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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Government Budget Stability; UFO disclosure required

 I wrote a letter to my representatives:  

There is a fundamental crisis that needs to be examined and political stake-hood needs to be stated. Over the last several decades, government revenues have always been threatened without requisite cuts in spending. Balancing the budget is necessary for either to make sense, and the budget includes state and federal debt serving and principal payments. As a business person and aspiring hedge fund manager, I am not pleased with the methods either major political party has pursued government budgeting (even though the compromises seen.) It is as if there is a game of chicken (debt ceiling debacle) and if this “game” results in federal default, the American people (besides me) will hold you accountable at the ballot box or even political registration and alignment. This crisis is more rooted in the expectations of solvency including but not limited to budgeting; likewise, if budgeting cannot be agreed upon, it might be wiser to stake more claims of what an ideal “budget” to the American people would look like.

Keep in mind there is more than just a financial budget, it is about a moral budget. What do either side stand for? Maybe this is a question more suited to the media as it is a failure of (FCC compliant and commercially bribed) media companies of lacking to ask the necessary questions to you, the candidates. This is an American moral failure. I, like other Americans, are tired of being lied to about what the real plan is. Furthermore, what do you think wealth is? Property rights? We Americans need macroeconomic financial certainty for the sake of a libertarian stake of what we can have. Understand there is a human history that shows that the “wealthy and privileged” got stupid before they died; and in Ancient Rome they ruled the Roman empire into ruin, so much so it is biblical. Are you the politician going to learn from this? Are you brave enough? Are you brave enough to stand up to the misers (ultra conservatives and extreme liberals) who will bankrupt a country for petty squabbles?

Likewise, it is of grave concern that since at least World War Two, American companies and the Executive branch might not have been brave enough to disclose an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Innovation and behaviors resulting from hiding the truth only invites nefarious actors. Additionally, failure to release the resulting inventions to the public has stunted humanity’s proper growth. Consider this: https://www.youtube.com/live/zDY7t6HihCw

I am a citizen and voter in 27616.

This letter was also given to the President of the United States, respective Senators, House representative, and governor of North Carolina; representatives of NC legislator



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