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Saturday, May 27, 2023

How Biden Could Bypass Congress to Avoid a Default | WSJ [REPLY]


*14th amendment section 5 might legitimize a debt celling depending on who on the court has the power to interpret the law thereof. [just saying] 

"The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article"

*** In reply to @Mica White commenting to this: Yes, it is a matter of interpretation of what section, wording, and amendment would be interpreted as what is more valid? A law passed by congress to reinforce the 14th amendment such as a "debt limit" is more valid than the other wording as the "debt shall not be questioned?" The amendment might be too iffy relative to our current national political discourse, let alone the political makeup of our federal courts.

*****  In reply to @Mica White commenting to this: that is not the political reality right now....🤣😂🤣😂🤣

How many justices were appointed to the courts and by which parties in the past decade? (Don't get me wrong here, I side with raising the debt ceiling on a per decade basis as funding estimates; but steering a large ship/country such as the United States' budget would take at least 10-20 years. The truth is the financial engineering versus the politics are two very different things. Thus begs the question, is this current budget/judicial predicament planned for the past ten, twenty, thirty, years or longer? 

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