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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Giving Food away does not reduce global warming. (And the time scam.)


The food system is a natural carbon cycle as we humans have evolved with food. To call it a part of global warming is political gas-lighting. It is important to keep in mind that if it is organic (by chemical definition; not agriculture definition of "organic") and grown recently then contributions to global warming is negligent to the overall global statistics of things. The focus should be on converting organic waste (like food) into fertilizer or compost for the sake of recycling the nutrients back into the agriculture system.

Food waste is a big statistic versus the safety and cost effectiveness of how to deal with unused or rotting food in a cost efficient manner. There can be businesses and jobs in processing food waste as a part of recycling for farming. (The negative part is the potential of food to plant disease spread. Proper composting should destroy any potential for disease spread by heating of the compost pile.) If food end up on a landfill then it is a waste of land; landfills use land permanently and cannot be ethically rezoned if filled up due to bad foundation issues for building construction. Likewise, it is better if organic matter stays in a cycle for organic like a compost to food cycle than a landfill.

Giving good food that is about expire is a good idea if it is economically feasible. Most industries (especially retail) wants to be cheap in their expenses due to competitive nature of their business. Sure, there might be benefits, but the problem of retail sending out of date or bad food to charities is just displacing the labor from profit oriented businesses to non-profit ones. Overall, labor costs shifts the expense of food waste to organizations that have a non-monetary basis qualitatively rather than profiteering organizations that should be paying for proper disposal. Lastly, if the larger picture can be sustain a food to recycling model that is sustainable and recuses food waste, that is a good thing; as long as that model is sustainable. (Note that all food is carbon neutral anyway because of our human evolution. Fossil fuels that are part of the fertilizer manufacturing process adds more carbon than food ever will.)


The goal of this blog has not changed as the banksters and interconnected cartel begin to panic about what to do about humanity's flaws. Granted, they have though and planned this type of stuff 20, 30, 50 plus years ago as they plan in generations for good reason (inheritance, class warfare, and for their pro-communist agenda.*) Their plan to create a party of the world or city-states that monitor and organize humanity is itself a "time" scam. It is a scam where they take your time and make it their own and devolve your "life plans" into your labor. It is interstellar piracy where the thoughts that drive their ideas into implementation could be from not of "this world." Keep that in mind when reading my blog posts, because as we already know, the street and book smarts are needed to defeat these "know it all" jerks.**

*I, tonyotag, am a registered unaffiliated voter and skeptical about organized party systems (as well as corporations or member associations (eg...clubs, memberships, parties...) due to the nature that can devolove into bullying other non-conformers into their collective will.)

**Yes, they do know more than what they ever advertise. The military industrial complex and various interconnected firms (businesses) hide the truth for planned obsolescence and patent control. Inventions and devices are the goal to control, as many world governments bow down to such "libertarian" creatures; as like it is a religion to control humanity (maybe that is the goal that a "non-human" or "non earth origin" being wants us to fight about?) If true, what is the purpose of the contention? Is it to steal from the spoils of war? To render humanity useless because it views us a threat of some kind?....why do such a thing indeed when "do onto others as one would do onto yourself" is in effect? Maybe such a thing should not be taken for granted by me from others in how they behave? (the flaw of Christianity?) Answers are needed in this though pathway as the mystery deepens on why non-governmental organizations, religion as terrorism, and abuse of goverment power are part of the human story.

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