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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Media Release: European Parliament UAP Special Session (from: prg@paradigmresearchgroup.ccsend.com)

Per media note of PRG:


delivered from: prg@paradigmresearchgroup.ccsend.com

These emails are to those who are subscribed via their website: paradigmresearchgroup.org

My response to his quote at the end of the email I, tonyotag, received:

How long are we going to allow the Truth Embargo on a technologically advanced, non-human presence in our world to be our national disgrace?

*Just responding to your question and email. 

"How long are we going to allow the Truth Embargo on a technologically advanced, non-human presence in our world to be our national disgrace?"

Maybe that is the goal? As a form of damage control? As a way to damage America instead of a special interest (private or semi-public/private)? Caught in-between United Nations bookkeeping standards of international wealth or private power over others? 

I study economics and the economy does not look too pretty. Is that by coincidence...? We all should think not. America has been and is built into a financial trap, and it is about to snap. Debt to GDP ratio is just too high. Is it too high for disclosure? That might be their (whoever they are) trick. In other words, too poor or feel poor to care. 

Also, I do agree with disclosure, but the way it has been going is itself too slow on purpose. I am for all DISCLOSURE. And want to run in politics for the same. If you feel the same as I do, please respond. 

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