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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Medical-Industrial Complex


Propaganda on IRAN


Video** Trump Robs BILLIONS From Pentagon


**I wanted to add an annotation or comment to me watching this video. The video is a few weeks old as the publish date of this blog on 9/29/2019

Bernie Voters are Sexist (Again...really???)





Yang's UBI is flawed


A higher income tax or reduced income tax breaks are needed in order for this to work.

The discount window is a better goal.

Healthcare is an employer's entrapment


If employers cannot hire qualified talent due to healthcare premium price then our curre t system is not working.

Republican repeal and replace is a sham if employers cannot find affordable healthcare for their workers.

The statistics that america is too old (average age per capita) does not help.

Restore affordable healthcare act now with option for buy in to a federal or state based plan OR healthcare for all
AND prescription help.

Dr. Robot




Communication is the first step to a widening world; why were scientists in the past reluctant to understand the font can make a difference to learning? (Ignorance or tradition as an evolutionary response, thus statistical bias.)

30 Republican Senators Support Impeachment


Impeachment might happen, will Pence take the "throne?"

N Korea needs to be banned


N Korea does not need to have a restaurant chain for cash flow. Just ban the remittances of the money back to N Korea and influence the workers at the restaurants to defect.

Expensive Oysters


LATE brain disorder


Cursed Memes


CAPEX to buy income from debt?


Worm has three sexes


Plastic Recycling into Fuel? (Trade War)


If plastic can be converted into fuel then we would not have this problem would we?

Years ago there was a company that said that it was converting plastic into fuel (diesel or gasoline /fossil fuels) with a patented chemistry process. Where did that  company go? I remember seeing it ten to twenty years ago on TV or on youtube when it was younger and edgier. The company may have been discovered to be doing illegal activities, bought out by the petorlioum industry, ect...????
I do not know.

A quick youtube search shows there is hope for the tech but not the investment strategy to reap the rewards of lower fuel costs...






COCO DE MER : My Hunt for the Tree of Knowledge (Part 5 of 5) - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 400


The GREATE$T Secret of Boris, Brexit & Trump, w Stephen Fry


** This video is left bias to the statistics at hand and the original story of innovation incentive that fair-free market economies can provide

Uber, Lyft and Others Could Be Upended By California’s New Law


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Poll: Americans Split on House Impeachment Inquiry


Friday, September 20, 2019

Reply from Yang for UBI from VATs


Most "developed" countries are guided by a military industrial complex owners to manipulate the demand and supply. any tax creates dead weight loss. The more tax types, the more the dead weight loss types and more statistical significance of not being able to find the true reason why someone choosing (or not choosing) something (to purchase or save) per their utility basket. Additionally, the more tax types or dead weight loss types, it just seems that it can create a fog-of-war where households, firms, and goverment will have a harder time finding each other's utility pattern, thus creating more problems then solving.
The thing with Yang's UBI from VAT plan is that it is another tax layer that increases the complication of taxes and therefore reduces the likelyhood of households and firms from interpreting the best plan for their objectives. It may be better to have a national sales tax or just raise income tax to raise the funds.
We economists measure things differently. Yes money is used as a measurement, but utility is best to measure per individual (person, not corporation.) What one does with the money is always at risk of regulation, the real question is who's regulation; a VAT will add one more question to 1099 income source earners and firms that must ask when that VAT regulation would apply and it is my guess that there might be a minimum threshold to apply the tax at a practical level.
By the way, the reason a national sales tax or VAT has a harder time in working is because of the nature of the IRS investigating more firms or people that need to pay it.



A Way to get Bed Bugs Hooked


Sunday, September 15, 2019



Space or Temporal Travelers Advisory: There is an EVIL agenda afoot on contained planet Earth. Earth's governing system is not what their inhabitants think it is. There are small groups of people that control other groups of people with misinformation to manipulate the movement of trade, goods, science, innovation, beliefs, etc....

'R.I.P. GOP': Veteran Pollster Says Trump Will Sink GOP In 2020




Yang's VAT for UBI would not fully work


I am NOT for a Value Added Tax to pay for a "freedom dividend." VAT's will decrease employment possibilities due to a disguised national sales tax and the way it would shut down value adding businesses chain. There is no real need for an additional "tax" type in the system when income tax can be raised for the same effect a universal basic income can provide. A UBI is ok because of the need to shorten the distance between the common american citizen and the federal reserve's discount window for the economy to grow.

(Would create too much dead weight loss per basis chain and could cloud innovation metrics per product price schema.)

Not all polls are old people


Yang's Illegal Campaign Promise?


Joe Rogan | The Crystal Skulls and Alien Abductions w/Dan Aykroyd


Issues are more important than party-ism.


Saturday, September 14, 2019



UFO News


UFO News


Thanks for viewing my blog. Plea for Help Wanted. (Help Earth, Help Humanity thrive)

Over the past several days I have noticed that my views per post has upticked to 5 from 3 per post.

Thank You for viewing my blog.

I, tonyotag, will do more posts in the future regardless of number of views. I do this out of the charity of my work, science, Earth, and my conviction that we the human race have been hoodwinked out of many innovations and progress into space over the years.

Some of my posts are about UFO's and science; and, no matter how skeptic you are about such a subject, one must think that if such a visitation would occur, would the public at large really be told?

Would the public at large be told about the innovations that some guy (or gal) down the street invented that could obsolete fossil fuels let alone wind and solar power generation?

You must ask these basic questions versus the fundamental reason that the courts protect their viewpoints (and the constitution) from the contract between the powerful and the labor they command.

An old contract that is disgusting when evaluated from a basic principles of biology and engineering for prosperity of humanity on Earth and the cosmos. In fact, we might be the rabbits of the universe, meant to colonize every nook and cranny of the solar system, galaxy, universe, and countless many realities that have yet to be discovered. Remember this as you read what I post.

Some information that I post will be circumstantial evidence that is hard to prove. Other information will be conjecture. Otherwise, I really like to stay with fact and statistics to prove that the circumstantial evidence is not just "conspiracy theory" but just that willing to investigate further.

The one negative of doing so is causing a way to point out the method or evidence is itself a way for now or the future to recolonize something that has yet to be though of (like a new idea) and get into the wrong hands (like an evil plan or something along those lines.) Overall, I (tonyotag) am not advocating violence, suicide, or other means of destruction or subjugation (or Orwellian slavery)  from the discovery of such information, just passing the word along in hopes it finds good hearts and fellow spiritually minded people/earthlings (Jedi) to make the best effort to stop such abuse of the original contract between the haves and have nots (wealthy and poor; aristocrats and plebeians; officials and citizens.)

The help that is desperately needed in this world is a way to end the suffering (or that suffering that is perceived thereof) from killing or enslaving innovators; abusive macroeconomic relationships, and lying for the sake of public acceptance of the lie for the sake of maximizing profits and intrusive goverment behavior. Note that I also consider private organized systems (such as corporations) to be governments if and only if that is the prevailing entity that orders people out of fear of loss or fear of gain. Finally, the help that is needed is knowing that the law and constitution of the United States is only that of a contract between those that have and have not of wealth; but, that of logic that maximizes the cooperation between the formally educated and those who learned on the street (wild) and gained the wisdom of nature in the process.

 I, tonyotag, will only stay humble and say I too am still learning; but know that the "book smarts" and "street smarts" must be cohesive in order to maximize a populations effective practical net worth of society. Such ideas are necessary to instill a ship from drowning in the sea from mutiny and that is in such what could be happening by something on this world for Earth to fail. Help humanity to help earth from capsizing in the sea of space and time.

There is No case against investigating Trump


The Japanese Expeditions to Rome


"UPDATE: MY $829 10-Minute Doctor's Visit"


How high will unemployment happen if the system is socalized?

We are Seeing The Death Of Democracy In America & Europe


Saudi Arabia oil fields bombed


Since the price of oil is down or moderating around $50 to $55 per barrel. Now the price of oil will go up or has a global pressure to go up. It is likely that this attack was planned by an oil profit seeking organization. Is it IRAN? Is it private enterprise? Is it the western goverment system of Europe or North American nations that want to manipulate the market for military industrial complex sales and oil worshiping?

Ask these questions to know why these "attacks" are suspicious timing

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019

Hard to fill Employment (work scams or bad/desprate marketing practices)


*****I am only posting this due to the intest in labor economics and discrete choice making. Not making a habit of Reddit posts on this blog; it just has a good sampling of real world crap.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Are the Slave Patrols Still Here?


Exposing the Secret Christian Group Seeking Political Power


We CAN Indict a Sitting President!


North Carolina Did What SCOTUS Wouldn't - Ended GOP Gerrymandering


RNC canceling Republican Primaries


Return to private market is new market crash


Pentagon Probe about spending issues


Republicans Get Smacked Down By Judges For Gerrymandering North Carolina


The Tiny Experiment That Transformed Physics


Bias Marketing campaign is corporate sponsored pollution of social media


North Carolina Is About To Turn REALLY Blue


Short term Sales versus building a customer base


Why not impeach??


Flies that eat Ant Brains


Hong Kong Withdraws Extradition Bill After Leaked Audio


Chinese Communist party is using threatening to kill people per what is not implemented under Lam of Hong Kong.

UBI or employer benefit?


2 More Airplane Stories: Woman Flies With Mini Horse, Man Arrested For Buying Ticket & Not Flying




Thursday, September 5, 2019

Eminent Domain For a Wall (to trap ourselves inside)


Word Follows the Money




Medicare for all Australia


Will it work the same in America? 

No, every country makes its own laws and there will be nuances in the laws that distinguish it from one country to another.

Debit is just on of the tools they control humanity


What is similar between America and China?...Debit to GDP ratio

Call Center Jobs will disappear


Will America be the same?




Trump is NOT in charge


So, why destroy trade routes? To create a way to buy more control over the human population?

See my blog post: "Giving Food away does not reduce global warming. (And the time scam.)"

Giving Food away does not reduce global warming. (And the time scam.)


The food system is a natural carbon cycle as we humans have evolved with food. To call it a part of global warming is political gas-lighting. It is important to keep in mind that if it is organic (by chemical definition; not agriculture definition of "organic") and grown recently then contributions to global warming is negligent to the overall global statistics of things. The focus should be on converting organic waste (like food) into fertilizer or compost for the sake of recycling the nutrients back into the agriculture system.

Food waste is a big statistic versus the safety and cost effectiveness of how to deal with unused or rotting food in a cost efficient manner. There can be businesses and jobs in processing food waste as a part of recycling for farming. (The negative part is the potential of food to plant disease spread. Proper composting should destroy any potential for disease spread by heating of the compost pile.) If food end up on a landfill then it is a waste of land; landfills use land permanently and cannot be ethically rezoned if filled up due to bad foundation issues for building construction. Likewise, it is better if organic matter stays in a cycle for organic like a compost to food cycle than a landfill.

Giving good food that is about expire is a good idea if it is economically feasible. Most industries (especially retail) wants to be cheap in their expenses due to competitive nature of their business. Sure, there might be benefits, but the problem of retail sending out of date or bad food to charities is just displacing the labor from profit oriented businesses to non-profit ones. Overall, labor costs shifts the expense of food waste to organizations that have a non-monetary basis qualitatively rather than profiteering organizations that should be paying for proper disposal. Lastly, if the larger picture can be sustain a food to recycling model that is sustainable and recuses food waste, that is a good thing; as long as that model is sustainable. (Note that all food is carbon neutral anyway because of our human evolution. Fossil fuels that are part of the fertilizer manufacturing process adds more carbon than food ever will.)


The goal of this blog has not changed as the banksters and interconnected cartel begin to panic about what to do about humanity's flaws. Granted, they have though and planned this type of stuff 20, 30, 50 plus years ago as they plan in generations for good reason (inheritance, class warfare, and for their pro-communist agenda.*) Their plan to create a party of the world or city-states that monitor and organize humanity is itself a "time" scam. It is a scam where they take your time and make it their own and devolve your "life plans" into your labor. It is interstellar piracy where the thoughts that drive their ideas into implementation could be from not of "this world." Keep that in mind when reading my blog posts, because as we already know, the street and book smarts are needed to defeat these "know it all" jerks.**

*I, tonyotag, am a registered unaffiliated voter and skeptical about organized party systems (as well as corporations or member associations (eg...clubs, memberships, parties...) due to the nature that can devolove into bullying other non-conformers into their collective will.)

**Yes, they do know more than what they ever advertise. The military industrial complex and various interconnected firms (businesses) hide the truth for planned obsolescence and patent control. Inventions and devices are the goal to control, as many world governments bow down to such "libertarian" creatures; as like it is a religion to control humanity (maybe that is the goal that a "non-human" or "non earth origin" being wants us to fight about?) If true, what is the purpose of the contention? Is it to steal from the spoils of war? To render humanity useless because it views us a threat of some kind?....why do such a thing indeed when "do onto others as one would do onto yourself" is in effect? Maybe such a thing should not be taken for granted by me from others in how they behave? (the flaw of Christianity?) Answers are needed in this though pathway as the mystery deepens on why non-governmental organizations, religion as terrorism, and abuse of goverment power are part of the human story.

Prescribing rest (from addiction to electronics? Or counting?)

"Modern life" = electronics?




Agriculture Pipe Problem (destroys wetlands)


Trump legalizing brain killing pesticide


Urban Farming


Energy Prices and access is the biggest challenge to urban farming.

Rich Ignore Local Poor


Sunday, September 1, 2019

America Sold To China for Cheap Labor




Trump Just Got His Worst Polling News Ever


Trump's USDA in shambles


Bernie & Killer Mike: 2020


Trump plays off GOP senator's recession concerns


Trump pandering for emoluments


The Rise Of Chick-fil-A


Cenk's Jaw-Dropping Prediction On CNN


Provide crop insurance for hemp production now


Robert Kiyosaki 2019 - The Speech That Broke The Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR!


R. Kiyosaki has declared bankruptcy before, thus lost monopoly. His model is temporary because all who are in the 1% eventually lose the wealth (per comparatitive portfolios and inflation) to the 99%.

Do onto others as you would do onto yourself is the principle we need to understand again.

Censorship is made into a fascist game by tech companies.




YouTube CEO Says It's Going to Get MUCH WORSE


Anatomy of a Genocide


Jonathan Haidt: Polarization as Religion


Electric Cars are MORE Friendly


The Egg
