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Monday, January 27, 2020

Welcome to 2020 Presidential Campaign Coverage (tonyotag update)


Thanks for following my blog and the stories/media that I present here. I am busy and have several points about what I am doing at this time.

First, Welcome to year 4 of the Trump Presidency and 2020 Election Cycle. I will be covering with updates on my blog about each important election update. Expect an update weekly, usually on Sunday (Eastern Standard Time) before each election (primary and major election.) It is important to always track public policy, because those who mandate what we can do with each other are hoarding the power for us (humans) to manage ourselves. Keep in mind that Trump has not released the patents, so why vote for anyone else? (Current Democratic candidates (all of them) have a low likelihood of releasing the department of defense (about) 5500 patents that are held out of public view (censorship.)  Keep in mind that when you vote as well as what media and stories I have shared on this blog.)

Secondly, I am in the midst of programming my computer to track the stock market. Fintech (financial technology) is in, why not learn how to program a computer anyway. This will also aid me in measuring federal reserve data and would be able to publish the data on this site of my scientific findings.

Finally, I am working 40-50 hour weeks in a shit job and another 2-6 per week in retail job. I really need help in my life to speed up what I know to you. I do not know what I can do to raise (if any) funding OR any other job opportunities that can ultimately be professional and grow into a career. My preferred weekly schedule would be Monday though Saturday with one business day off per week for my personal business. Sundays preferred to be off. [Of course this would be negotiable with half day off maybe on the day off I wold have on the weekday?]

Overall, Thank you for your views on my blog. At this time I have 3 regulars. Two of which view immediately, the third takes an additionally day or so. The number peaks at 5 sometimes and is holding steady at 4. [Yes, not 3 thousand or three hundred, just 3 to 5 viewers per post.] Keep in mind I can only see the view, not where exactly they come from. The best I can see is the web page this might be coming from or the country of origin for the view.

Good Luck with 2020:


PS. If you are an American citizen, do not forget to vote. 

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