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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Caution, consumer spending correlating to businesses spending

The article referenced above lists consumer spending as decreasing from last month. It is my belief that as more Americans become employed and novelty is non-existent compared to many years ago, the next generation of humanity will become frugal and utilitarian minded; but not without creativity and freedoms inherited or gained. Likewise, labor as the endeavor is the idea that moves markets and cycles through the purchasing and sales chain of production. The easier for anyone to become employed the easier cash flow is. Additionally, many products today and the wealth that goes with it is related to productive capabilities. Such capabilities can end up harming the environment because of the ego that goes with the regulations of producing protections for the dark body. A light body's waste is a magnetism to attract dark, thus like attract like; as far as known: light is only a magic trick to show other dark, to move the dark akin to itself as anew as light. Light is made by reaction from dark. Therefore, we humans had to devise a way to extort the reaction. A distortion in a way to make sure we survive the dark's idea of abusing energy and markets for the use of extorting the professional extortionists. 

The best kind of extortion that can exist is the idea that we are trapped in time. That there is not enough time and we are subject to the ideas that have become real with time. For a further study from the idea of what we humans can and know about time read "Not Enough Time?" by Daniel S. Hamermesh page 119 of the american economist (Fall 2014.) The american economist is an academic journal.  

To get out of time and rise above such standard, it may be necessary to have a global jubilee for all debts national and private, to have new leaders rise to cover the supply shortfalls that might become true from such a calamity to those unprepared for it; and, of a way to respect the land that mother earth provides. [Just read the several articles that are listed by this info source: http://eclinik.wordpress.com/vital-issues/ben-fulford/ AND of this info source: https://www.youtube.com/user/rainbowabundance] 

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