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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Edge of Wonder Interview Dr Salla (UFO NEWS)


Know Your Candidate (TYT Elizabeth Warren Interview)


Child Porn rings used to shield passage of Green New Deal?


ALERT TO THE ALLIANCE (or anyone that would listen to me) Was the child porn ring just a distraction for the alliance's enforcement arm from the true crime that is going to be done against humanity and America?

Airline pilots not able to see above the clouds let alone tell the truth of what they have seen. Green new deal (GND) also has ground rail below the clouds. I do wonder what the ploy is? Maybe using the environment for censorship? I do wonder what kind of "fog of war" is being implemented for the sake of a few elites that want to control the world when the cabal's head is being chopped off by some kind of alliance. 
Was the child porn ring crackdown just a distraction for the alliance to get away from the GND and other tech/social behavior goverment policies that make it easier to cause totalitarianism or fascism by government or centralized corporations? 
The same for 5g tech and other tech that can be used the same?


Thursday, February 21, 2019

When frenemies attack


I call the navel intelligence and alliance a frenemy (not a frenemy against tonyotag) because they are a frenemy against their captors and dark forces controlling this planet. Remember what the goal is and understand the playing field's rules....

If the earth is a ship and the county is a rebellion or some subsection of control of the "ship"/planet then how to attack or defend against something that could rock the "boat." I understand what you-guys are talking about. I, tonyotag, am open minded to helping the alliance to get the word out about your group and I hope with my heart and allegiance to God, the constitution of the United States, and honorable decency of basic diplomacy and getting along with others day to day, etc... (something that the dark seems to lack if the child abuse allegations are true (among other abuses)) that I only want to share what I know with the world.

Sure, I do want to get access to the discount window of the Federal Reserve and help mankind in a profitable and respectful way relative to the known and yet to be released and undiscovered technologies and social policies of tomorrow (future); yet, I feel like all of this that is going on is nothing more then a pawn game for something bigger. I feel like no matter how much of the darkness the so called "light" can shine down the rabbit hole the more illusions tends to get noticed and manifest. This is more akin to a minefield, and you do not know what filed to go upon because all you have a clue is that there is a minefield.

 So, it is upon this request, that beyond what ever happens to me and/or my generation (millienals) please understand that sometimes planned obsolescence (and the (military) strategy that surrounds it) does have benefits not fully understood yet by economists and social scientists. It is my hypothesis that the dark forces controlling this planet are truly from another form of light not yet allowed to manifest in truth here. There are several reasons: (1) their karma is tainted and is why they are human. (2) God or some kind of law making system or governance of the universe cannot ordain such action because of the rejection of Jesus from the temple (When Jesus was appx. 10-15 years of age, Jesus went to the temple to through out the "money-changers" as money was used to pay for sins caused (and as a simple market) and the morality of such market system was upsetting to the order of life that God/Jesus had to throw them out...literally. Mary and Joseph could not have such behavior by their perceived "son" because of their business model relied on housing development (Joseph was in the carpentry and home building business like his forefather.) Look upon today in America and what was happening in the 19th and 20th century with Real Estate; that is a hint of what is to come next because of the alliance laying down the law; you will hurt the carpenters and have a likelihood of destroying a lasting income stream that the western world has known with high quality housing (unlike China's housing and construction codes.) Think about this reasoning as it makes since because of what did the dark lords do or allow before they realized what they were doing was mimicking what Jesus had in his family's business? Was that the darkness they mimicked in the Roman Empire fell and is that the reason for America to fall too? Are you to blame as well....

I, tonyotag, think not fully to blame, yet that blame is only true if you do not heed my warning about what the human phycology and sociology can contend with.

My final reason is each planet is a "plan - it" in which a supreme being can plan that planet with what ever they want. What God chose to place on this planet was not the Garden of Eden. It is my understanding from the hidden history of the world that the planet Earth might be a manufactured planet of some kind. Maybe just a prison planet. Either way, what souls that are on this planet are notingin more then inmates. And where there is a prison there is usually a war. So what war happened. Our history must have been a war colony in the past or some kind of fort or something. A way point port for refueling ships traveling vast distances between galaxies? Our position in the milky way support this line of reasoning. Either way, we humans might be the result of a guy name g-o-d with an experimental garden that went haywire from a vacationing ape-like creature that just wanted a vacation but instead got a father. Also, it might have been just a DNA laboratory for experimenting with different forms and human was just one of the forms of "image" from a DNA blueprint. Likewise, one thing let to another and Adam so happened to escape the garden (ruins) and discovered God was not the only one doing the same thing. Long story short...we humans are an aftermath of a war zone and a dark colony of humans found Adam and decided why not conquer that... What we have today is that aftermath leading up to some kind of revelations; and revelations is the goal for for the sake of the dark to leave what was their mistake of upheaval they though not was what they found (Adam and their creator.) Likewise, the punishment was itself a distraction from the truth. That truth is in itself the engendering of the universe and disclosure of such engineering would be detrimental to all but Adam (it is unclear to me if it would be positive or negative to God/Jesus as well.)

With all that out of the way, this is what I, tonyotag, want to help humanity have all the technology out in the open:

1. An understanding and media outlet unstained by the radicals. I only want a way to talk directly to all people no mater their age. The message is only truth.

2. A way to shorten the distance between the discount window and what I lead as a corporation. The goal is to upgrade humanity on Earth and up into the solar-system and stars. Too many middle men are in the way between the trust of the money and who gets to choose who gets what.

3. An economics study on answering the questions of "perfect money," how much debt is too much debt, and insurance against human colony collapse disorder (if bees can collapse I am assuming humanity can. If we can develop the atomic weapons, I am sure we can destroy ourselves,) (Note that all markets work efficiently, with or without dead weight loss; it is the regulation that is contested. Wealth management has been bastardized over the years into market segmentation, when in fact it is suppose to collapse* onto itself into simplicity. (*collapse as per definition of this sentence is not to destroy but is to obsolete.)

4. Inter-generational training systems that can stabilize the "ship"/Earth from becoming a humanity meltdown. One solution might be people voting for a global congress equivalent to America's system of governing on legislative representatives. (Parliament systems are prone to control vectors too, it is possible that the English system of parliament in many countries around the world answer to the royal trust of Buckingham palace; that is not my goal at all! The goal is the people are represented fairly without the bias of political parties or overbearing organization that causes problems for the population later from evolving into a greater consciousness.)

5. Understanding spirit and alchemy of the universe and its mechanics practical to make all the other parts fit congruently without friction (fighting.) This always gets advised as a counsel or something like that...is not that what the legislature for?

My proposal, in summary, is this:  A research institution that that solves these problems and I, tonyotag, manage it with oversight. The people (or other things that might be kind of human (but not machine or artificial intelligence)) can be on the board of governors while managing the process, money and resources to build humanity for the missing time and technology that has been wrecked upon it by a dark entity. The goals are outlined above. You may already know who I am and if so then contact me to get started. More think tank and white papers with business plans are possible and are coming to be published here as well as a channel I will open; hopefully, shortly or soon.

When a physicist helped the CIA with remote viewing:


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

American segregation, mapped at day and night

Real Estate and diversity is a hard tracking measure because of inheritance of such real estate. Try a mixing metric, like interracial couples and manages rate with phone area codes or per county courthouse due to the larger geographic areas such metrics take.
I do agree with this study being an important milestone in learning about inter-generational migration and intercommunication status per jurisdiction.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Saturday, February 9, 2019






New market type discovered and employed by firms!

Confuseopoly - kun-fuze-opoly (noun, adj) - a market type of firms or businesses that use options and other tactics of supply of selling to increase sales and confuse the purchaser that it is a good or neutral deal. (is akin to other market types like monopoly, oligopoly, perfect competition, etc...) Confuseopoly can be of one or many firms; apolitical or political in nature.

DEFIANT ASTRONOMER: "Alien UFO Near Jupiter - Prove Me Wrong!"


The Better Boarding Method Airlines Won't Use


A murder solved, 23 years later | Part 3


Australia could turn into slums in 20 years


*published by 60 Minutes Australia

Banana Republic History
