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Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Electoral College, explained


Why Nevada Created a County With No People, Buildings, or Roads


NEW Sassy Justice with Fred Sassy | From South Park's Trey Parker & Matt Stone w/ Peter Serafinowicz



Police In N.C. Arrest, Pepper Spray Protesters During March To Polls Event


Krystal and Saagar: Hunter's Business Partner SPEAKS OUT As Unprecedented Trump Graft Also Exposed


David Sirota: Will Biden Face OBAMA 2010 Level Healthcare Backlash?


Andrew Yang’s approach to solving problems | Saagar Enjeti | Yang Speaks


Obama's Out Of Touch Voter Outreach!


Why Big Tech valuations may be invincible


Stock Selloff Is Just Beginning, Sri-Kumar Warns


Silicon Valley Billionaires CENSORING Speech On-Line!


Krystal and Saagar: Here’s The 6 MAPS Which Show How Biden Or Trump Will Win


Krystal and Saagar's WINNERS AND LOSERS: Tongass Forest, Trump, Mitch McConnell, And Jon Ossoff


Starbucks CEO Says Recovery Unfolded Faster Than Anticipated


COVID Is Emptying College Towns That Desperately Need Students


Will Humanity Reclaim Autonomy from The Machines


Economist Vs. Historian on Too Much Vs. Too Little Savings


How Social Media Competes for Your Attention


"Pure Pique & Revenge" earns 5Pointz Whitewasher $6.75 Million Judgment


Mark Mobius on Emerging Markets, U.S. Equities, Covid Lockdowns


Oversold extreme suggests further weakness should be temporary: Canaccord's Dwyer


2020 Presidential AND SENATE Electoral Map (10/31/2020) [FINAL PREDICTION]

Today's posting based on real clear politics polling. 

This is the last posting for prediction of the election. The election results will be posted, but I do not know when as this election could be highly contested. 

 I will keep up as much as possible with politics on my blog.

With less than one week to election day. This race is now almost decided with the poor performance of the both debates (by both Biden and Trump.) Biden did win both debates. Trump was ready in the second debate (the third debate scheduled) and could be the case due to the suspicion of that Trump was sick at the first debate. 

What I have heard is the second debate was better than the first. The mute function that the committee has placed is just plain wrong and raw. It is the political split that is causing the candidates to act in a way that is rude. (Besides the fact that both Trump and Biden have ties to the global cabal network that has influenced their thinking rather than working for the American People.) 

I will address both debates later. I, tonyotag, have not watched both debates due to many schedule conflicts. That is important due to my understanding is coming from news articles and my mother watching the debates. Of which, I, tonyotag, do plan to watch the debates and give my opinion, which will probably happen after the debate. 

A new, conservative, supreme court justice was approved by the Senate. This may cause a Democratically led presidency and congress to vote in more justices to sit on SCOTUS. If so, that would be controversial. It is my prediction that 11 or 13 Justices might be sitting on SCOTUS by the end of the Biden presidency pending on Congressional election. 

If the election was held today. I do predict Biden would win with around at least 344 electoral points out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. 

There are 2 to 3 states that are thin margin states and the State of Maine that has ranked choice voting. It is possible that this election will have a green candidate senator from Maine instead of a Democrat. 

Georgia has a special primary election and is possible from polling that two democratic senators might come from Georgia. 

I will only name states that are listed on realcearpolitics.com as toss-up or too close to call.


States that are too close to call are

(in parenthesis is leaning that direction)

North Carolina (democrat)

Pennsylvania (democrat)

Ohio (truly too close to call) (tie)

Wisconsin (democrat)

Florida (democrat)

Georgia (thin margin) (democrat)

Michigan (democrat)

Arizona (thin margin) (republican)

Iowa (democrat)

Texas (republican)

States that would lean or vote for Biden



States that would lean or vote for Trump:

*polling not strong enough to decide a state for trump 


The numbers are:

biden 232

trump 125

toss up 181


no toss up 

biden 344

trump 174

toss up 20 (Ohio too close to call) (ne and me electoral college districts not evaluated)

****Keep in mind that Arizona and Georgia are thin margin polling and could be reverse in actual winning (AZ for Biden and GA for Trump.) Ohio is truly a coin flip and I, tonyotag, really do not know. Even if Biden lost all three states (AZ, GA, OH to Trump) Biden still has a high chance of getting more than 270 electoral votes. 


If Biden has accurate polling per how the states count casted ballots then Biden will win the election. It is possible that Biden loses the election due to state's restrictions on voting; including but not limited to absentee and mail in ballots. Nationwide, mail in ballots are higher than previous years due to pandemic. 

*[The tone has changed by the progressive press that Trump has lost the faith of the people due to mismanagement of the current virus pandemic. Additionally, the looming disappointment of Biden losing to Trump might be related to the carryover effect from last several month's progressive press saying that Trump will win the electoral college with unpopular vote (again) due to low Democratic voter turnout. The Democratic party is not helping the situation due to taking green party candidates off multiple state ballots. It is important to maintain choice.]

*I have said this previously starred above. Overall, lets see what happens in the state of Maine with ranked choice voting. It will be worth studying the results of Maine votes as it could offer third party candidates more of a way to win. There is a chance that the green party candidate can cause a valid polling split of a three way tie. If so, then both the democratic and republican candidates are in trouble.  If not the presidential election then at least the senate candidate. 

[because of such polling standards that might reduce democratic and republican party majorities in the Senate race; I will track the senate race too.]

The pandemic is still taking its toll, there is a waiting game of what would happen when vaccine is released; and when N. America goes though Fall and Winter to see what covid-19 death rates would be. Such outcomes could affect whoever takes office next. 

*[The sentiment is still true that Biden becoming president of the United States will depend on his debate performance. If Biden lacks performance, then we will have a true issue of seizure Trump or a lacking Biden presidency. Trump obviously lost the debate. Biden just went par or bogey (golf scoring terms.) If debate performance continues to be this bad; it is likely that a third party candidate will get more votes than what the "cabal" is comfortable with.] As due to a low bar that Trump set for the office. 

Biden was better in the second debate; however the muting of microphones is a huge concern about freedom of speech for the rest of us. 

The sentiment generated by both political parties as well as covid-19 has increased the incentive for early voting. In my home state alone (North Carolina) about one-third to half the population has already voted. I plan for longer lines at the ballot box this year. 

The winner of the election will get more debt (to GDP ratio) than the American people can handle. The true winners will be the owners and investors of the Federal Reserve. Winners will also be US treasury holders due to the new Federal Reserve's stance of inflating the currency (such a plan will not work due to how the trade policy is different this time; but maybe that is the plan...?) 



For the Senate, I will not produce a map as only 1/3 of all senate seats are ever up for election every two years. 

The Senate is 2 seats per state with 6 year terms. 

It is the opinion of tonyotag that there should be an amendment to the constitution of the United States to up representation to three Senators per state with 6 year terms (election every two years.) Why do so? To gauge the parties and the will of the people better; better statistical averaging over a 12 or 18 year period. 

All numbers are based on polling 


senate as counted with toss up

democrat 49

republican 45

toss up 6

senate as counted as no toss up 

democrat 53**

republican 47**

**2 senate seats are contested in one state: ga1 and ga2 are hard to call 

ga2 is a primary and looks like the winner will be democrat; a second election might happen where the margin of winning is thinner than predicted. 

I, tonyotag, stand by my prediction of 51 democrat senate seat winners and 48 republican  seat winners and 1 seat undecided pending second round election in ga2 

States with consistent polling for one candidate:

Maine (democrat) (depends on ranked choice voting; green party candidate may have a chance to win the seat) 

Minnesota (democrat) 

Michigan (democrat)

*There are no republicans' seats that are guaranteed by polling; they are all too close to call

toss up Senate seats 

North Carolina (democrat)

South Carolina (republican)

Georgia 1 (republican)

Georgia 2 (democrat)  (primary, see note above) 

Iowa (democrat) 

Arizona (democrat) 

Montana (republican)


Tonyotag's Presidential Election Map for 2020 Prediction: 




Krystal and Saagar REACT: Bezos Reportedly Looking To Buy CNN




El-Erian Sees U.S. Economy Slowing From Behavior, Not Lockdowns


Thursday, October 29, 2020

[ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA ALERT] America just posted a record GDP growth rate. Now brace for the slowdown


So the economy shrank appx 8.5%?

Lets use a basic index to see how much the economy grew or shrank in Q1 and Q2 

100*(1-0.314)= x 

100*(0.686) = x 

The economy shrank to 68.6 per the index at par = 100 = x 

quarter 2 = 

x*(1+0.331) = y

x*(1.331) = y 

68.6*1.331 = y 

91.3066 = y

100 index - 91.3066 index at end of Q2 = 8.6934% since the end of Q4 2019 (as approximation from rounding.) 

Wow. The economy Shrank. Lets see what Q3 numbers look like in comparison. How much growth would it take to get pack to par? appx 11.503% [there needs to be more stimulus] 

1/(1-0.913066) = 1/0.086934 = 11.5029792716...= as an index as 11.503 rounded  

so 91.3066*1.11... = 101.35... as an index as 1.35% growth and therefore is an incorrect but close  enough number to go by. I, tonyotag, venture to say that Q3 did not grow at 11%. The economy truly shrank at a rate that was pitiful for 2020. 

Polling places in Iowa are closing due to COVID-19, which could affect close races


Hunter Biden's Emails -- Desperate Attempt To Discredit Them!


Joe Rogan on the Kanye Podcast "He's Very Misunderstood"


Monday, October 26, 2020

Only half way through the sell-off, warns MS's Mike Wilson


Kanye West's Star Wars Revelation


David Sirota: Why Does Biden Flack So Hard For Private Insurance Industry?


Copyright Troll Richard Liebowitz SUED for MALPRACTICE


The 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics - Explained


"The Black Vote" - Democrats' ARROGANCE They Don't Have To Earn It.


BlackRock Is ‘Broadly Constructive’ on Risk Assets: Harrison


Krystal and Saagar: Biden Polls Seems Strong BUT Under Surface Youth Voters Of Color Revolt


**Maybe Trump was afraid of a 3rd party or primary challenge in 2020? [Especially amid pandemic.] 

PINK PINEAPPLE - Trying The Most "Instagrammable" Fruit (Pinkglow) - Weird Fruit Explorer


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Why Kanye West is Running for President


Covid Makes Outlook Hard to Predict, Says Daimler CFO


Market is going significantly higher: BlackRock’s bond king Rick Rieder


Why Quibi Shut Down After Only Six Months: CNBC After Hours


El-Erian Says Markets Are Obsessed With the Relative Mindset


Krystal and Saagar BREAK DOWN Theater Vs. Substance From Last Presidential Debate


The Stock Market Is Ignoring the Economy. Here's Why | WSJ


The 1869 law that’s kept our Supreme Court mind-blowingly out of date | Yang Speaks


Jefferies' Jared Weisfeld digs into Intel's earnings report


Bloomberg Studio 1.0: The Social Solution


The First Room Temperature Superconductor! (Still No Hoverboards) | SciShow News




The Reason Kanye West is Misunderstood


Krystal Ball: Bernie’s DIRE WARNING For Establishment Dems


ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Iran's Spam Emails! War Mongering At Final Debate.


Intel to Decide on Production by Early 2021: CEO


Jim Cramer: Tesla's financials are 'as clean as can be,' it's doing incredibly well


Fisker CEO Says Magna Partnership to Deliver on Volume, Pricing


Krystal and Saagar: Court COVERS UP For Powerful Named In Epstein Case, Sells Out Underage Victims


Jeffrey Toobin CAUGHT Red Handed!


2020 Presidential AND SENATE Electoral Map (10/24/2020)

 Today's posting based on real clear politics polling. 

 I will keep up as much as possible with politics on my blog.

With less than one month to election day. This race is now almost decided with the poor performance of the first debate (by both Biden and Trump.)

What I have heard is the second debate was better than the first. The mute function that the committee has placed is just plain wrong and raw. It is the political split that is causing the candidates to act in a way that is rude. (Besides the fact that both Trump and Biden have ties to the global cabal network that has influenced their thinking rather than working for the American People.) I will address the second debate later.

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has placed a more dire clock for the election on both parties. COVID-19 is eroding the senate, the SCOTUS Ginsburg seat is still in play for vote after election (but after January confirmation?) As of now, it looks like the virus is on the supreme court, not any political party or human:


It is possible that the Ginsburg seat may be filled in before the January Presidential inauguration; during the lame duck period from election day though January's inauguration day. 

If the election was held today. I do predict Biden would win with around at least 355 electoral points out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. 

There are 3 states that are thin margin states and the State of Maine that has ranked choice voting. It is possible that this election will have a green candidate senator from Maine instead of a Democrat. 

I will only name states that are listed on realcearpolitics.com as toss-up or too close to call.


States that are too close to call are

(in parenthesis is leaning that direction)

North Carolina (democrat)

Wisconsin (democrat)

Florida (democrat)

Michigan (democrat)

Georgia (thin margin) (democrat)

Arizona (democrat)

Iowa (thin margin) (democrat)

Ohio (thin margin) (republican)

Texas (republican)

States that would lean or vote for Biden




States that would lean or vote for Trump:

*polling not strong enough to decide a state for trump 


The numbers are:

biden 268

trump 125

toss up 145


no toss up 

biden 355

trump 181

toss up 2 (ne and me electoral college districts not evaluated)


If Biden keeps moving positive polling in his direction it is more than likely to win election.

*[The tone has changed by the progressive press that Trump has lost the faith of the people due to mismanagement of the current virus pandemic. Additionally, the looming disappointment of Biden losing to Trump might be related to the carryover effect from last several month's progressive press saying that Trump will win the electoral college with unpopular vote (again) due to low Democratic voter turnout. The Democratic party is not helping the situation due to taking green party candidates off multiple state ballots. It is important to maintain choice.]

*I have said this previously starred above. Overall, lets see what happens in the state of Maine with ranked choice voting. It will be worth studying the results of Maine votes as it could offer third party candidates more of a way to win. There is a chance that the green party candidate can cause a valid polling split of a three way tie. If so, then both the democratic and republican candidates are in trouble.  If not the presidential election then at least the senate candidate. 

[because of such polling standards that might reduce democratic and republican party majorities in the Senate race; I will track the senate race too.]

The pandemic is still taking its toll, there is a waiting game of what would happen when vaccine is released; and when N. America goes though Fall and Winter to see what covid-19 death rates would be. Such outcomes could affect whoever takes office next. It is now affecting real politics as the Atlantic article suggests with the Ginsburg seat nomination. 

The sentiment is still true that Biden becoming president of the United States will depend on his debate performance. If Biden lacks performance, then we will have a true issue of seizure Trump or a lacking Biden presidency. Trump obviously lost the debate. Biden just went par or bogey (golf scoring terms.) If debate performance continues to be this bad; it is likely that a third party candidate will get more votes than what the "cabal" is comfortable with. 

Biden was better in the second debate; however the muting of microphones is a huge concern about freedom of speech for the rest of us. 

The sentiment generated by both political parties as well as covid-19 has increased the incentive for early voting. In my home state alone (North Carolina) about one-third to half the population has already voted. I plan for longer lines at the ballot box this year. 

The winner of the election will get more debt (to GDP ratio) than the American people can handle. The true winners will be the owners and investors of the Federal Reserve. Winners will also be US treasury holders due to the new Federal Reserve's stance of inflating the currency (such a plan will not work due to how the trade policy is different this time; but maybe that is the plan...?) 



I will not produce a map as only 1/3 of all senate seats are ever up for election every two years. 

The Senate is 2 seats per state with 6 year terms. 

It is the opinion of tonyotag that there should be an amendment to the constitution of the United States to up representation to three Senators per state with 6 year terms (election every two years.) Why do so? To gauge the parties and the will of the people better; better statistical averaging over a 12 or 18 year period. 

All numbers are based on polling 


senate as counted with toss up

democrat 47

republican 47 

toss up 6

senate as counted as no toss up 

democrat 51

republican 49

States with consistent polling for one candidate 

Maine (democrat) (depends on ranked choice voting; green party candidate may have a chance to win the seat) 

Minnesota (democrat) 

Montana (republican)

toss up Senate seats 

North Carolina (democrat)

South Carolina (republican)

Georgia 1 (republican)

Michigan (democrat)

Iowa (democrat) 

Arizona (democrat) 

Over 52 million Americans have already voted. How does it break down by party?


*****Are both parties trying to get each other elected? If so, then there is a single player controlling both parties (not the electorate.)  This control requires gaslighting the opposition to vote for their cause, is that what Trump is for? For Democrats to win 2020 by "default?"

Friday, October 23, 2020

Bernie Sanders Exclusive: My 100 Day Plan To Hold Biden ACCOUNTABLE


Bridgewater's Prince on Monetary Policy, Recovery Divergence


Insider Trading And Congress: How Lawmakers Get Rich From The Stock Market


Why Boaz Weinstein Sees More Chaos Coming in Credit


The technology that’s replacing the green screen


Krystal and Saagar: Ben Shapiro’s Endorsement Of Trump Is Accurate, And DAMNING For Trump


Top value investor shutters his firm as growth outperforms - Tracking the divide


Joe Discusses Wine Fraud Documentary "Sour Grapes" with Maynard James Keenan


Dragonlance authors SUE Wizards of the Coast over terminated Trilogy


Jimmy's Prophecy of TRUMP and OBAMA Comes TRUE!


BARK BREAD & TAR CANDY - Reviewing Interesting Foods in Finland


NO COLD WAR! China & U.S. Foreign Policy Event.


Why the Movie Trailer Voice Disappeared - Cheddar Explains


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Larry Summers Says We Are Entering Another Period of Revolution


Why pay off debt in 3rd world countries? Because the wealthy want a clean slate and lots of monetary volatility to invest and reap the money they have circulated from 1st world tax revenues (base).

This is why Trump won on America First message. Those who keep playing the shenanigans with the world's finances will be hung out to dry. Hint: Jeffrey Epstein and all those associated with him is just a very small tip of a large iceberg (from a waste dump of human history.)

Mitt Romney Endorses TRUMP or BIDEN?[Satire]


Sunday, October 18, 2020

IMF Warns of Uneven Recovery as Global GDP to Shrink 4.4%


Tesla Insurance Will Wreck Car Insurance Companies


The Value of F*** YOU money | Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman


Tesla Insurance Will Wreck Car Insurance Companies


Oil Markets: BofA’s Blanch on Oil Demand in Summer 2021


Krystal and Saagar: Fox Host Confronts Trump On Existence Of UFOs


The Honest Pre-flight Safety Demonstration Video That Airlines Are Afraid to Show You


David Goodhart: Why Our Contempt For Workers Is Killing Democracy


The Connection Psychedelics Have to Early Christianity, Christmas


Eli Lilly CEO Says Virus Will Be 'Endemic'


The Problem with the Standard American Diet


Paul Saladino on the Negative Effects of Eating Too Many Plants


What Are the Real Benefits of Taking Vitamin C?


Krystal and Saagar: Trump FINALLY Hits Biden Where It Hurts, Is It Too Late?


No One Understands Money, and It's Becoming a $14 Trillion Problem


The importance of doubt in tech | Tristan Harris + Andrew Yang | Yang Speaks


Is President Donald Trump Or Joe Biden Better For The Stock Market?


Wesley Hunt's Issues with The Green New Deal


2020 Presidential AND SENATE Electoral Map (10/18/2020)

 Today's posting based on real clear politics polling. 

 I will keep up as much as possible with politics on my blog.

With less than one month to election day. This race is now almost decided with the poor performance of the first debate (by both Biden and Trump) ; and, and the lack of a second debate: https://www.wsj.com/articles/presidential-debates-2020-trump-biden-11601048201

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has placed a more dire clock for the election on both parties. COVID-19 is eroding the senate, the SCOTUS Ginsburg seat is still in play for vote after election (but after January confirmation?) As of now, it looks like the virus is on the supreme court, not any political party or human:


If the election was held today. I do predict Biden would win with around at least 355 electoral points out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. 

If Trump cannot improve debate performance, then the electoral college will be a 100+ point blowout in favor of Biden. There is a chance that 2 or 3 states will be thin margin votes (less than a fraction of 1%) win for either presidential candidates. 

I will only name states that are listed on realcearpolitics.com as toss-up or too close to call.


States that are too close to call are

North Carolina 






Ohio (thin margin)

States that would lean or vote for Biden





States that would lean or vote for Trump:



The numbers are:

biden 262

trump 163

toss up 113


no toss up 

biden 355

trump 163

toss up 2 (ne and me electoral college districts not evaluated)


If Biden keeps moving positive polling in his direction it is more than likely to win election.

*[The tone has changed by the progressive press that Trump has lost the faith of the people due to mismanagement of the current virus pandemic. Additionally, the looming disappointment of Biden losing to Trump might be related to the carryover effect from last several month's progressive press saying that Trump will win the electoral college with unpopular vote (again) due to low Democratic voter turnout. The Democratic party is not helping the situation due to taking green party candidates off multiple state ballots. It is important to maintain choice.]

*I have said this previously starred above. Overall, lets see what happens in the state of Maine with ranked choice voting. It will be worth studying the results of Maine votes as it could offer third party candidates more of a way to win. There is a chance that the green party candidate can cause a valid polling split of a three way tie. If so, then both the democratic and republican candidates are in trouble.  If not the presidential election then at least the senate candidate. 

[because of such polling standards that might reduce democratic and republican party majorities in the Senate race; I will track the senate race too.]

The pandemic is still taking its toll, there is a waiting game of what would happen when vaccine is released; and when N. America goes though Fall and Winter to see what covid-19 death rates would be. Such outcomes could affect whoever takes office next. It is now affecting real politics as the Atlantic article suggests with the Ginsburg seat nomination. 

The sentiment is still true that Biden becoming president of the United States will depend on his debate performance. If Biden lacks performance, then we will have a true issue of seizure Trump or a lacking Biden presidency. Trump obviously lost the debate. Biden just went par or bogey (golf scoring terms.) If debate performance continues to be this bad; it is likely that a third party candidate will get more votes than what the "cabal" is comfortable with. 

The winner of the election will get more debt (to GDP ratio) than the American people can handle. The true winners will be the owners and investors of the Federal Reserve. Winners will also be US treasury holders due to the new Federal Reserve's stance of inflating the currency (such a plan will not work due to how the trade policy is different this time; but maybe that is the plan...?) 



I will not produce a map as only 1/3 of all senate seats are ever up for election every two years. 

The Senate is 2 seats per state with 6 year terms. 

It is the opinion of tonyotag that there should be an amendment to the constitution of the United States to up representation to three Senators per state with 6 year terms (election every two years.) Why do so? To gauge the parties and the will of the people better; better statistical averaging over a 12 or 18 year period. 

All numbers are based on polling 


senate as counted as no toss up 

democrat 51

republican 49

States that will elect Senate democrat

Maine  (depends on ranked choice voting; green party candidate may have a chance to win the seat) 


North Carolina 



South Carolina 

Georgia 1


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Inside Wuhan, China’s New Tourism Hot Spot | WSJ


Krystal and Saagar: Noam Chomsky CHALLENGED On Vote Blue No Matter Who, Twitter Erupts


How the next president could change policing | 2020 Election





GOP Panics, Trump Support COLLAPSES Nationally


Is skewed left but interesting to watch

[UFO NEWS] Krystal and Saagar: Harry Reid Says Most UFO Evidence ‘Has Not Seen The Light Of Day’


"Are You BETTER Off?" Surprising Poll Results!


**I am not disputing "failed state" claims. I am stating as an economist that government policies (larger the institution, longer the time and the larger the investment it takes) take 18 to 24 months to take effect. Trump's tax cuts took fully economic effect in new tax year 2020 when it comes to practical reinvestment.

Trumpist Mail Carrier Threw Out Bags of Mail


Here are the retail stocks these traders are watching


Why Texans Are Worried About Californians Coming To Their State


Saagar Enjeti: Pelosi’s OUTRAGEOUS Obstruction Of Stimulus Dooms Millions To Score Political Points


Elon Musk: How the Boring Company started as a joke!


Wall Street Moves Into China, Despite Tech and Trade Battles | WSJ


How Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & The UK Are Secretly Forming One Global Superpower: CANZUK


Krystal and Saagar: Twitter REVERSES Policy, But FCC Prepares Hammer Against Big Tech


Oaktree's Howard Marks Says Fed Can't Prevent Credit Market Cycle


Paul Saladino Talks About The Real Differences Between LDL & HDL Cholesterol


Progressives Send A Sternly Worded Letter!!


Media Screwups w/ Katie Halper: Debate Moderator Suspended After Caught Lying About Twitter Hack


Chuck Schumer Defends Pelosi's CNN Melt Down!


The Week: Biden In Michigan, Trump Abandons Populism, GOP Registration Numbers


Monday, October 12, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett went to my all-girls high school. I hope she's not confirmed


China threatens invasion of Taiwan in new video showing military might


Study finds COVID-19 coronavirus can survive 28 days on some surfaces


What Other Cities Could Offer to Businesses Leaving Hong Kong | WSJ


Nancy Pelosi Profiteering Off Russia-Gate!


Why Movie Theaters Are In Panic Mode Seven Months Into Coronavirus?


The Most Deadly Job in America -- And What Happens Next


Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Week: Calling For A Third Party, Wishing Trump Well, A Bleak Economic Outlook


How US schools punish Black kids | 2020 Election


Penguins Might be Cute, but They're Also Super Gross | Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth


****tragedy of the commons 

Wicked Subtext (South Park, Broadway Bro Down) [SATIRE]


Panel: Republicans Fear ‘Bloodbath’ As Trump Nukes Stimulus


Trump Gets 100,000 Ballots Thrown Out


BREAKING: Second Presidential Debate CANCELED!


The Levitating Liquid Pendulum


*new energy format here? Antigravity possible if an object vibrates the right way? Worth investigating further; or has the military industrial complex already have...? (UFO research possible answer here?)  

BREAKING: Trump Must Turn Over Tax Returns


Doctors injected frogs w/ pee to test for pregnancy, this is what happened


Venus May Have Life!


South Korea’s Universal Basic Income Experiment to Boost the Economy | WSJ


microeconomic effect: money is fungible. with s.korea's program: spend money at acquiring gold/silver or btc and sell back or save the money for more liquid available cash. macroeconomic best policy: lets start colonizing other planets to boost employment opportunities. UBI should not have local spend only stipulations. The world will need to get used to a lower employment fraction of the population (about 30%-40%) instead of the current 60% it is now (at least here in the United States.)

VP Debate Was Fracked Up.


How The U.S. Postal Service Fell Into A Financial Black Hole



It is tonyotag's opinion that the postal service needs to have more services like simple banking (checking and savings accounts); and, be able to raise stamp prices to raise the revenue needed to maximize its financial security. Beauro of labor statistics already track inflation, just get the price of stamps higher. Congress needs to allow stamp prices to rise. Finally, it is possible that the US postal service buildings can be used for solar (where profitable of solar effectivity.)

Yelp moderates racism with public attention alerts


Why Unprofitable Companies Are Winning in 2020


Inside Lucid Motors' Plan To Take On Tesla


Colin Quinn's Odd Encounter with Bill Cosby


TST Sues Lamar over Denied Billboards


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Leaks Expose Massive Propaganda Network!


2020 Presidential AND SENATE Electoral Map (10/10/2020)

 Today's posting based on real clear politics polling. 

 I will keep up as much as possible with politics on my blog.

With less than one month to election day. This race is now almost decided with the poor performance of the first debate (by both Biden and Trump.) 

The second debate is cancelled: 


The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has placed a more dire clock for the election on both parties. COVID-19 is eroding the senate, the SCOTUS Ginsburg seat is still in play for vote after election (but after January confirmation?) As of now, it looks like the virus is on the supreme court, not any political party or human:


If the election was held today. I do predict Biden would win with around at least 373 electoral points out of the 270 needed to win the presidency.

If Trump cannot improve debate performance, then the electoral college will be a 100+ point blowout in favor of Biden. There is a chance that 2 or 3 states will be thin margin votes (less than a fraction of 1%) win for either presidential candidates. 

I will only name states that are listed on realcearpolitics.com as toss-up or too close to call.


States that are too close to call are

North Carolina 



Georgia (thin margin)



Ohio (thin margin)

States that would lean or vote for Biden




States that would lean or vote for Trump:



The numbers are:

biden 262

trump 163

toss up 113


no toss up 

biden 339

trump 163

toss up 2 (ne and me electoral college districts not evaluated)

thin margin toss up 34 (ga and oh)

otherwise no toss up excluding ne and me especial electoral votes 

biden 373

trump 163


If Biden keeps moving positive polling in his direction it is more than likely to win election.

*[The tone has changed by the progressive press that Trump has lost the faith of the people due to mismanagement of the current virus pandemic. Additionally, the looming disappointment of Biden losing to Trump might be related to the carryover effect from last several month's progressive press saying that Trump will win the electoral college with unpopular vote (again) due to low Democratic voter turnout. The Democratic party is not helping the situation due to taking green party candidates off multiple state ballots. It is important to maintain choice.]

*I have said this previously starred above. Overall, lets see what happens in the state of Maine with ranked choice voting. It might be worth studying the results if Maine votes for the green party candidate or if there is a valid polling split of a three way tie...? If not the presidential election then at least the senate candidate. 

[because of such polling standards that might reduce democratic and republican party majorties in the Senate race; I will track the senate race too.]

The pandemic is still taking its toll, there is a waiting game of what would happen when vaccine is released; and when N. America goes though Fall and Winter to see what covid-19 death rates would be. Such outcomes could affect whoever takes office next. It is now affecting real politics as the Atlantic article suggests with the Ginsburg seat nomination. 

The sentiment is still true that Biden becoming president of the United States will depend on his debate performance. If Biden lacks performance, then we will have a true issue of seizure Trump or a lacking Biden presidency. Trump obviously lost the debate. Biden just went par or bogey (golf scoring terms.) If debate performance continues to be this bad; it is likely that a third party candidate will get more votes than what the "cabal" is comfortable with. 

The winner of the election will get more debt (to GDP ratio) than the American people can handle. The true winners will be the owners and investors of the Federal Reserve. Winners will also be US treasury holders due to the new Federal Reserve's stance of inflating the currency (such a plan will not work due to how the trade policy is different this time; but maybe that is the plan...?) 



I will not produce a map as only 1/3 of all senate seats are ever up for election every two years. 

The Senate is 2 seats per state with 6 year terms. 

It is the opinion of tonyotag that there should be an amendment to the constitution of the United States to up representation to three Senators per state with 6 year terms (election every two years.) Why do so? To gauge the parties and the will of the people better; better statistical averaging over a 12 or 18 year period. 

All numbers are based on polling 



democrat 49 

republican 46

toss up 5

no toss up 

democrat 51

republican 49

States that will elect Senate democrat...maybe 

Maine  (depends on ranked choice voting; green party candidate may have a chance to win the seat) 



*no states in this part of the list; many states are toss up for  republican

toss up 

North Carolina democrat 

South Carolina (republican; thin margin) 

Georgia republican

Michigan democrat 

Montana republican

A word on big brand names in the repair industry and Simplr simplr.ai


CHAOS at the U.N. Security Council! US/UK Silence Whistle-Blowers!


Are the "Extreme" Economic Systems Totally Pointless?


You have a Right to Resist an Unlawful Arrest in Georgia, says state Supreme Court


Krystal and Saagar: Media Elites Say If You Make $400,000 You’re Middle Class


Colin Quinn on Why Post Lockdown NYC is Not Like NYC in the 80's


TRUMP vs. PELOSI - Who Won't Help Americans More?


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Saagar Enjeti: Trump’s ‘Just The Flu’ And Killing Stimulus Is His WORST DAY As President


'Boogaloo' movement associated with group accused of trying to kidnap Michigan governor


*is this a frame job where the cabal hires or brainwashes individuals (and small groups) to do things that are not so legal in order to make certain rumors and economic or political arguments seem like terrorist propaganda? One must ask this question of what is the ulterior motive to this trope. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Pope Francis echoes Warren Buffett in a letter blaming free markets for rising inequality


Chuck Schumer Thinks Abraham Lincoln Was A Russian Agent!


The Week: What's In The Polling, SCOTUS Fallout, Should There Be More Presidential Debates?


Market has embraced liquidity, says Allianz's Mohamed El-Erian


Supreme Court begins new term, will decide fate of Obamacare — and maybe the election


The accounting oligopoly: What’s next for the Big Four? | CNBC Explains


Sunday, October 4, 2020

CENSORSHIP From Billionaire-Backed Professional Activists!


Jim Cramer says Wall Street has made its mind up about stimulus: 'It doesn't matter'


Recycler gets sued by Apple for 31 MILLION DOLLARS for reusing instead of recycling...


Panel: How Will Trump’s Coronavirus Diagnosis UPEND The 2020 Campaign?


Jim Cramer says Congress 'missed the boat' on helping small businesses: 'They blew it'


2020 Presidental Electoral Map (10/04/2020)

At the bottom of the article is a map of who I think will win the vote as of today's posting based on real clear politics polling. 

 I will keep up as much as possible with politics on my blog.

With one month to election day. This race is now almost decided with the poor performance of the first debate (by both Biden and Trump.) 

The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has placed a more dire clock for the election on both parties. COVID-19 is eroding the senate, the SCOTUS Ginsburg seat is still in play for vote after election (but after January confirmation?) As of now, it looks like the virus is on the supreme court, not any political party or human:


If the election was held today. I do predict Biden would win with around at least 373 electoral points out of the 270 needed to win the presidency.

If Trump cannot improve debate performance, then the electoral college will be a 100+ point blowout in favor of Biden. 

I will only name states that are listed on realcearpolitics.com as toss-up or too close to call.

States that are too close to call are



North Carolina (thin margin)



Iowa (thin margin)


States that would lean or vote for Biden




States that would lean or vote for Trump:



The numbers are:

biden 262

trump 163

toss up 113


no toss up 

biden 373

trump 163

toss up 2 (ne and me electoral college districts not evaluated)


If Biden keeps moving positive polling in his direction it is more than likely to win election.

*[The tone has changed by the progressive press that Trump has lost the faith of the people due to mismanagement of the current virus pandemic. Additionally, the looming disappointment of Biden losing to Trump might be related to the carryover effect from last several month's progressive press saying that Trump will win the electoral college with unpopular vote (again) due to low Democratic voter turnout. The Democratic party is not helping the situation due to taking green party candidates off multiple state ballots. It is important to maintain choice.]

*I have said this previously starred above. Overall, lets see what happens in the state of Maine with ranked choice voting. It might be worth studying the results if Maine votes for the green party candidate or if there is a valid polling split of a three way tie...? If not the presidential election then at least the senate candidate. 

The pandemic is still taking its toll, there is a waiting game of what would happen when vaccine is released and when N. America goes though Fall and Winter to see what covid-19 death rates would be. Such outcomes could affect whoever takes office next. It is now affecting real politics as the atlantic article suggests with the Ginsburg seat nomination. 

The sentiment is still true that Biden becoming president of the United States will depend on his debate performance. If Biden lacks performance, then we will have a true issue of seizure Trump or a lacking Biden presidency. Trump obviously lost the debate. Biden just went par or bogey (golf scoring terms.) If debate performance continues to be this bad; it is likely that a third party candidate will get more votes than what the "cabal" is comfortable with. 

The winner of the election will get more debt (to GDP ratio) than the American people can handle. The true winners will be the owners and investors of the Federal Reserve. Winners will also be US treasury holders due to the new Federal Reserve's stance of inflating the currency (such a plan will not work due to how the trade policy is different this time; but maybe that is the plan...?) 



How Losing Your Job Changes You


Trump's Taxes Leak, Paid NO TAXES for 10 Years


Performing brain surgery without a scalpel - Hyunsoo Joshua No


How Much Can I Receive From My Social Security Retirement Benefit?


Could the US Fall Like Rome Fell?


Best Candidate for U.S. Senate! LISA SAVAGE For Maine! **


**When ranked choice voting works

Can Garmin Survive After Smartphones Nearly Killed GPS?


Krystal and Saagar: Watch Dem Rep DEMOLISH Pharma CEO Over Drug Prices


Roubini Warns of Stagflation From Negative Supply Shocks


Why Has Bill Gates Become a Villain?


Krystal and Saagar: Republicans, Pelosi STAND IN WAY Of More Stimulus While Economy Slowly Collapses


Using Regeneron cocktail to treat Trump was a wholly appropriate call: Dr. Gottlieb


How Lobbying Became A $3.5 Billion Industry [not very large by percentage of GDP]


3.5 billion is not a large number.

3.5/21427.7 =

1.6334*10^-4 is appx 1.6% of the US economy as of 2019 GDP size
Yes it is about the money, yes it is about the power; no, more lobbying as a percentage of GDP could happen as it is a social tax (not a tax that is paid, it is a tax of time and opporunity cost, not money)

Saturday, October 3, 2020

How Private Companies Are Bypassing the IPO Process | WSJ


The CIA's Plot To POISON Julian Assange!


The Big Business Of Fighter Jets


China Is Running Out of US Dollars


The forgotten “wade-ins” that transformed the US


LEAK: Trump Campaign Tried to STOP Black People from Voting


Maybe in 2016 there was Trump intimidation tactics in many states; especially swing states.

Why Russia targets Black voters in US elections


Trump Family Is Terrified That Parscale Is About To Snitch On Them


The massacre of Tulsa's "Black Wall Street"


Krystal and Saagar: RECORD HIGH Number Of Americans Think Political Violence Is Justified


YouTube claims FRAUD in Pirate Monitor ContentID Class Action


Krystal & Saagar REACT: Economic Horror Show, THOUSANDS Face LAYOFFS, Unemployment Remains Historic


Saagar Enjeti: Wall Street, Big Businesses Go ALL IN For Biden, Democratic Party


A second round of furloughs and layoffs hits airline workers


Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump's Taxes Expose A System That Must Be DISMANTLED!


Can Jeep Stay Ahead Of Its SUV Rivals?


Is Hyperinflation Coming?


Judge SLAMS Epic in Fortnite / Apple Preliminary Injunction Hearing (Epic v. Apple)


Bill Murray SERVED with EPIC Cease & Desist (Zero Hucks Given)


Krystal and Saagar: Media Mum As MASSIVE Criminal Financial Enterprise At JPMorgan Chase Exposed


What Russia-Gating Media Doesn't Say About HUNTER BIDEN!


TRUMP-BIDEN Debate REACTION: Fauci, Masks, & Green New Deal!


Joe Rogan & Anthony Cumia - The Bizarre and Hilarious Real Origin of The Proud Boys


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Krystal and Saagar REACT: Who Won The Worst Presidential Debate In American History


K-Shaped Recovery [because...]


K-shaped recovery because that is what the controlers of the world wanted in the first place by pushing for America's decline since the mid to late 1800's.

This was planned by something. (Human or not it was planned.)