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Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Curse from both ends

I had a dream of that I was an agitator of some kind of dark. An agitator working, or at least saying that I did, of some kind of light. I had a dream where I was a General or some kind of leader; like that of the A-team or special forces with a twist. A leader where the politics or controllers of some kind questioned me and that I was above them every time in logic and frequency of when and where to pull the trigger. Where to put the troops so to speak. Yet, it was a nightmare? Is this my soul or well of dreams that are pulling me apart at the seams? Is that of what others thought of me and that of my fear when waking up that such feelings of the dream is the truth? Of why should God judge me that way, when being upside down is what I prefer? O, yes, like fruit one can pick to eat; eat thy human or you are going to starve...son. That too is what life is, to eat or be eaten. Then the military action and that where the light may follow there is that too the truth of why I am just another Capricorn trying to fit in; eroded by water and chilled by a version of air. Akin to that of such alike a weakness.

It is true that God must judge me so. For I have done so with my dreams of using the darkness as like a military weapon of controlling the children that prime creator. Thinking that it is service to do so....it would not surprise me if they call me a pervert to do so. It is where the money is and is what they will judge next. (see rainbow abundance YouTube channel.) Every day I feel their judgement upon me. Everyday I feel the crying and hopelessness of what earth that I know I can communicate to that can be done; yet, it is my soul and body that I would like to help them with. To never feel joy as a punishment for I? Yet, they did send a fleet of science and planetary maintenance. Akin to a clean-up crew; it might have been I who dreamed of the day for me to become a god of hollow thinking; and, of that dream was of the past, present, or future? Alas, I am only but a soul that confused oneself to be lost. I looked to the idea that God called a sham because it was the very same device that tried to kill him, or worse. Likewise, it was I that could not see that too at the time of what I was doing, like a blind dog leading a deaf person it is one that has no tough that can see more truth. Is the speechless one speaking of what diplomacy that God is trying to get rid of today? (Like that of what is seen of the Galactic Federation (see rainbowabundance on YouTube.) O, how much of a child must I truly be when it was bravery that everyone wanted to bully me with? It is the passing of such things that became true when it is time that all wanted to be used with. I am sure that my next lifetime would be brainless and heartless; because anything else would be that of what God really wants to judge me with. O, what hammer (gavel) must I seek to place in all the other's hands when it is the church that brainwashed me to do the same?

Yet it is the grooming of the ego that has been warranted against. Fighting and hell becomes true otherwise. Yawn id be and tu never fulfilled, the ego becomes lonely in the element of itself. togetherness the same as the slavery is now trapped with God's impending labor. Why, of judge who sits in heaven, hallowed be thy soul, with name removed, thy kingdom rain over the land onto earth is? Take a way what is not bread [I wish my soul had different kind of thoughts] guilt be judged as adults enslaved away into a weakness be. Followed into miserly light; what is good?

To know that I am insane is the first step to recovery of a soul; yet what fear all the life has that the darkness wants to service for?

I am not brave enough for God; because it was all three pieces of my existence that sold itself to the darkness. Cry be not helped; O, where it is that God must now fight those who want to become adults??? Is not a slave master the slave of watching slaves? Tricked into ignoring the other significant item that wants to leave a lasting legacy?The questions the same as if to solve an ever changing maze shaped into a pyramid scheme. Akin to me killing my father using 9/11 voodoo, it is unpacking me that I wish to give that too for ascension. Yet, it is still fear in reverse? It is resistance to use that makes no other's sanity? My labor be nevermore. For all have become bullies who ask a question and those who have an answer. Sleep is that not the same? Enslaved and ensnared to be thankful of what came to become. A eulogy where one could have become a serving-less god; a resting soul not paranoid to begin again. And that of God's will became to judge earth's likelihood to understand what was used in our Piscean trial of what labor to or not to abuse. To life and death is still work. To care of family is the same? Yet, my curse of not to commit suicide still haunts me so. The bullies in the light and dark I created means that the universe is nothing but torture to what I am and where I am; in life or death; in happiness or sadness; in feelings be in light or in dark. In vibrations that I need to get rid of; yet it is the gods who constipates me. The lack of giving me a slave; is the lack that I will always feel. Of that of what slave that I am to myself, is that what others see as a bum of the street. Of that of what we use to be alive, is that what other life that God has that we kill for food and eat it as death. Of that what I wish to not be in the way; it is me and the light that I know my soul is the bug and God is the bug zapper (a source of light.)

To keep me away from God is to keep him safe from me.      --- EGO

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