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Sunday, October 30, 2022

How an abandoned baby led to strip searches in Qatar – BBC News


Is Obama Spreading Putin Talking Points?


The Days Of U.S. Hegemony Are OVER Says Putin


*partyism is destroying the world. no nation will be spared. There are innovations that would obsolete all current political and resource gathering orders that are being suppressed for the sake of the arguments that our "world leaders" say what so is so. BRICS alliance and "western hegemony" needs to change its partyism ways or else despotism wins.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

De-DOLLARIZATION: UK Bond Market Crisis, US Dollar and Reserve Currency. Fed Ready for US Bond Crash


*The markets are myopic and the monetary and fiscal policy does not fully know what to do per rising interest rates in an inflationary backdrop. US CPI figures seemed to have stabilized in the past three months so, maybe some good news on that front. Notes that the Federal reserve's policies are fully guide by the law and Senate and president of the united states per fed president/chair 's term. Rates going higher creates the expectation of hold dollars instead of buying even the most conservative bonds (US or government backed treasuries) in order to increase the buying power of when rates finally stabilize. Timing the markets is a sought after skill, but not fully perfect.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Trump Was Ready To Pardon Snowden Until Threatened


the cabinet controls the president of the united states because signing away censorship of certain documents requires a lawyer (usually a cabinet member) to file such order; therefore, can alert to say the president is ill and thus declare the current acting president as infirm or unfit for office (Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution.)
Partyism is destroying the parts as planned by the powers that want the world for their own selfish interest.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

80 Percent Of Twitter Accounts Are Bots!


How Derivatives Ravaged the U.K. Bond Market | WSJ


*Pension funds trading derivatives? Really, shouldn't the United Kingdom know better? I am American and I know this kind of trading is risky enough; retirement planning services such as a pension (even if it is a public or private pension) should own the physical underlying asset, not speculate per derivatives. (In this case I assume UK government bonds.)