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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Full Debate: Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate | WSJ


*BSS: both sides suck and are desperate enough to use the elderly to justify their position. 

The military industrial complex is winning this "game." More arms sales are going to continue.  

The purpose is to control who/what is in office. Oligopolies are easier to control than monopolies because it is harder to aim at two targets than one without an alarm for the other to prepare. That is why there are two parties, to be a cheap way to keep all of us confused and distracted.

Human Rights, I will vote for human rights. So why make AI? To replace humans and human rights? I get the pride of labor, I just don't get the opportunity restrictions both sides play each other for: confusion and/or for subjugation. 

Why choose between liberal domestic policy versus conservative diplomacy? or vice versa? Why not both? This is how and why. I think it might be for the benefit to teach humanity for one of the seven deadly sins....greed?

But what solution would compromise both sides? For benefit or harm to the nation? What is being set up here (besides the election?) 

Finally, interdimensional/temporal warfare is real and has affected the United States Armed Forces (not just "UAP's/UFO's") 

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