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Saturday, August 29, 2015



Why fall of 2015? Is it fall of the year equals fall of mankind?...

The alchemy is to separate humans from being victims from each other? As groups do not want to work and only want to produce pleasure as a perversion from the born identity of being human? As if  human is only the warrior ship and the missing ingredient from the universe as in imprint from God that we be?


Then, why have a way to prevent the dark from being attached to God? Without fiat currency in the universe, then the seed will grow after Andromeda and Milky way become one Galaxy merge to become one, then what exactly will be the new demon to rule humanity? The hint is the second date of 102,015 AD; where will earth be then and will we have the calander still. The true idea is to understand why the darkness was given to earthlings. To purify the ideas so that God can prove to prime creator or "source" of what is and not true in conjunction to the ideas and ideals of love. Indeed, still love as dark as the propaganda both sides paint and speak.

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