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Monday, October 20, 2014

Just release the funds and see better economy and planet...


No shit there is underemployment and Congress and the Office of the President over many different officers (over many decades) have ignored the importance of statistics for any kind of greed they have or do posses.  Likewise, many different attendance who sway such politics and create fear out of this kind of situation will also burn as a form of light they built, but not what they would like as that light to be perceived as, as all light is the perception of the beholder; who, can perceive that the other can have light. That is why I walk the earth with you, to understand that the light is there for all to perceive with each other. Forgive the debts that Americans work for and their counting and pain will decrease, of that which shall you will too receive others to perceive the attention you crave from us and they around me of heaven to perceive that light to be there for all of us to be. You too and all beings of the universe shall emit the brightest light forever.

To fix the problem in the article listed above:

-debt and equity jubilee
-reduced criminal laws and military truth telling to the people of that which the law has been broken by anyway from those who do not tell the truth or really care to tell it (media.)  The truth is important, so the real question is: why did the dark really want or need it? Were we the people hording it? Were we clueless of what kind of inter-dimensional and interstellar diplomacy that really matters? If the people do not know, then what will they build to help those in need for us to be employee or just wish to give anyway? All of these questions underlie the statistics that the government has been counting on for us to understand with the education given. Let us stand up and vote those in who are bribe-less and truth tellers, who are brave to withstand the policing they give to all anyway; by God they are there to punish, as it was us who punished God by living in and around his light. Then in all importance, let us purge those who wish harm us by any means as they harm us they also punish God who has their command...

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