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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Slave Labor everywhere?

Most of the worlds population is poor; yet, what blessings do they count? They as in the government, the rich, the slaves themselves? (The middle class is shrinking and any left (like myself) have the unfortunate chance to become brave enough in two ways: slave or wealthy. It is sad really, where every prominent "growing" nation on earth is just slugging it along. Churning though the dark's mystery puzzles, or are we weak? What creativity to keep the annunaki alive in what is claimed in the pelideain agenda? (http://youtu.be/4GH93QhJ1ek) My guess is, the new aristocracy of the Vatican has decided to torture the annunaki by ordering a move in reverse (at least from the dark side.) Notice that in Aquarius, two wavy lines from the pisces of three lines (two lines and a bridge that connects them) mans that there are two classes (Aquarius) versus two major classes and a middle class (pisces.)

I also work in Retail

In the retail world, love is rare to find as one itself is the loving thing to keep the store clean and proper. Every advertisement is clean and gives a result to the point of 'what at price.' Thus the higher the store volume = higher food and/or soul energy required to give energy to the situation. (I wish to escape the retail idea and live on in an urban farm, where pollution is low and free of debt. Free and away from the ideals and adverseness of any social stigma that enlightenment can be taken away or even denied by contract. Contracts of debt as money; but even that from the earth as currency (gold) is just renting it in one's lifetime. As it takes labor to extract from the earth and it can be returned to the earth where it belongs to become better metal though denser fusion and other twisted natural physics of the universe. Thus what retail can survive when the money supply is completely stagnate and more stuff happens: one thing is sure, prices must decrease and never return to any form of dead weight loss.

As of any other kin, a much worse situation where a man was enslaved at a Chinese prison camp with little to no basic human rights: https://shine.yahoo.com/fashion-beauty/a-cry-for-help-in-a-shopping-bag-from-saks-163815937.html
It is just as disappointing to me to see that these programs still exist in the world. As if every day is another version of repetitive task hell. Draining one's energy to the point to reduce the idea of what will come next? The next idea where one's divine body is used for enslavement? To enslave the mind, thus entraps the heart, as in our bodies they are nearest to union for the logic that God can process as he is from the heart; therefore, entrapping God's will. We humans are a bridge that gap and have subsequently failed our brethren to do so in the age of pisces. The next opportunity would happen in Capricorn, if we could wait 20 thousand years.  

I know I am trapped here and still have fear from suicide because of the Vatican's trap and the soul of mine that needs to be released; upon where? Yet, I know the karma that I have is due to the unluckiness of having crazy teachers on earth (those who control the Vatican.) Somehow in some way, the economic bribe must stop to cause disclosure, yet as to my poorness such stoppage of that bribe could kill me.

Even the dream of retirement has faded for many economic participants: http://blogs.marketwatch.com/encore/2014/04/30/the-retirement-income-crisis-in-one-chart/
What to do with so many people who wish to leave? What kind of support system must exist for them after they leave? I know the value of labor now. It is the value of entrapment that ensues any market for those who cannot discern the argument from the fact that watches the arguments happen in the market. Yet, what new market is being devalued when no country can discreetly measure the cost of living accurately in time? (Maybe me just complaining about my own laziness to fall into a pit of darkness in my mind as my heart?) As I now know with my research, wealth is relative to the king who guards it, who shepherds it, who cultivates it into fruition.

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