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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Trying to make UFO's Racist using Trump?

From Censorship of Alphabet inc companies (google, youtube, etc...) and other applications around the net of Nazi, Klan, and other racist and bigoted political mantra; why are Aliens and UFO information being lumped together?

This curiosity may mean that the Democratic party establishment or some kind of apolitical establishment is using racism to cover their investment structure with racism. Think about the play as if it is a chess game to make sure humanity is kept in the dark about the pro-profit pro-corporate pro-fascist families that keep inheriting their wealth and the lawyers and lobbyists that make great marketing to keep you from learning the truth of the thing.

What thing you ask? The 5000 to 6000 patents hidden in the pentagon. Black shelving (pun not intended, if there is a pun) that keeps many inventions not patented off of the record of human invention.

Many people have been looted, invaded, and just destroyed by the plutocracy of portfolio protection and lawyers who operate in the space between law books known as the kleptocracy (mainly estate and international law lawyers.) Understand who invents the invention may not become rich, only the master or the rich can invest to mass produce such invention and place it into the hands of the children of earth; and that my friends (or just readers of this blog) is the true crime of humanity.

The Original Social Contract:

A social contract is a outline of contract law where the masses and newborn have with the establishment of lines or rules that should not be crossed. Since the days of Greece and Rome, the western hemisphere has been going though enlightenment and trying to get help and engineering from God (why else send Jesus?) The Contract looks like this, the wealthy can eliete can play and make cops and robbers, but do not harm the inventor; for such inventions can help the newborn advance civilization beyond the boarders of the understood universe. Innovation is important even if they are bullied but hiding an innovation for the sake of your greed shall return you to soil (graveyard/death (the standard citizen will carry a torch and lynch you.)) When the innovator gets investment from the community (people buying the product) then they are protected and turn wealthy relative to the utility (both economic and basic to life definitions) then it is their understood responsibility to not disturb the next generation's ideas of innovation for respect of their own invention being respected by the community and made wealthy.

Yet as we have seen, as the original inventor dies so too will the children (who might be lazy or not interested in furthering their inventive parent's cause) inherit wealth (direct or indirect); they too might become the bullies of new inventions not knowing the social contract in place of innovation.

Understand the contract above and it needs to be amended for future generations at an international and country scale. If not amended, a Zeitgeist, Antichrist, or other kind of global warrden of imprisoning a ship such as Earth can rise and enslave humanity for base and unimportant whims. (Think worse than the Kim family of North Korea.)

With this logic in mind, now do you know why UFO's are being tied to Racism? I think the answer is clear; someone inherited a fortune and is manipulating the global polity for their portfolio and have been doing so for a very long time.

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