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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Creepy dream [that I had]

Report from my sleep habits. 

I, tonyotag, am not as fully comfortable in reporting this as enemies could take advantage of my sleep cycle; unfortunately, I know that has already been compromised. 

For a while now, me and my mother have had incidence of being woken up at about 2-4 AM EST when sleeping. From what I do not know. Maybe it is the area that we live in. 

We both live in the same house and near a forest line (city/state land owned and operated as reserve/park.) The house sits in a middle class single family housing zoned neighborhood with a treelined creek in the back and more houses on the other side. We live near a major river there in Raleigh, NC. The land has been rumored (by the previous owner before the developer that was sacred native American or at least a Native American burial grounds/swamp. 

There are plenty of creatures. Deer, cats, rabbits, small lizards, insects of all kinds, etc.. Wildlife seems to visit weekly, if not daily. Every now and then I would hear an owl; and even seen an owl sitting on a tree branch walking to my home's front door at about 3 AM in the morning (years ago.) Nevertheless, I do not think it was wildlife that came into my home at 3 AM for the incident I am about to describe. 

Overall, my blog has focused on the intersection of economics, UFO's/extraterrestrial/paranormal, and political activity of earth. This story is of my, tonyotag's, personal experience and not be construed as fact for scientific purposes; I do stress that they are not lies either; and as far as I know, they are fact as it is my perception they are so as this story has happened to me. 

It is known that near the end of the sleep cycle REM sleep is accompanied with dreams and rapid eye movement. This is normal part of the sleep cycle, before we humans awake. We all recall a dream from the final minutes or seconds before we awake. At such state of sleep it felt like my eyes were open and looking at the corner of my window. Not what was outside my window (my blinds were down) but the wall where the left upper end of the window meets. On the wall was a glowing object, a thing, and yes in my bedroom. This thing was alive, stuck on my wall, no, just crouched on my wall like a gecko staring at me. 

The thing was glowing green near the upper corner of my window. Such green glow was of a neon hue. babyish in appearance, not alien-like, not human either. Defiantly humanoid baby appearance and in stature, maybe only eight to sixteen inches in length. It was smiling at me as if it knew to stare at me in a way to stroke my fear, my dreams, my awareness that I was not awake. 

I awoke with stressful breath. I became aware the darkness of my room and the streetlamp outside glowing though the blinds of my room. I saw the corner of my window and nothing was there but wall. I saw nothing else in my room out of the ordinary. I...I then realized I was alone, with paranoia. 

My fear was that something was there. Not of this realm of existence, but the one right next to ours; right next to mine, right next to my mind. A "mental parasite?" A thing to drain my sleep? A thing that can only exist in the space between spaces? An idea that was from me? Of me? I am perplexed by my own accord, but even if it was not of this world, what world would send a thing like that to me? Of what I know? Of what to do or act? Was sleeplessness the goal to a person of my position in society and though to wake at approximately three in the morning? 

I, tonyotag, think of my sleep cycle. My previous dreams. Has anyone else witnessed the same? Under the same circumstances (real or dream state?) Of dark world of dreams where the room I dreamed of is the same I sleep in? Creepypasta nevermind the known unknowns of the world; understanding oneself can only go so far before being brave is necessary to have the next thought....wake up!?  

Out of any conclusion I can muster, maybe it was the DMT in my head from dreaming (naturally occurring in mammals including humans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N,N-Dimethyltryptamine ) I only recognize this chemicals as possible way to communicate to another realm with its psychedelic properties and connected rem sleep cycles. Of some way was the dream...real? Was witness to a thing, a parasite looking at me? Waiting for what? I do not know, all I can do is speculate. 


Digital format of notes made right after I woke up from dream: 

[notes in brackets are after my initial recording and are to be assumed to be as of this digital note recording.]

Cerebral - humanoid - not known 


glows in the dark (like green fluorescent paint) 

dream world rem sleep 

seen in model bedroom on wall [assumed to be of my bedroom but uncertain, definitely from my perspective as if viewing in a sleeping position.]

above window

baby-ish form humanoid intelligent? 

"mental parasite?" 

I thought of Jesus and it went poof. leaves residue? 

(real world weather is clear sky - mostly cloudy (thunderstorm in neighboring county)) 

baby jinn? 

Appx. 3:00 - 3:30 AM 7/27/2021 EST 

(dream world was clear) 

dream world as dark (or darker) than real world (no street lamps.) 

(geo-synchronized to time of Earth EST or sleep cycle?) 

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