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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Thanks for viewing my blog. Plea for Help Wanted. (Help Earth, Help Humanity thrive)

Over the past several days I have noticed that my views per post has upticked to 5 from 3 per post.

Thank You for viewing my blog.

I, tonyotag, will do more posts in the future regardless of number of views. I do this out of the charity of my work, science, Earth, and my conviction that we the human race have been hoodwinked out of many innovations and progress into space over the years.

Some of my posts are about UFO's and science; and, no matter how skeptic you are about such a subject, one must think that if such a visitation would occur, would the public at large really be told?

Would the public at large be told about the innovations that some guy (or gal) down the street invented that could obsolete fossil fuels let alone wind and solar power generation?

You must ask these basic questions versus the fundamental reason that the courts protect their viewpoints (and the constitution) from the contract between the powerful and the labor they command.

An old contract that is disgusting when evaluated from a basic principles of biology and engineering for prosperity of humanity on Earth and the cosmos. In fact, we might be the rabbits of the universe, meant to colonize every nook and cranny of the solar system, galaxy, universe, and countless many realities that have yet to be discovered. Remember this as you read what I post.

Some information that I post will be circumstantial evidence that is hard to prove. Other information will be conjecture. Otherwise, I really like to stay with fact and statistics to prove that the circumstantial evidence is not just "conspiracy theory" but just that willing to investigate further.

The one negative of doing so is causing a way to point out the method or evidence is itself a way for now or the future to recolonize something that has yet to be though of (like a new idea) and get into the wrong hands (like an evil plan or something along those lines.) Overall, I (tonyotag) am not advocating violence, suicide, or other means of destruction or subjugation (or Orwellian slavery)  from the discovery of such information, just passing the word along in hopes it finds good hearts and fellow spiritually minded people/earthlings (Jedi) to make the best effort to stop such abuse of the original contract between the haves and have nots (wealthy and poor; aristocrats and plebeians; officials and citizens.)

The help that is desperately needed in this world is a way to end the suffering (or that suffering that is perceived thereof) from killing or enslaving innovators; abusive macroeconomic relationships, and lying for the sake of public acceptance of the lie for the sake of maximizing profits and intrusive goverment behavior. Note that I also consider private organized systems (such as corporations) to be governments if and only if that is the prevailing entity that orders people out of fear of loss or fear of gain. Finally, the help that is needed is knowing that the law and constitution of the United States is only that of a contract between those that have and have not of wealth; but, that of logic that maximizes the cooperation between the formally educated and those who learned on the street (wild) and gained the wisdom of nature in the process.

 I, tonyotag, will only stay humble and say I too am still learning; but know that the "book smarts" and "street smarts" must be cohesive in order to maximize a populations effective practical net worth of society. Such ideas are necessary to instill a ship from drowning in the sea from mutiny and that is in such what could be happening by something on this world for Earth to fail. Help humanity to help earth from capsizing in the sea of space and time.

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