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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

UFO NEWS (and a war is happening with our minds and souls)




parts 1 and 2

Interview with Grant Cameron on 1/21/2016 - *at the time there was a motivation of disclosure soon. In late 10/2016 there was talk about




I am ecstatic due to the new keyboard I got recently, the keys are so light to press.

On a more serious note, the elites of the world are being cut off from the military industrial complex? I wonder if the cutoff was placed due to multiple interests trying to play their own portfolios. My hypothesis is that when the Clinton Administration in the 1990's was cutoff from visitor research (aliens and/or flying objects from another places) and one must ask: are there two or more executive branches of the United States? The question places the idea that the so called "deep state" wants to tell only a Republican or Democratic president (well they certainly did not tell the democrat Clinton or Obama.) I do wonder if they told Bush or if ever Trump. I guess Trump no, Bush yes was told. Maybe Trump is playing to be stupid or maybe Trump is stupid? Only questions abound. The best question to understand is if the deep state does not tell, then it is not a constitutional office even if patriots work there.

Lets be honest, their technology is probably too high to matter to a constitution of the United States; and are probably only interpreting the questions asked by the President of the United States as a way for a wealthy bastard or bitch from capitalism to make slaves of the citizens. If only information is to be free? Then why stop Net Neutrality? It is my belief that Rockefeller had some kind of intention and I do not fully know if it is positive or negative. All that I do know is that there is a wall and we as American citizens and conspiracy theorists are suffering from a war of attrition:

1. Deep State technology is probably a way to obsolete a constitution that United States has.

2. Aliens or other worldly being or other Earth (of time and/or other universes) wants us to be free and demand an ethics of Earthlings to not harm them.

3. Patent System is used by the Pentagon and Military Industrial Complex as a way to spy on you as inventors (for the sake and theory of security.)

4. "Deep State" is being coined a conservative term for the sake of political control of the democratic party. If the liberals believe in the force of law like John Podesta then there is a problem with hiding evidence the government has (Government as a repository of secrets to make sure others can make a profit from a lower class innovation is called kleptocracy (alternative spelling cleptocracy.)

5. A hidden class of investors do not want disclosure (or DISCLOSURE) due to the fear of their returns will go zero or negative. (fear of diversification causing issues.) Therefore are they kleptocrats? (Knowingly or unknowling, it is morally corrupt and the corruption will not show as lost in GDP or other economic metric with money; it will only show up when disclosure happens.)

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