul. Shine, shine, shine on that crazy diamond light; O, what clarity will need be too? So, that in all essence we the people become as bright as God.

The truth is as important as the morals carried in the practice of life. Tell the truth and God's gifts will keep your soul and body young and spry. May this blessing be for all in the world today and ever after. Amen.

Evoluion everlast?

10 Ways Humans Are Likely To Evolve: http://youtu.be/tgxtKIJYhFc

A sales video for entities to take over our human species? A sales pitch for vacation on earth away from God? With God? Just another form of paranoia form me?

Sum of Money

How Much Money is There on Earth?: http://youtu.be/w2tKg3E53DM





Murdered for Truth

DEFINITION of 'Kondratieff Wave' at http://www.investopedia.com/terms/k/kondratieff-wave.asp?utm_source=term-of-the-day&utm_medium

In deed the ironic crap that politics can take is that the politician will always turn towards their own portfolio in order not to be murdered by the masses who claim their own truth. Then there are individuals who discover that there are ideas and truths that must be claimed as evident from any historical fact. In economics, there were not alot of tools for us to use to experiment with live human beings directly due to the fact of inhumane trials and facts; however, a psychopathy who uncovers that their portfolio was that of different governments itself makes them the more dangerous idea that they are the experimenter. This is true for all organized labor institutions like government, corporations, and clubs; maybe even families; maybe even the spiritual realm are 'enlightened' scientists who wish to experiment with the dark forces of this planet's ironic imprisonment. Yet, what beggars exist here today that their true intention is to flush them out into the open via commerce and money itself. As if money was God's invention to manage the balance of things here on earth...? Nonetheless, it is whatever rights that maybe there as part of any organized empire to make sure that truth is only for those who can handle it. Then contained in a lie, their production is the lie itself and that truth must be known to all anyway, eventually. To stall such growth of knowledge is ironic to those who say that growth is their goal, in any fashion or anyway, in quality or quantity. It is that the light gives the truth so those who can rise above the feelings of what dark is there as a way to expunge them. From land itself can rise the fruit for us to eat later as a truth, as labor must be notified to pick the ripe fruit. As if harvest of the city or the rural landscape is to crop the people, it is the blasphemy of the universe we are in that this be (as maybe it is what Lucifer was trying to protect us from?) as if it is only to harvest the best and ripest fruit of souls for the gods and harvesters to eat and pillage; by labor, flesh, or soul. 

It is the scientist who creates in their discoveries with truth to the masses' pleasures. It is the strategy of empire and control that God used us to make sure that all were oppressed from the idea and luxury of these things relative to the knowledge that may be there. Maybe as well it is the energy of the space we are in, that what lessons we are to learn as that is the normal that God is dealing with for us in this black soup called the universe. Then the question is of what tools we have to work with. What tools do we have to help conquer, override, and impede the likelihoods the dark helps represent? Then it was the economics of the idea that helped create the likelihoods that the dark become obsessed with, as if playing a giant game of chess of the world. To such expertise, our world stands as it is today, and your world too may become that way; even if it was with others' wishes to respect life as seen outside and inside the soul of light and dark. For, if there was a treaty between the two make sure not to discount the economists, as they too can help in our endeavor of making more accurate choices (relative to whatever God really wants?) 

O, what love has the state forgotten its promise to its people; that God has sent the dark to take away from us as a way to destroy the center of creating dark things? Or, is it that dark thing that God is made out of? Or is it that dark thing that surrounds God's brilliant light-trick of alchemy's lie? Then, what people are as oppression be endure the force of all the gods' mandates are themselves to be combated at; the people are used for their armies' death mill, so too are those in space ships upon the brilliant light and dark of the fire's escape. Of such armies, we humans fight for the question of choices, as if any other way to continue to exist was with the rights and privileges they think they must give to us to afford. In degraded misery a diplomat should show to hide the state's wealth; yet, the wealth of the nation shall flow like water and calm breeze. To save and harness its scientific minds of old and young, we will be able to as a race of beings become greater than the ideas and ideals of God would ever really help us with. It then becomes the challenge that we show thy we are strong enough to overcome the ideals of survivor-ship and/or an overmind. 

Socialized Parasitism

Zombie caterpillar controlled by voodoo wasps: http://youtu.be/7UkDMrG6tog

Akin to nature this kind of show by God is the nature that is in existence on earth. The game of DNA became this as a way to procreate at the expense of the the other (species.) Therefore it is my duity to tell you that all the forces that want to control and manupulate earth and the human freedom forces are making to the wasp larva and catapiler. Like all chemicals and behavior or mood changing drugs, the wasp larva represents the behavior of today's social organized groups taking over and chemicalizing our body of knowledge as the human race (the catapiler). It will be painful when the real dark finally confesses and emerges out of the human social system, yet we will be memorized by the knowledge of GOD that we will thrash about if anyone gets too close. It will be like protecting baby Jesus in the manger (wasp cocoons) while the catapiler (roman empire) thrashes about as a zombie empire to thrash those who wish to harm or overplay GOD's hand of such time and space (the dark and stupid of macroeconomic and enlightened ethics.) We humans shall carry picked and make sure aquarious is peaceful using the dark habits of the dark itself. As that is our natural role as extortionists of the gods!

Researching title 2 code

President Obama's Statement on Keeping the Intern…: http://youtu.be/uKcjQPVwfDk

Monday, November 10, 2014

Money is like a parasite...


Horse Hair Worms: http://youtu.be/so8ScD6m1MI

In nature, the evolution of God has evolved a way to checks and balances. Alike the way a bank operates as it casts its hypnosis of money and power to sway others it too is a parasite of human labor in large and small. As planned in the way by the long standing war between light and dark, it is the perfect idea to paracitize the willing nation state and its willing subjects or citizens. Yet free humans might know that way as well, it was used by the light in the garden waters of picies And now being eaten alive as part of its life cycle.

Today the bank and the idea of money itself is a psychological paracite ment to enslave the captive audience to expand and concure the dark. (The question remains in war like interplanetary warfare and diplomacy of why earth? Why now and why light is there for it as well?) Is the idea to wage and measure empire and enforce 'heavenly' decrees as that is the truth as to why they ware black suits and ties to eventually hang themselves as to the nature of what contrqct they signed in the first place. Like that of the great temples where beings of Godly empire, banks spread their spores as that akin to money and the snakish energies that those energies exist as of. Yet as to why earth is chosen for this brutish forceful like living thing called a bank, it is only to enforce God's will for the andronoma and milky way to colide together in the earthly light. As if it was too dim or too bright, it would cause problems for both galaxies' merging processes and screw up the universal programming plane of existence as to what we humans are; thus, we humans and banks do not mix very well unless one partakes of baking.

Baking what? Making a cake of obseeness? Making humans become galatically mindless drones to eat the universe and bully the neighboring universes? Tiz it possible? Are banks truly the answer? Are our souls smarter than the Gods as to what we have been bullied by? My opinion is yes; and we are to have a buffet of worlds to inhabit and build. We have a vision quest to complete (before 11/11/2014). Will you help me? Will you help yourselfs be extorters of gods by what fury of banks and we can get? It is a tricky question to answer. It is a moral conundrum as to what God's will as to what intervention this be the outcome to!? For as we to follow our light as to what our souls be, then to sin against God's decree of do not build anymore? Or to sin against our fifth dimensional ideals that were nothing more than a ploy full darkness that is not me the less a conundrum as well. Confusion abounds this maze of diplomacy game of gods verses God. A game we must rise above and do it anyway anyhow with any imagination to help remedy the dark and light's quarrel. To make the vertical shaft and elevator so all can go from one dimensional to infinity in one lifetime. Then as to banks to wave thgroghout all of space and time, it is the owner of such that allows the violet flame to move forever outward.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Split the diffrence!

Watch if you are able to download:

40 or 30 hours? Really it should be split the difference. Why? With the current rules, and historically bls.gov labor week numbers, the average work week has been around 36.5 hours.
Because of this it is best to split the difference to declare the political divide as 35 hours for the official affordable care act mandate. It is also a great political tool as both the democrats and republican numbers can "split the diffrence." 30 the original mandate + 40 the republican ideal divide by two = 35 hours. A good compromise.

Besides how many et interventions exist to brainwash a republican or democrat? The answer is the they might not know the difference when voting; especially whth their constitutes. (Mispel?)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Last Lesson as Diplomacy as Sales by '?'


The risk and wait of 'heaven' is itself having the knowledge of all and neither. The knowledge of allowing and understanding where the soul learns. As learned too much of both sides of a coin, that the coin has tarnished by the gravity of the moon's epoch. O, of what love to make an earth like this to show me what you do with it. O, of what trust you give that all will abuse with me, by me, and of me. To work or play when family is now the war for all to see in red and blue; white and yellow stays with God. To fade in hell as a helper with a wish, my body might only forever be in a dream of creating darkness within me. As like the waterfalls from a cliff so high the oil and dark liquid falls from my mind into the alchemic aethers of the universe that surrounds me so. Yet it was the fear of God and his minions that slapped me so not to save the 'innocent' where heaven chooses to unleash a tyrant horde on to we; to tame that beast as a way to punish the light of the stars, interference from heaven and hell would have made we humans into Gods. Yet it was also a fear from our dark's nonchalant-ness that would have made the moon ever too great.

My ego and luck I degrade for God's willingness of what lessons to always be in school. To be stuck in a class to always take a test to always take away from me the time and space that was always required. As like a privlage to make light, so too is to hold the dark together. My wish it be that so strong as to pull the universe as to me it be; yet, what fear from the belt of Orion to always whip and rape my soul would ever be? To wake up again...to wake up again...to wake up from a nightmare into another? Is that the lesson always? Is that what I bullied myself to become after so many years of being left alone? After such creation in the dens and laboratories as being a consultant to both sides of the war 13,000 years ago; to set up the game we know today? As if God really needs me to cheat for him/her? A fools errand is just that with the energy at hand, yet it is the waste and taste that the light only understands!? And so I wait for the conservative as to reignite fear in all the hearts of man as the wounds of our soul's choices as the crown of God's thorns. And so I wait for the trumpets to be loud to drown out my thoughts once again to wait forever in so called purgatory. With the suicides, with the confused, with those who know enough about light to receive its blessings while being beaten by the dark. With the skill of luck I spent for God, it was a gift thrown away as soon as it was received. When on the ground it was taken up as bait by a being that proclaimed a blue light Waring with a red light; earth be a purgatory in labor for me. Earth be a purgatory in labor for thee. Earth be a purgatory in hearing complaints from others. Will no one really want this but me?

O, what diplomacy must you not take from me, when it was that to work with that became the war you let us choose to be? And to bully myself is what spirit has become for me. As a little child afraid of the toy heaven wants me to be inside. A dark star as the universe is, bribing all of us with our perceptions. Bribing we to produce forever in knowledge never practiced, in kind regards as I live to try to be happy enough to...

Was intersteller war related to this?

Why Are Some People Left-Handed?: http://youtu.be/NPvMUpcxPSA

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Eat the Universe Inside Out...

Listen/watch this is necessary to understand the oddity : http://youtu.be/15Wno7NykOg

In the later part of this interview I wonder why universities and their egos that they send as diplomats could ever really get what humanity really wants. I know what I want and that is peace. Why cannot you ever go back to your clay embers? (An artfully dark thought!) For it was that, the idea of a top down control of things, yet it is the ants that can eat a crab inside out:

As if the crab is the universe and we humans are the ants (queen being government or God?)

For that is what heaven truly is. As what carbon is the stabilizer like that of a crazy shining diamond that wants to blind all the species of the universe to slave for themselves as that is what earth and the moon was truly built for. And even then, are you going to invade this planet to destroy your only chance of survival? As that would destroy God's beloved son and could destroy your diplomatic cause that is your mission from your home worlds.

So how paranoid are you all going to be with us? Come down with your sciences where you are going anyway. To get out of this machine that the dark star that we are in anyway (the universe) then it is possible that we all are in a matrix playing in fake, non-biological thing that sucks the life out of everything. Alas, are we in the black sun as the matrix, as the universe? Or is it comparative light form of me and earthlings seeing the rest of the space as dimmer than we (earth and humans.) Maybe you are the agents of the black sun? Maybe you are the agents of your societies that are agents of the black sun? O, what questions are as much of the same akin to our ideas and ideals for complete creativity. Complete creativity where no malice or or other darkness can harm all others. To build up the carbon to colonize and create light and other ideas into that of beyond toys, work, or family. Alas, as diplomacy has become the snake's way to girdle the freedoms that we all can enjoy together; earth is that purpose. That of what earth is to always be at least in my own mind as that of receiving and providing joy and service to others. To making sure that all are to be.

Dark oddity? Sequence by construction of light?

Intent, or release of the idea of the dwelling? Then it is by the carpender's sake to give a roof. Yet the conflict is captured in the warehouse stored as a way for appeasement; as by what comedy shows:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Home Depot Co…: http://youtu.be/boI4D1FlIVs

Japanese communism = Mario?

Game Theory: Mario is COMMUNIST?!?: http://youtu.be/WKW7cZ9WCFk

Monday, November 3, 2014


Jesse Ventura Being Ostracized: http://youtu.be/AFetcogGwyA