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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The divide is Economic in nature and institutional for man.

First some background

Math is just a counting system that allows any to judge what is there. compared to the next or previous number; that is why it is considered near moot, and becomes even less important, as one gets closer to the light of prime creator.

The logic: 

x equals x, true, one self is of itself

x equals y, can be true as we have created a designation of a function that so y is a function of x

1 equals x/y or y/x as y=x, as we start to divide and solve for some sort of unity (as defined by 1 (one)) then and only then are the variables exchangeable; unfortunately, this is comparable via the division sign, thus relegated to judgement and not fully considered above love.

In economics that much of our economy runs on these days, econometric (the statistics of economics) can be used to justify a position. Why justify, because there was judgement in the first place to start with some sort of wish to create a mathematical formula to see what to do about a problem or perceived problem.*

*This problem has become perverse in the Piscean and the upcoming Aquarius ages and is defined as the previous and next illusion (consecutively but Aquarius is less worse then Pisces) as their was judgement created by humanity onto Jesus via crucifixion (or at least of what we know of.) This problem was stalled on the 2012 Winter Solstice (12/21/2012) and geometrically shows a 1000 year reprieve from the toil to serving others to serving oneself's pleasures.

So then how to count the problem is to create the problem of how to count it. This is where money comes in to solve the problem of non-judging (in which I am discussing a dark art here that has made the canvas of earth too black/dark and needs to be shown the light to get back in alignment with source (that of the light is why I write this as to defeat the panacea and parasites of this world's current irony.)) Of such, mathematics, calculus, and other forms have been abused for econometric abuse via financial institutions, governments, and those who wish to know how to use others later, instead of giving to others to help build a world of glee and art.. In other words: money creates hollow institutions and people who run such that die in the abyss of the oil they mine from the ground.

The mathematics behind the base of all statistics is variance and the mean: the first two moments of all of statistics.

For the mean = sum of all x's divided by n where as all the individual observations of x's have been counted. so n = sum of number of x's; Algebraically the mean *n = sum of all x's. Which means that every x is a distribution of every n relative to a standard developed from the test itself (ignoring love as a constant.)

The same thing can be said for variance:
Variance is sd^2 = (sum of a difference between all individual x's and the mean) divided by n) squared
square-root both sides to get standard deviation (sd) equals the sum of differences divided by the number of x's counted then sd *n = sum of (x's - mean). Variance creates a comparison between a division and an integration for all of society and thus justifies monopoly status of all participants. The next step is of what  extent should we be individualized and of collective thought? This is a spiritual and physical plane conundrum but can be explained in mathematics; yet not that be more judgement? So what then should the love go where?

This falls into the question of who ever controls the variance controls our world as a normal model equals N(0,1) or 0 = mean and 1 = variance. so in a normal model: 0* n = sum of all x's and which we are all together and moot anyway and a variance of 1 meaning that 1*n = sum of (x's -0) -> n = sum of all x's at unity of high frequency and balance (0 = mean for normal model.) This is always true in a perfectly competitively market fully supplied in an aggregate unified market. (This is also true for all exponential functions in the normal model as well for further explanation of modern financial computer algorithms.)

Therefore, manipulate the variance, manipulate the sum of man; where the mean is as judgement flows freely.

***To stop such judgement, one must understand the geometry of the planet and how integrated the geometric plan for the universe exists as. One hitch to this is that it is mathematical and could break the logic described above. Secondly, there is a geometric form of mathematics related to vibration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_mean & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_mean

The divide is Economic in nature and institutional for man.

Keynes had an economic theory that money should be fiat as all dreams were the normal for man as the collective (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynes), yet this was the secrete that all dark lodges/house possessed in order to control the masses of humans that flowed on the planet.

To control the process, aggregate supply was deemed necessary (way before Keynes of the early to mid 20th century) to control the economies in general. This layer was recognized in modern academic periodicals as labor, capital, technology, and institutional structure. Unions, clubs and other organizations controlled the labor, capital control was instituted by controlling hard and physical materials though institutional regulations, technology were controlled by sooth-sayers of the universities and other academics, and institutional structure were controlled by owners and politicians (as we know them today as puppets we vote for.) [This is later confirmed to be controlled by Annuniki (spelling?) sources and religious puppets who got board of human stupidity and left earth in 1995 to 1996 time frame to join the forces of the light because dark addiction is quite a nasty infection and the Annunaki did not want to be apart of it. Quite literally we made them board. Additionally, the dark ones wanted to sell money to the Annunaki because they were not human and could be prosecuted in a court of law of lying about their original citizen status; consecutively, the dark ones could have sold souls their bodies by lending them money for such bodies, et cetera...]

Today, technological and institutional structures tend to the be foremost political favoritism for lobbying (in which sales people and accountants make up the most of this group (CEO's and other positions of power.)) This power separates markets by providing middle men to occupy the space between perfectly competitive markets where all profits are zero (but no losses either) and all monopoly markets were profits can be controlled as long as there is demand. This was a great system from a macro perspective as it could control the media and other information systems to control human perception (as that is the overall goal.) Control perceptions, control the masses and what they want and control the resources of any economic event. The ultimate goal in all of this was to serve the Annunaki masters and their power as well as the alchemy that accompanied it as this was the Annunaki's goals as well. Mutual goals produce mutual results as we see them today. [Note that this plan was instituted 100+ years ago with a vague guideline, but has now been disintegrating and is now a fragile skeleton as what it once was.]

Reducing the gap between monopolies and perfect competition is key to bringing more light onto this world we all call earth. Equity based market systems can help do this, however can also cause labor turmoil as the past generation's land and local institutional structures have been stripped due to Levitt Towns (planned and organized suburbs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levittown,_New_York) throughout the United State's Real Estate System.

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