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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Last Lesson as Diplomacy as Sales by '?'


The risk and wait of 'heaven' is itself having the knowledge of all and neither. The knowledge of allowing and understanding where the soul learns. As learned too much of both sides of a coin, that the coin has tarnished by the gravity of the moon's epoch. O, of what love to make an earth like this to show me what you do with it. O, of what trust you give that all will abuse with me, by me, and of me. To work or play when family is now the war for all to see in red and blue; white and yellow stays with God. To fade in hell as a helper with a wish, my body might only forever be in a dream of creating darkness within me. As like the waterfalls from a cliff so high the oil and dark liquid falls from my mind into the alchemic aethers of the universe that surrounds me so. Yet it was the fear of God and his minions that slapped me so not to save the 'innocent' where heaven chooses to unleash a tyrant horde on to we; to tame that beast as a way to punish the light of the stars, interference from heaven and hell would have made we humans into Gods. Yet it was also a fear from our dark's nonchalant-ness that would have made the moon ever too great.

My ego and luck I degrade for God's willingness of what lessons to always be in school. To be stuck in a class to always take a test to always take away from me the time and space that was always required. As like a privlage to make light, so too is to hold the dark together. My wish it be that so strong as to pull the universe as to me it be; yet, what fear from the belt of Orion to always whip and rape my soul would ever be? To wake up again...to wake up again...to wake up from a nightmare into another? Is that the lesson always? Is that what I bullied myself to become after so many years of being left alone? After such creation in the dens and laboratories as being a consultant to both sides of the war 13,000 years ago; to set up the game we know today? As if God really needs me to cheat for him/her? A fools errand is just that with the energy at hand, yet it is the waste and taste that the light only understands!? And so I wait for the conservative as to reignite fear in all the hearts of man as the wounds of our soul's choices as the crown of God's thorns. And so I wait for the trumpets to be loud to drown out my thoughts once again to wait forever in so called purgatory. With the suicides, with the confused, with those who know enough about light to receive its blessings while being beaten by the dark. With the skill of luck I spent for God, it was a gift thrown away as soon as it was received. When on the ground it was taken up as bait by a being that proclaimed a blue light Waring with a red light; earth be a purgatory in labor for me. Earth be a purgatory in labor for thee. Earth be a purgatory in hearing complaints from others. Will no one really want this but me?

O, what diplomacy must you not take from me, when it was that to work with that became the war you let us choose to be? And to bully myself is what spirit has become for me. As a little child afraid of the toy heaven wants me to be inside. A dark star as the universe is, bribing all of us with our perceptions. Bribing we to produce forever in knowledge never practiced, in kind regards as I live to try to be happy enough to...

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