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Friday, July 26, 2024

Summers: Republicans Creating Liz Truss-like Moment


in Reply to ​ @ssuwandi3240  

*I do not blame you if my answer is a TLDR, but here it goes.... 

"the Fed?" do you mean the Federal Reserve or the Federal Government? These are two separate entities. Sure the board of governors on the Federal Reserve is appointed by potus and approved by the senate; but the Federal Reserve is a quasi-private entity charted by law. Last I heard the Equity side of the Federal Reserve is not fully owned by the United States Government, it is privately held by bankers (or a bank like mafia....banksters.) And yes, this means that the Central Bank of the United States "the Fed" does allow the US government to finance its own debts.  

If there are no trade routes/agreements with the Untied States, then inflation may "square" wave (higher volatility per discrete trade.) If the US defaults, then an Argentina scenario: no one wants the debt and higher inflation (the central bank becomes the buyer of last resort to "maintain liquidity.") 

The only way to get out of higher debt to GDP ratio is ironically is to Grow the US economy faster than the debt to shrink debt to GDP ratio. (note that the Budget can still be negative, just not as negative. this ultimately means more pro-growth policies that might be harmful to the current status-quo/banksers.)   

As far as I am concerned, Central Banking is better than competitive banking as long as there is liquidity. cut the liquidity, cut the nation. So we must ask the question: "who wants to cut off America's financial liquidity and why?"

(keep in mind the banksters own:

*vast portions of central banks globally;  

*run parts of payment systems of the military industrial complex of multiple nations (NATO, BRICS, etc...) 

*have manipulated innovations and patents to create artificial scarcity to maintain their own investment structures 

*have plotted to down UFO/UAP's, reproduced them and stuck the findings into the military industrial complex respectively

*started wars to hide archeology (humanity's true past) and wealth/mineral/fossil fuel campaigns (the wars were to mask tax and wealth fairness issues that accompany building or extracting capital.) 

---so ask yourself this:

"who wants to cut off America's financial liquidity and why?"

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