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Sunday, June 17, 2018

So goes the Immigrants, so goes the nation (and conspiracy against the American Citizen)



So if these were walmarts and now just detention centers; Was clinton going to do the same? Or is that why B Sanders was blocked from democratic nomination in 2016? 

Think about it. A few years ago before trump, before the 2016 election walmarts were closing all over america, especially in the south. So when the space became available, dhs or some kind of alphabet soup agency could have places to round up people. 

Well maybe what trump is doing now, or a sub agency is using the centers as testing for rounding people up. Think about it. Why do it to citizens first when it is better to test on non-citizens, the perfect expermient for social behavior, kids. Non-citizens have less if any rights, at least the repiblican executive branch thinks so. So ehy not? Besides the international pressure not to do so.

BTW, why just boys? Would not the girls be shown on tv too? Is there a sex-traficking ring taking the girls (and maybe some boys) eleswhere? Pedophiles taking people that the government does not care as much about? Is that why immigration did not know where some went missing? 

You got to wonder anout the timing of things....

1. Available real estate.
2. Non citizen kids
3. New world order physiological testing for sociopaths anonymous.

Call me paranoid, I think this is a recipe for disaster, none the less predicted by the inteternet years ago.

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