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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Modern Women Are DOOMED By This New Anti-Paternity Fraud Law Approval!


*So, how does this conflict with the general notion of great apes behavior versus human modern politics and evolution? Does paternity fraud laws and anti-abortion laws confirm that Republicans or conservative (socially) representatives confirm that evolution is real? How does this conflict with religious voters? Careful what you ask for. Is it known in family and home economics that a stable home can be more important than genetic origins for social stability....? 

I am confident that testing will clarify the court system's rulings; I hope the testing is done with minimal or no physical or medical harm to anyone; and laboratories are kept at maximum scientific accuracy. I am ok/neutral with testing this way due to how the state/political parties tends to ruin or expose their own failures in policy. 

citation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3548427/ (mutation rates per generation is too low to account for DNA drift to create a false positive in paternity testing.) (Overall I expect 49.x% (appx. less than but about to 50%) genetic maternal from each parent, depending on individual genetic drift AND other complications of testing from chimeras and gestation/conception defects, etc...) 

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