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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Full Debate: Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate | WSJ


*BSS: both sides suck and are desperate enough to use the elderly to justify their position. 

The military industrial complex is winning this "game." More arms sales are going to continue.  

The purpose is to control who/what is in office. Oligopolies are easier to control than monopolies because it is harder to aim at two targets than one without an alarm for the other to prepare. That is why there are two parties, to be a cheap way to keep all of us confused and distracted.

Human Rights, I will vote for human rights. So why make AI? To replace humans and human rights? I get the pride of labor, I just don't get the opportunity restrictions both sides play each other for: confusion and/or for subjugation. 

Why choose between liberal domestic policy versus conservative diplomacy? or vice versa? Why not both? This is how and why. I think it might be for the benefit to teach humanity for one of the seven deadly sins....greed?

But what solution would compromise both sides? For benefit or harm to the nation? What is being set up here (besides the election?) 

Finally, interdimensional/temporal warfare is real and has affected the United States Armed Forces (not just "UAP's/UFO's") 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Whole Foods Selling Rubberized Fruit As Organic!


*buying fake fruit equals call a lawyer for false advertising. I smell class-action

**Another answer is that the strange rubber fruit is a viral marketing campaign. Like the rubber fruit company wanted to make videos about how you can mistake the fruit as the "real deal." If customers are really finding fake fruit at their local shopping center then the culprit of making this kind of fruit with false pretense in its presentation is itself genius-ly  disgusting. Viral Marketing is the only other answer there and if so, then the large companies (whole foods and Costco) would be victims not the wrongful party.  

***what cognitive dissonance? (I am asking what, not "what is cognitive dissonance"
I am just going over the options that could be true of why the fruit is fake. BTW the likelihood that pesticides did this to the fruit is very low.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

BREAKING! Plea Deal Reached In Assange Case!


*Is Assange was actually guilty or was planning to plead guilty; why couldn't Assange do an Alford Plea? 


Nothing says more to the established executive branch then a middle finger of an Alford Plea that essentially says to investigators "you got me, but you did not really get me." Did his lawyers explore the effects or negotiate with prosecutors about an Alford Plea???

PS. I have heard from radio shows and other shows in the past (not J. Dore) that Assange was getting kind of loopy from the way the United States was treating him. Maybe just a guilty plea with exodus was a better option than an Alford Plea. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Autos Stocks Gain as China, EU Agree to Hold EV Tariff Talks


* Many China EV's are true fire/explosion hazards. 

( just one example: https://youtu.be/SUKGUrwiy2E?si=G_l1mKZ5WDXTR8ZZ

Just search https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=china+ev+car+battery+fire&sp=EgIIBA%253D%253D


Establishment Ramps Up Bird Flu Hysteria!


*if bird flue kills elderly and the infirm like covid did then are the powers that want to be just trying to lower social security payments/entitlements??

Sunday, June 23, 2024

besides batteries, cobalt could also be used in weapons of war


*besides batteries, cobalt could also be used in weapons of war

Rep. David Schweikert on surging deficit: We're crushing the next generation


*what's the math: get reelected that is the math. Dead people don't vote 

Physicists Accidentally Discover A Whole New Way To Write Pi


Dire Warning About Bitcoin-“Crypto Is Like A Sexy Supermodel!” – Paul Stone


*the 5 billion USD number is the wrong way to measure it. it is rational: 5 billion usd divided by the average wage times tax rate, that is how many hours or wage hours it would take to solve that particular organization's problem.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Can The U.S Print Endless Money? EPIC Debate Over Modern Monetary Theory!


*a real money printing asset is your credit score and the authentication of your demand for that asset (or money)

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Global Migrant Crisis Explained! w/ Neil Oliver


Saudi Arabia ABANDONS Petrodollar!


*Did Saudi Arabia fool the United States into bullying the world for its security? The middle east has always been a battle ground due to it being a crossroads of trade; discovery of oil did not happen. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Govt-Funded CENSORSHIP Factory Shuts Down!


*how many of these people that worked in SIO have a bias to censor for the sake of the children or were censored from information when they were children? I agree there is ease of information to give to a child but outright censorship is itself a harm. A harm of negligence to the children. A negligence of not willing to hear an opposing value judgement; that in turn can be a clue that the speech itself is not harmful, it is speech that is alerting to harm. Likewise, our most nimble minded, typically children, will grow (up) to defend or defeat such vulnerability that the speech is alerting to thereof. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

2024 Biden vs. Trump: Who's better for the economy?


*due to debt to GDP ratio is so large, capital gains tax should be set to the income tax. (taxing assets or unrealized gains is not tenable at the federal level, too messy.) Taxes need to increase as China and other nations sell America's bonds; OR reduce expenditures OR both. BTW: yes this is politically toxic discussion for the base elements of both political parties so...it begs the question, are we being played? 

Fed Has Financial Conditions Where They Need to Be, Zandi Says


*Why is there inflation? Primary , the rest of the world is trying to reject America but America wants what the rest of the world has: manufacturing capacity. Or at least this is a hallucination of the China-America trade dynamic. Evidence: inverted yield curve with higher inflation, trade war/tariffs placed by politicians trying to re-shore American factories (up the labor price per good equals more price at the store.)  This is a recipe for more taxes, inflation, or interest rates. There is no way to escape one without a trade-off of the other; especially in a declining demographics environment. 

BREAKING! U.S. Plan To Deploy Soldiers To Fight Russia ! w/ Scott Ritter


*This is a sale prospect. hedge and mutual funds want more private investment into infrastructure, the failures of NATO sounds like a sales prospect to the governments of the west to invest or privatize infrastructure in NATO countries. Then the real question becomes: who will own what infrastructure and who will profit from it? 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Easiest Commercial Property for Beginners to Own


*Great question, each jurisdiction has its own laws and allowances for the land. Typically, flex space as described in the video can be industrial and/or commercial (even mix use) zoning purpose. If not, a variance could happen to allow the business practice. Additionally, the local municipality (or state) would have a plat map of the city/town (or even county;) of the zoning and applicable law of the land. Keep in mind that "spot-zoning" is controversial legally speaking. 

I am not an attorney, seek an attorney or local real estate professional (real estate agent or government official of proper department) for answers about the particular property in question. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

New Texas Stock Exchange to Challenge NYSE, Nasdaq Gets Backing of BlackRock, Citadel


Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. - Scott Ritter


*This narrative control is part of the plot to destroy the American Bill of Rights, by any means. Make America Weak is their goal, by economy, by faith, by ethics, by peace, by war, by politics, etc... by any means necessary. They are scared; they are in EVERY nation around the world; yes even in the BRICS countries. They want the Bill of Rights to Disappear from human consciousness; that is their long term goal. 

SEC Chair Gary Gensler on new T+1 settlement cycle, market manipulation and crypto regulation


Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars


*There are many safety risks with Chinese electric vehicles; mainly the batteries exploding/catching fire, etc... 

China Found A VERY INVENTIVE Way Around American Blacklists...
