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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

You’ll Have A Microchip In Your Head And Like It! Says Klaus Schwab


if it is artificial, then you must pay for it. paying for things boost the banks by creating cash flow. The control freak investor banksters want more income/money (as yield) to make sure they always have dominance. It is paranoia and counting that that is their disease they are trying to impose onto us as people.
Why are they saying this today? Because common core and education is so low that the modern generations (Z and later) cannot comprehend it) they will be capitulated into it. This proposal to survey below the skin, is a generational sales tactic.

I Met a Rare Bee Collector! (and tried some interesting honey) - Amazing Plants


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sentenced To Death For Addiction


*death penalty is quite harsh, especially if Singapore police start or have been (in any way) placing drugs on suspects to execute them via their justice system. Death penalty creates reduced costs of prison (lifetime or lower sentences) are perceived to be high relative to the moral costs of law. 



*Losing history is akin to restarting civilization's reasons and justifications for pollical change. Do republicans or democrats really want to restart that heritage? Education reform is needed to preserve the history or we will be doomed to repeat it.