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Monday, March 31, 2014

Pictures of banking mathematics for a perfect non-profit fiat banking system that people can cash into via government systems. (Pics are scrambled.) Instead of the IRS* as the runaround and many different layers of paperwork. Why not tax loans and equity transfers? Because this would mock the dark and cause a tizzy with Rome, the Israelites, and many other creeps in the universe instead of that humanity can handle its own shit and run things with God as a great adviser with money (but would it really be God or the Antichrist?) In the end that is quite the mockery of the war between the light and the dark.
*note that the IRS would still be in effect enforcing the tax code where congress deems it. It just might not have the enforcement of taking people's incomes, but rather people's lending capacity via banking and lending officials. In other words: individuals would not have to deal with the IRS, just the banks and lending facility operators would.

Here are the "blackboard" pics (primarily economics in nature):

I = PC + PS +Pl has a typo. Pl is suppose to be negative
Result is I = PC + PS - Pl limit time to zero
Where defined as not listed above:
MC =  marginal cost curve
Y/V = M/P --> from MV = PY or money supply times velocity of that money equals nominal Gross Domestic Product
M/P = BY/((1+a)*r) + NW/((1+a)*P --> B = labor beta of Douglass-Cobb Function times GDP divided by 1 plus alpha of growth constant to Consumption of GDP times the real interest rate PLUS net-worth divided by the price level times (1 plus alpha)

Greek symbol for Pi is for profits where upside down pi is for inflation

The trick is to get velocity of money for nominal GDP to be equal to the natural equilibrium of any profit banking system. However, as the goal is non-profit banking; any banking profits can be returned to the bank users and deemed fit whee applicable for their lives. For example, instead of the Federal Reserve handing over profits to the federal government, it should instead write checks for bonds and indenture that are on its books to obsolete debt that America has; OR write checks and deliver to all households and/or citizens; OR write checks to those who have residency; OR write checks to all households to maximize its inflation target and will reduce unemployment anyway.

AD = Aggregate demand includes GDP as equal to consumption + investment + net exports + government spending
AS = aggregate supply includes GDP from an income side of the equation pertaining to a function of k = capital, l = labor, tn = technology, inst = institutional structure

Greek symbol mu = real interest rate
greek symbol alpha = willing riskiness (not the same alpha as stated in above pics as related to velocity formula.
greek sigma = standard deviation, unless squared then is variance (statistical terms on historical performance)

confidence formula (basic and non-dynamic) forms a parabola (conic) function); in subsequent postings I will be able to provide a conjecture that this function is tangent to the markowitz bullet and that the markowitz bullet function wants to be at equilibrium with this function and the capital allocation line in 3 to 5 year time rotation increments. Along with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals and Strategic Asset Allocation via a weighted distribution and market portfolio, any nation and plant's economy can balance the business environment swings and divestment from its shores. This should be accompanied with debt forgiveness plans and inverse debt payments*.

*inverse debt payments is the lender only taking what is needed to maximize the utility of the land, environment, labor training utility, and community's happiness while maintaining non-profit status with marginal or moderate firm's larbor costs (10% to 25% of median bea.gov labor cost estimate.)

Debt forgiveness can be a subset of economic study and can be related to our modern conundrum of basis costs and labor training costs. Real Estate as a cost is only the value based on death (as it relates to wills and estate law) or sequence of goods and formalities related to deprecation of the buildings and finite land structure that is zoned according to demand (even then people do have a high substitute for living conditions as long as there is money, property, and security involved. Therefore real estate values should be targeted for market clearing via mortgage debt relief strategies via non-profits.) [More on non-profit corporate strategy to maximize social utility of basic needs; as if it is akin to government, but utilizes anti-debt structures.]

Out of these Gordian Knot of economic equations, we are going to find the natural monopoly structure of society and it's corresponding dead weight loss or profit. (Yes dead weight profit is real when there is a negative real labor expense for the sake of positive net worth labor balance. This is seen as the velocity equation below (see pic below):

For the velocity times money equation [r/beta]*[MPC/beta minus net worth/money] the primary equation part to look at is how net worth is negative related to the marginal propensity to consume (MPC). As wealth is built up (signified by net worth) it can subtract from the will of the labor beta and reduce the burden of how the marginal propensity to consume can be of the larger economy; therefore, building wealth is important to reducing how others view how income is distributed in GDP.
Also notice how interest rates (real interest rate r) is a proof of how lower interest rates can increase how labor or nominal GDP can be maximized (maybe both as it is a multiplier.) The formula for proof of this is (PY*B)/r = rest of velocity equation above in pic.

As per note in the above pic; banks and investors are in a consumption conundrum! This is what many economies of the earth require to reconcile with agregate demand, aggregate utility, and aggregate political consensus with moral and spiritual intention (note all involving the economic definition of 'utility.')

Note that there is quite a bit of jargon and notation with these equations. The best we can do is just be a guesstimator for economic growth.
GDP is new items created. It is OK for us to have 1*10^15 dollars (or more) worth of wealth because the values are subjective to the utility of human consumption. And such values might reflect the values of GDP minus depreciation over the years of production and consumption. Some items counted as consumption are also hidden investments as consumers also create businesses in the process.

Chinese Calander Info (compilation with last post)

modified on: 7:38 PM 5/5/2013

Note before reading: This doc was created using notepad; sorry about grammar and misspellings

Chinese calendar is an old way to predict one's life and for planning behavioral norms of the population; let alone an individual. It is thought of that the lunar calendar is the macro-orientation management, focusing on certain techniques, onto the individual. Of so, when an individual is born the individual may have genetic (micro and internal behavior) however, the world around them is still processing at its own speed. Thus the speed at which it is processing is relative to management's discretion (including the natural world of variables that a macro manager cannot control.) Such an idea is relatively available to understand as akin to a firm and its unique product. its product's price is relative to the market and the demand at which the firm may want sell at, but cannot due to demand (a higher price (more profit) or a lower price (less profit); with quality the same). Forces that the firm cannot control (legally or practically) are determined by economic forces of an economy; relative to the Chinese calendar, this calendar is to plan and help process those 'unknown' forces into 'known' forces in a cyclical fractal that spans 300 years (multi-generational.)

If true, then the firm (and individuals practicing inside of it) are at a certain whim and at a certain freedom to that which the individual (or individual firm) can (practically) choose correctly. For instance if the firm (macro-manager) says to the employees that production is going to be higher (more work hours), then employees can choose three things relative to rewards of those choices: positive reception of more work hours because of more reward, negative reception of more work hours because of less leisure time, or neutral tone (neither good or bad news, the workers want more leisure but more money is just as fine). As the employees (individually and collectively) choose what to feel, their decisions affect the next sellers of goods and services of which they buy from (or reduce debt) as their money from the productive firm as labor payment, is then spread throughout the economy thus GDP. Bottom line, the firm chose what it wanted to do from the price mechanism in the economy, thus paid workers for more production; therefore, more money equals passing more choices down the pipeline (from workers into other firms' services and products). Therefore, controlling how the money moves, controls how people choose marginally and effectively to their utility.

In connection to the Chinese calendar, the lunar calendar can be used to monitor that flow of choices. relative to the ego (sun? or illumination from sun?) However, the firm also has a problem as an aggregate as their are competitive forces in a sequence of events. The Chinese calendar is meant to categorize these sequences and mark them in relation to earth perceptional time (days...months...years...decades...etc...). With this find, and the Vatican Church via projectcamelot.org, divinecosmos.com, and other various rumor based websites (with good citations most of the time) I as an author of this readme [produced in context with file storage] can proclaim that the Vatican may of have had some sort of computer for thousands of years (analog more than likely than digital; see
http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/01/03/antikythera-shipwreck-survey/1804353/ and as quoted: "Ancient artifacts resembling the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient bronze clockwork astronomical calculator, may rest amid the larger-than-expected Roman shipwreck that yielded the device in 1901." More and more of these devices are being found and prove that the roman or Greek empires/city-states were aware of certain future celistral [mispelling; synonyms: skyward, star patterns] events and other mathematical computations.

Why a connection to the planets and stars? One simple reason is that there is a magnetic pull that is subtle but also linked to light, gravity, and other physics that modern science has not released or been fully understood as of date. A second reason is that the celestial skies themselves are in clockwork fashion and therefore can be used as a guide to find economic laggards (time delayed reactions to other's choices and choice making mechanisms). Therefore, using a calendar (akin to the Chinese calendar) one can mark these progressions in when one (or a group) would make discussions and be able to guide themselves into the predictable clockworks of the sky's future and be able to make the most utilitarian (or profitable) choice (relative to knowledge and accuracy of the clockworks.)

One devious flaw of these mechanics is that if the planets or earth itself was moved, then the clock would be altered, thus like moving and replacing the gears in a physical clock in your room; or rearranging the programming in a computer; it would make the divide or calendar change how it would read in the future; and future generations that wanted to understand the past using the machine or clockworks (in reverse) would eventually get an inaccurate answer if they do not have the knowledge that the machine was tweaked for a new environment. Case in point: the Chinese calendar is old and should be taken not for granted relative to the modern choices and available technologies, information, and other things we have to choose from.

Moreover, if macro-mangers made choices soly [misspelling, synonyms: singular decision]  based on a clockworks scheme and changes happened to the gears (outside of wear and tear or anything predictable) then the macro-managers would have biased information eventually making mistakes in the time units relative choices (economic laggards.)

The last danger of these calendar systems is that if the macro-managers discovered more laggards and decided to abuse them against those who they manage, then having an accurate clockworks device to monitor changes in behavior or choice making can be like giving a nuclear bomb to a pyromaniac. Nothing good can come from making planned choices in secret of those who wish to have faith or trust in their leaders or macro-managers and ending up to become destitute or even less prosperous relative to their utility. Controlling such laggards are the hallmark of any political or macro manager especially if they can then control the messages, policies, or uptake of information. Even more devious is the fact that one could increase their knowledge to manage the laggards and thus make a pyramidal system that controls those who think that they are in control. Therefore controlling choices of those who create choices for others. ((the abstraction increases as more managers up the chain of command utilize this approach and becomes like the game of chess; except when one has a calendar of astrological origins like the Chinese calendar, one will be able to increase their odds of picking the correct moves their (opponent-like) player will make.))

Conclusion is that the Chinese calendar (like that of economics) is a tool in which one's social strata may be of that related to the choice clockworks system that has been and is being studied at a deeper occultist level within the various secrete social structures in the world. However, it is the morals and choices of society itself that shapes what we perceive what is immoral and what can be regulated into the laggards of economic prosperity or failure. In the end, parents do make choices for their kids from learned traits by their kids (as managers of their learning process or access to knowledge; a monumental responsibility, nonetheless.) We the public at large are too manipulated by the access to knowledge those behind closed doors have; but we must be careful on what doors to have the option of keeping open or closed; for, if every house was made of glass, would every child be looking at porn? Hence, some activities are meant to be censored relative to the culture of what we (homo sapiens) are to pay attention to. [Not to say it has to be sex, but the point has been made, be careful of what you wish for, you might just get what you want or more than what you bargained for.]

{Today's posting}
Updated today: A really good example is destroying trade routs to destroy the following World War two generations between 1956 to 2013 with civil strife and economic warfare. If war is not going to continue or its spending; the central banks of nations should do three things:

1. Universal Debt forgiveness (transnational and domestic debt originators AND borrowers]
Why? past deeds by macro-managers have distorted the choice mechanisms of many working families and children who wanted to become educated and self sufficient adults; thus altering what they would choose as a profitable profession, or at least self sustaining and giving back to the community at large.

2. Redesign of financial systems
Commodity currencies are not the solution as it will lead to real estate smothering the beautiful landscapes and desires of our mother earth. Fiat currencies with strong institutional guard can also be implemented to allow any profits to be funnled back to the people as long as people recognize that getting and education in economics and being financially literate is important at a basic level. For instance: C+S = I+L** at time limit -> zero. OR consumption and savings is equal to income and any borrowed funds at time limit approaches zero from the right (economic calculus applied.) This looks like to be the case as all loans are to process into (short term additional income) for longer term income growth; but numbers do not lie when aggregate supply is already maximized, the idea to loan more money becomes moot as more information and services becomes valued at a supply maximized world such as earth . The effect is relative to the worldwide economic downturn of 2007-2008.
Therefore we should redesign our financial systems to be more cooperative and non-profit organization rather than the rapist of earth's resources that it is today. This will also redesign government systems.
**Yes there is evidence that this is true. Look up the definitions of marginal propensity to consume, marginal propensity to save, and marginal propensity to loan. take the equation as written above and divide by income and get the same for the marginals and get marginal propensity to loan. In the long format, marginal propensity to loan becomes net zero in the long run.

3. Redesign of Real Estate institutional structure.
Land is for the people and worked by the people; yet we are paranoid about NIMBY (NOT IN MY BACKYARD!) NIMBY is the precise reason for zoning laws and where capital can be assessed onto the land structure of the earth.
The reform would be of the best hybrid systems to melt the home, business, and industrial capacities together to minimize commute time (not maximize it to give income to energy companies.) it is critical for this to happen to maximize the healing and reform of earth's environment to suit all creatures of GAIA. [I also suggest we do not desalinate the oceans as the process takes quite a bit of energy, but also could kill creatures already adapted to saltwater living conditions.]

Time Sequence Chinese Calander R-code

For fun I ran some R code (a C++ type program found at: http://www.r-project.org/) for a complex cycle related to the Chinese Calendar.

The Chinese calendar contains two different codes. The original 60-year cycle with 12-year animal cycle by 5X2 element calendar, resulting in five 12 calendar cycles. The second cycle is a stem-branch model that I found on wikipedia; alas it is lost due to...well it is wikipedia and edited out at some point in the past. The start of these two cycles happened to restart on 1984; kind of creepy as that is also the title of George Orwell's book "1984." Was he trying to pass a message on, actively or passively? In any case, the stem-branch cycle is 10x10 cycle (100 years total) and when corresponded with the 60-year calendar, lasts 300 years to cycle. The stem-branch cycle also restarted in 1984 and will not restart again until 2284. If I reincarnate, I wish to reincarnate in 2286 as a fire-tiger first branch third stem so that I have all the chances to become a winning person and owner of all of mankind....well that is kind of creepy...

Here is the code...an explianation is below the code

[start of code]

code for R

Sequesnces and repatations for Chinese Calander

########code start

# code for vectors then tie into dataframe Animal, element, branch, stem,

#find lingth of code and tie into current paradigm of moon/sun cycles


#years in cycle- used to find out how many years to cyle to find calander

cycle <- 1500 # number of years the program will cycle (loop) from start to end
yr <- 1984   #this year must be the 1st animal (rat), 1st element (wood) and 1,1 in branch stem cycle (1984 gegorian calander)

cycleplus <- yr + ceiling(cycle*1.05) #need extra loop cycle for truncation
yrs <- yr:cycleplus

now <- 2013 #the year you are in relative to yr context
nows <- yrs-now

##Animal cycle

aseq <- 1:12

a <- rep(aseq,times=(ceiling((cycle/12)*2)),length.out=length(yrs))  #dummy hi
#a <- t(a)

##element cycle

# rps twice per two years, five elements

elmseq <- rep(1:5,each=2)

elms <- rep(elmseq,times=(ceiling(cycle/10))*2,length.out=length(yrs))
#elms <- t(elms)

#basic dataframe
chinese <- as.data.frame(yrs)
chinesenn <-  as.data.frame(nows)
chinese22 <- cbind(chinese,chinesenn)
chinese <- as.data.frame(a)
chinese22 <- cbind(chinese22,chinese)
chinese22 <- cbind(chinese22,elms)

#Branch stem cycle is a 100 year cycle; is macrofractal
#Branch cycle

branchseq <- 1:10
branch <- rep(branchseq,each=10)

dd <- max(length(a)/length(branch),length(a))
branchset <- rep(branch,length.out=dd)

#Stem cycle same as branchseq but as long as branch

stemcycle <- rep(branchseq,times=(length(branch)/length(branchseq)))

dd <- max(length(a)/length(stemcycle),length(a))
stemcycleset <- rep(stemcycle,length.out=dd)

rack <- as.data.frame(branchset)
racks <- as.data.frame(stemcycleset)
rack <- cbind(rack,racks)

chinese22 <- cbind(chinese22,rack)

#research found that the cycle is 300 years long and repeats every 300 years
#see if this fits with any current western astology function

###publish work via .csv

#fact check

write.table(chinese22, file = "ChineseCalanderTbl.csv", append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = ",", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("double"),fileEncoding = "")
getwd() #find working directory to find and exp files

#publish only

[end of code]

Any part of the code after a hash tag (#) will only produce a note in the program and not run as R code.

A result is the following for 300 years and some extra years so you can see that the code is cycling.

[start of cycle]


[end of cycle]

The code was ran in 2013 so the third column is zero indicating that that year is the water-snake.
First column is a counter
Second column is the Gregorian calendar year
Third column is years since start date of 2013
Fourth column is animal sign by number (numbers are best for code);
1= year of the rat
Fifth column is element sign by number; is doubled as this reflects the yin-yang nature of the element and animal partnership
Sixth column is the branch cycle by number of number
Seventh column is the stem cycle by number of number
the closer to one branch, one stem the closer one is to heaven

There have been some calculations based in the Mayan calendar/earth rotation in comparison with the Gregorian calendar and this seems to be cycling every 129600 earth years of each 25920 earth cycle relative to the current western astrological (north pole) based calendar. If things are static today.

here is a sample calculation:

earth yrs 60 12 100 1000 300
multiple 25920 432 2160 259.2 25.92 86.4
2 51840 864 4320 518.4 51.84 172.8
3 77760 1296 6480 777.6 77.76 259.2
4 103680 1728 8640 1036.8 103.68 345.6
5 129600 2160 10800 1296 129.6 432.0
6 155520 2592 12960 1555.2 155.52 518.4
7 181440 3024 15120 1814.4 181.44 604.8

As you can see the 300 year cycle repeats every five ages and when we pass from Aquarius age to Capricorn age in 25920 (approximately) then we will be off by 120 years or 300 times 0.4 from the 86.4 300 cycles. And five great cycles of 129600 earth years for 432-300 Chinese cycle would have passed. Granted This does not encounter a full 1000 earth year cycle equalization; therefore, the great 1000 year cycle and 300 year cycle line up again in multiple or great cycle 50 as you can see below:

48 1244160 20736 103680 12441.6 1244.16 4147.2
49 1270080 21168 105840 12700.8 1270.08 4233.6
50 1296000 21600 108000 12960 1296 4320.0
51 1321920 22032 110160 13219.2 1321.92 4406.4
52 1347840 22464 112320 13478.4 1347.84 4492.8
53 1373760 22896 114480 13737.6 1373.76 4579.2
54 1399680 23328 116640 13996.8 1399.68 4665.6
55 1425600 23760 118800 14256 1425.6 4752.0
56 1451520 24192 120960 14515.2 1451.52 4838.4
57 1477440 24624 123120 14774.4 1477.44 4924.8
58 1503360 25056 125280 15033.6 1503.36 5011.2
59 1529280 25488 127440 15292.8 1529.28 5097.6
60 1555200 25920 129600 15552 1555.2 5184.0
61 1581120 26352 131760 15811.2 1581.12 5270.4
62 1607040 26784 133920 16070.4 1607.04 5356.8
63 1632960 27216 136080 16329.6 1632.96 5443.2

I have also highlighted great cycle 50 and great cycle 60 to show a difference in the process of the stars in relation to earth's understanding of things. great cycle 50 in the Gregorian year of (1984+1296000 =) 1,297,984 so that would mean that the greater cycle would restart every 50 great earth cycles.

Another observation is that the great-greater cycle is 60 great cycles out and would be off by .2 in the 1000 year cycle calendar system; or 200 years forward of 1,555 one thousand earth year calendar cycles.

One million earth years is a long time and can be come quite burdensome is one is to be a "time traveler" or pyramid builder trying to get back to "heaven." Alas the next best break point is that far away!!!
Plenty of evolution can happen in the meantime and who knows what kind of information this blog might be kept with and for whom; even if it is not swept with the dust of time and space.

 Again, my goal is to be born in the same kind of times; so maybe fire-tiger year of first branch, third stem in the Gregorian earth year (with the same kind of family structure (god willing)) 1,297,986 as a sun conjunct Neptune in Capricorn would be nice again! (If this is my obituary before ascension or international earth based calamity; please God hear my cry for the same and disclosure with fiat currency and accurate institutional structures (or maybe I am crazy or whatever.)

This code was interesting in creating as it does have some flaws; it is linear and compared with the Gregorian calendar does not compensate with star movements relative to earth's sun's position in the milky way. Hence, the stars will be different and requires more research and adjustment for the energies.  Nevertheless, it was fun seeing this in action in a computer, in a linear sort of way.

posting on towards emancipation blog 3/31/2014

As posted here:


So where is the new funding going to be? Funding for what and of what from WDS and dragon family? A lot of their plans depend on electricity and reclassified zoning priorities (real estate, and real estate investment strategies...as far as I can see from America.) I understand the problems of logistics here and clearly the new technology is only as much as a fantasy as much as it is kept in the warehouse instead of being placed into mass population. Even if there were investments made, the environment and human productivity would not be maximized (both better than one or the other for sake of "the poor".) it is judgement that you judge with currency as its crutch. Money is the root of all evil, and the plant that grows from it is really a fungus. Commodity currency, fiat, or government, money becomes a judgement and a vote for the thing/service we want and is for all to use to eat God within us alive. Money counts the prosperity so those who want to manage God and creative source can, logically or lovingly or both merged together in a being such as the human vehicle.

In the end: money is just another form of judgement onto all transactions; equity or debt based.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Let it out now! Truth is better than fiction!

Why do we choose fiction rather than truth? Fiction allow the ego of oneself the utility (economics) that it seeks, but at what deprivation or ignoring of other's needs, wants, or aspirations? Of what good does it come to always feed oneself's ego; akin to gluttony and greed? Gorging on a buffet can become a fattening experience, so to can money make the idea. So to can arguing for more than one's fare share of goods and services that one wants to share to the world at large. I implore and impose a thing of ideas; that one's utility can be better if also serving the community at large; to change and manage the resources and infrastructure of business to maximize the utility of all those who wish to live with the idea of that business. Then that business can be expanded into the utility of consumption AND giving of love, to the land, to the sea, to the people, to the space where the stars are.  To the freedom that we exist with light and dark and the universe's edge (and beyond.) To the internal soul transgressing beyond the scope of our DNA and bodies hereto. May the will of the creator invoke unconditional love and light to all.

Truth is necessary! Especially in any kind of monopoly...
At this TED talk event: http://youtu.be/WRCPXri_Q84
business has become an information monopoly as part of management of large information systems. This kind of system can ascribe to the NSA scandal that began in the Bush years and has recently become true (and exposed with planning and nefarious acts) under Obama. I know that Obama was set up in the information NSA, CIA, trade (among other US and international agencies/gov'ts.)  This can become tragic, as the government itself is a monopoly of information not privy to the general masses (as if they were foreigners.) Therefore, what love does government have for us. Answer: as much as we give it, conditionally or unconditionally; it is up to us collectively to build a base of trust and emotional fortitude and ignore the terrorism or fighting that occurs in the world. Why, it is not of love, that is why. To love the structure that is macroeconomic in nature, information is subject to conditions; one important condition is that it can judge the truth (but even then it is not pure as government is involved as well.) So, as government is called a "natural monopoly" of sorts; where our elected leaders of successful opportunity have decided to keep the lid on socially important events. I write with inquiry in open letter of logical result: our governance have eaten themselves into a corner with debt that could have been absolved. Our economy may crash, but the occupants in any crash should be kept alive as possible (that is moral in today's car-crash technology and federal/state bylaws anyway.) So to is our government and natural monopoly that is inherent with it; we must nurture it and grow it like a plant with wisdom to share the fruits that it can bear. Including: the freedom to inquire and receive truthful unbiased, and non-censored information. This right is of every citizen and contributor that society can handle. It must, as humans tend to make more humans, and we are biological in origin. Therefore, our debt is not only financial, but also a burden to tell the truth so our future generations can free our humanity even more so and beyond it's current state of affairs on this timeline of earth. The logic is this: how can our children choose an accurate choice, when they are lied to? What new careers can they choose when prices are manipulated by greed and them (as well as their parents) treated like chattel? They cannot, as what they perceive as scarce is manipulated by the greed that preceded before them. That is where their labor (and their feelings go.) That is where their ideas try to proceed with junction of themselves with God, spirit, and nature that is and surrounds them.

My comment on youtube for the video link above

vid: http://youtu.be/WRCPXri_Q84


So...a natural monopoly of the information economies of scale
Is that what humans are? Are humans, info-maniacs!?? Making monopolies of information to control? Can government or our current governance manage this quagmire with crime? crimes they have done to us as a global species? It is up to us to decide by petition and by reaching out to unearth the information and petition the censors to cease and desist! We must free the information, in order to have accurate actions with our egos, tu, and id! Without prejudice of power, politics, or position in society at large; we must take back our rights to know what our government(s) have spent their money on! Secrete NSA programs are just the tip of a very large iceberg connected to a very large continent! UFO's are just a slice of intelligence that can be contacted out there!

I implore the hackers, hacktivist, and others to strike at these "natural monopolies" of "national security" today! (Yes, I do understand that this might take time; as patients is a virtue to the most brilliant activist.) The only other kind of hacker we now need is for computers and paper documents that are off-grid to come out in the open!!!!

Be free, Information, be free like the new flying canary and and sing!!! Brightly the sky shall be for the three legged crow! For the masons who despise laying their bricks of shame and enslavement! For the impoverished who toil in the clay because of improper Piscian (of Pisces) choices. For the terrorized who crave peace, not pieces! Let us have what we paid for...truth, freedom, and wealth of light (and dark to mix together freely!)

May the lies of the past be open to public inspection and inquiry. May the truth be used to reconcile the past for today's tomorrow. May those who have fear see themselves with the light of what truth can provide; more gifts than greed can ever try to provide!

[end of comment]

We must work together in order to achieve this. Will you work with me to dislodge the dark with light. So light it on fire to make more light and achievements of truth!