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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

BofA Says China's Economy at Almost Goldilocks Situation


[Where is the IP moderation per VPN? or at least a verified VPN for authentic location per identity? Nevertheless, it is philosophy that is a debate here, and washing out history is a tactic of making sure history repeats so one (or many) can weave the narrative the individual or social group wishes to achieve per goal. IN OTHER WORDS, someone or something on Earth is trying to rewrite history per shaming those who remember OR learned from history itself. This is a travesty of humanity and generations.]

****Chinese Communist Party agents alert are in this forum; I, tonyotag, am not one of them. I am American. *******

*I do not deny history. 

What history of a nation is not without sin? All countries have this problem, including both China and America. 

So, how can you say what you are saying without a human right? A contracted human right; via your work contract/permit or patriotism of the Chinese Communist Party; and using a VPN to boot? 

What romanticism of government form has polluted your point of view or education? (the same for me as well.)

Your comment is just a poor attempt at gaslighting. People do not want to be in cages, let alone working all the time. People do not want to be in reeducation camps. People do not want suicide nets set up by their employers to prevent suicide because the working conditions and length of time to work is horrendous. [America is not immune to this due to several major corporations' (eg. Amazon, Walmart, etc...) treatment of employees by the way.]

How low will the global elite go to prove their hammer and sickle (or star(s))? Answer is to use communism as a way to unite a people to be a pawn for them. And you accuse the same (capitalism as the tool.) All I am saying is that is too much of a coincidence and the culprit might as well be the mythical devil/satanic. 

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