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Friday, June 24, 2022

News Host Tries To Bait Labor Leader Into Promoting Violence


ree Speech Under ASSAULT; Mandatory LOYALTY OATHS, Boycotts Not Protected Speech: Briahna Joy Gray


*It might not be a free speech limit. It might be a loyalty limit imposed by the constitution per Article I Section 10:

*Limits of state loyalty oaths? Might be a constitutional violation of a state to give loyalty oath proclaiming a foreign power's loyalty of commerce...? Might be illegal if no consent of congress exists: Maybe not exactly freedom of speech; but, Arkansas might be going against the constitution of the united states per courting foreign loyalty per boycott of boycotting Israel where only the federal government has that power (or at least consent of that power to the state.) A state courting a foreign power by limiting speech might be "No state shall....enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power,..." article 1 section 10. https://definitions.uslegal.com/l/loyalty-oath/ loyalty oath is an agreement; but to a foreign power and a state? Something smells fishy in government/party politics if that is the case.

Biden Appoints Enemy Of Social Security To Social Security Advisory Board


Thursday, June 23, 2022

El-Erian: ‘It’s uncomfortably possible’ that the Fed will push the economy into a recession


*Dear E. Warren (and all other legislators): Congress (and legislators across all 50 states) control aggregate supply of their jurisdictions (institutional structure and technological progress.) The Federal Reserve is doing its job to curtail inflation per the tools congress gave it; however, this is not the time to give more tools to the federal reserve, it is a time to give more tools to Americans to increase their own supply. Reforming the invention secrecy act of 1951 is a start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_Secrecy_Act

Douglas Murray: The case against reparations | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips


Russia warns Lithuania of consequences over rail transit sanctions – BBC News


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Bill Maher Gets Schooled On Economics By Progressive


Why This Fusion Tech May Be a Geothermal Energy Breakthrough

 Why is Elon Musk not funding this? Why are other entrepreneurs and other fund managers not funding this? Why is the government not funding this initiative? 

This tech can replace energy lost from Hoover Dam if this focus is drilling the western United States. 


Cops Never Tried To Open The Uvalde Classroom Door!


Thursday, June 2, 2022

AI or Bust in Seattle's Real Estate Market


No, A Teacher DIDN’T Prop Open The Uvalde School Door


*After the door was closed; after the "perp" went over a fence (presumably outside) jumped a fence with a gun; did police break into the school or have a key and propped it open to kill the kids and teacher inside? Scandal when cops lie. I want higher taxes to pay for truthful and honorable constables; not clowns defending the corporate state and being dups for taking gun rights away.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The 100th Starbucks Store Votes To Join Union!


*coffee is like wine or alcohol. Barista is an Italian word for bartender. In Italy, the barista servers all kinds of drink. The culture of coffee shops changed during the enlightenment periods of 1600-1800's etc... Yes, there is more of a niche culture around bartending in general including but not limited to coffee or wine. Starbucks (and its competitors) play off of this role for the sake of selling the product. If the person who made the drink is trustworthy of an exceptional experience of the drink and taste, than would it not mean the company is the same? That is the marketing role that Starbucks has garnered and wish to maintain market share thereof. Unions are more prone to a skilled labor effect especially as how Starbucks has marketed itself to the market (in general.) That is why other labor of restaurants in fast food have a harder time (besides franchising the product) unionizing.