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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Flaws of Journalism is where the Cabal Hides


principal creator of youtube video above: https://www.youtube.com/user/corbettreport
Mr. Corbett makes high quality opinion pieces and journalistic observations. He is, as well as other world citizens reporting the difference, is doing what they do best, reporting the difference. This is what they do, it is what they are able to observe.

The problem is the derivative (the difference or change in math) is from a missing component from the original formula. As you can know here about integral (aka anti-derivative; integrate the formula in calculus)



In such formula to integrate the article or the jurnalist we find the information would have a constant from integration. such constant can be missed and is considered the base (even if the base is zero; the value of such calculus procedure is just unknown.) From such unknown constant, it is then understood that the (many and generic 3rd plural use of the word) journalist have tried to ask why. Many fail to do so and only provide of their findings. Some are able to get the idea for why, but not many are able to get the facts of to why. This is the next tier of journalism that many propagandists want to provide; the reason. But true leaders in journalism know that propaganda is bad for the population, bad for human communities, bad for collective goverment forms (of democracy, republic, socialist, or communistic;) if the facts are wrong, the do you think the goverment will react appropriately? Of course not. The goverment will react in the direction of the facts, who has access ot the facts and the narrative that is juxtaposed. Yet, how is the modern journalist, such as Mr. Corbett or others like him investigating the "cabal," "new world order," or other organizations or people that want to discover the "truth of the matter?" They cannot by my definition of investigating and describing the problem via journalism.

Hence the battle cry for political action. Hence the idea that they, the reporters, are worth more to become "heretics to the state;" because, the state or goverment has been discovered they are supporting a way to sell more of a thing or support voting one way or the other. The crux of the matter is of whom and of what is doing this is itself the base formula and the base formula makes derivatives of itself, of what the journalists are then able to report, to you, the voter, the world citizen, the human.

So, is gathering more formulas or story lines enough to expose the "truth of the matter?" No, it will only allow you to discover that the system is standing, it has legs, it is able to move. So, then they (the cabal or whoever is controlling this planet and playing warden) are able to be tricked to move the system? To change or rearrange the status-quo, in effect to calibrate an accurate reading of the integral constant from calculus? Indeed, by changing the constitution of things indeed. By changing what is caused peaceful, indeed; by disrupting what the humans call consciousness, indeed is true. But it comes with a flaw, the same flaw of the blind men with the cane to find where to step next. They must test the next generation and this is why education is targeted. To find them, to gather meaningful data about our next generation and use them as a way to tell them lies or true lies or lie-full truths; and if all desperation a truth that is masked as a lie wrapped as a present for those who are wise enough to just go along with the ride (the present is a bribe to keep them doing what they do; or they kill them somehow, or some other kind of reason.)

So, who is to blame? Not the journalist, they are doing us a service and giving us a formula (a do not kill the messenger idea,) a variable to study, a guide of math equations to start the process of integrating them into our daily lives; but the flaw remains with all the clues: the resulting constant; for each constant we must find the variables' relations and get values for the constant. That is how the rules of mathematics works, right?

The funny thing is, there might not be an end to how deep the cabal (the pirates) go because you can keep integrating the same master formula, again and again. For each layer, a new arbitrary constant is found and technology then must be made to find the gap of such, a value we humans can survive upon. Then and only then will we be able to find a way to relax with the variables that we want to live with.

That is my warning to humanity at this time; the politicians have found a cave of reason and Plato was trying to tell us that the cave is a prisoner's dilemma (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave) ; people has died meditating forever and life is something that must be honored to ever be truly successful in it; people have died trying to rescue those trapped in the cave because the prisoners would be scared of the world out there. The same is happening here, the cave of law enforcement, justice, and politics; we are socially butchering those trying to tell the truth because we have not seen the fire or the true sun that is casing the economic shadows and effects the the banksers or interplanetary pirates are trying to encroach us on. They know of technology beyond our understanding of physics, would you like to let your children learn what that is before they are stuck knowing the shadows the caves they are with you in your life? (the same for the orphans and other unknowing children that need to know what technology they are missing.)

Thus we are seeing the shadows of the Cabal in the integral's resulting constant, can you find all the formulas to find the cabal and also God's light source (the fire or star/sun?) Because the first derivative is

Flaws of Journalism is where the Cabal Hides

As a formula:: [flaws of Journalism] = [where the cabal hides]

[flaws of journalism] -> f(x)
[where the cabal hides] -> various means and ways of functions and programs as a matrix to make sure that all humans are slaves of some kind or type...?  concepts and recognition are required.

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