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Monday, September 25, 2017

Open Letter to my Senators in North Carolina

Repealing the Affordable Care Act would needlessly cost tens of thousands of lives and bankruptcies a year. Please, just don't do it in any way at all.

I am in favor of:

A public Commitment to health care and insurance or financial assistance to preexisting conditions at or above the same level as if of today.

A public Commitment to reign in health care costs by highlighting the price gauging (mal)practice of increasing Healthcare provider prices on the chargemaster (what providers use to charge healthcare. The lower the chargemaster's marginal costs then the lower direct costs to insurance and/or patient.)

A public Commitment to helping small business retain employees rather than lose them from no insurance or having to stay on a state-sponsored health care plan. Understanding the lower marginal cost of employment for many industries (boosting profits) if and only if that form of healthcare reform is best to perform with the goal of reducing Employee Costs AND the costs of the employee working with that employer at the same time.

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