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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ascention and the Hawthorne Effect

Before ascension, the people of the planet wanted to escape the dark's misshaped world with hate, fear, war, and greed. Yet, what behavior was really happening after God decreed that Earth was going to ascend? The fear and war mongers are still here because there is a contingent of idiots who are trying to drive both sides nutz! 

The Hawthorne Effect is the effect where people's behavior change because some one is watching them or studying their effects.(http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hawthorne-effect.asp) It is today's decaying picean world of the United States that we are seeing this effect become more accepted as truth in both picean and aquarian worlds. Yes, people want to live in the aquarian world effectively; however, who really wants to be that biased with the stars? Who really wants to enforce that kind of energy upon a population that really just wants to be human? The banksers', that's who! 

But why drive both sides nutz? If the Vatican created policies that drove the counters of the universe and utility out of the darkness, then why? Was it to get rid of so many people who wanted to rehabilitate those forces who build sterile banks and buildings? I think so; and better yet, it is possible to make them go nutz with just ignoring their pleas for more crap. They are one of the reasons we slave away in mines, factories, and retail outlets as to make them think they are in control. Anu was right (of the annuniki), learning the bigger picture was a great way to drive them nutz. 

So why drive the light forces nutz?
Why, not? Maybe it is weird karma related to spiritual intervention of humans and cutting off their creativity by accepting the religious crap that developed on this planet in the first place. Maybe it is that we are trying to escape, but the Vatican trap is just as perilous; so lets ignore them to death. 

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