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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Libertarian Anarchy


Approved but not approved...Libertarian anarchy. 

I know the video above is only showcaseing a game but must be acknowledged that art mimics life...

Libertarian anarchy is only a stage humanity goes through to which to find a new leader. Only the morals of such are questioned, in process and final result. This is only part of a cycle that in the end can be described as part of an illusion. 

In an anarchy it is society trying to find itself a leader; thus of such leaders that already exist is itself a "game of chicken" of when one leader will want to be brave enough to enslave the rest or free the rest or do something that will be the rest of what vision for society to have. Nevertheless, it is only a cycle of the same illusion that socialism and communism that has in common....the need to provide one's vision onto others, rather than the individual to provide clearence to the other to make one's decision. 

At the same time it is a clash of visions and posturing of who does what when and why that creates the form we call politics today, or at least who is most popular though elections. 

It is a cycle of the same problem of casting one's vision onto another that is the problem of modern society (globally n and affecting multiple goverments) today.  

Rep. Adam Schiff’s Controlled Anger At GOP’s Indifference On Russia | The Last Word | MSNBC


Separate America from the rest of the world is the goal among the politically confused.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Will Trump Stop Chinese Organ Harvesting


Will President Trump stop Chinese Organ harvesting?
Will a generic democrat or Bernie Sanders stop Chinese organ harvesting?

What if all US health care costs were transparent? | Jeanne Pinder


This is a just a reporting of the prices.

As an economist I can state that transparent pricing creates more perfectly competitive market than a market where the price is set by desirability of procedure (person focused rather than wallet/money focused transaction.) It is possible that if healthcare costs are reduced by this action of pricing then:

1. If protections for emergency care are not given then prices for care are going to be lower in parity to quality (lower quality.) 

2. Lower hospital and medical revenues across the spectrum of healthcare where spenders of healthcare are saying about the pricing per quality of care. This lower revenue with (keeping the costs the same) would lower profitability and therefore increase the work pressure on employees OR reduce healthcare employment. Therefore increase national unemployment or employ-ability. 

3. Education based healthcare will diminish OR price for learning about healthcare (training for a doctor, nurse, etc...) will become more prohibitive. 

Note that asking about healthcare prices or posting healthcare prices will mean many procedures may become more like going to the dentist's or optometry office (prices will reflect pricing per medical offices that are more like outpatient care facilities. There is a higher likelihood that inpatient procedures or catastrophic procedures will increase in price (in other words the price differential is higher under a prices for all to see system than price after the procedure per billing.) 

China does not want your trash


Are Trump Supporters the Most Gullible People on Earth?


I do not agree with the premise of the title; I agree with the history and the bias nature of our American political system is  nothing more than a legalized scam.

Emojis for Court


Fertilize the Ocean with Iron? (Probably Not)


Bitcoin at Bottom?


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why Communism is the Deep State's Mind Control Cult

There is an anti-democrat or anti-socialist slant.
the information needs to be neutral.
I do agree communism is not a path forward, only a path that increases the likelihood of tyranny by the minority of true feelings.
Communism unites utility; of which, is against the rules of evaluating a population set by methods of economics and statistics.
By principal and definition of utility: the utility of a basket of goods and services by one person cannot be compared to another's. Only a comparison of what is in the basket and the behaviors of each individual good to another good (or comparison of services) can be done.

The assumptions of socialism and communism is a side effect of common redresses of goverment, of which afflict the population: black shelving, monopoly or conspiring oligopoly, cleptocracy, plutocracy, etc... usually a set of firms or investors where the supply is hevaly restricted or regulated to the point of no other recourse for the demand to respond, and no or limited entrance into the market. 

Overall, socialism and communism are only the side effect of the aliments of a capitalist society that has forgotten what it means to be competitive due to the effect of a firm or supplier assuming the responsibility like a goverment would (as perceived by individual participants of demand (individually or a significant portion.)

5 part series:






Sunday, March 17, 2019

Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory for Beginners


History of money and we can print; for whom's direction of the future?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Not Your Typical Cloud (UFO NEWS)


Dying Trees in Cities? Blame It on the Concrete


What do you think is your goal of the cabal now? To Concrete the world equals a death of natural abundance.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bacteria On The Clouds


Bacteria on top of clouds do exist

We live in a Modern Cosmic Horror


The UFO-Illuminati-(deep-state) Problem is becoming cosmic horror to humanity

"You cannot handle the truth"

Yet it exists and hiding the truth is itself the failure of being brave as a so called. God
 A god of management that we all strive for everyday; At least that is what I, tonyotag, strive for moment.

In essence, just release the patents and release the technologies to maximize humanity. Otherwise, planet earth is only our reach and end my of what means and organization that of which origins were and are to this day nothing more than selfish pity upon the exterior of human.

Just Print the Money


It is ok to print the money
Just do not go crazy with it

The EU's 'SECRET' Brexit Negotiation EXPOSED


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Elijah Cummings' stunning closing remarks at Cohen hearing


Keep it US natural born citizen for US President


So, then what is the price? Other nations mimicking American "freedoms" to counteract the rhetoric of America's constitution or bill of rights and courts?
I do wonder what it means to be a citizen today when it is slavery for someone else's portfolio and investments with the idea that the investments rely on the country giving up such rights in lue of public policy.
What I would like to see is UN Ambassadors being elected into office....like an international congress with an American Constitution for the world, OR am I being too democratic again?

Not what Humans can See. (Cameras Can)


Mainstream media Lies about Venezuela
