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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Coinbase responds to the SEC’s Wells notice | Full video


*The SEC has been, in the past, "flip-floppy" in enforcement of what rules apply to whom; and depending on political whim. Be careful in this space. Maybe your public listing of Coinbase stock was the nail they needed to bring the platform down? 

[tonyotag is not law enforcement or lawyer in any practice or scope; tonyotag owns assets in coinbase]

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Scottish MP BLASTS U.S. Senate For Lying Us Into War!


Tucker Carlson breaks silence after leaving Fox News | New York Post


How ‘Junk’ Fees Secretly Invaded The U.S. Economy (And How Pres. Biden Wants To Stop Them)


*Accounting consolidation is important; but marketing department does not like to compete with price competition. More junk fees can obfuscate the billing and receipt system therefore making the marketing department's advertisements look more effective. More buyers for the initial boost (like a caffeine high for business revenue.) Junk fees can also be a short term business tactic to boost market share temporarily (as consumers discover there is a different brand) but I do wonder (as probably negatively) the buyer will have about the seller in such tactics. 

 I am a proponent with upfront full disclosures (especially in retail and written contracts.) Junk fees are a nuisance and complicated to enforce as related to expectations and assumptions buyers make about the product or service. 

 Junk fees can also be a "hidden tax" for the sake of law enforcement to collect more than what their state/federal government budgeted for. ("This is a shakedown to ignore the thing that happened last time.") 

I am a proponent for some the real estate fees like title insurance because of real estate fraud is real (especially post closing.) 

Overall , junk fees expose demand expectations and can be used to bully competition between sellers, and have a negative side effect of graying out the up front advertised pricing. 

Lex Fridman on sperm competition: Who wins?


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

America’s Economic Empire Is Done


*The United States has been targeted by a group to prop it up then crash it; for the sake of making sure human rights are thrown away. [Empire of what? money or oil? America is a net exporter of oil with more EPA regulations on the way. What do you think will happen??? I think it is a raid and a sell out to wealthy multinationals getting the win while democracy/republic/America gets the loss.] 

Banking Crisis Goes Beyond First Republic: Michele


*The banking crisis goes towards net change of interest rates and bank investments of bonds/loans. The idea to keep rates flat for a few months or quarters to see what is happening in the economy is important to measure what is happening. Keep in mind CPI has been cooling off, so I would guess that 2024 would be a lower rates a little bit year; although, it is only a guess depending upon how vulnerable banks are to federal bond default risk (political risk of congress.,)  

after ten years, John Deere FINALLY lost


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Amazon has gone too far


*Lawyers pay attention!! :: parking ticket example in video equals possible class action. Louis you would be a great idea generator for a class action lawyer/law firm.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

BOMBSHELL! French President Says France Is Done “Following” The United States


*Lower prices or more "growth" for less rights? Is that the ultimatum that the controlling lenders of the world want? Europe rejecting American hegemony is just one of many plays to make democracy or republic fail for the sake of a (global and/or political) argument to dismantle our western government style. 

Rights have a price do not displace rights for "lower prices" or gross domestic product. (its "gross" for a reason)

Friday, April 21, 2023

The Two Big Economics Lies You Still Believe | Economics Explained


*how "cheap" are new roadways (or public goods/service) to the point that "induced demand" is comparable to a Giffen good (or service)? Maybe such growth in demand is a tragedy of the commons (traffic jam., etc... ) I guess this is related to economies of scale or average total cost of using a public good or service versus a private good or service (I would rather pay taxes so a governing body to build the best possible road network than to buy land and pay for a street to commute to work or shopping (and that no one else can use it.)
So, a better solution is tolls for a price per mile per usage? "voluntary" taxes per usage rather than must pay a tax even you did not use that road? There are pros and cons. I guess everyone uses the road even if they have not used a road per the services allowed by having a road (toll or no toll.)
Instead of roads, think of banks and central banks and how dependent they are to centralized authority and the current issue of debt to GDP ratios debt/default debate in Washington DC right now. A tragedy of the commons per a default?

Perianne Boring on CNBC Last Call


*Regulatory guidance of crypto will need to come from congress.
SEC's plan is related to the late platform prosper.com (2005-2011) and that was using USD for peer to peer loans marketplace utilizing myspace and facebook (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJx_k2iHkNY ). propser.com was then prosecuted into settlement and cease and desist.
Crypto is worse because it mixes foreign exchange processes and currency into one product; something that is fungible enough to evade some kind of regulation until now.
Have you seen the wolf of wall street? it is a matter of time. But this time, SEC will anger many more voters than it realizes.

Music Industry on life support right now


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Is Russia flying American Confederate Flags?


*Is this a confirmation of Russian meddling in Ukraine Donetsk and Luhansk affairs? Naval ensign used as a flag for separatist forces in Ukraine means that it is possible that 2014 Ukraine and western powers were trying to defend from insurrection in the region defecting to Russia. This should make good western propaganda if used...?

Trump: I KNOW Who Blew Up Nord Stream and 'It Wasn’t Russia'


This Slime Could Change The World | Planet Fix | BBC Earth Lab


Constitutional Change Buried In Mifepristone Ban May End It All


Antibiotic-resistant super bacteria found for the first time in Los Angeles County


Sunday, April 9, 2023

This Makes Hacking TOO Easy - Flipper Zero


*Is there any way to pair chat and code GPT to Flipper zero? And then attach it to a Boston dynamics robot? 

Sounds like one of the terminator movies....? 

The Restrict Act Takes Away ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS – Not Kidding!


*Restrict Act is not as enforceable because of VPN's and how they work: https://youtu.be/hdJ4CV524ls

Nevertheless, I am also against the restrict act if it causes first amendment issues going through the court.

“Americans Are Panicking About Dying!" -How Big Pharma Is Creating Hypochondriacs Through Fear & Ads


OpenAI’s GPT-4 Just Got Supercharged!


It's Time To Rethink How We Measure Cities. We Can't Afford Not To.


Saturday, April 8, 2023



Another anti-drag Republican on video in a dress; TN drag ban draws ridicule


*Outlaw the thing they did in college? Outlaw college hazing? 

Wait is this a democrat talking point dressed as a republican ideal with selling points added? What a waste of Government resources. (pun intended...?) 

NEVER FORGET Bush/Cheney War Lies


*The Bush/Cheney War Lies was meant to increase and hide the debt to GDP ratio for America. 

I want to work for something more significant than a bomb or a Ponzi scheme. 

We Uncovered the Corporations Bringing Back Child Labor in America


*Cannot get an abortion well, the baby can work the rest of its life with low or no education (just enough to support the higher class or employer.)

Kamala Harris Gets SMACKED DOWN During Visit To Africa


*America as the imperialist is the plan to get rid of human rights.

France: 11th day of mass protests against President Macron's pension reforms | DW News


*France: "24 more months of work" equals PROTEST with FIRE!!!

United States: "36 more months of work and social security cuts" equals "o well might as well die while working...."

[Death is the ultimate form of protest as it is the final expense, Untied States for the win.] 


[I, tonyotag, am American I can say this.]

The Future of Jobs | Naval Ravikant


Monday, April 3, 2023

El-Erian on Fed, SVB Collapse, Credit Suisse, Bank Regulation, Inflation


*So if us treasuries go into default then the bank evaluations would be come junk?

I smell rotten cooking in all of this. especially if the target is mid-sized/regional banks. 

Mega Rich People Pay Less Tax Than You | WHILE THE REST OF US DIE


*Logic: the incentive for low taxes or no taxes equals more jobs for people and therefore more votes for incumbents. 

Why audit poor or middle class? For the sake of distraction so the political choices are not encumbered. Distract the masses for the sake of controlling their choice. 

These families of the world have become political parasites. 

The Coming AI Invasion


The AI business model might destroy itself


Sunday, April 2, 2023

CNN FINALLY Catches Up To The Jimmy Dore Show!


"Worker Leverage GONE in 2023!" - My response | #valuetainment #pbdpodcast


*"corporations banning together to manipulate the workforce" equals potential violations of unfair competition laws

The Dark Secret Behind Japan's 0% Homelessness Rate


GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models


GPT-4 WILL affect YOUR job - new STUDY released


Will GPT-4 lead to AGI? | Sam Altman and Lex Fridman


Protests in France and Macron Taking His Watch Off
