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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

BREAKING: Biden Was FORCED OUT By Obama & Kamala!


*beginning of video: it is the face of when Biden left Los Vegas after placing losing bets...😄

The Media's Gaslighting About Kamala Harris


Bombshell: 10% Of Voters NOT CITIZENS In 2020 Election! Says Rasmussen Reports


Bombshell: 10% Of Voters NOT CITIZENS In 2020 Election! Says Rasmussen Reports


*local or federal elections? Some states and municipalities allow foreigners and non-humans (corporations) to vote; but not in federal elections. I have heard of this before, but some light research via google searching "non-citizen voting" led to the study and news articles. I want to know what the laws are at the local and state level to allow non-citizen voting? is that a thing? (can vote but not in federal elections/offices? 

Why There Is Hope For Gen Z


*So.... blame boomers for the politics of today? OR take charge and run for office and/or vote?

apocryphal, and no actual Chinese source: "May you live in interesting times" --Chinese Proverb (Yes, I had to google this...) 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Are Courts Empowering Anti-Voter Vigilantes? w/ Greg Palast


*So...why are republicans irritating armed forces' voters? For verification? Something sounds sus....

the democratic party (or non-profit that is or leans left) needs a better PR manager for the commercial material. Mr. Palast has excellent material for such commercials.

Additionally, lets break this: everyone is a fraudulent voter except one voter and that is me. Sad enough to say, this might work. ... 😂🤣😂.....😟☹😱

Here’s How To Save TRILLIONS Of Dollars In Healthcare Costs!


*If you "band together," you are now a governing force. (even if it is "private.")

it is not a monopoly, it is a managed oligopoly (few number of firms)  

Also, if a universal single payer would happen in the United States, pent up demand would flood the Health care provider system; so expect an explosive number of bills. for how long is up for debate, maybe just for 10 years, one generation, or longer (3-4 generations) depending on how much pollution has built up in the system to treat. Single payer universal healthcare would decrease advertisement costs, so if there was any kind of political rhetoric that would work....maybe aim at how many health inclined companies have significant chunks of expenditures on on their marketing. for example: Many pharmaceutical companies have 50% of their expenditures on marketing, where it could be going to research and manufacturing, etc....

Saturday, July 27, 2024

When Did Biden Get So Tall?!?


*uh oh... they are using the cloning machine again on our leaders. Every time they use the cloning machine the next clone becomes more child like or with the flu; almost like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. They are trying to preserve the "status quo" and refuse our choice making process. 

Nevertheless, it could be a mask on a body double. While she (his wife) runs the show.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Summers: Republicans Creating Liz Truss-like Moment


in Reply to ​ @ssuwandi3240  

*I do not blame you if my answer is a TLDR, but here it goes.... 

"the Fed?" do you mean the Federal Reserve or the Federal Government? These are two separate entities. Sure the board of governors on the Federal Reserve is appointed by potus and approved by the senate; but the Federal Reserve is a quasi-private entity charted by law. Last I heard the Equity side of the Federal Reserve is not fully owned by the United States Government, it is privately held by bankers (or a bank like mafia....banksters.) And yes, this means that the Central Bank of the United States "the Fed" does allow the US government to finance its own debts.  

If there are no trade routes/agreements with the Untied States, then inflation may "square" wave (higher volatility per discrete trade.) If the US defaults, then an Argentina scenario: no one wants the debt and higher inflation (the central bank becomes the buyer of last resort to "maintain liquidity.") 

The only way to get out of higher debt to GDP ratio is ironically is to Grow the US economy faster than the debt to shrink debt to GDP ratio. (note that the Budget can still be negative, just not as negative. this ultimately means more pro-growth policies that might be harmful to the current status-quo/banksers.)   

As far as I am concerned, Central Banking is better than competitive banking as long as there is liquidity. cut the liquidity, cut the nation. So we must ask the question: "who wants to cut off America's financial liquidity and why?"

(keep in mind the banksters own:

*vast portions of central banks globally;  

*run parts of payment systems of the military industrial complex of multiple nations (NATO, BRICS, etc...) 

*have manipulated innovations and patents to create artificial scarcity to maintain their own investment structures 

*have plotted to down UFO/UAP's, reproduced them and stuck the findings into the military industrial complex respectively

*started wars to hide archeology (humanity's true past) and wealth/mineral/fossil fuel campaigns (the wars were to mask tax and wealth fairness issues that accompany building or extracting capital.) 

---so ask yourself this:

"who wants to cut off America's financial liquidity and why?"

Summers: Republicans Creating Liz Truss-like Moment


*Debt to GDP ratio does matter for international trade reasons. good trade relations means the debt can be paid down better; it means the US federal budget can be lower than the growth rate to net at taxes (ie. rebalancing the budget.) Was not this a conservative "plank?"

Also, lower rates and a weaker USD would raise Real Estate values; in the 2007-2008 recession aftermath, Real Estate was Suffering for the buy and hold and many Republican lawmakers lost their office. Many wealthy buy and hold real estate investors lost their portfolios. The GOP cannot handle lowering Real Estate values. 

If any party in control of Washington DC causes a default in the debt, then all bets are off for prosperity of the United States ever again. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Secret Group Won't Stop Until America is a Fascist Christian Theocracy w/ Andy Kroll


*There needs to be a lawyer to find standing (at least survive such process in court) that does not involve the IRS but only the tax status of these religious organizations so that they would have to change tax status/treatment. I smell a scandal especially if extremely wealthy of the United States is involved. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

“Dems Changed The Process For Kamala Harris!” – Jen Psaki


*When the "emperor has no cloths." 

Yea, I know why both parties wants to be in the white house; it is a frat/sorority challenge: to be naked in the white house. Why do you think they are called political "parties." Only the president can be naked in the white house. Seriously, that is the challenge. Out of all the secret societies in the world; the war mongering, the greed, the "representation." The real joke out of all of this for you (individually and collectively) to think about is "who will look better naked the day after inauguration day behind the desk of the oval office." Truly, the challenge is the emperor has no cloths. 

BTW: the challenge is also to erase the wrinkly mess this leaves behind in your mind 🤣😂🤣

Secret Service Director ADMITS She Used Encrypted Apps For Official Business!


*wait? why not use an encrypted app? most if not all encryption (baes code) is reported to the NSA/CIA/defense dept/military industrial complex etc... so that any messages can be decrypted in case of national emergency (this is federal law as I have head of but not been able to verify (but want to.)) Logically though, the person with access to calendar information (or people internally thereof) why not use an encrypted app for sensitive info?) Was it cheap government budget, or negligence or both?? 

Very basic security measure is to encrypt. I would expect the secret service (of homeland security and presidential body guard(s) to at the very least "encrypt."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Is Prosecutor Harris America's Only Hope Against Convicted Felon Trump?


Bretton Woods 1944 and Dollar Dominance | On This Day


*The US dollar can be part of a balanced international portfolio. Sure it has peaked, it is not as oily as it once was, it still backs guarantees of a nation more valuable than tyranny. Please liberal and conservative hardlines, have a backbone and say this: "the US dollar is more valuable than tyranny."  The only risk is if foreign nations decide to ditch the US dollar (or US dollar denominated financial instruments) then there is a risk of a lower US dollar value; however, it is unlikely with good international relations.



Sunday, July 21, 2024

JD Vance Deep Ties To The Surveillance State! w/ Whitney Webb!


*Privatization of government is part of the theme and order for a foreign (non-human or temporal-human) organization to take humanity and enslave it. Sure it could be a domestic issue, but it is a international relations and trade issue first and foremost, as much as they see it. The capitulation of humanity plus technological advancements multiplied by civil consent of voting is how, but why is a much more interesting answer. Why? For paranoia? For (financial metric) beta reduction? Or is it for monitoring thoughts and fascism "without fascism?" 

Is there a race to monitor thoughts before God or the devil gets them?...a "son of man complex?"

How the GOP was born


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Trump delivers 2024 Republican National Convention speech


*The demons of Bohemian Grove (among other spirits) whisper into many people's "ears."  Of what plot was the assassin's goal? What is targeting America or its Earth's leaders into a totalitarian state? Are any of our thoughts our own? How? :: 

The demons of Bohemian Grove (among other spirits) whisper into many people's "ears."  








*see subsection 5I as an example

electromagnetic spectrum has fractal patterns that we humans use for 



Trump’s October Supreme Could Start WWIII?


*wait, was Regan's pre-election weapons deal with Iran at the time a type of treason? 

Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that


Rattner: Losing Fed Independence is Incredibly Scary


Friday, July 19, 2024

MAJOR Union Leader Cheered At Republican National Convention!


*Why Trump picked union guy to speak at convention; Simple: it is about Republican platform of  workfare is better than state/government give aways. Keep in mind the negative connotation that the affordable care act was in rhetoric from the Republican party as unemployed get coverage; is that workfare? To the conservative it is not. 

Disclaimer: I lean left of center, study economics and social systems. I, tonyotag, can say that the democratic party looks like it is being taken over by neoliberals again; or is that just the right of center subconscious rhetoric? 

Glenn Greenwald Breaks Down JD Vance VP Pick!


The WORST Food Scandal to Hit China in Recent History


*The only reason the CCP might want to clean up their food supply chain is to make sure the organ harvests are not too polluted. 

Which U.S. Cities Are Sinking And How Much It Will Cost To Stop Them?


Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Trump Suggests Taiwan Should Pay US for Protection


*Defending Taiwan is important because of the early 1900's Chinese monarchy contract to store gold in the united states. The united states owes the gold back, and we should not pay the gold back to the Chinese communist party; maybe repayment back to the monarchs hiding in Taiwan. (Yes, it became a "loan" via bad American diplomacy.)

Monday, July 15, 2024

Clear Signs This Was A Set Up!


*If this was a set up what kind of laws are going to be passed that will restrict our freedoms again? What kind of plan is this to gaslight Americans into one way or another?

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

There's Deep Concern: Kerrey on Democrats Unsure on Biden


*Gambling with Old People, is this what our country has come down to? Is that what our pollical parties have come down to? Something is wrong here. I have heard of "political puppets" but both political parties using elderly people for us swing voters to vote for, that is nuts! I might as well vote for 3rd party, at least the person is younger. 

Zombie Mortgages are SEIZING Homes


*I, tonyotag, am NOT an attorney. Such advise below is just precautions when it comes to getting a serious thing like a home loan forgiven. 

I get the confusion of the homeowner, not so much of the lending firm that buys the note backed by a lien. That is the key, homeowners that have been told that the loan is forgiven, then get a letter saying so and demand that the lien on record is satisfied (at the courthouse.) Then have your attorney check the title to see if the lien (of that specific note) has been taken off the title or deed. 

Additionally, many lenders are not organized or sometimes a mom/pop investor just buys a bulk package of notes from a bank or other lender and it becomes their responsibility to collect the debt. When you, the homeowner, calls in or the former owner of the note or lender calls the homeowner, do they know who they are talking to (yes, I am talking about both parties on the line) I can see the confusion set in on what was said. The typically conversation between old and new lender trading mortgage notes can sound like a price negotiation of when the payment is made and when....so does a homeowner to lender. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

The case for cutting is strong, says Renaissance's Neil Dutta


*Yes, recalibrating policy is a legitimate reason to change a rate or bond-trading policy; however, the previous examples mentioned is when trade policy is way better with foreign nations than today. Today BRICS, and other nations around the world are not too keen on trading with the United States, like the late 1800's (not a typo) when foreign nations were not liking to trade with the aggressive capitalists of the United States. Today is more advanced trade-war because communism of China (and maybe its trade allies) could use their holdings of US dollars and export/industrial policy as an inflation weapon against the United States. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

“The State Grows By Keeping Us Apart” – Carl Jung


“Left” & “Right” Labels Don’t Mean Anything Anymore! w/ Candace Owens


*Defaulting on the debt is also a way to remove human rights.
**edit: to be clear, I, tonyotag, am not for removing human rights. Lets pay down or stabilize the federal budget to debt ratio to maintain American Human rights so that we can say "this works." But will the banksters do so? will the communists allow it? will the totalitarian/fascists allow it? is a stable democratic/republic nation truly an enemy of the world? Or is it just stupid following stupid?



*appx min 4:00 who added a bunch of land to the house to get the tax bill to go way up? Was the house sold via a land attach "scam?" The assessed value of the land went form a normal price to over one million usd...?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

INCREDIBLE James Corbett Interview w/ Jimmy Dore!


*approximately min 28:00 to approximately min 28:30 - we are not just being prepared to be sold to advertisers; it is more than the advertisers in this global game of selling human awareness/labor 

How Express Survived Bankruptcy


*Express becoming a loss leader company for mall owners? If it attracts crowds (or some people) what would they spend at other stores in the mall?

Georgescu: I am Optimistic About America's Future


*Its not the Federal Reserve, its the Security and Exchange commission that has created a two class system. I am not asking for restrictions, I am asking for license to operate peer-to-peer lending exchange. I am not asking for a ban, I am asking to exchange crypto. i am willing to pay the income tax. When will the opportunity of trade (with full information) be allowed via electronic means? 

Yes There’s A Miracle Cure For Insomnia & Addiction!


*oops... GHB might have helped Biden's debate performance....


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Jimmy Dore on the Biden's Performance at the Trump Debate


*NEWSFLASH:  "Biden says he was sleepy at debate: Biden Tells Governors He Needs More Sleep and Less Work at Night"


Zillow estimates plummeting. Investors taking $150,000 write downs on houses.


*more living human beings (residents or potential residents) are the way to increase value of a home, and not just credit availability. The demographics crisis in America is finally causing pain to where it belongs. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Founding fathers would be appalled by how powerful the President and Supreme Court are: A.J. Jacobs


Walmart's electronic shelf labels may pave the way for dynamic pricing, says Supermarket Guru CEO


*For Walmart: may work for 2am or 3am price change only during those hours. Just change prices daily if at most. Changing prices every hour or twice a day can be breaking a promise to the customer; especially if there is an advertised deal. 

My recommendation, price changing between 2-3 am (local store hours) and only really change it daily if supply bottlenecks happen, otherwise weekly on or between the slowest known shopping days for that store. (typically Wednesday-Thursday.)